The Double Bass Mystery

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Chapter 1: A bit of a problem

All the Barston Symphony Orchestra players arrive in Barcelona by plane.

Penny is one of the musicians, is 36 years old and plays the double bass. And
once in Barcelona she lost her double bass. Penny is the main character of
this story.

Vocabulary que no entenc…

perhaps (potser),

Chapter 2: A beautiful day

Penny was in the Hotel’s bar and Simon, her boyfriend, told her that they had
a concert and that he would lend her his instrument.
Then as they had the morning free they wanted to go to visit some important
places in Barcelona city.

Chapter 3: A newspaper, a beach

She was in the Hotel reception and she saw in the newspaper that there was
news about a very famous Painting of Cézanen that was stolen. The value of
this painting was valued in 2.000.000 $.
Afterwards, Candida came and asked Frank to go with her. She started
shouting very loudly.
Penny along with other musicians went to the beach to rest a little bit.

Vocabulary que no entenc…

thieves (lladres),
Chapter 4: The concert

The concert started at 10 o’clock.

In the halftime of the concert we go to rest, and then Simmon says to Penny
that she is playing very well, she says it's because she left him the instrument.
When the concert finished she searched for Simmon but she didn't find it
anyway, she asked Adriana, and she said she had not seen him.
They go to the Hotel, and she goes to her bedroom and tinck that she misses
his double bass. Her double bass is very old, was manufactured in 1798 and
for these reasons the double bass cost a lot of money.

Chapter 5: Screams in the night

When she was sleeping in her head she kept thinking of pictures and stories.
But suddenly a person starts screaming a lot and for this reason she awoke.
She got dressed and went to see what happened. She was found with the
orchestra players. Outside of the Hotel there were a lot of people, she went to
see what happened. Penny saw a person stretched in the floor (he was died)
and she said: Is Frank (the manager of the orchestra)

Chapter 6: Inspector Portillo

The same day that all the mess happened an inspector was sent to resolve
the case.
Inspector Portilo started to make questions to the musicians and he said to
Penny if she wanted to make some questions. She was very tired because
she couldn't sleep the previous night.
Chapter 7: Secrets

Penny and Adriana were in the Hotel's bar talking about how weird the
orchestra would be without Frank. She was trying to think about what
happened at night, but suddenly she saw something wrong. But he let it go.
Later they appear Simon and Penny were very happy to see them.
Simmon ask a question “which we will do because we have a very important
But Frank the gerent of the orchestra and the players decide that they stay in
the Hotel.
THe Inspector want to talk with Penny, She start to ask that if anyone had
killed Frank, and Inspector sid “I'm the one asking the questions”

Chapter 8: A restaurant, a fight

This morning we went to a restaurant with some of the orchestra players near
the Ramblas. Saimmon didn't come because they said that he needed to see
some people.
Leather we go to a Cafè. She asked Candia if she had thrown Frank off the
balcony, and Candia replied “No” but Penny said that she did it because he
didn’t love him. Candia turned red and he accepted that Frank and Candida
were boyfriends.
But Marilyn said Frank loved her and she and Frank were boyfriends ,and
forthease reasons Candia killed Frank, because he didn't love her. The two
got very angry with each other and even Marilyn slapped her.
Chapter 9: Two men, truck and a double bass

Philip Worth, the conductor and Inspector Portillo walked into the hotel room.
They start asking questions to Inspector Portillo about what happened to
Frank. Then they were thinking about some incongruities of the case. Finally
they arrived at the conclusion that somebody was interested in a picture that
was hidden inside the double bass case, which turned out to be a very famous
picture, The Gardener of Cézanne.

Vocabulary que no entenc…

Coach (autobus),

Chapter 10: Why did you do it?

In this chapter it is explained what happened in Barcelona.

Simon and Frank were in the same bar, but they didn’t know it. The barman
called the police and A Frenchman went into the bar with a black bag and
there was a brown envelope with money inside.

Then Penny was in the police station of Barcelona, talking to Simon because
she couldn't believe why he killed Frank.

Chapter 11: One more question

The orchestra players left Barcelona and went to Madrid and Bilbao.
They played very badly but at least they played.
Penny and Adriana went to walk a little bit and talked, then they heard
someone was playing music. They approached and asked the double bass
player if it was of him. At the beginning he said that it was his own instrument.
But finally he confessed that someone sold it in the street. Then Penny gave
some money to him and got the double bass back.

Out of the blue, Jorge (the inspector portillo) appeared in Bilbao. And asked
the last question to Penny and the following day she was back to Spain.

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