Hair Examination

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Hair examination

Trichology, It is a science of study of hairs.

Forensic importance
According to principle of exchange, hair may be transferred. In crime cases, it may give information
regarding accused. Sometimes, it is the only evidence for connection between accused and victim of
the crime.

For examples:

 Hairs of accused in the hands of victim.

 In accident cases, sometimes hairs can be found at vehicle or at the crime scene.
 In rape cases, hairs of hands, pubic hairs maybe exchanged between accused and victim.

Note: missing content for 1 day.

Matching of hairs
Hairs, related to a crime scene, and control sample of a suspect is compared on the basis of several
observations, which are recorded on a Performa, but a definite opinion is not possible by physical
matching of hairs.

Procedure of hair examination

For examination of hairs, it is mounted on a glass slight and observed under an ordinary microscope
or comparison microscope. For study, scales of hairs, the impression of scales are taken on cellulose
acetate or nail polish on a glass slight.

Following types of observations are recorded:

1. Minimum, maximum and average diameter of hair is noted.

2. Type of medulla: medulla maybe absent, and if present, it can be of various types, for e.g.
I. Continuous medulla,
II. Discontinuous medulla.
III. Fragmentary medulla,
IV. Incipient medulla.

3. Size and color of granules, present in cortex are noted.

4. Calculation of medullary index.
5. Type of scales, and number of scales per unit area, may be recorded.
6. Blood grouping: ABO blood group system can be determined from hairs, by using indirect
methods of blood grouping.
7. DNA test can be performed, if root is present, but a certain amount of DNA should be
available. In case of cut hair, or where root is not present, mitochondrial DNA can be used
for the matching.
8. Any adherent material to the hair, like; debris or grease makes hair easy to match. The
proportion debris and other chemicals present on the hairs, may also be detected and can
be matched. For matching of hairs by traced substances, present on the hairs, can be done
by neutron activation analysis (NAA).

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