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5th Jan Nature of God

5th Jan Trinity

12th Jan God in creation
12th Jan Incarnation 1
19th Jan Theatre
19th Jan Theatre
26th Jan Incarnation 2
26th Jan Crucifixion
1st Feb Resurrection and ascension
1st Feb Life after death and judgement
10th Feb Heaven and hell
10th Feb Sin, salvation, atonement
23rd Feb Different types of worship
23rd Feb Prayer
1st march Baptism
1st march Holy communion 1
8th March Holy communion 2
8th March Pilgrimage
15th March Easter (Christmas as homework)
15th March Role of the church – food banks
22nd March Role of the church street pastors
22nd March Mission and evangelism and church growth
19th April Worldwide church
19th April Christian persecution (responses to poverty as homework)
3rd May Double assessment
3rd May Revision - themes
10th May Revision – Buddhism
10th May Revision – Christianity

11th Jan Christianity exam practice

25th Jan C & P quiz and exam practice
8th Feb R & F quiz and exam practice
29th Feb R & L quiz and exam practice
14th March Buddhist practices quiz and exam practice
28th March Buddhist beliefs quiz and exam practice
2th April E of G quiz and exam practice

3rd Jan Nature of God

3rd Jan Trinity
10th Jan God in creation
10th Jan Incarnation 1
17th jan Incarnation 2
17th Jan Crucifixion
24th Jan Resurrection and ascension
24th Jan Life after death and judgement
31st Jan Heaven and hell
31st jan Sin, salvation and atonement
7th Feb Different types worship
7th Feb Prayer
21st Feb Baptism
21st feb Holy communion 1
28th Feb Holy Communion 2
28th Feb Pilgrimage
6h March Easter (Christmas as homework)
6th March Roe fo the church – food banks
13th march Role of the church – street pastors
13th March Mission and evangelism and church growth
20th March Worldwide church
20th March Christian persecution
26th march Responses to poverty
26th March Double assessment
17th April Revision - Buddhism beliefs
17th April Revision – Buddhist practices
24th April Revision – Crime and punishment
24th April Revision - Religion and life
1st May Revision – Relationships and families
1st may Revision – Existence of God
8th May Revision - Christian beliefs
8th May Revision – Christian practices

4th Jan Christianity exam practice

18th Jan C & P quiz and exam practice
1st Feb R & F quiz and exam practice
22nd Feb R & L quiz and exam practice
7th March Buddhist practices quiz and exam practice
21st March Buddhist beliefs quiz and exam practice
18h April E of G quiz and exam practice
2nd May E of G practice

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