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Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir,

Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara ...

NIT No. 55-Kupwara/7328-37 of 2023-24 e-tendering DATED: -17-10-2023

For & on behalf of Lieutenant Governor of J&K Union Territory, e-tenders (in single cover system)
are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with Union Territory J&K Govt. CPWD
,Railways and other state/Central Governments for the followings works:-
S. Name of Work Est. Cost Approved Cost of Earnest Time of Time & Date Class of Major
(Rs. In Ceiling T/Doc. Money Completion
No of Opening Contract Head of
2023-24 (In rupees) In days
Lacs) (In rupees) of Bid or Account
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Cosntruction of R/Wall /Brest Wall at 19.40 15.00 800/- 39000/- 30 days 25-10-2023 “B&C” UT
Zirhama Gujjerpati road including Khan Sector
Mohalla ,Audu khan bawadi link road at
2. Construction of Retaining wall near 1.95 2.00 200/- 3900/- 12 days 25-10-2023 “DEE” UT Sector
Land of Bashir Ahmad Khatana at
Warsun 2nd Fresh NIT No. 46 of 2023-24
Position of funds : Approved
The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill
of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the
departmental website as per schedule of dates given below:-
01. Date of issue of Tender Notice 17-10-2023
02. Period of downloading of bidding documents From 18-10-2023 to 25-10-2023 (4.00P.M)
03. Bid submission start date 18-10-2023 from (10.00A.M)
04. Bid submission end date 25-10-2023 upto (04.00P.M)
05. Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 25-10-2023 at (6:00P.M) in the Office of the
Executive Engineer RnB Division Kupwara

1. The Assistant Executive Engineer is directed to execute the work as

per the Approved ceiling.
Terms and Conditions :-
The Bidders are advised to read all conditions laid down in the NIT
carefully before uploading softcopy any short fall found in the soft copy the
tender shall be rejected.
a. Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape Treasury Challan (Under Account Head
(Treasury Challan) must be wirten boldly the Name of Work, Name of
Contractor alongwith Cell No, NIT No. & Sr. No of NIT) in favour of Executive
Engineer R&B Division Kupwara (tender inviting authority ) and Earnest money /Bid security in shape of
CDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara .
b. The Successful Bidder has to produce an amount equal to 5% additional performance security
deposit of the allotted cost. The same shall be released after successful completion of the
defect liability Period of the work. The EMD of 2% successful bidders shall be released after
receipt of 5% Performance Security

Executive Engineer
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c. Additional performance security for unbalanced bids is to be submitted by the
lowest bidder before issuance of Allotment as per procedure in vogue.
S.No %age of unbalanced Bid viz a viz advertised cost on account Additional performance
of Law Rate security to be deposited
1 Up to and including 15% below Nil
2 Greater than 15% upto and including 20% below 5% of advertised cost
3 Greater than 20% upto and including 25% below 10% of advertised cost
4 Greater than 25% upto and including 30% below 15% of advertised cost
5 Greater than 30% below 20% of advertised cost
Chief Engineer PW(R&B) Department Kashmir’s Circular No. CE/RBK/HD/3271-73

a. The bidders shall ensure that their bids shall be

accepted only if their registrations cards are uploaded
on portal in active Tab. as
per circular instructions issued by Development
Commissioner works vide No.PW/DCW/DB/668-72
d. The GST-3B for last Quarter ( Quarterly return) and Previous month
for (Monthly return) Should be uploaded, irrespective of date of
e. No bid shall be accepted if enlistment card is not found in
JKPWDOMS online of those departments which have been serving
the said portal as per circular instruction issued by development
Commissioner works vide No.PW/DCW/DB/668-72 DT.10-06-2022
f. 1st lowest bidder will submit the CDR/FDR within two days after
opening of Tender failing which 2nd lowest will be approached.
Besides 1st lowest will be debarred from participating in tendering
process for one year in this division.
g. Manual offers delivered by post/fax or in person, or offers sent by e-mail or telex shall not be accepted against
electronic tenders, even if such offers are received in time. All such offers shall be considered as invalid offers
and shall be rejected summarily, without any consideration
h. In case the L-1 fails deposit the requisite document, the action against the L- 1 as per PWD rules
leading to blacklisting of contractor
i. On Opening of financial bid the L1 has to produce the Original CDR/FDR pledge to the opening
Authority before allotting the work along with Cost of tender document in the shape of Treasury
j. Upload Valid Registration CARD /Renewal, PAN Card , GST Certificate and latest GST clearance
ending previous Month.
k. It is mandatory for all bidders participating to submit all documents in terms of soft copies in
etendering website and no documents in terms of Hard Copies shall be entertained. However, lowest
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bidder will be called for submission of CDR/FDR as well as Treasury Challan and CDR/FDR of the other
participating tenderers/ bidders will be released only after surrender of Treasury Challan .
l. Furnishing of Hard Copies of bids immediately after submission of e-tenders is dispensed with .The
same should be obtained only from the Bidder who’s declared 1st Lowest (L-1) after opening of
financial bids.
m. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.
n. The bidders are advised to get the genuineness of their enlistment cards from the issuing
authorities. This is mandatory and bids are liable to be rejected in absence of the
genuineness of enlistment card
o. The contractor may purchase required material of quality and specifications prescribed, to be
certified by Engineer in-charge
2. The steel/Key construction material shall be alloweded only of approved brand by the government.
3. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of technical Bids.
4. The tenderers are directed to submit their tender online; in case the last date of opening of tenders happens to
be a holiday/hartal the same shall be opened on the next working day.
Qualification of the Bidder
In order to qualify all bidders shall upload following documents as defined below:-
I. Registration Card duly renewed for the current financial year 2022-23. PAN Card, GST Certificate and
latest GST clearance ending previous Month.
II. In light of Govt. Notification issued by Finance Department Civil Secretariat Vide No. A/24(2017)-651Dt.
07-06-2018, the bidder must upload the copy of Challan / receipt in favour of Executive Engineer R&B
Division Kupwara on account of cost of tender documents remitted in the treasury concerned for that
the bidders must write an application to be addressed to treasury officer concerned requesting therein
for remittance of amount as cost of tender documents towards M. H. 0059.
5. The tenderers shall quote their rates legibly both in words, and figures. In case of any confusion resulting on
account of rates not being written neatly and legibly decision of department shall be final and binding upon the
6. The tenders shall remain valid for a minimum period of three month from the date of opening
of the tenders .
7. The work shall have to be executed strictly in accordance with the specification laid down by the Deptt./Executive
Engineer in charge of the work with in the time limit specified failing which penalty up to Rs.1500/day for first 10
days & Rs.3000/day for next 15days & 15% on the total value of the work will be imposed upon the contractor
which shall be at the discretion Of the Engineer in charge Chief Engineer /Superintending Engineer /Executive
Engineer. On contractors representation based on the valid grounds, the Executive Engineer/superintending
engineer /chief Engineer however reserves the right for granting an! Extension in the time limit for any definite
period of time and in case the work is not still completed within the period so extended the contactors security
deposit shall be confiscated in addition to imposition of other penalties as laid down in the rules regulation for
the registration of the contractors besides recovery of extra cost if any involved after getting the work done
through any other agency.
8. In respect of bridge work, the span of the bridge may vary depending upon the condition at site. The rates to be
quoted shall therefore hold good for variation up to 25% in the span.
9. Only those contractors should caste their tender for the work whose form capacity falls, with in the specified
category of classes and whose registration cards are valid for the current financial year and also the Reqd. cards
can accommodate the work advertised.
10. For any item or item of works necessitated to be executed during the course of execution the contractor shall be
paid for on the basis of revised sanctioned schedule 2012 in vogue for Kashmir province subject to contractors
tender percentage accepted for the item lowest in contract with respect to SSR , properly by ratio peroration
formula correction dealing with any point in connection with the tender shall not be considered. Tender put in
the proper form /tender document will only be accepted.
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11. Correction in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by contractors, In case of
any correction the same be found the tender shall be deemed as non-response.
12. If the quality of work is unsatisfactory or progress is slow at any stage of work it is liable to
be stopped or carried out through any other agency at the discretion of the superintending Engineer
/Executive Engineer in charge of work and the CDR of the original contractor shall be forfeited & contract
shall be closed with 10% penalty of work done value.
13. The contractors are requested to respect and abide by all rules and regulations and laws of Forest
/Games/Revenue and other deptt. /municipalities and town area committee. For any violation they will be
liable to be prosecuted under the law of the particular deptt.
14. The deptt. Will not be responsible for any loss or damage due to rains, fire, floods, subversive activities etc, to
the material machinery of work executed during its execution.
15. The contractors are responsible to make the reasonable and timely payments to all the labour engaged by
him on receipting the complaints the Executive engineer will pay the laboures himself and deduct the amount
paid from the dues of the contractor after proper verification.
16. The successful tenderer shall be required to execute the agreement with the deptt. Within 7days from the
date of issue of letter of acceptance of the contract in his favour. Incase contractors fails to draw the
agreement or to start the work within stipulated period can be presumed that the contractor has backed out
from the contract and his earnest money can be forfeited the full besides penalty up to limit of 10% on the
total value of the work can be imposed on besides recovery of extra cost as may be involved after work is got
done through other agency. More over the contractor can be debarred from taking any other contract in
PWD and other sister deptt. In the J&K (UT) under registration and classification granted rules
17 The rates provided in the revised SS rates of 2012 in vogue in Kashmir province unless otherwise specifically
mentioned are inclusive of all royalties /octroi duty/ sales tax /land chart/GST/Labour Cess etc and nothing
more will be paid to the contractor on this account.
18. Normally the contractor will be required to engage local labour but in special circumstance where it is
considered in the interest of the work, labour from outside may be engaged or deployed with the prior
approval of the department.
19. The deptt. may reduce/increase/add or delete any other item or items during execution of work. The
contractor shall be bound to abide by all such changes and execute the work accordingly. The contractor shall
not be entitled to any compensation for any loss that he may suffer on account of said changes of the work.
20. If the work is suspended for some time or altogether abandoned no compensation shall be payable to the
21. If the amount of the work quantities of any item or item of work increase or decrease condition of the
accepted tender will be binding upon the contractor for these increased or decreased amounts of quantities
of item as well.
21 Tender space fixation work shall not be accepted even at reduced rates but shall be totally rejected
22. The contractors will be responsible for the behavior of the labour engaged by him on the work. In case of any
misbehavior, the contractor shall be held responsible for such actually for and the Executive Engineer will have the right
to order for stopping the work and removal of concerned labour from the site of work. The contractor will have to
comply with order of Executive Engineer falling which the contract shall be liable for cancellation.
23. No claim of any sort will be entertained after or during the execution of any item for work, any dispute or claim must
have to brought in the notice of Executive Engineer in writing before under taking the execution of such item of work.
24. As soon as acceptance of the tender is communicated to the successful tenderer or the condition of contract shall be
binding up on him even before drawl of formal agreement.
25. A formal deed incorporating the term of contract will be executed by the successful tenderer within 7 days from the
date of issue of allotment letter in case of failure to execute such a formal deed shall not however prevent the
contractor from being enforced against him. Any loss sustained by the Govt. as a result of re-tendering the extra cost
shall be recovered from the contractor besides imposition of other penalties as specified in clause (15) above
26. In case of death of skilled or unskilled labour while on work the contractor shall have to pay the compensate legal heirs
of the deceased as admissible under the workman’s compensation Act.

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27. During execution of work it will be the responsibility of the contractor to keep the road open at his own cost and in case
of road blockage the contractor will be fined Rs. 500/-per each blockage day or as per direction of the Executive
28. In all running payments 10% of the total amount of the bill shall be retained as normal deposit besides such other
amounts as may have to be recovered from the contractor.
30. The contractor shall have to arrange his own material for the work except , if stores available for the particular scheme
which shall be supplied departmentally, if available in the department stores, However the construction material used
by the contractor shall be approved by site Engineer with due test reports from RRL/NIT.
30. It is the duty of contractor to sign works register as and when measurements of work done are recorded by the
supervisory staff. In case of contractor’s failure to do so in time, the measurements recorded by the supervisory staff
shall be deemed final and binding up on the contractor and no such subsequent claim shall be entertained on this
account by the Deptt. In case of any dispute arising out the measurements so recorded, the matter shall be brought to
the notice of the Executive Engineer in writing within 3days from the date of recording of such measurements failing
which any subsequent claim on this account shall not be entertained and measurement of work done shall be deemed
as final and binding up on the contractor.
31. Except where otherwise specified in this contract, the decision of the superintending Engineer of circle Baramulla shall
be final, conclusive and binding upon the parties to the contract upon all question of any other item and institutions
here in before or here in after mentioned in so for the work etc are concerned .
32. The work shall at all times be open for the inspection and supervision of the Engineer in charge and his subordinates
and the contractor shall at all time at which reasonable notice of the intermission of the Engineer or his subordinator to
visit the work shall have been given to the contractor either himself be present to receive orders and instructions or
have a reasonable agent duly accepted in writing present for that purpose. The contractor shall afford facilities and
every assistance for inspection, expenditure and test of the material and workmanship of the contractor’s agent.
33. If after physical completion of work in all respects any defect or imperfection in work done by
the contractor becomes apparent on account of bad workmanship or use of substandard material or on any other
account within the DLP, the contractor shall have to make good at his own expenses or in the default the Executive
Engineer I/C of work may arrange the same to be made good through other agency and deduct the expenses (for which
the certificate of the Executive Engineer I/C shall be final from any sums that may be or may become due to the
contractor at any time and shall be recovered from his security deposit. The security deposit of the contractor shall not
be refunded before the expiry of 36 Months DLP after physical completion of the works except Macadam work for
which DLP schedule follows.
34. If during the Course of execution of work any defective work or part thereof come to the notice of the Engineer I/c
will dismantle and reconstruct the Same at the risk and cost of the contractor for which contractor will not have any
claim .
35. The deptt. Is not bound to recommend the contractor for any route permission or extension thereof.
36. Caution boards will be provided by the contractor at site of work, for any negligence a fine of
Rs. 100/- each negligence at the discretion of the Executive Engineer will be imposed and incase of complete failure the
deptt. may provide his own boards and recover the cost fromthe contractor besides the fine as indicated above
37. The contractors shall be bound to stock the material at the place shown by the Deptt. and will be responsible for its
subsequent carriage to site with out any extra charge.
38. The carriage if payable shall be paid from the nearest source to site of work through show list trafficable route on the
basis of revised SSR of rates in vogue for Kashmir province as per contractors tender percentage.
39. Voids in different material shall be deducted as per the sanctioned schedule for rates and on the basis of specifications.
40. In case of earth work, payment shall not be made on lump sum basis but shall be made only for the lengths which have
been completed in all respects including the formation width, road side drains. slopes of the filling of road embankment
and that of back cutting, camber super elevation and longitudinal gradients.
41. In case of any typographical error in the rate list units in BOQ, the same shall be paid strictly as
per revised sanctioned schedule of rates 2012 in vogue in Kashmir province dully depreciated
with reference to tender.
42. All key construction material shall have to strictly as per prescribed specification and approval of the Engineer in-
43. The contractors are required to see the site of work and other details before tendering for the work

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44. In case of suspension ( due to breakdown of tools and plants lent by the deptt. or due to bad weather, floods bad
weather breakout of fire or due to any other reason ) extension may be granted in time of completion /as per merits of
the contract
45. The quantities advertised are approximate and or subject to increase or decrease by about
25% as per actual necessity at site.
46. In case the tenderer is not quoting any rate against any item which is outside the scope of the
revised S.S. of rates of 2012 ,the highest rate offered by other tenders shall be applied for this item for valuation
purposes but lowest offered rate considered for allotment .
47. The submission of the tender by a tenderer implies that he has seen all the document viz estimates, plans etc and has
acquainted himself with the site condition, availability of material labour etc.
49. The rates as per the rate lists enclosed with the NIT’S shall be inclusive of running charges of plants /machinery and
T&P what so ever including hire and cost of POL unless other wise specified. The road roller shall be arranged from
Mechanical Deptt. against cash payment by the contractor.
51. The contractor will quote the rates above/below SS of rates of 2012except E-tendering.
52. Conditional tender can be rejected with out assigning any reason.
53. The contractor shall have to pay 2.24% income tax, 1%labour cess, 1% CGST & 1% SGST or any other tax likely to be
imposed by the Govt. from time to time and nothing extra shall be paid for this on allotted cost.
55. Time is the essence of contract in case the contractor fails to execute / complete the work within the specified period,
the work shall be got executed at the risk and cost of original contractor.
56. The contractors will have to produce payment of royalty receipt for materials like, Sand, Stone, Clay, Nallah muck,
boulders & finished products of these minerals.
57. Payment shall be made subject release by the Government.
58. The Tenderer’s have to obtain GSTin from additional Commissioner of Commercial Taxes (Admm) Kashmir Division
Srinagar to be produced on issuance of tender document/ release of payments.
59. The complete NIT/Bidding document/tender form shall be made available on website for purpose of downloading and
application made on such a form shall be considered valid for participating in the tender process.
60. Charges of bidding document down-loaded from the computer, the bidding party/tenderer to pay the amount by
draft/cheques at the time of submission of the bidding document/tender form etc.
61. The CDR should be pledged to the receiving / opening authority ,other wise the tender can be
Rejected, one time CDR shall not be entertained.
62. Total cost Project under 3 and 4 under building and other construction works welfare cess Act, 1996 for assessing the
amount of the cess to be recovered from the contractor as per the norms.
63. If a bidder has not quoted rate for any time of the rate list/quality schedule, the item for which no rate has been
quoted by the bidder shall be deemed to be part of the overall/total contract value and no rate shall be allowed for such
item/items in the allotment of contract.
64. Bid determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the department for any arithmetical errors. Errors will
be corrected by the Department as follow.
a) Where there is a discrepancy between the rate in figures and in words, the higher will govern.
b) Where there is a discrepancy between the Unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by
the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern.
65. Chief Engineers Conditions vide his Circular No. HD-19279-19319 dated: 08-12-2009.Shallbe in force.
1. All bidders / tenders irrespective of cost of work should attach photo copy of following documents in all cases;-
a. Valid Registration Card.
b. GSTin No.
c. GST Certificate / GST clearance of previous month.
2. Bid validity for the works costing up to Rs. 2.00 Corres shall be 90days and works costing more
Than Rs. 2.00Crores, bid validity shall be 120days.
3. Qualification Criteria.
S.No Nature of work Amount Financial Turn over required Remarks

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A All Civil works Upto Rs. 2.00 Nil All conditions
Cores including above
shall be applicable
except qualification

B Roads/ Above Rs. 2.00 33% of advertised amount in any one year during 5 years Two Cover System
Buildings/ Cores supported with annual income tax return and TDS. Financial
Bridges Turnover shall be 33% of the adv. Cost of the work for
all such works the estimated value less than 40 corores.
While in case of works valuing 40.00 crores and above
the requirement shall be 40% of adv. Cost of the
particular work.
d Bituminous Only registered plant holder/Ayy class plant holder can participate in tendering process,
work subject to fulfillment of other eligibility.
E Bid Capacity Applicable above Rs. 2.00 Cores (As per standard formula defined in the bidding
document/tender document
4. Certificate in respect of:-
I. Financial turnover in all cases of civil Engineering woks executed and should be certified by Chartered Accountant.
II. Similar Nature of work as a prime contractor in all cases should be certified by not less than
than of Executive Engineer or equivalent.
5 Invariably rates should be quoted on rate list/BOQ issued with tender document obtained
after depositing requisite cost.
6. stock issue rate should be advertised with each tender F.O.R Divisional store which shall
Remain Valid during currency of the contract.
7. Unless specified otherwise , Rates quoted shall be deemed to include escalation, all taxes,
Duties etc whatsoever during contract period.
8. For central Funded Projects and Major projects, SBD/Guidelines of state Government / U.T /Govt. of India shall be
66. E-Tendering Terms & Conditions
1 The tender receiving authority shall ensure the recovery of tender document fee from all bidders who have uploaded
the tender in electronic format within fifteen days from the receipt of tender and failure of submission of tender
document fee by the bidder using the site shall be entail him for blacklisting.
2. Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape of treasury receipt in favour of Executive Engineer
PWD(R&B) Division Kupwara.
3. The date and time of opening of Bids shall be notified on Web site www. in
and conveyed to the bidders automatically through an e-mail message on their e-mail address. The bids of responsive
bidders shall be opened online on same Web Site in the office of Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara.
4. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids.
5. The earnest money shall be forfeited, If:-
a) Any bidder/ tenderer withdraws his bid/ tender during the period of bid validity or makes any
modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid.
b) Failure of Successful bidder fails within the specified time limit to furnish the required
performance security.
c) In case contractor fails to execute the agreement within 28 days after fixation of contract.
6. Instruction to bidders regarding e- tendering process:-
6.1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the “Downloads” option as well as from “Bidders Manual
Kit” on website acquaint bid submission process.
6.2 To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get ‘Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)’ as per Information Technology
Act-2000. Bidders can get digital certificate from any approved vendors.
6.3 The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature. No
financial bid will be accepted in physical form.
6.4 Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para-1.
6.5. Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents with the bid. Besides
documents related to bid be submitted physically by registered post/Though courier before date specified in Para -1.
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Note: - Scan all the documents on 100 dpi with black and white option.
7. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.
8. Scanned copy of cost of tender document in shape of Demand Draft in favour of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division
Kupwara and relevant documents to be submitted to the Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Kupwara (tender
Opening Authority) by
registered post/Courier /by hand before due date of submission of tender/as per time schedule
9. Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ (Bill of Quantities) contents. In no case they should attempt to
create similar BOQ manually. The BOQ downloaded should be used for fillingthe item rate inclusive of all taxes and it
should be saved with the same name as it contains.
10. Price escalation and Taxes:- the unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian Rupees and the
rates quoted shall be deemed to include Price escalation and all taxes upto completion of the work, unless, otherwise
specified. Deduction on account of taxes shall be made from the bills of the contractor on gross amount of the bill as
per the rates prevailing at the time of recovery.
11. Bidders are advised to use “My Documents” area in their user on R&B e-Tendering portal to store such documents as
are required.
12. In case of CRF and any other specified project. The relevant guidelines/standard bidding document shall be followed.
13. The 1st lowest bidder has to produce an amount of equal to 3% of contract as performance security in the shape of
CDR/FDR within 02 days before fixation of contract and shall be released after successful completion of DLP.
15. Instruction to Bidder (ITB)
15.1 Bidder Participating for bituminous works costing more than Rs. 50.00lacs should have the equivalent bid capacity.
The available bid capacity will be calculated as under;-
Assessed available bid capacity=(AxNxM-B), where
A= Maximum value of civil Engineering works executed in any one year during the last five years (Updated to the
current price level @ 8% per annuFm) taking into account the completed as well as works in progress.
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bid are invited.
B= Value at current price level of the existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the next years
(period of completion of the works for which bids are invited).
15.2 The last date of receipt of hard copies of bids should be kept one day after the bid submission end date on e-tendering
15.3 The date of opening of bids should be kept one day after the last date of receipt of hard copies.
15.4 All bidders shall include the following information and documents with their bids:-
a. Copies of original documents defining constitution/legal status, place of registration and principal place of Business.
b. Valid GST No. & PAN No a long with latest sales tax clearance certificate/acknowledgement receipt of sales tax return
15.5 The bidder at his own responsibility and risk should visit and examine the site of the work and its surroundings before
submission of bid.
15.6 Non attendance of pre-bid meeting will not be cause of disqualification of the bidder.
15.7 All documents relating to the bid shall be in the English Language.
16. In case of availability of stocks for the particular scheme in divisional stores the same shall be supplied to the
contractor on the Stock issue rates”.
15. If the bidder does not quote rate for any item of the rate list/quantity schedule, such
item/items shall be deemed to be part of the overall/total contract value and no rate shall be
allowed for such item/items in the allotment of contract.
16. 1% Labour cess shall be deducted at the time of payment.
17. The Service Tax will be deducted from the gross amount as per the rates in vogue at the time of payment
18 General Conditions of Contract:-
18.1 The date of start of the work shall be reckoned within three days from the date of issuance of
LOI/Contract allotment as the case may be.
18.2 Penalty for delay in completion:-In case of delay in completion of work beyond stipulated
period of completion, penalty upto maximum of 10% of the contract shall be imposed.
18.3 Time extension:-Suitable time extension shall be granted in case of increase in scope of work
and in the event of delay beyond control of contractor to be determined by the department.
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18.4 Advance Payments:-No Mobilization /Equipment Advance shall be paid unless otherwise specified in the SBD.
18.5 Secured Advance:-“No secured advance is admissible unless otherwise specified”
18.6 Retention Money:-10% shall be deducted from each running bill of the successful contractor
which shall be released after virtual completion of work in all respects.
18.7 Schedule of payment:- The payment schedule shall be fixed after award of contract in favour of successful bidder, on the
basis of availability of funds and value of work executed, shall be
determined by the Engineer.
18.8 Amendment of bidding document:- Before the deadline for submission of bids the employer
may modify the bidding documents by issuing Addenda.
18.9 The tender receiving authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or all tenders
without assigning any reason thereof.
18.10Restoration of work:-On completion of contract the contractor shall be responsible to remove
all un-used material and restore all work in its original position at his own cost.
18.11Traffic regulations:-The contractor is bound to adhere to traffic regulations as is applicable
from time to time and ensure arrangements of smooth regulation of traffic during execution of work.
18.12Arbitration:-The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration procedure
stated in the J&K (U.T)conciliation and Arbitration Act No:-xxxv of 1997 issued vide SRO No:-403
vide Notification of J&K Govt., "Law Department" 11th December-1997.
18.13Defect Liability period:- The DLP shall be Calculated from date of certified completion of
work and period shall be 36 months in case of macadam works The defects noticed in the work during execution or DLP shall
be corrected by the contractor within the length of time specified by the Engineer. If the contractor does not correct the
defects pertaining to DLP to the satisfaction of the Engineer within the time specified , the Engineer will assess the cost of
having the defects corrected and contractor will pay this amount on correction of defects. In case of other works the DLP
period shall be mentioned in the NIT’s
18.14Safety:-The contractor shall be responsible for safety of all activities at site of work.
18.15Discoveries:- Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly
discovered on the site shall be the property of the Govt.
18.16Tests:-The contractor shall be solely responsible for carrying out the mandatory tests required
for the quality control at his own cost.
18.17Termination:- The employer may terminate the contract if the contractor causes a fundamental
breach of the contract.
18.18Fundamental breach of contract will include.
18.19.1 Continuous stoppage of Work for a period of 30 days without authorization of Engineer
18.19.2 Contractor is declared bankrupt.
18.19.3 Any evidence of involvement of contractor in corrupt practices.
18.19.4 Contractor delays the completion of work beyond stipulated time of completion.
18.19.5 Pursuant to the process of termination of defaulted contract, the employer reserves the right
to invite fresh tender for the balance work at the risk and cost of defaulter contractor.
18.19.6 In case contractor failed to start /complete the work, within the stipulated time period, his
CDR/Earnest Money shall be forfeited after termination of the contract. Besides, defaulting
contractor shall be debarred from taking works in R&B Department at least for one year.
18.20. Major Labour Laws applicable to establishment engaged in building and other
construction work:-
a) Workmen compensation act 1923.
b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.
c) Employees P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952.
d) Maternity Benefits Act 1951.
e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970.
f) Minimum Wages Act 1948.
g) Payment of Wages Act 1936.
h) Equal remuneration Act 1979.
i) Payment of bonus Act 1965.
j) Industrial disputes Act 1947.
k) Industrial employment standing orders Act 1946.
l) Trade Union Act 1926.
m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986.

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N ) Inter State Migrant workmen’s (Regulation of employment & Conditions of service) Act
o) The Building and other Construction workers (Regulation of employment and Condition of
service) Act 1996 and the Census Act of 1996.
p) Factories Act 1948.
Q ) Compliance with Labour Regulation Laws of J&K State.
18.21 Specification/Quality Control:-
All items of works shall conform to specifications as per IRC/MORTH/NBO/CPWD/SSR/ Any
other prescribed specification.
18.22 Insurance:- Insurance cover to Labour / Machinery / Work / Plant material / Equipment by
the contractor shall be mandatory for which no extra shall be paid.
18.23 Laws Governing the Contract:-The contract shall be governed by Laws of the land.
18.24 Courts Jurisdiction:- In case of any disputes/differences between contractor and
Department the jurisdiction shall be J&K (U.T).
18.25 Time Extension
a. The work is to be completed within the time limit specified in the NIT and the time of completion will also increase/decrease in
proportion with additional/ deleted quantum of work depending upon the actual quantum of work.
b. Requested for extension of time shall be made by the contractor in writing not later than fifteen
days of happening of the event causing delay. The contractor shall also indicate in such a
requested the period for which extension id desired.
c. Abnormal/bad weather of serious loss of damage by fire of Civil commotion, strike or lockout
(other tan among the labour engaged) affecting any or the trades employed on the work, or non availability of departmental stores.
Any other cause which in the absolute discretion of the
accepting authority is beyond the contractor’s desire.
d. On contractor’s representation based on the grounds as detailed above the time for completion of the work may be extended by a
period considered reasonable by the Department.
e. Extension of time shall be also admissible in the event of temporary suspension of work.
19. Special conditions regarding specifications and quality Control for Machine
laid B.T. works.
a. All the components of the work shall be executed strictly as per specifications laid down in the
ministry of Road transport and Highways publication. “specifications for road and bridge Works” and I.R.C.:SP:72 and amendments
made till date of issuance of NIT.
b. All the road materials for use shall conform to the specifications laid down in “Rural Roads
manual” a publication of I.R.C.
c. For items not covered in Rural Roads manual, the Ministry of Road Transport & Highway
(MORTH) specifications for Road and Bridge works – Latest edition shall be followed.
d. Physical properties of aggregates for bituminous works i.e shape, strength, durability and
stripping value should satisfy the requirements prescribed in I.R.C.:SP20.
e . Periodic sieve analysis of each type of aggregate and periodic check of aggregates at the gradation control unit shall be carried out
to ensure that the proportion of the aggregates as specified is complied with.
f. Conducting of mandatory quality control tests for various components of the advertised work like thickness tests, tests for impact
value, stripping, flakiness, gradations of aggregates, determination of Binder content in bituminous mix, tests for density and other
tests as prescribed in I.R.C.:SP:20 as per frequency recommended therein, during and after execution of the work will be sole
responsibility of the contractor as well as the Correctness of the test results whether performed in his laboratory or elsewhere.
g. The location of the Hot mix plant of adequate capacity and capable of yielding a mix of proper
and uniform quality from which bituminous macadam is to be transported to the site in clean
insulated vehicles/Tippers shall be so placed that the manufacturing laying/spreading and rolling temperatures are within the
specified limits as laid down in I.R.C. R.C.:SP:20.
h. The spreading of mix, compaction and quality control during these operations shall be done as per prescribed norms of I.R.C.
i. The longitudinal profile of the finished surface shall be tested with a straight edge and the
Transverse profile with a comber template. Any irregularity greater than 6mm shall be rectified.
j. The defects noticed in the work during execution of DLP shall be corrected by the contractor
within the length of time specified by the Engineer. If the contractor does not correct the defects pertaining to DLP to the
satisfaction of the Engineer within the time specified, the Engineer will assess the cost of having the defects corrected and
contractor will pay this amount on correction of defects.
68. The tender/bid is liable to rejection if it does not fulfill the requirements as laid down in NIT.
69. The material used for woodwork shall be paid only after authentication form Forest department /
approved dealer ; as and where needed.

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70. No payment shall be made to the contractor against work done claim, if not register / registration not updated for GST with the
department concerned.
72. In case the extent of damage during DLP of work is more than 5%. The contractor not only being responsible for rectification of
the damage, shall be liable for being debarred from participating in any tendering process for next two years.
73. All bidders participating in the e-tendering process to submit all documents in terms of Soft copies in e-tendering website and no
documents in terms of Hard copies shall be entertained
74. The tender/bid is liable to rejection if it does not full fill the requirements as laid down in NIT.
75. All other terms and conditions shall be the same as per detailed and stock issue rates of 2023-24 circular instructions issued by
the higher authorities from time to time.
76. The key construction material shall have to be arranged by the contractor of his own as per the quality/specifications.
1. Cement = JKOPC Brand
2. Steel of all sorts = SAIL certified (The sail certificate shall have be produced /deposited in the division by the AEE concerned at the
time submission of the work done bills). No extension in quantities/Cost is allowed in any case.

No. 7328-37 Executive Engineer

DT: 17-10-2023 R&B Division Kupwara.
Copy to the:-
1. Chief Engineer PW(R&B) Department Kashmir for information.
2. District Development Commissioner Kupwara for information.
3. Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B)Circle Baramulla/Kupwara for information.
4. Joint director information deptt, J&K st-ate sgr. for publishing the NIT in two leading dailies before due date.
5. Assistant Director ADV Srinagar for information.
6-10. AAO/Head Draftsman /Head Clerk /Camp clerk divisional office for information

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by MOHMAD RAMZAN
Contd Page -11 SOFI
Date: 2023.10.18 08:35:41 IST
Location: Jammu and Kashmir-JK

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