Project Work Guidance

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Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department

Internship orientation to 4th year Chemical Engineering students

Prepared by Abubaker Abdulhakim

What is Science, Engineering and technology ............................................................................ 3
How to convert some idea and problems to product ................................................................. 4
Components of a Project work .................................................................................................... 5
1 Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................... 6
2 Executive summery .................................................................................................................... 6
3 Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
5, Related work/ literature review ............................................................................................... 7
6, Problem of the statement.......................................................................................................... 7
7, Objective .................................................................................................................................... 7
8, Material and Methodology ....................................................................................................... 8
9, Result & Discussions ................................................................................................................. 9
10, Conclusion & Recommendations........................................................................................... 9

What is Science, Engineering and technology?

Science: Discovering fundamental rules governing phenomena through

theory and experiment.

Engineering: A systematic, well documented and objective way of

building products using concepts of science and technology.

Technology: The sum of all the engineered tools(devices)process


How to convert some idea and problems to product

Idea way literature product

Components of a Project work
 Acknowledgments

 Executive summery

 Abstract

 Introduction

 Related work/ literature review

 Problem of the statement

 Objective

General objective

Specific objective

 Material and method

 Result & Discussions
 Conclusion & Recommendations

1 Acknowledgments
Remember to thank the funding agency and Colleagues/scientists/technicians who
might have provided assistance

2 Executive summery

3 Abstract
First couple of sentences should focus on what the study is about. Include
major findings in a style that a general readership can read and understand
(i.e., avoid detailed experimental procedures and data.) Keep it short and

4 Introduction
The historical antecedents of the problem and the current situation:
Include results or findings of related preliminary studies related to the problem,
either national or international.

Description of the problem: Include the description of the current situation

and how it got to be that way.

Justification of the Intervention: Clearly define the proposed intervention and

justify why this intervention is the best solution to the management problem.

5, Related work/ literature review

6, Problem of the statement

7, Objective
Objectives signify the result that you intend to achieve through the
intervention. They should directly address the problem mentioned in the
problem statement.
Objectives should be SMART:
 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 Relevant
 Time-bound

 Specific. Use Specific rather than generalized language; clearly state the
issue, the target group, the time and place of the program.
 Measureable. Be clear in the objective about what will be changed and by
how much. Setting this clearly at the start makes it easier to evaluate
 Achievable. Be realistic about what the program can achieve in terms of the
scale/scope of what is being done, the time and resources available.
 Relevant. Objectives need to relate to and be relevant to the goals.
Remember objectives are the building blocks / steps toward meeting the
 Time Specific. Be clear in the objectives about the timeframe in which the
program / activities, as well as expected changes, will take place

8, Material and Methodology

9, Result & Discussions
this section is a logical and orderly presentation of the collected data. Confine
remarks to the objective findings; leave out subjective or speculative remarks.
Consider carefully how to display your findings using tables, figures, graphs, and
The results section often covers the following topics:
•Present response data and dropouts or incomplete data set
• Present demographical data
• Present study data/results
Restate the problem and briefly summaries the methodology and findings. Draw
conclusions that are based upon data, and confirm or reject the hypothesis (es), if
stated. Discuss the generalization of the study and state its limitation(s).

10, Conclusion & Recommendations

Here you point out the paper’s major contribution (avoid an extensive summary of
the content of the paper)


Perhaps indicate interesting areas of research related to the paper’s topic that have
not been addressed but deserve future investigations. Also the section may include
final recommendations based on the findings of your research.

1. Make sure that the entire presentation (text) is clear, understandable and
2. Include only the tables, graphs, figures and other graphical material that are
References and Acronyms
give a complete list of references and Acronyms that match the citations in the


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