Dailouge and Comprehension Junior 5 With Answers

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Dialogues & comprehensions

Junior Five
Revision sheet j5 – AL

(1) Complete the following dialogue:

Tim: Good morning Sam.
Sam: Good morning Tim.
Tim: Have you ever been to the beach?
Sam: yes I have been there several times.
Tim: When did you go there?
Sam: We went last summer.
Tim: What did you do at the beach?
Sam: I swam in the sea and played with my friends on the sand.
Tim: Can you take me with you next time ? / can I go with you next time?
Sam: yes, you can come with us next time.

(2) Complete the following dialogue:

Doctor: What's wrong with you ?
Faten: I have a nasty headache .
Doctor : Do you always use computer ?
Faten : Yes , I use the computer daily
Doctor : I advise you I advise you not to use it much.

(3) Complete the following dialogue:

Teacher: Good morning.
Student: Good morning sir.
Teacher: What is your name?
Student: My name is Mahmoud Mohammed .
Teacher: What are looking for ?
Student: I don’t know my class it’s the first day at school for me.
Teacher: Come with me to find your class.
Teacher: This is your class, Junior 6-A.
Student: Thank you very much sir.
Teacher: You’re welcome, good luck.
Student : It's a pleasure to meet you sir.

(4) Complete the following dialogue:

Julia:- How long have you been studying English?
Amir:- I have been learning English for five years now.
Julia:- Where have you been studying English?
Amir:- I have been learning English in MLS , Masrawya Language School.
Julia:- Has your father been helping you?
Amir:-Yes, my father has been helping me.
Julia:-What do you want to work after finishing your study?
Amir:- I would like to be a teacher of English.
Julia:- Good luck.
Amir:- thank you very much.
(5) Complete the following dialogue:
Tara:- What’s your opinion about the new technology?
Taby:- I like new technology very much. / I'm really interested in modern technology.
Tara:- Do you have any new device at your home?
Taby:- yes of course , I have a computer and a smart phone.
Tara:- Do you play games using your mobile phone?
Taby:- I play much games with my mobile phone.
Tara:- Do you prefer to play games with the laptop or the smart phone ?
Taby:- I prefer to use my smart phone more than my laptop.
Tara:- Me too.

(6) Complete the following dialogue:

Rami: Good morning, Rosy.
Rosy: Good morning, Rami.
Rami: What’s your opinion about our new school?
Rosy : It's lovely , I like it very much.
Rami: Do you like your teachers ?
Rosy: I like Mrs. Smith the most.
Rami: So what is your favourite subject this year?
Rosy: I like science very much. And what about you?
Rami: I like English , it is my favourite subject this year.
Rosy: Yes, I agree with you. English is the most interesting subject for this year.

(7) Complete the following dialogue:

Mark: Where are you going on holiday?
Jane : I am going to spend my holiday in Alexandria.
Mark: Who are you going with?
Jane : I'm going with my family and friends.
Mark: how long will you stay there ?
Jane: We’re spending a week there.
Mark: What are you going to do there?
Jane: We are going to go to the beach and have fun in the afternnon.
Mark: I hope that you will enjoy your holiday.
Jane: Thank you .

(8) Complete the following dialogue:

Karim : Which kind of sports do you like doing?
Hatim: I like doing Judo.
Karim : Judo is a Japanese sport.
Hatim : Yes , it is . The players should wear white clothes when they do it.
Karim : How do the players play it.
Hatim : By throwing the other player on the ground.

1- Read the following passage, then answer the Questions :
Football is the most popular game in the world . Football was played in England for many
years , but there were no rules . In 1863, the first rules for football were written to make the
game safer. The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player. When he was a
boy , he used to play for hours in the street with his friends . When he was 17, he played for his
country in the world cup. In 1961, he scored one of the best goals.

A) Answer the following questions :

1- Why were rules written for football ?
……… to make the game safer.

2- When did Pele play for his country .

When he was 17, he played for his country in the world cup

3- What is Pele's nationality?

He is a Brazilian.

B) Choose and write the correct answer :

4- The first rules for football were written in (1961 – 1798- 1967 -1863).
5- Pele was a (lazy – bad – clever – well) player.
6- ………….. is the most popular game in the world .
a) Football b) Basketball c) Volleyball d) Handball
7- Find out from the passage:-
An adjective : clever A preposition : of / in
An infinitive : play An irregular verb: written

2) Read the following passage then answer the questions :

Many experts think that people first played rugby in 1823.At this time , students at
Rugby School in England were playing football. Then , a boy called William Webb -Ellis took
the ball in his hands and ran towards the opponents. This made a new game. To score in rugby ,
teams have to run with or kick the ball to one end of the field. The ball is oval , like an egg.
You have to be fast and strong to be good at playing rugby. Many players , who can weigh
about 100 kilograms , are very big! Today ,rugby is very popular in many countries.
About 100 countries play the sport. However ,it is not as popular as football .more than 200
countries play that sport.

A )Answer the following questions:

1- What is the main idea about the passage?
The passage is about "rugby" a kind of sport like football.
2-What does the underlined word “that: refer to?
The word "that ' refers to "rugby" a kind of sport like football.
3- Why do you think William Webb-Ellis decided to take the ball with his hands?
He wanted to a new game. / He wanted his team to win at first so he did that.

B ) Choose the correct answer
4-An oval is (a shape – a kind of football – a kind of plastic – a kind of egg)
5- Rugby took its name from( a player – a country – a school – an egg )
6 - Find out from the passage:-
An adjective : big A preposition : in / to
An infinitive : make An irregular verb: made

3) Read the following passage then answer the questions :

Wanda the Wombat
Wanda the wombat has small eyes, pointy ears and a dark flat nose. She walks very
slowly on her short stumpy legs. Wanda lives in a tunnel. She dug the tunnel with her very
strong paws. Wanda is about a meter long and she weighs about 25 kilograms. She goes
walking for three or four hours every night, looking for food. She likes to eat grass and leaves.
Answer the following questions:

1- Wanda has small eyes and pointy ……………………….………………..

2- Her nose is dark and flat
3- Wanda walks very slowly on her short stumpy legs.
4- She dug her tunnel with her very strong paws.
5- Wanda is about a meter long.
6- She weighs about 25 kilograms.
7- Every night Wanda walks for three or four hours.
8- Wanda likes to eat leaves and grass.
9- Wanda has a friend named Connie who lives in a tree and eats gum leaves. What kind of
animal do you think Connie is a kangaroo, emu or koala?
Wanda is a koala.
10- Find out from the passage:-
An adjective : strong A preposition : about
An infinitive : live An irregular verb: dug

4) Read the following passage then answer the questions : Mrs. Brown’s new car
Mrs. Brown has a new car. It is a nice red colour. The car has four doors, two at
the front and two at the back.
Mrs. Brown will now be able to drive her three children to school Sam will sit in the front
next to Mrs. Brown. The twins, Tommy and Linda, will sit in the back. What will be the first
thing they do when they get in the car? They will put their seat belts on!

Answer the following questions:

1- Mrs. Brown’s new car is
a nice red colour
2- How many doors does the car have?
The car has four doors
3- How many children does Mrs. Brown have?
Mrs. Brown has three children.
4- Which child will sit in the front?
Sam will sit in the front.
5- How many children will sit in the back?
Two children / the twins.
6- Who will sit next to Linda?
Tommy will sit next to Linda.
7- Who will sit next to Mrs. Brown?
Sam will sit next to Mrs. Brown.
8- The first thing they will do when they get in the car is to put their seat belts on.
9- Find out from the passage:-
An adjective : nice A preposition : in / on
An infinitive : sit An irregular verb: drove / get

5) Read the following passage then answer the questions :

At the Beach.
In summer I like to go to the beach with my family. I splash in the water and jump up
when a wave comes. I can only swim a little bit but my dad says I’m getting better.
Something I love to do at the beach is play with my beach ball. I throw it in the water and
then I run and splash to get it out.
I also like to dig into the sand with my spade and fill up my bucket. Then I tip the bucket
over quickly and I have part of a castle wall. On Sunday I filled my bucket 20 times and made a
great castle!

Answer the following questions:

“Imagine that you’re the writer and answer the questions”
1- Who do you go to the beach with?
I like to go to the beach with my family.
2- What do you do when a wave comes?
I splash in the water and jump up.
3- Who says you’re getting better at swimming?
My dad says you’re getting better at swimming.
4- What other things do you like to do at the beach?
I fill my bucket 20 times with sand and make a great castle!
5- What do you use to dig into the sand?
I like to dig into the sand with my spade.
6- Find out from the passage:-
An adjective : little A preposition : with
An infinitive : dig An irregular verb: made

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