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Vacancy DevOps Engineer

Level Senior
Number of resources : 2
Project Presenta7on The Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) brings together Producers, Return Points, and a
Consumer to create a circular economy, where:
§ reusable materials (like glass/PET boEles) are placed on the market by
producers who pay a fee for selling boEled drinks,
§ consumers buy those drinks for a price including a fee
§ when consumers return empty boEles, they return the fee back to them
§ boEles get collected from return points and are recycled and producers receive
them for further drinks preparaGon
Job descrip7on The Azure DevOps Specialist will be responsible for managing, implemenGng, and
opGmizing Azure-based soluGons for our organizaGon. This role requires a deep
understanding of Azure's infrastructure, idenGty & access management, automaGon
tools, and Azure services.
Key Responsibili7es 1.Azure Infrastructure Management:
• Design, deploy, and manage Azure infrastructure components such as Virtual
Machines, Virtual Networks, Storage Accounts, and Azure Resource Manager
• Implement best pracGces for provisioning, scaling, and managing Azure
resources efficiently and securely.
• Monitor and opGmize Azure infrastructure for performance, availability, and
2.ConGnuous IntegraGon and ConGnuous Deployment (CI/CD):
• Develop and maintain automated CI/CD pipelines using tools like Azure
DevOps, GitHub AcGons, or Jenkins.
• Collaborate with development teams to ensure smooth integraGon of code
changes into the CI/CD pipeline.
• Implement strategies for automated tesGng, deployment, and rollback to
ensure reliable and consistent releases.
3.ConfiguraGon Management:
• Manage configuraGon and infrastructure as code using tools like Azure ARM
templates, Terraform, or Ansible.
• Ensure consistent configuraGon across environments and automate the
provisioning of infrastructure.
4.Monitoring and Logging:
• Implement monitoring and alerGng soluGons using Azure Monitor, ApplicaGon
Insights, and other relevant tools.
• Analyze logs and metrics to idenGfy and resolve performance boElenecks,
security vulnerabiliGes, and other issues.
5. Security and Compliance:
• Implement security best pracGces and standards for Azure resources, ensuring
data protecGon and compliance.
• Collaborate with security teams to conduct regular security assessments and
6.Incident Response and TroubleshooGng:
• ParGcipate in on-call rotaGons to provide Gmely incident response and issue
• Diagnose and resolve complex technical issues across the Azure environment.
7. CollaboraGon and Knowledge Sharing:
• Work closely with cross-funcGonal teams, including developers, QA engineers,
and operaGons teams, to drive a culture of collaboraGon.
• Share knowledge and provide guidance to team members on Azure best
pracGces and emerging technologies.

Required Skills Qualifica(ons:

• Proven experience working with Azure Infrastructure and services.

• Demonstrable skills in automaGon and scripGng.
• Strong knowledge of Azure IdenGty & Access Management.
• Proficiency in managing and deploying on Azure Kubernetes Service.
• Excellent communicaGon and teamwork skills.

Azure Infrastructure Exper(se:

• Networking:
o Proficiency in VNETs, Subnets, CIDR ranges.
o Familiarity with App Gateway, Azure Front Door, Load Balancer, NSGs,
and Firewalls.
• Compute:
o ExperGse in Virtual Machines, VM Scale Sets, and App Service Plans.
• Cloud Adop(on Framework:
o ImplementaGon and management of Governance through IniGaGves
and Policies.
o Proficient in Azure Logging tools like Log AnalyGcs Workspace,
Monitoring, and Alerts.
o Experience with Defender For Cloud.

2. Azure Iden(ty & Access Management:

• Strong understanding of Azure AcGve Directory (AD, AAD) and Cloud Sync.
• Knowledge of organizing and managing through Groups.
• ExperGse in Privileged IdenGty Management (PIM) and CondiGonal Access
Policy (CAP).

3. Automa(on:

• Solid grasp of DevOps principles.

• Proficiency in Bicep & Terraform, ARM, and Azure DevOps environments.
• Experience with version control using GitHub & Azure DevOps repos.
• Familiarity with Yaml and Powershell scripGng.

4. Azure Services Knowledge:

• Competency in Azure Service Bus, Azure Storage (including blobs and queues),
Azure SQL, Azure CosmosDB, and Azure Synapse.

5. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS):

• FoundaGonal knowledge in Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm.

• Experience with Workload IdenGty and Nginx Ingress.
• Bonus skills include familiarity with KEDA, Dapr, and .NET / C#.

6. Nice-to-have: experience with AWS & GCP

Ideal candidate Someone who:

• Is passionate about reducing Gme-to-market by detecGng defects as early as

possible in the delivery cycle through automaGon
• Is moGvated to keep up with the latest developments and flexible to adopt
new approaches
• Is driven to explore innovaGve soluGons and challenge the status quo

Challenge and improve

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