The Tower of Tharikthiril

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The evil wizard Tharikthiril was defeated by the dwarves years ago.

But why then

are the groundlings becoming numerous around his ruined tower? And what are
those strange lights seen in the distance coming from the direction of his tower?
Has the wizard somehow cheated death and risen again?

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Tower of Tharikthiril
Be not afraid of death,
for the veil between
the living and the dead
is far weaker than The PCs are tasked with investigating the possible
the draw of love and desire reappearance of an evil wizard who menaced the
—attributed to Sameon, the bard lich dwarves sixteen years ago. They explore the wizard’s
ancient ruined tower and the dungeon below and
discover that, not only has he returned, but he is now a
fiend in league with powerful demons. The PCs
The Tower of Tharikthiril is an adventure for a party of confront Tharikthiril and must end his unlife.
four to five 3rd level player characters (PCs). The
scenario is set in a generic setting, in the mountainous
area around a dwarven stronghold. The scenario is
easily transplantable into most other settings,
including the Forgotten Realms, where one of the The scenario can be set in any mountain range that
dwarven citadels of the Sword Coast Region can be contains a dwarven citadel. Alternately, the DM can
used. substitute the dwarven stronghold for some other
settlement or fortress in the mountains.
This adventure is loosely linked with another
adventure, entitled A Taste of Honey. In that adventure, The scenario assumes it is late spring or summer time.
the PCs may have encountered a race of creatures If it is winter, then there will be snow on the ground.
called groundlings and passed by a ruined tower.

This adventure details that ruined tower and the story

of its owner and the groundlings he created. If the DM
This scenario can take place during or right after the
is running A Taste of Honey, then this adventure can be
adventure entitled A Taste of Honey.
included during that scenario as a side trek. Or, the PCs
could elect to finish that adventure and then turn their
In some parts of the adventure, it is assumed there is
attention to this one.
increased orc activity in the region, including a recent
assault on the dwarven stronghold. If this does not
Nevertheless, this adventure can be run as a stand-
work for your campaign, then just ignore all references
alone scenario, and provisions for doing so are set
to the orcish activity; it does not impinge directly on
forth below.
this adventure.
Where a creature or NPC is mentioned in bold-faced
Tharikthiril was an evil wizard who delighted in
type, its statistics can be found either in the Monster
delving into forbidden mysteries and demonology. In
Manual or in Appendix B of this adventure.
the course of his research, he discovered a weak point
in the Material Plane where fiends could be more
Throughout the adventure, descriptions of the appearance,
personality, and motivations of important NPCs are
easily summoned to this world. So he travelled to the
presented in red boxes. mountains where this weak point was located and
built a tower atop it.
Dialogue is contained in italicized boxed text.
The dwarves of the nearby stronghold of Nirzumbil
were wary of the wizard, but when they saw that he
Location descriptions are contained in plain boxed seemed to represent no threat to them, they traded
text. with him for a time, sending foodstuffs, gems, and rare
metals for his experiments in exchange for coins and
magic potions.

This changed when one of Tharikthiril’s summoned

creatures escaped his mystic bindings and the tower
and ran loose in the countryside. The creature

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happened upon a dwarven prince from Nirzumbil semblance of his once potent abilities, This ordeal, his
named Zirik who was out on a falconing hunt with his conversion and rebirth, took many years, and only
small entourage, and the prince and most of his recently has he returned to his tower.
companions were slaughtered. When news of this deed
reached the dwarves, the dwarves stopped trading Now, the dwarves are concerned that their old enemy
with Tharikthiril, and relations grew more and more has somehow arisen again. And while they are
strained until the wizard and dwarves became bitter embroiled in the midst of an orc uprising, they cannot
enemies. spare the dwarves to investigate the wizard’s tower to
see if he has returned. So, they turn to the PCs…
Tharikthiril at first used the local goblins as slaves and
to contest the now hostile dwarves. He roused these
goblins by a combination of dire threats, displays of his
power, and promises of reward, including dwarven
plunder. These goblin forces were bolstered by the The PCs are in the market, set outside of the gates of
occasional demon summoned to lead such rabble, but the dwarven stronghold of Nizrumbil. Why they are at
one demon, a glabrezu named Razkurig’il (not its true Nirzumbil is up to the DM and/or players. If the PCs
name), bargained with Tharikthiril for his freedom in have taken part in the scenarios A Taste of Honey or
exchange for revealing to the wizard a way to use the The Horns of War, then the PCs may be at the
dwarves themselves to breed his own army…one more stronghold in the aftermath of the events presented in
capable than the goblins with which to contend with those scenarios.
the dwarves.
Otherwise, perhaps they have escorted a cavaran from
And so, the groundlings were created from dwarves the lowlands to the dwarven stronghold and are now
kidnapped and twisted in horrid rituals enacted by the in need of further employment.
wizard from the lore taught to him by the demon. The
first groundlings were infertile, so the wizard had to Whatever the reason, they are approached by two
constantly kidnap more dwarves, which drew more dwarves whose very appearance, including symbols
and more ire from Nirzumbil. Finally, even though and emblems on their armour and clothing, marks
Tharikthiril had just managed to successfully breed them as persons of importance.
groundlings true and no longer needed new dwarves
to increase their numbers, the dwarves had enough These two are Krakazlar, the dwarven commander of
and marched in full army, with aid from other nearby the marketplace, and Thelikuk, a dwarven priest, and
dwarven strongholds, and defeated the groundlings they are accompanied by a guard of half a dozen
and goblins in a great battle. The tower was assaulted dwarven warriors. These march up to the PCs in a very
and the wizard was slain, but his body was never business-like fashion and the commander proclaims in
recovered by the dwarves. Although Tharikthiril’s Common:
tower was ruined in the fight, the dwarves were eager
to leave that accursed place and refused to explore it You lot are hereby summoned to council within
thoroughly, leaving behind some of their own dead Nirzumbil. Please attend to it and come with me.
that were not easily recoverable. Many of the wizard’s
secrets were not found out. While the PCs are not under arrest and technically
cannot be forced to accompany Krakazlar, the dwarven
Most of the groundlings were killed in that battle, but commander does not seem like a person who is
some survived and, in the intervening years, have accustomed to having his “requests” disobeyed. Should
begun to breed and repopulate the area. the PCs refuse to answer such a summons, they will be
expelled from the marketplace, refused future
Tharikthiril did not survive the dwarven assault; he admittance, and would be regarded as an insult to the
was, in fact, killed. But so evil was he and so pleased dwarves of Nirzumbil. If necessary, Thelikuk will tell
with all the mayhem he has caused was the demon the PCs of the potential consequences of their refusal
who taught him the secret of creating groundlings, that and assure them that the council simply wishes to
the wizard was reborn as a fiend. Much of his magical speak with the PCs and possibly ask a boon of them.
ability was lost during the rebirth and warping
required to accomplish this, but he still retained a

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Assuming the PCs follow, they will be escorted to the strained…but peaceful, and we did some trade with him.
massive gates of Nirzumbil set into the mountainside.
This will attract many stares, as no non-dwarves are But we knew he was up to strange dealings in his tower,
ever allowed inside the front gates of the stronghold and many of us knew sooner or later some bad would
(hence the marketplace set outside). Humans there come of it.
will regard the PCs with jealousy, wondering why the
PCs are gaining access to the inner halls, and dwarves And it did. One of his fiends, summoned from the
will regard them with bemusement, wondering why blackest pits of the netherworld, escaped its bonds and
human council is needed at all. his tower and ran loose in the mountains. Alas, the first
beings this fiend encountered was Prince Zirik and his
The gates will be opened, revealing a massive hallway party on a falconing hunt. The prince was torn to shreds
decorated with amazing bas-reliefs and statuary. The and most of his party slain as well, but some escaped to
passage, lit by torches and fire beetle glands, runs return the tale of what happened to us here.
straight into the mountain and downward a bit for as
long as the eye can see. That was a foul day and, needless to say, it soured
relations between Tharikthiril and us. But we dwarves
The PCs will, however, be taken into a large archway a are slow to anger, and the deed was determined to have
few yards after the entrance gates and ushered into a been…if negligent, not entirely intentional on his part.
large chamber that contains a massive low stone table Nevertheless, we refused to trade any more with the
and many dwarf-sized stone chairs with cushions wizard, not wishing to further contribute to his foul
attached to them. Several important-looking dwarves rituals, and he became more and more wroth with us,
are seated at the table, and the PCs can see other eventually turning to the goblins of the region and
dwarves bringing up human-sized wooden chairs for allying them or enslaving them to make, procure, or
those PCs who need them. steal from us what he needed.

Krakazlar will salute the seated dwarves, and then he And so we became enemies, for he had allied himself
and his warriors with leave the room, remaining just with the goblins of the mountains, and that is
outside to escort the PCs back through the gates when unforgivable. Clashes were fought between us and the
it is time. Meanwhile, Thelikuk will sit near the other goblins, and in these clashes we generally prevailed.
dwarves, and a particularly old dwarf will speak in So, the wizard decided he needed a better breed of
Common: minion to fight against us. And who better to fight
against dwarves but dwarves themselves? At first, we
Be seated, please. We have summoned ye here, humans, didn't draw a connection between the appearance of the
because we have a need of your bravery and prowess. groundlings and the disappearance of dwarves. But the
connection was eventually made. By some horrific
Ye know firsthand the orcs have arisen in the mountains magic, Tharikthiril had learned how to warp dwarves
and that they've been targeting our caravans along the physically and mentally…nay spiritually also…into
roadway. And their recent brazen attack upon this badger-like creatures that now did his bidding. These
stronghold represents a serious escalation in this groundlings were strong, tough as dwarves, and were
conflict, one that requires every dwarf to be committed fiercer and more bendable to his will than the unruly
to the defense of our home. goblins who served him before. But as his groundlings
appeared, we dwarves stepped up our resistance against
That is why we have asked you here. him, and so this caused him to have to create more
groundlings, which further heightened our ire and so a
With that, another seated dwarf will produce and vicious cycle was created.
unroll across the table a vellum map of the area.
Finally, some sixteen years ago, we had had enough. The
The old dwarf will then proceed:
goblins were roused and the kidnapping of dwarves had
reached intolerable levels. Word was sent to other
To the north of here are the ruins of a tower. This tower
dwarven strongholds in the mountains and an army was
once belonged to a human wizard of evil repute called
gathered. We marched against the wizard's forces and
Tharikthiril. Why he chose to set up his lair in these
defeated both goblin and groundling in a great battle.
mountains or so close to Nirzumbil is not known to us.
We then marched on the wizard's tower and there, at
However, for a time relations between us were…

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Tower of Tharikthiril
great cost, we threw down groundling and demon alike
and finally slew the wizard and left his tower in ruin. If the PCs refuse the offer, then the adventure is
effectively over, unless the PCs intend on investigating
And so it was for the last sixteen years. Aye, a few the tower on their own.
groundlings escaped, and these haunt the mountains
still. And the goblins are with us as always, but they If the PCs agree to the proposal, a stone tablet will be
went back to their holes and their petty squabbles and brought in and the terms of the deal chiseled into the
dared not to mass against us. stone. The PCs will then be invited to make their mark
into the stone tablet to seal their end of the deal.
But now, reports say that the groundlings are becoming
more numerous again, though this time there are no Krakazlar and his warriors will then be summoned
great numbers of missing dwarves from into the chamber and informed that the PCs have
Nirzumbil…which is a puzzle to be sure. And travelers accepted. The dwarven commander will escort the PCs
who pass within sight of the tower have begun to report out of the gates and back into the marketplace with
seeing strange light coming from it at night. thanks from the dwarven council.
So our suspicion falls once again to Tharikthiril. Yes, I
know I told you he was killed in the battle fought at his
tower…and so we thought. But we never found a body
you know. And we fear now that perhaps he did not die,
but merely escaped to bide his time for revenge. The journey to the tower is not long at all. It is just
over a day’s travel.. DMs wishing to allow wandering
This is where we come to ye. We need to know if encounters during this short journey can refer to the
Tharikthiril is indeed alive. If evil has arisen in the name scenario A Taste of Honey for a wandering encounter
of Tharikthiril, we wish it slain. chart for the area.

Now, why do I come to ye with this? The last orc attack The tower is located about five miles north of
cost us many warriors. What's more, all warriors at Nirzumbil, and having seen the map at the dwarven
hand are needed to defend Nirzumbil, especially the council, there is no chance they will become lost or
mines below where the main orc assault came. We miss locating it.
cannot spare warriors to trek to the tower and
investigate, nor can we replace such warriors with Skirting the High Forest, which pines and firs can be
mercenaries, for only dwarves are allowed into our seen in the valley below as the PCs make their way up
mines. the rugged slopes of Mount Haranzinil, the PCs can
So, you see, we turn to ye. Of course, we do not expect ye spy, during the day, great wheeling shapes high up the
to undertake such danger without return or reward. So I peak. These are the eagles and giant eagles that nest in
have spoken with Thelikuk and we offer the summit of the mount.
ye the following:
Towards late afternoon, assuming they set out from
Four silvered weapons of your choice from the forges of Nirzumbil in the morning, the PCs will enter the area
Nirzumbil anda suit of plate armour. of influence of the tower. If the PCs have already
passed this way during the adventure entitled A Taste
In addition, you will have the thanks and grateful of Honey, then any groundlings they have slain before
remembrance of the great city of Nirzumbil, which shall will not be met again in the course of the first two
look upon ye with favour. encounters detailed below.

In exchange for these, you must investigate the wizard's As the sun begins to set behind the mountains, the PCs
tower and determine if he or some other evil has arisen will note a particularly large boulder that features
there. In either case, if evil has arisen there, you are to prominent dwarven runes which read:
destroy it or capture it if ye're able and bring it here
dead or alive. Accursed land, demesne of Tharikthiril the Eld. Turn
Will ye do this thing?

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Tower of Tharikthiril
Sometime later, perhaps 15 to 20 minutes after
passing the boulder, the PCs will be spooked by some These stones are designed to lure passersby to the
small stones clattering down from higher up on the tower so that the groundlings can take them and
slope. However, despite any flying familiars or other Tharikthiril can question captives, loot them, and
capability the PCs might have to quickly ascend the eventually sacrifice them to his demonic masters. Since
slope, nothing will be spotted. the PCs are trying to explore the tower anyways, the
effect of these stones on the PCs will be minimal,
It will be just before sundown that the evil groundlings except that those who succumb to the stone swill be
that haunt this area will attack. There are six less likely to wish to rest (especially a long rest) before
groundlings (see Appendix B), and they will be lying entering the tower and will want to continue exploring
in wait, hidden. Their hiding place will be about 10 feet the tower even after it might be prudent to retreat and
to one side of the PCs’ route, and the evil creatures will rest.
be burrowed into the ground, bursting out of the earth
as the PCs pass by, likely gaining surprise unless they Whether they succumb to the stones or not, the PCs
are somehow detected beforehand. will be subject to attack by a group of 8 groundlings
(see Appendix B) as they approach the tower. These
The groundlings will attempt to move grappled victims groundlings will use the old groundling tunnels that
into their 3 ft. diameter tunnels where their Medium or crisscross the entire mountain slope in this area to get
Small sized victims will be squeezing while the below the PCs and burst up to attack, likely with
groundlings use their Tunnel Fighting trait. surprise.

That night, the PCs will observe a strange, argent glow Thereafter, the PCs will be free to approach and enter
just over the horizon to the north, as if coming from the tower.
behind a spur in the slope of the mountain. The glow
comes from the Tower of Tharikthiril.

The next day (or that night if the PCs head towards the
glow at night), the PCs will, at mid-morning, spy atop a The tower rests atop a large 20 foot tall structure that
spur of the mountain to the west, a large tower, now serves as its base. The whole is built into the
broken, its top sundered and in scattered ruins around mountainside and almost seems to be thrust from out
its base. This is the Tower of Tharikthiril. of the earth itself. The whole seems to be made of a
single piece of stone, for there are no seams
The evil wizard has placed, at various intervals in a observable anywhere. The base building is partially in
one mile radius around the tower, some magic stones ruins, full of holes made by dwarven siege engines, and
that trigger a suggestion spell when approached to rubble litters the area.
within 30 ft. by sentient beings who are not
groundlings. Those who fail a DC 14 Wisdom saving The tower thrusts up like a finger from the center of
throw believe that great treasure and glory await the base building. It is square in cross-section, and it is
those who enter the tower. The suggestion will last for impossible to tell how high it night have once been,
8 hours or until the victim explores the entirety of the though it now stands some 35 feet above the base
tower. structure before ending in jagged ruins where the top
of the tower was collapsed during the battle with the
These stones each operate once, and then its magic dwarves,
must be renewed by Tharikthiril. The PCs will pass by
1d3 of these stones as they pass through the area Several small windows look out from both the tower
towards the tower, and once they have been exposed and the base building. These are unshuttered, mounted
to one of the stones, a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) 10 feet above the floor of the level they are on, and
check will allow a PC to identify the runes and measure 3 feet wide by 5 feet tall.
markings on such stones, thereafter allowing the PCs a
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to identify further The top of the base building is warded by battlements
stones before closing to within 30 ft. The magic of the with 5 foot merlons spaced 5 feet apart.
stones can be automatically dispelled by a dispel magic

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A winding path, 10 feet wide, leads up to the center of
the southern wall of the base structure, ending at a Ground Level
large set of double doors, one of which is off-kilter.
At night, an argent glow often emanates from the top
of the ruined tower, spilling up into the night sky and
1. Entryway (2)
slowly diffusing into the air. The double doors leading into the base structure are a-
kilter, allowing a Medium or smaller creature to
Refer to the Tower Map for details. squeeze in without disturbing the doors. The doors are
of plain iron.
Ceilings. In the base structure and ruined tower, all
ceilings are 20 feet high unless stated otherwise. Once inside:

Light. All locations are unlit, unless stated otherwise Beyond the double doors is a hallway that leads north
(but see below regarding cracks). for 15 feet. The floor is of polished black marble,
chipped and cracked in many places.
Sounds. No sounds will be heard coming from the
tower. Because of the broken walls and warped doors, 2. Main Chamber (0)
sound caries well in the base structure, so that loud
In the center of this chamber is a large, rectangular
noises and fighting may be noted by denizens even at
column measuring 10 feet wide by 15 feet long. Within
the opposite end of the ruin.
this column, an opening to the south leads to a set of
steps going up.
Floors and ceilings are of stone unbuttressed by wood
or beam and seemingly a part of the single stone
The room is littered with detritus, including broken
nature of the entire structure.
weapons, bones, and stone chips. Tattered cobwebs
drape the corners of the room.
Many of the rooms have cracks in the walls or ceilings
or gouges in the same caused by the battle with the
To the far north of the room, once-gilded iron doors lie
dwarves, so some light will filter in during the daytime.
on the floor before a wide opening.
Every room description comes with a roof rating of 0
to 10 shown in its title. A 0 indicates no cracks at all,
To the east and west are ornate archways, once with
while a 5 indicates large cracks allowing daylight to
lintels engraved with runes and studded with gems,
filter in throughout most of the room. A 10 indicates
the former now gouged and smudged and the latter
many large holes, some large enough to allow Medium
pried loose and long gone.
creatures to crawl through.

Most rooms bear water damage or moisture The steps in the central column lead to a series of
commensurate with their ratings (i.e. more such landings and further steps that wind up the column
damage and moisture with a higher roof rating). and to the first level of the tower.

All doors in the complex, unless stated otherwise, were 3. Sludge Room (8)
once strong wooden doors, but time and neglect have This room is choked with stone from the ceiling, mud,
degraded them such that they are rotted easily burst water, and dung, forming a thick goop that trails to
apart, though they are warped shut. Assume a DC 10 nothing halfway down the hall to the southwest.
Strength check is required to open any closed door,
and such a check, if successful, will destroy the door. If The goop is 1 ft. thick in this room, and turns it into
attacked, assume these doors have an AC of 13 and 10 difficult terrain.
hp and are immune to piercing, poison, and psychic
damage. Within the room dwells a colony of bats which hang
from the ceiling during daylight hours. The bats swarm
Because of the ruined condition of the walls of the into and out of this room at dusk and twilight and are
place, climbing them is relatively easy. A DC 7 Strength gone during the night.
(Athletics) check is sufficient to climb to the roof of the

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There are 50 bats here, and if disturbed by loud
sounds, bright lights, or anything similar, they will flap The door is well secured by the collapse, requiring it to
around in a flurry. These will cause no damage to the be smashed to flinders (AC 10, 30 hp, immune to
PCs, but will give them disadvantage on attacks made piercing, poison, and psychic damage) or all of the
in the chamber until the flurry abates, which will take rubble to be moved aside (requiring about 1 man
1d3 minutes after the PCs abandon the room. hour). Pushing through from the hallway requires a DC
20 Strength check.
If the quasit in room 30 is in trouble, it has the option
of changing into bat form and heading here, to mix in Within is a tremendous amount of moisture and the
with the other bats. floor is coated with a film of mud. There are the
remnants of broken wooden furniture scattered here
Squirming around in the muck are three colonies of and there and scorch marks run along the walls in
centipedes, which will swarm over anyone disturbing streaks and in flower-like blossoms (a DC 10
the muck. Treat each as a swarm of insects. The Intelligence [Arcana] check will reveal these marks to
creatures will attack one round after the much is first be caused from lightning bolt and fireball spells
disturbed. During this round, those in the much will respectively).
notice a few small centipedes skittering up their boots
and pant legs. In the center of the chamber, exposed only if the
rubble is cleared away, is the partially mummified
If the muck is examined by the PCs before they step corpse of a dwarven priest locked in a death embrace
into it, allow a DC 8 Wisdom (Perception) check to with some unidentifiable creature. The creature is
notice small wriggling shapes in the goop. If the goop is some sort of fiend, judging by the strange shape and
stirred or prodded with a spear or staff of other similar combination of parts still evident, but the whole is too
implement, a good number of centipedes will be seen damaged and encrusted to identify precisely. The
to scurry deeper into the muck. dwarven priest’s hands are clutched around a silver
holy symbol to Moradin, which appears to have been
4. Sludge Room (6) thrust into the creature’s forehead.
This room is choked with stone from the ceiling, mud,
water, and dung, forming a thick goop throughout. A The priest’s raiment is tattered and moldy, but in the
skeleton of a small humanoid, possibly a kobold, lies muck and litter at his feet is a wand of curing (see
atop the much, gibbets of meat still upon its bones. Appendix A).

This room is similar to room 3, with another 50 bats 6. Stairway Room (8)
present depending upon the time of day. This room is well exposed to the elements, both from
the gaping hole in the west wall and the condition of
The goop is 1 ft. thick in this room, and turns it into the roof. A spiral staircase, somewhat battered, leads
difficult terrain. up to the roof of the base structure.

Four giant centipedes dwell within the muck, and 7. Ruined Chamber (7)
they will emerge and attack if the muck is entered or
This room saw much battle, judging from the condition
disturbed, looking for prey.
of the outer and inner walls, the missing door to the
northwest, and the condition of the ceiling. Rubble is
The skeleton is of a kobold that succumbed to one of
strewn everywhere, amidst bones and skulls, twisted
the suggestion traps surrounding the tower and was
and rusted weapons and bits of armour, and shards of
consumed here.
unidentifiable furnishings. Much broken glass is here
as well.
5. Sealed Room (10)
The door to this room is intact, made of reinforced oak,
The skulls and bones are of dwarves and goblins.
and is blocked from the inside by rubble collapsed
from the ceiling.

The room is enterable from the roof through large

holes that look down upon it.

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8. Collapsed Chamber (10) 12. East Hallway (1)
The entire roof has collapsed here, and large slabs of it The mosaic on the floor of this hallway looks to have
are on the floor, the remnants of skeletons boking out been purposefully pried up and the floor is now quite
from beneath the slabs. uneven. What pictures the mosaic once formed cannot
be discerned.
The skeletons are of goblins, though it will be difficult
to tell without moving the slabs. The slabs are quite The stench of rotting meat comes from the eastern end
heavy, weighing several hundred pounds each. of the hallway.

9. Corner Room (6) 13. East Chamber (5)

This room is exposed to the outside, as its This room bears over a dozen large nests of leaves,
southeastern corner has been ripped away and now branches, and pine needles. Strewn about the place are
lies in rubble spread down the slope of the mountain. the bones of small creatures.
This place smells of rancid meat and serves as a living
Within the chamber is a large nest of leaves, branches, chamber for some of the groundlings. The ones living
and pine needles in the northeast corner, below the here are assumed to be the fourteen groundlings
window. encountered by the PCs prior to arriving at the tower.
If any of the fourteen groundlings were not slain, then
Within this room dwell two groundlings (see they will be found lairing here.
Appendix B). These are a mated pair.
14. Small Room (5)
Within the nest are two baby groundlings, blind and The door to this small chamber is blocked on the
helpless. The nest smells of rancid meat. outside by a pile of rubble that has obviously been
stacked here on purpose. The rubble extends 5 feet out
The adults will defend their progeny to the death. into the hall and is mostly stone. The pile is 5 feet high
and would take a few minutes for a couple of able
10. West Hallway (2) bodied persons to clear away.
This hallway’s floor shows the remains of polished
mosaic that seems to involve winged creatures of dark Behind the pile, the door opens in towards the room
complexion. The ceiling bears bas-reliefs of (although, like most of the doors here it is stuck).
gargoyles that leer unsettlingly at those passing down Within are the remains of a bedroom of some sort,
the hallway. Some of these are battered, but others are with a ruined, smashed bed. However, during the
in fine condition. assault, a dwarven warrior was pursued by animated
dwarf skeletons into this chamber. The skeletons slew
The westernmost 15 feet of this hallway shows scorch the warrior, but his comrades closed the door and
marks emanating from the opening in the south. blocked it with rubble rather than face the skeletons.
The skeletons have remained ever since, with no
11. West Chamber (6) instructions to clear away the rubble or bash down the
This large chamber is, in the daytime, pierced with door.
daggers of light that beam down from large cracks and
small holes in the room as well as the window to the There are four dwarf skeletons in the room, and due
southwest. These alternate with areas of deep shadow. to the years of rain, they have mold and moss growing
on them, giving them a strange, fuzzy appearance and
Within this chamber dwell three shadows, summoned leaving their bones streaked with green and other
years ago by Tharikthiril and overlooked by the colours. These skeletons were instructed to attack
dwarven attackers. They have haunted the area intruders, and so will attack anyone who opens the
awaiting their master’s return, and now they are eager door or who otherwise enters the room. They will
to serve and create spawn to serve them. attack dwarves in preference to other creatures, but
If sorely pressed, the shadows will flee to room 26 to will not attack groundlings or Tharikthiril.
take advantage of the effect there.
The bones of several smashed skeletons that the
warrior slew before he fell litter the floor, as does the

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skeletal body of the dwarf warrior, who is wearing This area was subjected to the same acid effect as
rusted chainmail, with a corroded steel shield strapped room 17.
to his left arm and a serviceable, but somewhat rusted
warhammer beneath the shield. This warhammer A search of the room will turn up large rat droppings
functions normally, but will break apart if the attacker with a successful DC 7 Intelligence (Investigation)
rolls a 1 on his attack roll with the weapon. check.

15. Charred Chamber (3) 19. Rat Room (1)

This once-room is now a smashed up alcove. There are This smallish room is choked with debris, most of it
scorch marks everywhere here, along with evidence of wooden beams, pieces of furniture both wooden and
charred furniture and the horribly charred remains of metal, and other rubble.
at least four dwarven warriors.
Dwelling within little tunnels and dens within the
A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check will rubble are six diseased giant rats. These will emerge
reveal that this damage was likely caused by a fireball to attack anyone disturbing their lair, which generally
spell. means anyone walking through the rubble or
searching the room.
16. Charred Chamber (3)
This once-room is now a smashed up alcove. There are The dens of the rats can be rooted out with some
scorch marks everywhere here, along with evidence of heavy lifting. Within are some remains of prey they
charred furniture. have caught (mostly large insects and centipedes) and
four baby rats (treat as normal rats).
A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check will
reveal that this damage was likely caused by a fireball
20. Chamber (2)
spell. Within this room is stone rubble and smashed wooden
and stone furnishings. Stretched across the floor is a
strange corpse. It has the nude torso of a dwarf, but the
17. Melted Chamber (2)
head and legs of a groundling. The arms are dwarven,
The door to this chamber is hanging on one hinge, a-
but studded with prickly fur and end in nubs before
the elbow. Crossbow bolts pierce its body.
The room within is a strange sight, for the floor is
This was a groundling in mind-transformation that
littered with strange pools of hardened materials of
fled its prison during the assault and died in this room.
varying colour, most of them brownish or metallic.
The attacking dwarves, not sure whether this thing
The walls look as if they have literally melted in places,
was still a dwarf, dared not touch it and could not
with runnels in the stonework that lead to globs of
abide the sight of it, so they closed the door and left it
stone or drops of stone frozen in time and space.
where it lay.

The entire room was subject to a massive burst of acid The transformative magic involved in the dwarf to
that melted furniture down into puddles that then groundling conversion process lingered over the
solidified once the acid dissipated. Similarly, the walls corpse, and have preserved the body. A detect magic
succumbed somewhat to the acid, causing the strange will reveal a faint aura of transmutation magic
shapes. emanating from the corpse.

A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal that 21. Goblin Leader’s Lair (4)
some sort of powerful acid effect caused this. The door to this chamber is not warped or rotted like
most of the ones in this structure, and functions
18. Melted Alcove (2) normally. It also can be barred from the inside with a
The walls of this place show partial melting and the stout wooden beam.
floor is littered with what look to be melted pieces of
wood and metal.

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This room holds a smelly, wet, feather bed with furs hole, with a failure by 5 or more meaning the creature
heaped atop it and a crude tarp strung over it to divert has become stuck.
rain water leaking from the cracks in the roof.
Four goblins dwell in this room. These are marksmen
Hanging from the walls are various grisly trophies, and have had some additional training in firing their
including several dwarf heads, some steel shields bows. Assume they gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls
displaying dwarven heraldry, an ugly orc head recently with their bows (just as the Fighter’s archery fighting
severed, an orcish greataxe, and a dwarven battleaxe. style).

Within this room lives the leader of the goblins that The goblin marksmen use the knotted rope to climb to
dwell in the tower and serve Tharikthiril. The goblin the roof in case of trouble and seek out their enemies
boss serves the wizard and runs this level of the from on high, shooting at them from above. Assume
tower, as the groundlings are too stupid to properly they can shoot into any room in the base structure that
operate on their own. has a roof rating of 7 or higher, though their targets
will have the benefit of half cover. If the roof rating is 9
With the leader are three goblins who serve as the or 10, then their targets will have no cover unless
boss’ concubines. They will fight to the death to specifically pressing up against the walls where no
protect their paramour. clear shot is available.

22. Goblin Warriors Chamber (3) 24. Slave Pen (6)

The door to this chamber is usually slightly ajar. It is The door to this chamber is not warped or rotted like
not warped or rotted like most of the doors in this most of the doors in this structure, and functions
structure, and functions normally. normally. A makeshift bar has been attached to the
hallway side.
There are four fur pallets here, along with various
trinkets including dead rodents skewered on sticks, Within this room is a wooden cage with a wooden roof
centipedes pinned to bits of wood, and crudely made that has a heavy pile of stones sitting on top of it,
bone dice weighing it down. A door in the cage is locked, with the
key hanging from an iron spike in the wall near the
Four goblins dwell here. They obey their boss in room door.
21 and will investigate any strange noises in the tower.
Within the cage is a kobold, the last slave of the
23. Goblin Marksmen Chamber (7) goblins who has yet to be eaten. This kobold is eager to
leave this place and does not know anything about the
The door to this chamber is not warped or rotted like
other levels of the tower. She was captured poking
most of the doors in this structure, and functions
around the tower, which she approached as a result of
one of the suggestion stones.
There are four fur pallets here, pushed against the
The kobold, whose name is Draggerit, knows of the
walls, along with various trinkets including dead
cave in room 33. She will bargain this information for
rodents skewered on sticks, centipedes pinned to bits
her freedom. The suggestion has long since worn off,
of wood, and crudely made bone dice.
and the kobold wants nothing more to do with this
place. If freed, she will leave and try to return to her
In the center of the ceiling is a hole small enough for a
Small creature to wriggle through. A knotted rope
hangs from the roof, around a knob of stone, and
reaches all the way to the floor in this room.
25. Larder (3)
Thrown into this chamber are the carcasses, partially
The knotted rope can be climbed without making any rotted, of several deer, some beavers, at least three
check. goblins, and an orc.

This room serves as the larder of the groundlings that

Other Medium creatures would have to make a DC 20
dwell in room 13.
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to wriggle through the

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hook, and there is a skull pierced through the jaw with
26. Chamber of Gloom (7) a sharp spike.
This room bears a gloom that is palpable to those
walking into it. Light sources are only half as bright Most of the bones are dwarven in nature and the room
and illuminate only half the normal radius. Even doesn’t seem to have seen much use in years.
sunlight coming through the cracks and holes in the
roof doesn’t seem to penetrate very far or strongly into 28. Fallen Chamber (10)
this room. The roof of this chamber has collapsed entirely, and
the floor is covered in rubble. The door leading to the
This room must have been well decorated at one time, room is hanging by a single hinge and can therefore be
but great pains were apparently made to destroy every pushed open over the rubble on the ground that would
one of them. As such, the walls are entirely smashed normally block the door from opening. The room is
and gouged and scored so that not a trace of the empty of anything of value or interest.
decorations remains. Similarly, what may have been a
large stone altar of some sort in the center of the place 29. Stairway Room (6)
has been battered and beaten so that it is now a
A crumbling stone staircase leads up to the roof of this
strangely shaped lump of rock.
structure. Additionally, the east wall has been
burrowed through, as if some large worm had
This chamber was once a chapel dedicated to the tunneled into the room from without. This opening is 3
demons that Tharikthiril once revered. It was feet in diameter.
destroyed during the attack, but the power imbued
into the place was such that all of its power could not
be destroyed by the dwarves. A single groundling (see Appendix B) can be found
here, lounging around and keeping watch on the young
This power has the effect, in addition to muting light in room 33, for the groundlings fear the goblins may
sources, of bolstering undead. All such undead within try to take their young for food or sport, even though
this room gain advantage on all saving throws, Tharikthiril has forbidden it.
including those made against being turned.
Additionally, all undead are treated as under the effect 30. Quasit’s Chamber (2)
of a shield of faith spell, granting them a +2 bonus to This chamber is surprisingly well-appointed given the
armour class. Furthermore, an animate dead spell cast ruined state of the rest of this level of the structure.
here will reassert control over six undead instead of Certainly, there are small cracks in the ceiling and the
four with a 3rd-level spell slot. walls and floor show signs of water dripping in during
rains, but the chamber is still comfortable.
Six zombies are here, a mixture of dwarf and orc. They
are newly created by Tharikthiril and have been Rugs of once expensive origin cover the floor, and
ordered to slay any living creature that enters the upon these have been set pillows of all hues and
chamber except for Tharikthiril himself or his quasit fabrics. Covering the center of the room is a 7.5 foot
(see room 30). square tarp of fabric held up by metal tripods 4 feet
tall, forming a dry area and a tent of sorts. Set beneath
The shadows that dwell in room 11 will come here if this is a small, plush chair sized for a Tiny creature
they are able and are sorely pressed. carved to resemble a half goat, half centipede creature
along the chair back. Behind the chair is a small iron
27. Room of Chains (4) chest.
This room is an abattoir. A great many rusty chains
hang from the above, hooked through iron rings This chamber is the personal demesne of Tharikthiril’s
attacked to the cracked ceiling. These chains end in, quasit familiar.
variously, wicked barbed hooks, spiked manacles, and
other horrific means of securing flesh. Many of these The quasit, though bonded to Tharikthiril, is a creature
chains still hold the bones of their victims within. None of the demon Razkurig’il and was given to Tharikthiril
is a whole skeleton, but here a wrist bone is secured in ostensibly as a gift but also to serve as a spy for
a spiked shackle, there a femur is speared by a large Razkurig’il to make sure that the wizard acted in ways
that served the demon’s interests. Because the quasit

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is still tied to Razkurig’il, it can act independently of saving throw or take 11 (2d10) poison damage and be
Tharikthiril and can attack enemies, unlike a normal poisoned and paralyzed for 1 hour. If the saving throw
familiar. is successful, the victim suffers half of the poison
The demonling usually spends its time here lounging damage and is neither poisoned nor paralyzed. A
on the pillows in toad form or sitting on its chair in paralyzed creature may repeat the saving throw at the
quasit form, pretending it is its throne and that it rules end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
some layer of the Abyss. It sometimes wanders this success. However, the creature will still remain
level in bat form while invisible, causing minor poisoned for the full hour.
mischiefs and spying on Tharikthiril’s servitors or
relaying orders from the wizard himself. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
will allow a character to deduce the trap’s presence
Tharikthiril can sense what his quasit senses as long as and the fact that the lock is a false lock and the lid and
they are within a mile of each other. As such, should hinges are also fake. A second DC 15 Intelligence
the PCs be noticed by the quasit, Tharikthiril will be (Investigation) check will then allow the character to
alerted and take appropriate actions in response. determine that the chest opens from the bottom and
opposite side. A DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check
The quasit will respond to any disturbance or strange will disarm the trap, although there is no need to do so
goings on it observes or hears in the area. Additionally, once the proper method of opening the chest is
the goblins and groundlings all know that the quasit is determined.
the “eyes and ears of the master”, so that any
suspicious activity noticed by any of those creatures Inside the chest are the following:
will be reported to the quasit, thereby alerting
Tharikthiril.  12 gems of various sorts worth 1d6 x 100 gp each
 a glass jar containing Keoghtom’s ointment (with 5
If it needs to investigate trouble, the quasit will turn doses)
invisible and shapechange into a bat in order to fly  a potion of force resistance
around this level, including through holes in the roof to  a set of pipes of the sewers
move from room to room. As a Tiny creature, it can fit
through any roof with a rating of 4 or higher and, as a 31. False Stairway (0)
centipede, it can even squeeze through cracks in a roof The door to this chamber is not warped or rotted like
with a rating of 3. most of the doors in this structure, and functions
If the quasit is sorely pressed in this chamber, it will
turn invisible, open the door to room 31, silently sneak
Behind the wooden door, a 15 foot landing leads to a
back into this room, and wait until the PCs are
set of stone stairs heading down into the darkness.
involved with the trap in room 31. It will then flee
down the stairs in room 32 to join its master.
The stairs seem to wind around a corner 20 ft. down,
The chest behind the quasit’s chair is trapped. It opens turning to the right. In actuality, the turn is a false one,
not from the apparent direction, but from the opposite ending just after the stairs turn out of sight. The false
side and upside down. This, to open the chest, one nature of this turn is only visible from halfway down
must tip it upside down and open what is normally the the stairs.
bottom of the chest from the side opposite the lock.
These stairs are a trap. When over 15 lbs. of weight are
If anyone attempts to pick the false lock or open the placed on a pressure plate just before the middle of the
chest from the “proper” direction, the trap will be stairs, the stairway splits lengthwise, down the middle,
sprung. The trap is a curved needle that springs out of revealing a 20 ft. deep pit trap.
the lock and upward towards the false lid. This needle
is coated with a poison distilled from the quasit’s own A very close examination of the stairs will show a
poison and other potent herbs. strange seam running down the middle of the stairway
with a successful DC 15 Investigation (Intelligence)
The victim of the trap will take 1 point of piercing check.
damage and must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution

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Those caught on the stairs must succeed on a DC 15 Any combat in the tunnels will require that Medium
Dexterity check or fall down the pit, taking 2d6 points and Small creatures squeeze, which will allow the
of bludgeoning damage and landing prone. At the groundlings to utilize their Tunnel Fighting trait.
bottom of the pit are a few bones and gibbets of flesh. Within is the groundling crèche, containing six baby
groundlings watched over by three groundlings (see
The walls of the pit, the floor of which slopes down so Appendix B). These latter will emit a shrill scream at
that it is always 20 feet below the level of the stairway, the first sign of danger, summoning the groundling
are fairly sheer and require a DC 20 Strength from room 29 and, likely, the other intelligent denizens
(Athletics) check to scale. of this level.

What’s worse for the victim is that two dretches are at Level One
the bottom of the pit, and they will attack anyone who The floor of this level of the tower is even with the roof
falls in. These demonlings are stupid but well-trained, of the ground level structure, and although egress to
and will use their Fetid Cloud action to further disable the roof was never intended from here by the tower’s
anyone in the pit. builder, holes in the walls of this level of the tower
now allow access to and from the roof of the ground
The trap can be reset by pressing on a certain part of level structure.
the stone wall just inside the doorway. A DC 14
Wisdom (Perception) check by someone searching
that part of the wall carefully can notice the stone can
1. Room of the Ward (0)
be pressed inward. Doing so before the trap is spring The steps from the ground level exit into this chamber,
will accomplish nothing, but doing so after it has which bears a single window in the south wall and
sprung will close the steps, possibly trapping a PC Medium-sized holes in the walls to the east and
inside the pit. The only way to reopen the stairs is the southwest that look out upon the roof of the base
put weight back on the pressure plate. structure.

The wall to the northeast has been ripped asunder, but

32. Down Stairway (0)
to the northwest is an iron door that seems intact.
The door to this chamber is not warped or rotted like
most of the doors in this structure, and functions
In the middle of the north wall are two adjacent
openings, one has steps that descend to ground level,
and the other has steps that ascend to the upper level
Behind the wooden door, a 15 foot landing leads to a of the tower.
set of stone stairs heading down into the darkness.
Within this room is an abyssal ravager (see Appendix
After 20 feet, the stairs turn south. Halfway down the B). This demon was summoned by Tharikthiril to ward
stairs, it can be observed that the stairs legitimately the stairs up to the second level of the tower, to make
turn south and continue downward to the first level of sure no one enters from below to steal what is hidden
the dungeon. there, and to make sure the deadly warder of that level
does not escape its bonds and attempt to descend into
33. Cave (0) the rest of the tower.
This cave has been burrowed out of the hard ground
by the groundlings. It has two points of egress. The The ravager is quite bored and will attempt to
western point enters into room 29. The southern point converse with the PCs before attacking them if allowed
exits from a 4 foot diameter cave opening in the side of the chance to do so. However, it is not that intelligent
the slope just east of the base structure. This opening and although it is willing to engage in small talk, tell
is hidden by bushes and is difficult to see (requiring a simple riddles, and ask for news and tales of the
successful DC 20 Wisdom [Perception] check). outside world, if questioned by the PCs it will simply
say that it serves as a ward for the warder, as a guard
The tunnels within are 3 feet in diameter and meet in a for the guardian, and as a gaoler for the gaoler.
small cave that is 6 feet tall.
Nevertheless, its primary purpose is to attack
intruders, and at some point it will suddenly tire of

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talk and leap to the attack. The ravager will not leave book, an ink and quill set, a stack of parchment under a
this level of the tower (nor will it go out onto the roof), stone paperweight, and a wooden rack with six vials
but will try to prevent intruders from escaping back set in it, three of them blue coloured vials and three of
down the stairs or onto the roof. them green coloured vials.

2. Wrecked Laboratory (0) Tharikthiril uses this library as a study and to jot down
The door leading into this room is made of iron and is his notes and thoughts. He intends, one day, to repair
intact and operates normally. and restock the entire library.

This room appears to have been a laboratory. Ruined The blue vials in the wooden rack are potions of
shelves line those walls that are still intact, even healing. The green vials contain potions of endurance
though the entire northwestern corner of the room has (see Appendix A).
been sheared off. The remains of a large oaken table lie
flush on the floor, showing signs of scorching and great The book is written entirely in Abyssal, and a thorough
hack marks. A bewildering variety of glass and metal examination of it will determine that it contains:
items are scattered across the floor, all twisted, melted,
and ruined.  Partial notes and instructions concerning the
transformation of dwarves into groundlings, along
To the northeast is an intact iron door. with notations in the margins indicating that the
author was trying and having difficulty
There is nothing of value salvageable here. reconstructing the detailed rituals and
instructions by memory from a now destroyed
3. Wrecked Transformation Room (0) volume.
This room is missing a portion of its eastern wall.
 Initial entries mentioning Tharikthiril’s return
Chains with manacles and the remains of battered from what seemed like eternal torment and the
tables with limb restraints can be seen here, along need to reestablish his domain after years of
with strange, twisted, and ruined instruments of what painful absence.
can only be described as elaborate implements of
torture.  Notes mentioning the summoning of a jovoc
demon from the netherworld and a detailed
To the northwest is an intact iron door. analysis of its aura of retribution, including
descriptions of experiments regarding this aura
conducted upon captive goblins.
This is the chamber where the transformations from
dwarf to groundling were initiated. It is a sight of
 Notes mentioning the reestablishment of the
horrific pain and vile, gruesome procedures, and the
groundling breeding project and renewed
evil committed here has left a mystic residue that will
alliances with the local goblin tribes.
be discerned by a detect evil and good spell.
 Recent notes mentioning the prospect of
4. Library (0) potentially passing the jovoc’s aura of retribution
Both of the doors leading into this chamber are made into the groundlings and the tactical applications
of iron and are intact and operate normally. of having a groundling army with such an aura.

Within this chamber there is a window along the north  Notes of failure and frustration regarding the
wall. Surrounding it and covering the south wall are previous item and resignation to the fact that at
row upon row of bookshelves ascending all the way to least the jovoc can serve as a guard of “Vanaskil”
the ceiling. All of these shelves are empty and bashed until such a time as the secret of its aura can be
and battered and there are signs the contents were unlocked.
fired, as flakes of burnt pages and ashes still cover the
floor.  Notes mentioning that the author suspects that his
A small table is in the center of the room; it looks to be new friend is less loyal to him than to “Razkurig’il”.
intact and has seen recent use. Set upon the table is a

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So far, the wizard has met with little success, and the
 Notes indicating that the orc tribes of the area jovoc is not much interested in his succeeding, as it
have aroused for reasons the author cannot divine, considers it wants to keep its aura a power unique to
though they seem to be more interested in the its kind.
dwarves than him. There have been a few run-ins
between orcs and groundlings, and the orcs have The jovoc presents a very difficult challenge for the
pillaged from of the goblins allied with the author, PCs. However, while somewhat cunning, the jovoc is
but overall, the author seems to welcome the not very smart and could be outwitted or tricked into a
distraction the orcs provide to the dwarves and disadvantageous situation. Smart-thinking PCs should
considers their uprising a fortunate happenstance be able, once they get over the initial shock of its aura,
or a blessing from his patron and master. to figure out how it works and devise ways to combat
it. One way to is make sure only a single PC is within
Level Two 30 feet of it and that this PC is constantly being healed
or his hit points bolstered. Spells such as heroism and
enhance ability (bear’s endurance) are very useful in
1. Room of the Jovoc (3) this situation.
Both doors leading into this chamber are intact
wooden doors that operate normally. Both have an If Tharikthiril is slain, the jovoc can be bargained with
arcane lock spell cast upon them by Tharikthiril, and to give up the axe it guards. It will require as payment
only he and the quasit have been designated to open the sacrifice of innocents or some other comparable
the doors normally. favours.

This room contains two windows, one to the south of The chest on the pedestal is closed by an arcane lock
the eastern door, where it is cut in half by the room spell cast by Tharikthiril and has no discernible
wall, and the other along the western wall. keyhole. It is trapped by a magical rune that will
To the north, stone stairs lead down to the first level of activate should anyone other than Tharikthiril touch
the tower. the chest (even though gloves or a sack or backpack or
In the southwest corner of the chamber is a small any implement that does not have reach or is no longer
stone pedestal that sprouts from the floor of the than 5 ft.). The rune will activate each time the chest is
chamber. The pedestal is 3 ft. tall and 3 ft. square and touched or each round if it is touched continually. The
atop it is an iron chest that is 1 ft. tall by 1 ft. wide by 3 target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or
ft. long. be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Within this chamber is the jovoc (see Appendix B). effect on itself on a success.
When the PCs enter, its stench of rotted flesh will
assail them. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
by someone closely examining the chest (without
The jovoc has been bound to the chamber as part of a touching it, of course) will reveal the magic rune, and a
pact between it and Tharikthiril. In reality, the demon DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check will determine that
agreed to the pact because of the fearsomeness of the rune causes paralyzation. The rune cannot be
Tharikthiril’s patron, the glabrezu, Razkurig’il. The disarmed, but can be dispelled by a dispel magic
jovoc has been assigned to guard the axe in this room (which will automatically succeed).
and it is forbidden to leave this level of the tower
except in pursuit of the axe. Within the chest is a battleaxe. The axe has dwarven
runes inlaid with gold along both sides of the blade.
Tharikthiril has been experimenting with the demon in This is the golden axe of Prince Zirik, (see Appendix A).
order to determine the nature of its unique Aura of
Retribution trait and whether this can be bred into his 2. Smashed Room (8)
groundlings. This is the cause of the strange lights seen The door in this room is an intact wooden door that
coming from the tower at night; the wizard will often operates normally. It has an arcane lock spell cast upon
cast spells such as scorching ray or lightning bolt at the it by Tharikthiril, and only he and the quasit have been
jovoc while a goblin or captive is nearby in order to designated to open the door normally.
observe the effects of the aura.

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This room apparently saw some intense action during determine that they involved various demons
the battle with the dwarves, as the floor is scarred with mutilating dwarves and performing foul acts upon
gouges and littered with shards of bones. A window in humans.
the east wall remains intact, but there are holes in the
walls and the doorway to the north holds merely a Gibbets of flesh and half-eaten corpses of
scrap of iron an inch wide hanging from its hinges. An indeterminate origin litter the floor here.
opening in the north leads up to stone steps that begin
to ascend to the theoretical next level of the tower, but Standing watch here are three abyssal maws, which
the way is completely blocked by rubble. serve as watchdogs for Tharikthiril. These creatures
are not bright but make up for it with their
The stairs do not go anywhere, as there is nothing of aggressiveness. They will attack anyone who is a
the next higher level except the roof of this level, which stranger to them unless escorted by Tharikthiril or the
was once the floor of the level above. quasit.

3. Battered Room (10) 2. Current Laboratory

The door in this room is an intact wooden door that This room has a long worktable covered with
operates normally. It has an arcane lock spell cast upon laboratory equipment, including racks, beakers, flasks,
it by Tharikthiril, and only he and the quasit have been burners, and other tools. Various manuals and books
designated to open the door normally. lie open on the table.

This room is practically open to the sky and shows Shelves hung from the walls hold jars of various
massive damage to the walls despite the intact window substances, all marked with strange symbols.
in the middle of the north wall. Skeletons litter the Along the south wall are five cells each 5 ft. square and
chamber, still in corroded arms and armour. 10 ft. tall. Each cell has a solid iron ceiling and floor,
and a door built into one side of its bars. Each door
The skeletons are of goblins and dwarves. bears a lock.

Dungeon Level One All of the cages are empty, except for one that holds a
groundling that is scoured with scars and flayed flesh
This level serves as the lair for Tharikthiril’s elite
wounds. The creature looks to be barely alive.
guardians, as well as the space for his current
Chains are attached to the top of each cell and run
through hooks in the ceiling and then to five wheels set
The walls, ceiling, and floor are normal dressed stone
into the western wall. A set of iron keys hangs from a
hewn from the ground.
hook near the wheels.
Since this level is underground, no rooms have a roof
This is Tharikthiril’s place to perform his ongoing
All doors on this level are wooden, unless stated experiments and to brew magical substances. The
otherwise. They are all intact and operate normally. open tomes on the worktable are all alchemical
manuals that are used as references by the wizard.
Ceilings. Unless otherwise stated, all passages are 10 The substances on the shelves are alchemical
ft. tall and all rooms are 20 ft. tall. ingredients and reagents, most of them not easily
identifiable. The symbols marked on each jar are
Light. Unless stated, no areas are lit. Tharikthiril and Tharikthiril’s personal codes and, being symbolic, are
his minions all have darkvision. not readable by means of a comprehend languages
Sounds. No unusual sounds can be heard.
The wheels on the western wall are used to raise and
lower the cells, while the keys nearby open the cell
1. Antechamber doors.
This large chamber’s walls were at one time decorated
with bas-reliefs, most of which have been battered into The groundling (see Appendix B) within the cell is
unrecognizability, though enough glimpses remain to perpetually at 0 hit points due to failed

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experimentation with the jovoc’s Aura of Retribution weighs 5 lbs. This is one of Tharikthiril’s spellbooks
trait. Tharikthiril has been attempting to imbue this and it holds the following spells:
trait into groundlings, but so far has net no success.
This groundling is his latest failure. The creature comprehend languages
essentially has a reversed form of the jovoc’s Fast detect magic
Healing trait. Every round, at the start of its turn, the disguise self
groundling takes 1 point of damage until it reaches 0 false life
hit points, at which point it goes unconscious. Only a find familiar
heal spell can cure the creature, but it can be put out of mage armour
its misery by inflicting any damage on it while it is magic missile
unconscious. protection from evil and good
If the groundling is cured, it will still remain loyal to shield
Tharikthiril. unseen servant
arcane lock
Any PCs captured by the evil wizard will be hold person
imprisoned here in the cells to await questioning, levitate
experimentation, and sacrifice by Tharikthiril. locate object
misty step
3. Tharikthiril’s Quarters scorching ray
The door in the south of this chamber is iron and see invisibility
locked by an arcane lock spell cast by Tharikthiril. suggestion
animate dead
The southern portion of this chamber contains a plain dispel magic
wooden bed with linen covers. Near to it is a wooden lightning bolt
wardrobe. The north of the room contains a wooden magic circle
table and several chairs. Upon the table are the vampiric touch
remains of a meal, the plate holding strips of raw,
bloody meat. A silver goblet stands next to the plate. These spells take up 41 pages of the book, leaving 59
pages blank.
Also on the table is a large book made of leather with
the raised image of a horrific demonic-looking The book is trapped with a shocking grasp rune that
creature upon its face. Near this book is a plain oil causes 2d8 lightning damage per round to anyone but
lamp and several flasks. Tharikthiril who touches the book or comes into close
contact with it (such as touching it with a cloth or
gloves or stowing it into a backpack or sack carried
This room serves as the wizard’s quarters. They are by next to the body). Additionally if the victim is not
no means lavish, as Tharikthiril’s bodily needs have immune to lightning, it cannot take reactions until the
changed and he hasn’t had the chance to fully start of its next turn.
reestablish himself in this place yet.
This rune can be spotted by a close examination of the
The wardrobe contains several changes of clothes for book and a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check,
the wizard, most of them scholar’s robes and wizard and a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check, once it has
garb, but with a few travelling outfits as well. been found, can identify the nature of the trap. The
One of the cloaks in the wardrobe appears to resemble trap cannot be disarmed, but can be ended
a tangle of black cobwebs. This is a cloak of blackflame automatically by dispel magic.
(see Appendix A) which will smooth into a woven
black cloak of coarse threads when donned. This cloak
4. Sanctum
has 12 charges remaining.
The door to this chamber is iron and locked by an
arcane lock spell cast by Tharikthiril.
The silver goblet is worth 15 gp and is full of blood.
The flasks on the table hold lamp oil.
Upon the floor, which is polished jet, is inlaid a circle of
The demonic figure on the face of the leather book is a silver with runes around it. The circle is 5 feet in
glabrezu. The pages are of vellum and the whole diameter and occupies the center of the chamber.

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The scythe will attack the first person crossing the
While the circle may appear to be some sort of secret doorway with an attack bonus of +6. If it hits,
protective circle, it is actually a circle of worship and the blade will cause 13 (2d8+4) points of slashing
communing with powerful demons, and this can be damage. Once the trap is sprung, it must be manually
recognized with a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check. reset to work again.
Anyone stepping into the circle, which radiate
divination magic and evil, will be placed in empathic Inside the small chamber are the following:
contact with the glabrezu, Razkurig’il. If the glabrezu
elects to initiate a conversation, then the person can  an unlocked iron chest holding 1,600 cp, 400 sp,
communicate telepathically with the demon. and 900 gp
 a wooden rack holding four oils of slipperiness
Razkurig’il will be extremely curious why someone  a ceramic pot with a ceramic lid sealed with wax
other than Tharikthiril is within the circle. However,  a wooden armour stand holding a +1 chain shirt
the demon is very cunning and will seek to turn the
situation to his advantage. He will try to convince the The ceramic pot holds green slime (refer to page 105
PCs to abandon any attempts to slay Tharikthiril, of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
instead urging an alliance…perhaps even pledging his
and Tharikthiril’s support against the orc uprising. 6. Torture Chamber
This vile chamber contains an iron maiden, various
In any event, unless the PCs agree to ally with the
manacles and other restraining devices, pots of coals,
demon, he will eventually break off contact with a
kilns with various iron rods set within, and an intricate
ghastly laugh.
rack contraption that bears strange tubes that seem to
hang in midair and bears runes across its frame.
The secret door to room 5 on the east wall requires a
Wooden racks attached to the walls hold a bizarre
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to find and once it is
variety of scalpels, knives, tongs, hooks, and other
found, locating the hidden switch on the nearby wall
requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Additionally, there is a hidden switch that bypasses the
trap in room 5. If the Intelligence (Investigation) check This is a torture chamber for Tharikthiril and also
was a 20 or higher, then this bypass switch will also be serves as a vivisection and experimentation room as
located. well.

The rack is has been magically enhanced to provide

5. Treasury advantage to any Charisma (Intimidation) checks to
This room is guarded by a wicked wall scythe trap, the
reveal information through pain. Assume a victim on
scything blade emerging from the wall south of the
the rack must make a Constitution check opposed by
secret doorway, just within the room, and sweeping
the torturer’s Charisma (Intimidation) check to
across the entire doorway. It is activated when the
withstand the torture.
doorway is crossed.
The rack radiates evocation magic.
The trap can be located once the door is opened by
examining the doorway. A DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
check will reveal a thin seam along the inside of the 7. Room of the Skulkers
doorway’s south wall and if the check was a 16 or This room is fairly barren, with a bleeding goblin
higher, the glint of a blade can be discerned inside the whelp collapsed in the center of the room surrounded
seam. by the picked over corpses of goblins and other
unidentifiable creatures.
The trap can be disarmed with a DC 18 Dexterity
(Thieves’ Tools) check, but failure springs the trap and This room is lair to a gang of five abyssal skulkers
subjects the character making the check to the blade. (see Appendix B) who serve Tharikthiril. They will
The trap can also be bypassed by way of the switch in likely hear noise in room 6 or any loud noises on the
room 4. rest of this level or may be roused by the quasit or by
Tharikthiril himself. The skulkers will attack fiercely,

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selling their material bodies cheaply in the hope of 1. Antechamber
later reward in the Abyss. This room is adorned with intact frescoes of
demonlings torturing the souls of the damned in a fiery
The goblin whelp is freshly dead, having been used as landscape. Over all, a giant demonic creature metes out
sport by the skulkers. punishment and devours demon and soul alike.

8. Chamber of Worship The double doors to the south are bronze valves
This room contains a large statue of a fiendish looking engraved on their face with sigils and decorations that
creature. The thing has a goat like head with vicious depict demonic activity.
fangs and swept back horns set atop a bipedal torso
from which sprout two large arms ending in scorpion- The giant demonic creature in the frescoes is a
like pincers and two smaller arms ending in human glabrezu.
hands. The legs end in talon-like claws.
The double doors are not locked.
Two large rubies serve as eyes of the statue.
At its base is a rectangular block with restraints for 2. Nexus Chamber
wrists and ankles. Blood stains cover the face of this
This large chamber swirls with a vague, sickly bluish-
block. Nearby, a rack on the wall holds various
green glow that comes from nowhere and everywhere
sacrificial knives and collection bowls.
at once.
The statue is of a glabrezu, and it is here that The floor is covered with intricate mystic diagrams
Tharikthiril pledges souls and makes sacrifices to his and circles of runes and complicated patterns.
demonic master.
This room bears an aura of evil that will is detectable
9. Stairway by magic such as detect evil and good.
The secret door that leads to these stairs requires a DC
18 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice if the wall Examination of the patterns on the floor will reveal,
here is carefully searched. with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
that they involve warding, containment, and
Behind the door, a set of stone stairs descends sharply protection.
into the ground, turning south after a landing. The
stairs lead to Dungeon Level Two. This room is built over a nexus between the Material
Plane and the Outer Planes. One effect of this is that
Dungeon Level Two Razkurig’il is able to extend some of his power through
This level serves contains the nexus that enticed the nexus and into this chamber. Tharikthiril and any
Tharikthiril to build his tower here. demon in this chamber will have advantage on all
attack rolls while here.
The walls, ceiling, and floor are normal dressed stone
hewn from the ground. The other specifics of this nexus are left to the DM’s
discretion, but it does allow extraplanar creatures to
Since this level is underground, no rooms have a roof be more easily summoned to this plane and bound into
rating. service. Tharikthiril has used this property to establish
contact and worship with Razkurig’il and to bring forth
Ceilings. Unless otherwise stated, all passages are 10 and bind the various minor demons that currently
ft. tall and all rooms are 20 ft. tall. haunt the tower.

Light. Unless stated, no areas are lit. Tharikthiril and

his minions all have darkvision.
Sounds. No unusual sounds can be heard. Tharikthiril (see Appendix B) was a human wizard
and demonologist from a distant land who spent his
years studying ways to summon and bind demons to
his will. Through extensive research, he noted certain

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weaknesses in the fabric of the multiverse - nexuses If an alarm is raised, Tharikthiril will order his quasit
where such efforts would be easier. The wizard chose to direct the defense of the tower and his skulkers to
this spot for its remoteness and the strength of the prowl the dungeon level. He will direct the abyssal
nexus present. maws to escort him.

After his demise at the hands of the dwarves, The wizard will then grab his spellbook and cloak of
Tharikthiril’s body was spirited away by one of his blackflame from room 3 of Dungeon Level One and
demon minions to the custody of the glabrezu, then retreat to the nexus (room 2 of Dungeon Level
Razkurig’il. This powerful demon decided that the Two) with the abyssal maws to await intruders. The
ambitious wizard could serve his interests on the abyssal maws will be bolstered by Tharikthiril’s
Material Plane and further his influence thereupon. So, Bolster Demon trait. He will don his cloak (which
he enacted very costly and, to Tharikthiril, painful, provides resistance to necrotic damage).
rituals to revive the wizard and to imbue his soul with
the spirit of a fiend, so that the wizard himself became If the PCs attack the tower and then retreat to rest,
both human and fiend. Tharikthiril will not be idle. He will certainly send the
quasit to tail the PCs invisibly or in animal form (or
The process nearly destroyed Tharikthiril’s body and both) to find where they have come from and where
his sanity, but both eventually prevailed and he was they make camp. If possible, he will order a nearby
reborn as a tiefling. However, the ordeal cost him group of goblins or some groundlings to attack the PCs
much of his prodigious spellcasting ability. Now, owing while they rest (assume a force of 6 goblins or 3
complete fealty to the glabrezu, the wizard has begun groundlings, see Appendix B).
to develop warlock-like abilities and has been
returned to the Material Plane to continue his research Should the PCs return and retreat a second time,
and to wreak revenge on the dwarves that slew him. Tharikthiril will send for an entire tribe of goblins to
man the tower, many as archers on the base structure
Tharikthiril appears as a human male in his mid- roof. This force will include 24 goblins, 6 of which are
forties. He has catlike eyes, a forked tongue, and goat- mounted on worgs and led by a goblin boss. It will
like legs. Small horns sprout up over each ear. For take two days for such a force to arrive. In addition, a
purposes of the jovoc’s Aura of Retribution trait and all group of 8 groundlings (see Appendix B) will be
effects within the tower, he is treated as a demon. summoned from the surrounding lands to guard the
Tharikthiril always has his Armour of Shadows active. Should the PCs defeat even this force and return a
He also always has his Fiendish Vigour cast. At third time, Tharikthiril will prepare his defenses as
midnight of each night he casts an animate dead spell best as he can and try to set ambushes for the PCs. In
on the zombies in room 26 of the ground level to this case, he may even elect to fight the PCs before the
reassert his control over them. Because of this, nexus is reached so that the PCs cannot destroy his
between midnight and 9 AM, Tharikthiril will have one troops in detail before confronting him.
less 3rd level spell slot available.

Additionally, as he does not want to lose control over When Tharikthiril is slain (or captured and defeated)
those zombies, if it is after 9 AM, he will only use his and the nexus is entered by the PCs, a dim shape will
last 3rd level spell slot in extremis suddenly coalesce into the form of a glabrezu. The
glabrezu will laugh mockingly at the PCs and inform
them that they have defeated a minion into whom he
Tharikthiril can usually be found in the lower levels of had invested much time and effort, and that he does
the place, either in his laboratory (room 2 on Dungeon not take kindly to the PCs thwarting that effort.
Level One) his own room (room 3 on Dungeon Level Razkurig’il, will then vow revenge upon the PCs in the
One), in his sanctum meditating and communing with future.
the glabrezu (room 4 on Dungeon Kevel One) or in the
nexus conducting rites (room 2 on Dungeon Level While fearsome looking, Razkurig’il’s form is just a
Two). projection that the demon can manifest here because
of the nexus. The projection cannot in any way harm
the PCs.

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The PCs can return to Nirzumbil and be rewarded as
promised should they defeat Tharikthiril. If the wizard
is brought back alive to the dwarves, he will be tried
and executed and his body destroyed in the forges

If the PCs recover the golden axe of Prince Zirik, the

dwarves will demand its return (assuming they find
out about it…it is instantly recognizable as such by any
Nirzumbil dwarf). They will offer further items in
compensation, including offering to craft a second suit
of plate armour for the PCs. They will also offer
jewelry crafted to the PCs’ specifications and liking
worth 5,000 gp in addition to the plate armour. PCs
turning over the axe will also be looked upon very
favourably by the dwarves of Nirzumbil, while those
who keep it will earn the disfavor of the dwarves
(despite having just defeated Tharikthiril).

Award standard XP for defeated foes.

Additionally, award the PCs 800 XP to be divided

between them should they return the golden axe of
Prince Zirik to the dwarves.

Cover art “Ruins” by Chris Cold. Used with artist’s



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Wand, uncommon
This wand is composed of a slender piece of quartz
with an inner mauve glow to it. This wand can be
wielded by anyone without attunement, and when the
wielder concentrates upon the wand and touches a
creature (including himself) that creature regains
1d8+2 hit points. The wand can only be used 10 more
times before it crumbles to dust, and as each charge is
used, the glow within the quartz becomes more muted.

Potion, uncommon
When you drink this potion, your Constitution score
changes to 20 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on
you if your Constitution is equal to or greater than that
This potion’s light blue liquid has small globules of
blood floating in it.

Weapon, rare (requires attunement by a dwarf)

The blade of this dwarven-forged battleaxe is inlaid

with runes of gold. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In
addition, if the weapon strikes a creature of the
aberration type, it does an extra 7 (2d6) force damage
to the creature struck.

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This cloak resembles a tangle of thick, black cobwebs

when not worn, but smooths into a woven black cloak
of coarse threads when donned. The wearer of the
cloak gains resistance to necrotic damage.

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Groundlings are short and stocky, sharing the build of
dwarves – in fact they can easily be mistaken for
dwarves from a distance. Their stunted ears are buried
in wild fur, and their eyes appear as narrow slits. A
long, bristled snout replaces the dwarven nose, and
large fangs protrude from the extended mouth. A
groundling’s hands end in powerful talons. The
creatures generally stink of spoiled meat.

Created by Wizardry. Groundlings are assassins

magically altered by evil wizards. Originally of
dwarven stock, they have been hideously transformed
to incorporate the features of giant badgers.

Cunning Burrowers. Groundlings are cunning in

combat, using their ability to burrow quickly through
the earth to gain tactical advantage, attacking from
below to gain surprise on their foes. They are known
to use ambushes, feigned retreats, and attacks
converging from various directions against a quarry
whose location is known.

The groundling appeared in Monsters of Faerun for the 3rd edition of

Dungeons & Dragons.

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The abyssal ravager is a grotesque hybrid, part demon,
part hyena, and all nasty. The abyssal ravager has
baleful eyes and elongated jaws full of overlarge teeth.
Patches of scaly hide show through its coarse, shaggy
fur, and a row of curving spines juts from its backbone.
Its long, warty tail is equipped with a vicious stinger. A
full-grown specimen stands about 5 feet tall at the
shoulder and weighs almost 2,000 lbs.

Bizarre Origins. Although its exact origins are unclear,

scholars agree that it is likely the result of demonic
lust, which has no bounds and results in all manner of
bizarre crossbreeds.

Aggressive. These demons are notoriously bad-

tempered. They tend to attack anything they see or
smell, striking it repeatedly with their stingers.

Weak Jawed. Despite their formidable-looking teeth,

abyssal ravagers do not use bite attacks. Their weak
jaws are useful only for tearing apart prey that has
already succumbed to their poisonous stings.

The abyssal ravager appeared in the Monster Manual II for the

3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

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The abyssal maw is a disgusting creature consisting
mainly of teeth. It looks like a huge, toothy mouth
perched on a few stubby appendages. Its hide is a dull
blue shade.

Always Hungry. The appetite of the abyssal maw is

legendary; one maw has been known to consume the
better part of a centaur in less than a minute.

Unsubtle Tactics. Abyssal maws serve as shock troops

in evil armies. Since they lack ranged attacks, they
usually rush into melee combat as soon as possible,
where their gnashing teeth do the rest.

The abyssal maw appeared in the Monster Manual II for the

3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

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An abyssal skulker resembles a hairless ape with large
hands and feet. Knobs of horn run along the crown of
its head and down its spine. Although capable of
walking upright, it habitually creeps around on all
fours, keeping its body close to the ground.

Small but Mean. Gangs of abyssal skulkers usually

stalk ahead of evil armies and raiding parties to seek
out and eliminate enemy scouts and pickets.

Sneaky. Abyssal skulkers love to sneak up on their

prey, then charge as a group. Their victims rarely have
time to sound an alarm.

The abyssal skulker appeared in the Monster Manual II for the 3rd
edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

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A jovoc is a 4 foot tall, bloated, hairless creature of
humanoid shape. It resembles the bruised and
battered corpse of a gnome left too long to decay in the
heat of summer, and the stench that emanates from its
rough skin lends credence to this impression. Its skin
is dark blue or black, and its eyes are vacant, black
pools. Each of the creature’s long arms ends in a three-
fingered hand with long red fingernails, forever
stained the colour of blood.

Havoc on the battlefield. These vicious little black-

hearted fiends were born to create strife. Their ability
to inflict the damage they take o others makes them
invaluable in the front lines of demonic armies. A unit
of jovocs can absorb repeated blows and spells from
the enemy and still survive to exact punishing revenge.

Ambushers. Jovocs are not especially intelligent, but

they are quick and experienced ambushers who know
how to use their small size to best effect. Years of
training and experience have taught them how to take
advantage of their Aura of Retribution and Fast
Healing traits. Hey often adopt a hit-and-run strategy,
jumping into a group of enemies to do as much damage
as possible, then dashing off for a few rounds to heal.

Group Tactics. Jovocs fighting in pairs and trios can

utilize their favourite tactics. Lurking just beyond the
reach of their enemies (preferably concealed by
darkness, a wall, or some other barrier), they begin to
attack one another, automatically hitting with each
swing. These attacks deal full damage not only on the
jovocs, but also on anyone caught within their Aura of
Retribution. After allowing a round or two for their
fast healing ability to close their wounds, the creatures
begin to claw and bite one another again.

The jovoc appeared in the Monster Manual II for the 3rd edition of
Dungeons & Dragons.

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This section presents statistics for NPCs encountered
in this adventure that are not presented in the Monster

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Tower Map

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Dungeon Map

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