Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill - Update - 17 Oct 2023

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Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill

CRAH Water Leak Drill Scenario

17 October 2023

Prepared by Fachmi Fanani

29 September 2023 Internal Use Page 1 of 5

Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill

I. Purpose
The purpose of this Drill Exercises is to:
 Make sure all know what to do when there is emergency water leak on pipe happened.
 Make sure all know the location of the every equipment that involve in the process.
 Ensure that controls are in place to manage potential emergencies so that the escalation of the
emergency, damage to assets, or adverse environmental impacts are prevented or, at the very
least, minimized.
 Ensure provisions are in place for dealing with matters related to or resulting from, emergencies,
such as communications with client and related vendor.
 Assists in returning to normal and safe operation.

II. Scope
This document contains high-level emergency response procedures. The detailed site-specific
emergency procedures to be prepared will be referred to as low-level emergency response procedures
and will be located below this document.
These procedures apply to events that may have the potential or disrupt data centre operation.
Appropriate Emergency Procedures must be followed in any situation that cannot be adequately
managed by normal operating procedures.
This procedure applies to the operational phase of the IKDC and all activities within the Indo Keppel
Data Center building.

III. Key Teams

Adviser : Ian Tan

Emergency Respond Team Leader : Fachmi Fanani
General Facility Management : Jhon Vernando

Engineer Team : 1. Lukas .K (IKDC)

2. Khairun. S (IKDC)
Command Center : NOC
Documentation : Muhammad Aulia Rahman (IKDC)
Timekeeper : Mansyur Nasution (IKDC)

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Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill

IV. Duties And Responsibilities

No. Role Duties and Responsibilities
1. Adviser a. Advise this simulation.
b. Ensure that all team members understand their duties for
this event
2. ERT Leader a. Govern all members of the existence of an incident.
b. Getting information incident
c. Supervise a team in the process of emergency response.
d. Make sure the rectification process already base on the
e. Ensure incident has been controlled throughout the
f. Ensure investigation of emergency runs.
g. Getting and review the incident report of the recovery
h. Report to management about incident
i. Using proper protective equipment and appropriate
emergency conditions
j. Contact the relevant parties such as client also vendors.

3. Engineer a. Onsite check the problem location

b. Troubleshooting the problem
c. Coordination internal and vendor for rectification
d. Use proper PPE during troubleshooting
e. Finding root cause
4. Command Center a. Accept the alarm information on BMS
NOC team b. Escalation to internal and client
c. Routine update progress of rectification to internal and
d. Create IR
5. Documentation a. Make sure to take pictures and videos of every drill’s
simulation situation.
b. Dividing tasks for the record of all events between the
NOC, Datahall, coridor, chiller room and others
6. Timekeeper a.Record all event planning and actual time in the drill

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Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill

V. Equipment
1. Toolset : 1 pcs
2. Stopwatch / Mobile phone : 6 pc
3. Walkie Talky / HT : 5 pc
4. Camera : 4 pcs (Using personnel handphone)
VI. Drill Scenario and Duration
Name of Drill Scenario : Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill
Date & Time : 17 October 2023, 02.00 PM until done.
Name of Timekeeper : Mansyur Nasution

No. Description Duration

Plan Total Actual Total

1. At 02.00 PM, NOC receive waterleak alarm at Datahall at BMS 02.00 02.00

2. NOC inform FAC also escalate to internal including to client to 02.01 02.06
get approval to access datahall for further check

3. After get approval from client, FAC do further check on leak 02.20 02.25
location and found leak on CRAH 7 supply pipe.

4. FAC isolate the pipe and turn because temp DH start increase 02.26 02.45
CRAH 6 beside automatic ON to keep the temperature in
datahall. Paralel doing clean up the water ponding.

5. At 02.45 AM, NOC receive alarm Chiller 3 trip (flow loss) also 02.45 02.50
found the pumps is down. NOC inform the FAC and client
regarding the situation.

6. FAC onsite to chiller room, checking the chiller 3. Found alarm 02.50 03.30
flow loss, then FAC check pumps still running normal, after
that doing manual air venting. FAC maintain the flow, after
flow is OK, than reset the chiller. Ater that Chiller 3 running.
FAC monitor on chiller 3 system

7. FAC the update the current situation to ERT Leader. Also 03.30 03.40
broken pipe that need rectification from vendor.

8 FAC monitor the datahall CRAH 7 supply pipe to make sure no 03.40 04.00
more leak happen including the chiller system. Meanwhile NOC
to make sure datahall temperature and humidity datahall

12. ERT Leader gives the review and briefing to all drill 04.00 04.30

13. End and dismiss. 04.30

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Chiller System Water Shortage Remediation Drill

END of Document

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