GR.11 Final Module Week 3

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1. Identify the meaning of being born again.

2. Define the living Water through a question.
3. Write the reasons why Christ talk to sinners.


Out of compassion for hurting people and to demonstrate His divine power, Jesus healed the sick and
disabled, cast out demons, and even raised people from the dead.
Matthew 4:23-24; John 11:1-45
II. LESSON INPUTS To demonstrate that He truly was
At a few key periods in human history, God gave certain “the Son of God,” as John had
people the ability to perform miracles. In order to validate
said, Jesus performed many
the God-appointed leadership of Moses and to
demonstrate the LORD God’s power over the false gods of miracles.
Egypt, God gave Moses miraculous powers.
Only a few others of God’s prophets in the Bible had
these kinds of miracle-working powers. Those who did were God’s spokesmen who ministered in
some unusually desperate times of spiritual darkness or key transitional points in human history.
When Jesus began His ministry at about age 30, He already had quite a reputation to live up
to. From before His birth, the angel of God announced that He was “Immanuel,” which means “God
with us.” John the Baptist proclaimed publicly that Jesus was “the Lamb of God” and “the Son of
God.” In order to demonstrate His unique relationship to God, Jesus performed many miracles during
his ministry on earth.

Matthew 4:23-24.
He healed “all kinds of sicknesses and all kinds of disease” (not just the most simple and curable
He healed those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics.

Some of these were very “overt” (easy to be seen) disorders, so when Jesus healed people of these,
everyone could see the results of His healing powers.
John 11:1-4. What specific types of miracles did
According to Jesus, what was the ultimate purpose for Jesus perform in this early ministry
Lazarus’ sickness?
tour of the Galilee region?
“This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God,
that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (verse 4) ______________________________
John 11:5-16. ____________________________
What did Jesus know that His disciples did not know?
Until Jesus told them otherwise, the disciples thought that Lazarus was only sleeping in the sense of


temporarily resting. They did not know that Lazarus was dead.

John 11:17-27.
What did Jesus ask Martha regarding her belief in Him?
He told her that He was the “resurrection and the life” and
Jesus was promising eternal life to
that those who believe in Him may die (physically) but that
those who genuinely believe (put
they will live again. He added that those who believe in
Him will never die (spiritually). their trust) in Him.

What was Martha’s response?

“Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of
God, who is to come into the world.” v.27
By this statement, Mary was saying that she believed that Jesus was the special King of the Israelites
that had been promised for many centuries and that He was
“the Son of God.” The Jews of the New Testament
were basically the same people as
John 11:28-46 the Israelites of the Old Testament.
In what positive way did many of the Jews, who witnessed
this miracle, respond?
But “many of the Jews who…had seen the things that Jesus did, believed in Him.” v.45

On one occasion, Jesus told a prominent religious leader that he needed to experience
a spiritual birth in order to enter God’s kingdom. John 3:1-18
John 3:1-4.
He thought that Jesus was talking about going through the process of physical birth again—being
born again from the mother’s womb. And that sounded impossible to him.

John 3:5-8. How did Nicodemus interpret Jesus’

statement about being “born again”?
What kind of rebirth was Jesus talking about?
Jesus clarified that He was speaking about a spiritual (not a ____________________________
physical) new birth.

Note: The phrase “born of water” in verse 5 is speaking about the Holy Spirit.

What do you think Jesus meant when He talked about the need to be born again by the Spirit?

In John 1:10-13, the writer is writing about Jesus.

Being born is the process by which we initially enter into a human family. Jesus came into the
world but was rejected by many of His own Jewish people. But those who did genuinely believe in
Him and receive Him (by faith) were given the right to become members of God’s family—children of
This process of being born into God’s family is not a physical (blood relationship, human flesh, will
of man) kind of birth. It is a God-kind-of-birth, a spiritual process by which we become members of
God’s family. This is the very thing that Jesus explained to Nicodemus two chapters later.


Review the Israelites’ experiences with the bronze serpent in Numbers 21:4-9
John 3:14. Note: “Son of Man” is a common reference to Jesus.

In Numbers 21 the Israelites who looked to the bronze serpent, with faith in God, were saved
from physical death.
Even better than that, God loved us enough that He sent His Son Jesus into this world so that we
might not perish spiritually but have everlasting life. To receive this eternal life we must genuinely
believe (trust) in Jesus. Those who are not trusting in Jesus now are already living under the
condemnation (judgment) of God.

On another occasion, Jesus explained to a woman of Samaria how God could permanently
satisfy her spiritual thirst. John 4:3-42 In Jesus’ day, people from
Samaritans had a mixed racial background—they were
Samaria were looked down upon
partly Jewish and partly non-Jewish. Several centuries
and even hated by most Jewish
earlier, the foreign political powers who ruled over that area
at the time brought many foreigners into Samaria (where people. Jews were forbidden by
Israelites lived) in order to produce a mixed race of people. their religious leaders to even talk
with them. They were considered
John 4:3-9. to be religiously unclean.
The route that Jesus and His disciples probably followed as
they went from Judah to Galilee, passing through Samaria. Most Jews completely by-passed
Samaria by travelling along the east banks of the Jordan River.
A “radical” (as viewed by the Jews of that time) thing this was that Jesus did. But by doing so,
Jesus was demonstrating that He loved all people of all racial backgrounds and ethnic groups.

John 4:10-15.
Jesus spoke about “spiritual water” that would quench the What kind of water was the woman
woman’s spiritual thirst forever. The woman thought that
thinking of and how did that differ
Jesus was speaking about the literal water that was in the
well in front of them. from the water that Jesus was talking
John 4:16-18. _____________________________
What do we learn here about this woman’s life?
This Samaritan woman had been married five times and
was living out of wedlock with another man. Apparently, her life had been characterized by numerous
dysfunctional relationships with men.

Notice that Jesus did not condemn her, even though His teachings in other places make it clear that
He did not condone her lifestyle.

John 4:19-26.
What information, about Himself, did Jesus reveal to her?
Jesus revealed to her that He was the Messiah
John 4:28-29. How could Jesus
(Christ) that the Jewish prophets had been writing about
for centuries. know so much about this woman’s
life, since He had never met her
before and was new to that area?
3 ___________________________

As a Samaritan (of mixed Jewish & non-Jewish heritage) the woman had enough Jewish tradition in
her background that she was aware of some of the Old Testament’s teachings.

John 4:30, 39-42.

How did other Samaritans respond to Jesus and what did they conclude?
Many of them believed in Him, that He was indeed “the Christ, the Savior of the world.”

According to what we studied in the previous event (in John 1:10-13), by believing in Him as they did,
these Samaritans were probably born again at this time—born spiritually into God’s family.


There is similarity between the misunderstanding of Nicodemus and the misunderstanding of this
woman from Samaria. When Jesus spoke of things that were spiritual, they immediately thought of
physical things. Jesus no doubt did this intentionally to get their attention so that He could explain
spiritual processes to them.

The metaphor of “water” (spiritual or living water) is used several times in the Bible. Apart from God,
we find ourselves having a spiritual thirst—a realization that something important is missing from our
lives. When we, by faith, invite Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into our lives He quenches that spiritual
thirst—He gives us a sense of peace and personal satisfaction that was missing prior to this important
faith response.

 2005, The Story of Hope by Sow and Harvest International
 Alban Douglas, 1988,100 Bible Lessons, OMF Literature Inc., Philippines Revised Edition


Name Course:

General Instruction: These modular activities are additional assessment tasks corresponding the
lessons covered in this term. Detach these worksheets and submit the accomplished outputs next


Answer Evaluation part in the Learning Management System, Brightspace. The date of
Evaluation will be posted in the LMS and in messenger.


1. Have you been born again? Expalin.

2. What does living water mean? How important for you to take the Living water?
3. Why did Christ talk to sinners and not to the righteous only? Explain.

Indicators Points
Content 10 pts.
Relevance 5 5 pts.
Punctuality 5 pts.
Total 20 pts

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