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This Agreement is made this 24TH Day of SEPTEMBER, 2023.


Mrs. Agnes YOH GAUTSCHI-MUKWELLE (Landlady) represented by Mr. MUKWELLE Samuel

MUKWELLE holder on N.I.C NO: 100363159 issued on the 30/07/2013 at SW02, Computer
technician and resident in Buea.

Mr. ANYANGOM THEOPHILUS AJEADING (Tenant), holder of N.I.C NO: 000206303 issued on the
03/03/2023 at OU03, businessman and resident in Limbe.
This Agreement Witness as Follows:

1) That the parties have agreed to be bound by this agreement.

2) That the Landlady via her representative has leased out part of her land (5msq) to the
Tenant for a monthly rents of Twenty Thousand Francs (20.000FCFA).
3) That the Tenant shall developed the said land with a semi-permanent structure so as to
enable him carry out his business.
4) That the Tenant covenant to maintain the limits of the said land given to him for rental.
5) That the Tenant shall keep the area clear and shall use it just for the purpose he has
notified his Landlady.
6) The Tenant to pay his rent on or before the 5th day of every month.
7) That the Tenant covenant to leave the said land whenever the Landlady want to develop
her land and there shall be no damages incurred.
8) The landlady has the right to terminate this agreement if she finds out the Tenant has
breach any term of this Agreement

IN WITNESS OF WHICH the parties have agreed to this Agreement date and year first written

________________ ________________
Landlady Tenant


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