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UFP Skills for Science Assessment 2

Skills for Science – Lab assessment 2 – Analysis (Chemistry)

Students: Please find in this document the Aim, Introduction, Method, Hypothesis and
Results sections of a Lab report. Using this information and the skills you have been taught
in Skills for Sciences classes, complete the following:

 Section 1 - Comprehension Questions - Read the information provided to

understand the context of the lab investigation to answer the questions.
 Section 2a: Results – Table
 Section 2b: Results – Graph
 Section 2c: Results – Gradient calculations
 Section 3: Discussion – Analysis of graph
 Section 4: Discussion – Evaluating errors and improvements
 Section 5: Conclusion and Further work.
 Section 6: Observe and Analysis – Analyse an extension experiment.

Please ensure you create your lab assessment in a separate document. Do not write it directly on
the instructions sheet.

LAB ASSESSMENT 2: Rate of Reaction

Aim: To investigate the effect of changing the concentration when investigating the reaction
between hydrochloric acid and magnesium.

Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq)  MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)


The rate of chemical reactions may be monitored by measuring the amount of reactants
that have been lost, or the amount of products that are formed. This may be carried out in a
variety of ways depending on the type of reaction. When Magnesium reacts with Acid,
Hydrogen gas is formed which may be collected and measured as the reaction proceeds to
produce a graph which takes this form and is known as logarithmic growth:

More concentrated acid will have a faster initial rate of reaction due to more frequent
successful collisions between reactants.


 eye protection
 conical flask with side-arm and bung
 delivery tube
 gas syringe (100 cm3)
 clamp stand, boss and clamp to support the syringe
 test-tube rack or clamp stand, boss and clamp to support the boiling tube
 measuring cylinder (25 cm3)
 access to a balance reading to at least two decimal places
 stop clock or stop watch


 Wear eye protection throughout.

 If gas volume exceeds the gas syringe then pressure must be released by removing
the bung.
 Hydrogen formed is flammable so no sources of ignition should be present.

Label Identity Hazard information

Mg(s) magnesium ribbon DANGER

Flammable solid

2.00 mol dm–3 2.00 mol dm–3 aqueous

HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq)

1.00 mol dm–3 1.00 mol dm–3 aqueous

HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq)

0.500 mol dm–3 0.500 mol dm–3 aqueous

HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq)

In a chemistry laboratory at the university, a procedure was carried out to determine the
reaction rate of magnesium with hydrochloric acid. The apparatus consisted of a conical
flask connected to a gas syringe, as shown in the diagram.

The first step of the procedure involved measuring 20 cm3 of 2.00 mol dm–3 HCl(aq) and
adding it to the side-arm boiling tube. Then, a piece of magnesium ribbon, weighing
approximately 0.08 g, was placed in the side-arm boiling tube and the stopper was quickly
inserted. The stop clock or stopwatch was immediately started.

The next step involved recording the volume of gas produced every 10 seconds until the
reaction was completed, which was determined by the cessation of any changes in the
volume of gas produced.

The procedure was repeated with clean equipment using the other provided concentrations
of HCl(aq). This allowed for the determination of the effect of different concentrations of
HCl(aq) on the reaction rate of magnesium.



 Independent variable: Concentration of hydrochloric acid.

 Dependant variable: Volume of Hydrogen produced.
 Control variables: Mass of magnesium, Temperature

SECTION 1 - Comprehension Questions – 5 marks

Read the information provided in the Introduction, Method and Safety sections to answer
the questions.

Q1) What does the gradient of the graph represent?

Q2) Name one additional control variable that has not been included.

Q3) Name two more general safety rules which should be followed in the lab to avoid
accidents or damage?

Q4) Gas could be collected in an inverted 100 cm3 measuring cylinder filled with water if a
gas syringe is not available. Use or similar or insert a hand drawn
diagram to show a labelled diagram of this set up.

Q5) Why is it important to wear eye protection for this experiment.

SECTION 2a - Results Table – 5 marks
Raw data has been provided to you in the results table below. Using the information in the
Aim, Introduction, method sections, you are to complete the results table and show all

Complete the missing data in the table and circle or highlight any anomalous results.

Volume of …. / cm3

……. / s 2.00 mol dm–3 HCl(aq) 1.00 ……………. HCl(aq) 0.500 mol dm–3 HCl(aq)

0 0 0 …

10 32 12 4

20 54 20 7

30 65 29 9

40 73 36 11

50 77 42 13

60 78 48 15

70 79 53 17

80 80 58 25

90 80 63 21

100 80 67 23

110 … 69 25

120 80 71 26

130 80 73 28

140 80 68 30

150 80 75 31

160 … 76 33

170 80 77 35

180 80 … 36
SECTION 2b - Results graph - 5 marks
2b) Plot a graph using the results table and insert it here. It may be hand drawn (simplest) or
computer generated (excel would not be very good for this).

(Marks are awarded for axes, scale, correct plotting, line of best fit)

SECTION 2c – Gradient calculations – 5 marks

2ci) Once you have created a line of best fit for each concentration, then draw the tangents
on the graphs at the appropriate points to work out the initial rate at time=0 for each HCl
concentration. Show your calculations clearly.

2cii) Draw the tangents on the graphs at the appropriate point to work out the rate at
time=25s for each HCl concentration. Show your calculations clearly.

2ciii) Draw the tangents on the graphs at the appropriate point to work out the rate at
time=50s for each HCl concentration. Show your calculations clearly.

SECTION 3 – Discussion: Analysis of graph - 5 marks

Using the information provided and the graph, write the 1st section of the Discussion which
analyses the results graph and explains the final result. This includes a description of what
the graph shows, using the key scientific words for describing trends. A description of the
relationship between the variables in the graph and an identification any anomalous
(outliers) results. You should also discuss whether the results agree with the expected

SECTION 4 – Discussion: Evaluating errors & improvements - 5

Using the information provided, write the 2nd section of the Discussion to evaluate and
describe the accuracy of the results, through the identification of experimental errors and
how to reduce them. This must include an explanation of all of the experimental errors that
may have affected the reliability of the results. Include a discussion of how the method can
be improved or equipment be changed to gain more reliable results.
SECTION 5 – Conclusion and further work - 5 marks
Give a summary of your discussion in the form of a conclusion. This should include the
answer to the aim of the investigation, the reliability of the final result and if the hypothesis
was correct. You should also state the main error that may have caused the most inaccuracy
to this result.

Give an outline of an extension experiment that can be carried out next as further work. The
extension experiment should be related but not the same as this investigation. Include the
aim, and a brief scientific overview of the experiment and how the aim would be

SECTION 6 – Observe and Analyse - 10 marks

Follow this link to the reaction between fixed concentrations of Sodium Thiosulfate and
Hydrochloric Acid at different temperatures.

6a) What is the hypothesis for this experiment?

6b) Using the results, plot a graph with the independent variable on the x-axis. Add a line of
best fit.

6c) Use your observations and graph to write a summary of the results of this experiment.

6d) Evaluate any sources of error in the experiment and discuss how they might affect the
main result. Give ideas on how the errors may be reduced by adaptations to the equipment
and/or method

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