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CHAPTER 2 DESIGN AND MODELING OF BUCKET ELEVATOR 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF MODELING AND ITS SIGNIFICANE Modeling is defined as the complete representation of an object or a system with the graphical and non graphical information. It is also known as geometric modeling. It generates the mathematical description of the geometry and non geometry of an object or a system in the computer database and the image of an object or system on the graphic screen. With the use of modeling the designer constructs the graphical image of an object on the computer screen with the use of following three types of commands to the computer, 1. Generates basic geometric elements such as points, lines and circles ete. 2. To accomplish scaling, rotation or other transformation of various elements 3. Which cause various elements to be joined? There are various types of drawing required in different field of engineering and science. In the field of mechanical engineering, the drawing of machine components and layouts are prepared. In the field of civil engineering, plans and layouts of power distribution system are prepared. The use of CAD process provides enhance graphics capabilities which allows any designer to, 1. Conceptualize his/her ideas 2. Modify the design very easy 3. Perform animation 4, Make design calculations 5. Use colours, fonts and other aesthetic features Significance of modeling is as follows: . It makes the model a true replica of actual objects. As the model is stored in mathematical form, the model modification can be carried out easily. A geometric model can be use to evaluate the various properties of an actual objects. ‘A geometric model provides a sophisticated tool for 3D visualization of the objects. . A geometric model can be easily converted in to the two- dimensional views. A geometric model can be used by Pro/Engineer software to perform the different types of analysis such as: stress-strain analysis, kinematic analysis, dynamic analy: thermal analysis ete. A geometric model can be used by the CAM/PRO-E software to generate a complete tool path required for the automatic manufacturing.

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