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Leisure, happiness, and mental health

Thinking that the time and resources a person spends on leisure are wasteful is misguided.
Leisure and recreational activities can bring feelings of happiness and reduce stress. By taking a
step back from the worries of daily life to do something more enjoyable, you can feel whole

And for people with mental health issues such as stress and depression, engaging in some
recreational activities can help uplift their moods. Leisure can be a mood booster. Moreover,
the feeling that leisure is unproductive and wasteful can make someone unhappy, and their
stress level is higher. Hence the saying, "Without liberty, life is a misery." You feel caged,
unable to do the things that make you happy.

There have been several studies on the effect of having fun and whether it is a waste of time.
All indications show that, for the sake of productivity, it is good to take some time off and have
a little fun. This leisure time will help relieve stress and also make a person more productive at

Individuals with mental health can use leisure to supplement the drugs they are taking so that
they feel better faster. Positive emotions elicited from leisure activities can enhance a person's
mental resources to cope with stress.

Research has shown that people who believe strongly that they will not enjoy leisure are
among the unhappiest in the world. Leisure is good for happiness and as a stress reliever after
a few months or weeks of work. When a person uses all their time to work without focusing on
any other issue, they are likely to be more depressed. Their world revolves around work so
they feel there's nothing enjoyable in life. Other people who take some time off for leisure are
happier and less stressed.

You see, work never really ends. Trying to finish it all at once will only lead to stress, anxiety,
and less productivity. Sometimes, your body and mind just need a break from that job you've
been so focused on, or to just enjoy some fun, recreational activity.

It could be time among friends, traveling, gaming, or seeing the movies. You tend to feel
energized after your, and you return to your work bustling with energy and creativity, thus
increasing your productivity.

Define leisure

Why Recreational Activities Are Good for The Mind?

How leisure benefits your mental health and productivity?

How can leisure be an easy path to happiness and mental health

Write some examples of leisure activities

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