Metalwork Technology

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Metalwork Technology

G. H. Thomas
Head of Technical Dept .• WeS1 Tarring C.S. School. Worthing
Examiner in Engineering Workshop Theory and Practice
for the Associated Examining Board

John Murray 50 Albemarle Street London

Preface vi




Appendix I 232

Appendix /1 23.

Questions 236
Reference Data 246
Index 253
Abbrevi:lIions, 2S2 Bronze, 13, 15 Copper, 11
Abrafile,30 Buffs, 125 alloys, 12
Abrasi\'cs, 117,152 BUll weld, 107 Core, 216
Acid bath, 117 Buttress thread, 53, 85 bolt,216
Acme threads, 85, 169 diameter, 80
Age-hardening, 14 print, 216
Alien screws, 81 Counlerbore, 140
AlIo)'1, chart giving composition, I ~ Countersink drill, 139
ferrous, 3 Ca11iper gauge, 72
Callipers, inside, 43 Creasing iron, 112
non-ferrous, 12 Cross slide, 164, 167
Aluminium, 10, II OOdleg, 44
outside, 42 Crosscut chisel, 22
alloys, 13, 14 Crossfiling, 16. 18
annealing of, 10 vernier, 64
Carbides, 177 Cutting action of tools. 222
American National thread, 34 Cutting solulion, 217
Angle plate, 47 Carbon steels, 2, 4, 5
Carriage of lathe, 164, 166 Cutting speeds, 225
Annealing, beaten work, 117
ferrous metals, 8 Carrier, 172
non-ferrous metals, 10 Case-hardening, 10
Anvil,98 Cast iron, 2
Cast steel, 2, 4 D billi,I49
Casting, 212 '·Dead" centre, 171
precautions during, 221 Decimal and metric equivalents,
Babbit metal, 14, IS Catchplate, 172 25'
Back gear, 166 Centre lathe, 163 Depth gauge, 59, 68
Bed of lathe, 163, 165 Centre punch, 24 Depth SlOp of drill, 1J3
Bell punch, 26 Centre square, 39, 40 Dial indicator, 70, 187, 190
Belt drive, 132, 166 Centredrill, 1)9, 186 Diamond point chisel, 23
Bench vice, 52 Centre-finding of the end of a bar, Diamond wheel dresser, 154
Bending, lOO 25, 40, 44, .so Die casting. 217
Bevel, adjustable, 40 Centres,Iathe,I71 Die nut, 88
Dick iron, I I I turning bet ....'CCn, 185 Dies. 88
Birmingham Metal puge, 66 Change wheels. 169, 198 Diestock, 88
Blacksmith's forge, 98 Chaplets, 216 Dip. acid, 117
tools, 99 Cha.scrs, 207 Di\'i<krs,41
vice, lOO Chasing, 127 Dog, 172
Blowpipe, 77 Chasing dial, 206 Dolly, 94
Blue, mechanic's, 35 Chilled cast iron, 2 001 punch, 25
Bond, of grinding wheel, 153 Chills, 217 Drag, 212
Bor.u,77 Chisel, cutting action of, 223 Dmwfiling, 16
Boring, 192 Chisels, 21 Drawing down, 106, 107
bar. 192 Chocks, drill, 134 Dressers, 153
Bossing mallet, 28, 118 lathe, 173, 174 Drift, blacksmith's, 102
Box hardening, 10 Clamping plates, 146 drill ejection, IJ5
Boll square, 39 Clapper box, 1511 Drill, centre, 1J9
Brass, 12 Clearance, cutting, ZZ2-4 chuck, 134
Brazing, 77 Clearance size, 86 counterbon.:, 140
Britannia metal, 15 Collet, 174 eountersink,139
British Association thread (B.A.), 83 Colkt hammer, 122, 124 cutting action of, 224
making use of, 90 Colouring metals, 126 nal, 1J8
British Standard Fine thread (B.S.F.), Combination drill, 139, 186 ,grinding, 142
83 Combination square, 39 holding of, 114
making use of, 90 Compound slide, 164, 167 parallel shank, 115
British Standard Pipe thread (8.S.P.), Contracting, IZZ pilot, IJ6
83 Coolants, 227 pin, 138
British Standard Whitworth thread Cope, 212 sizcs, Jl6
(B.S.W.),83 Coping ~W, 30 speeds, 249

square shank, J35 Galvanized iron, 2 High carbon stcel, 2-5
straight fl uted, 140 Gap bed, 165 Hiah speed stccl, 3
taper shank, 135 Gap gauge, 71 H olding 100\S, 52
twist, 140 Gate, 215 Hole ISaW, 139
Drilling, holding work for, 146 Gauge, clock, 70 Honowing, 118
in lathe, 184 depth, 59, 68 Horse, 123
mark ing out for, 136 feeler, 68 Hunlington dresser, 154
thin sheet, 145 gap, 71
Drilling machine, 132 height, 65
Drills, faults, causes and remedies, limit, 7 1
143 micrometer, 56 Imperial drills, making use of, 151
metric set of, 249 plug, 72 Imperial Standard Wire Gauge, 66,
Driving plate, 164, 172 ring, 67 247
Ductility, 1 screwcutting, 69 Indicalor, dial, 70
Duralumin, 14 ilCKWpitch, 69 Imide callipers, 43
slip, 67 Inside micrometer, 58
surface, 48 Iron carbide, )
vernier calliper, 64 caSI, 2, 4
wire, 66 galvanized,2
wire tables, 247 malleable cast, 2
lllsy-no' silver solder, 77, 233
Gauges, care o f; 73 wrought, 4
Elasticity, 1
metals for, 73 ISO metric thread, 84, 250
Engineer's b!.wel, 40
Gear trai~, 198 ISO lapping and clearance sizes, 90
protractor, 47
square, 38 Gi lding metal, 12
Expanding, 122 Grinding, 152
aids to correct, I S5 Jenny callipers, 44
Grinding whocls, 152 Johannson slips, 67
dressing of, 153 Joints, brazed, 77
filling of, 154 riveted, 94, 97
Faeeplate, 174 Grit,IS2 Sheel metal, 114
Faceplate .... ork, 188 Groo\'ed seam, 116 soldered, 74
Facing sand, 214 Grooviog tool, 114 Jumping up, 110
Facing up, 184 Grub screws, 81 Junior hacksaw, 30
Feed,225 Gunmetal,13
of drill, I J3
Feeler gauge, 68, 162, 191 Kascnil, 10
FerroU'$ metals, 25 Hacksaw, 29 Killed spirits, 76
heat treatment of, 8 blades, 31 Knife file, 20
tests for, 4 Halfcentre, 171 Knife 1001, 181
File card, 17 Half moon stake, 112 Knocked-up bottom, 116
Files, can: of, 17 Half round chisel, 22 Knurling, 194
cut and grade, 18 Half round file, 19
shapes and uses, 19 Hammered metalwork, 117
teeth and cutting action, 18, 223 Hammers, 26
tension, 30 Hand forging, 98 Lacquerina:, 126
Filing, 16 Hand tools, 16 Lathe, 163
Fits, 73 Hand vice, 54 centres, 171
Fi:ted neady, 175 Handfile, 19 modification 10 cut metric, 210
Flask,212 Hard soldering, 77 operation), 184
Flat chisel, 21 Hardening, 3, 8 parts of, 163
Filii drill, 138 case, 10 \ ' SCrtwcutting on!198
Flat flie, 19 point, 8 tools, 177
Flat scraper, 35 work, I tools, angles of, 178, 180
Flat-bouom drill, 138 Hardie, 103 tools, setting up, 183
Flatler, 104 Hardie hole, 99 tools, shape, 181
Flu.'(es,74 Hardness, I Lead, 11
Folding bars, III Hatchet stake, I J2 alloys, 14
Forge, 98 Headslock, 164, 165 Lead, of thread, 80
Forse tools, 101 Hearth, bruing, 78 Leadscrcw, 164, 169
Forging, 106 Heal treatment, ferrous metals, 3, 8 Leg vice, lOO
Form tools, 195 non-ferrous metals, 10 Limit gauge, 71
Four jaw chuck, 173, 185 Height gauge, 65 Limits, 7)
Fuller, 103 Helix angle, of drill, 141 Live centre, 171
Funl'ltl Slake, 112 Hermaphrodite ca.lliper$, 44 Lubricants, 227

Machine reamer, 148 Pipe thread, 83 Scn:wcutting, by hand, 86
Machine screws, 82 Piping, 107 by machine, 198
Machine vice, 54 Pitch block, 128 to cut imperial threads on an
Malleability, 1 Pitch of thread, 80 imperial lathe, 200
Malleable cast iron, 2 Plamshing, 123 to cut metric threads on an
Mallets, 28 Pliers, 55 imperial lathe, 202
Mandrels, 195 Plug gauge, 71, 72 to cut metric threads on a metrie
Marking out table, 46 Point hardening, 8 lathe, 203
Marking out tools, 31 Polishing, 125 tool,204
Measurina too ls, 37 Pozidriv screWll, 82 ScreWll, 81
Metal cutting tools, theory of, 222 Properties of metals, I Scriber,37
Metric dials, calibration of, 210 Protractor, engin~r's, 47 Scribing block, 48
Metric drills, 249 Punch, bell, 25 Seller's thread, 84
Metric equivalents, 25l centre, 24 Sensitive drilling machine, 132
Metric machine screws, 82 dot, 25 Set, ofa blade, 31
Metric sizes of metal, 234-5 pin, 25 Set screws, 81
Metric threads, cuning of, 202 Sets, hot and cold, 101
~tails of, 84 Sets, rivet, 94, 96
Micrometer depth gauge, 59 Shaping, holding work for, 159
inside,58 Quenching, when hardening, 8 machine, 157
metric, 58 operations, 161
outside, 56 precautions during, 161
precautions in use of, 57 Shcetmetalworking, I I 2
principle of, 57 Rack, J85 Side rake, 178, 222
readittJ of, 57 Radial drilling machine, 134 Silver soldering, 77, 79
Mild steel, 2·5 Raising, 120 Sinking, 119
Morsc taper, 135 Rake, 178, 222 Sintered carbides, 3, 177
centres, 171 Ramming, 215 Sizes of twist drills, 136
shank drills, 135 Rapping iron, 213 Sledge hammer, 101
Mould, making of, 218 Rawhide mallet, 28 Slip gauge, 67
Moulding, boltes, 212 Reamers, 148 Slocombc drill, 139, 171, 186
operations, 215 Repousse, 128 Smith's tools, 99
sand,214 Repousse hammer, 27,127 Snips, 113
tools, 213 Revolving centre, 172 Socket screWll, 8 1
Moulds, 212 Ring gauge, 67 Soldered joints for hammered metal·
Multiple start threads, 80 Risers, 212 work, 131
Riveted joints, 94, 97 Soldering bits, 75
Riveting, 93 f\lucs, 74, 77, 79
faults during, 95 Solders, hard, 77
Rivets, 91 silver, 77
Non·ferrous allo)'s, 12
preferred sizes of, 92 soft, 74
Non·ferrous metals, 11
Round bottom stake, 112 Speed, cutting, 225
Nornplizlng, 10
Norton gear bolt, 169 Runners, 213, 215 Speller, 77
Spirit level, 51
Split patterns, 220
Spot facing, 140
Oddleg callipers, 44 Saddle, of latnc, 164 Sprue pins, 212
Outside callipers, 42 or shaper, 157 Square, centre, 40
Oltiue colours, 8 Safe edge, forming of, 114 combination, 39
ora file, 17, 19 try, 38
Safety in the workshop, 230 Square thread, 85
Sand, core, 216 Stakes, tinman"s, 112
Parallel strips, 51
facina, 214 Star wheel dres.ser. 1S4
Partinl off, 193
moulding, 214 Steadies, 175
Partina: land, 215
patting,215 Steel ,2
Partina: tool, 182
Sandbag, 118 silver, 3
Patterns, 216
Saw blades, 31 stainless, 3; working of, 232
Phosphor broJ\U\, 13
Pickle, 117 Scarfweld, l08 Steel rule, 37
Scrapers, 35 Stocks, die, 88
Picrcina, 126
Scrateh brush, 126 Straightedge, 38
Piercing saw, 30
Screw pitch gauge, 69 Stretching, 122
Pilot drill, 136
Screw thread gauge, 69 Striekle off, 218
Pin or peg drill, 138
Pin punch, 25 Screw thread terms, 80 Strips, parallel, 51
Pinning, 17 Screw threads, 83 Studs,81

Surface gauge, 48 Tinman's snips, 113 Vanadium, 3
Surface plate, 46 solders, 74 V~ blocks, 4!5
Surfacing, 184 stakes, 112 V~ threads, 83
Swagt', 104 Tinning,76 Venting,2"
SWlIge block, 99 Tinplate,2 Vernier callipers, 6]
Sweating, 76 TinpJate joints, J 14 height gauge, 65
Tolerance, 71, 73 scales, 60
Tongs, smith's, 105 Vice, engineer's, $2
Tool angles, 178, 222 hand,54
Tailstock. 164, 167 Tool bits" 177 leg, 100
Tang, 18 Tool holders, 176 machine, $4
Tank cutter, 139 Toolmakers' clamps, 5$
Tap breakage, 87 Topslide, 167
Tap wrench, 86 Trammels, 41
Taper, drift. US Travelling steady, 17$ Warding file, 19
morsc, 13$ Try square, 38 Water of Ayr stone, 117
shanks, 13$ Tuc::king hammer, 114 Web thinninl, 141, 145
turning, 189 Tumbler gears, 169 Welding, forge, 108
Tapping size, 86 Turning, holding work for, 170 White metals, 14
Taps, 86 operations, 184 Whitworth threads, 83
Temperina. 11 Tu}~re, 98 Wire gauges. 66, 247
Tempering chart, 9 Twist drills, JJ6, 141 Wired edge. 11 $
Tension files, 30 faults, causes, remedies, 14] Work hardeninl, I
Terne plate, 2 grindina, 142 Working qualities of metals. 1
Tests for ferrous metals. 4 sizes, 136 Workshop tables, 246
Thread dial indicator, 206 Twisting, 108 Wrought iron, 2
Thread form, 83
Thread gauge, 69
Threading, Prec'dulions during, 119 U.N.C. threads, S4
Three jaw concentric chuck, 172, 185 U.N.P. threads, 84 Zinc, 11
Tin, 11 Unified thread, 84 alloys, 12
alloys, I] Upsetting, 110 ehloride,74


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