KPI Construction

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1 # Procedural audits
2 # Quotes accepted for major construction projects
3 # Requests for time extension submitted
4 #unapproved change orders
5 % Building material re-used on site
6 % Complaints received that were followed by an onsite check
7 % Construction sites or locations with reoccurring complaints
8 % Cost predictability at construction
9 % Cost predictability at design and construction
10 % Cost predictability at design
11 % costs to rectify defects in the maintenance period
12 % Man hours spent for punch items
13 % Proactive inspections that identified violations
14 % Quality control tests passed
15 % Time predictability for design and construction
16 % Project budget variance
17 # Conflicts arising during the project
18 % Project issues addressed ratio
19 % Project or program budget spent on training
20 % Overdue project tasks
21 $ Cost avoidance savings
22 # Earned man-hours
23 # Time per project task
24 % Time spent as planned
25 % Successful projects
26 % Progress reports submitted as planned
27 % Requirements changed during project execution
28 % Stakeholders satisfied with the accuracy of the project feasibility study
29 % Aborted projects
30 % Proposed changes without impact analysis
31 % Time for construction
32 % Construction cost in use
33 % Cost of construction
34 % Civic construction projects completed early or on time
35 % Active capital projects in construction phase on schedule
36 # Construction related incidents, injuries and fatalities reported
37 $ Committed costs
38 % Construction design scope specifications completely met
39 % Project cost contingency
40 # Quality issues found in constructions ready for use
41 % Cost predictability at construction due to client change orders
42 % Time predictability at construction due to client change orders
43 % Order value variance from original contract value
44 % Existing building re-used
45 % Construction project value represented by punch list items
46 # Days to complete first plan review
47 % Jobs professionally certified in compliance with local regulations
48 % Construction sites proactively checked for compliance with permit conditions
49 # General construction contractors
50 # House construction contractor
51 # Nonresidential building construction contractors
52 # Road and bridge construction contractors
53 # Construction trade services contractors
54 # Building structure services contractor
55 # Non-building construction contractor
56 % Concrete waste
57 # Engineering Change Order Cycle Time
58 $ Transportation cost/ precast concrete panel
59 # Concrete needed/precast concrete panel (kg)
60 # Precast concrete grease interceptors
61 # Precast concrete lift stations
62 # Pipes produced
63 # Utility values produced
64 # Sound walls/barriers
65 # Retaining wall system produced
66 # Prestressed bridge components
67 # Prestressed structural building elements
68 # Quarry Land Used (HA)
69 # Quarry Extraction (ton)
70 # Raw Material Contamination (g/ton)
71 # Recycled Materials Used (ton)
72 # New repair and maintenance projects commissioned
73 # Defects
74 % Profitable projects
75 $ Estimate at completion (EAC)
76 # Cost performance index (CPI)
77 # Schedule performance index (SPI)
78 # Schedule Cost index (SCI)
79 # Schedule Variance
80 # To complete schedule performance index (TSPI)
81 $ Cost variance
82 # To complete performance index (TCPI)
83 % Projects link with business objective
84 % Budget allocated for new initiatives
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
‫عدد المراجعات لالجراءات‬
‫عروض أسعار مقبولة لمشاريع البناء الرئيسية‬
‫عدد طلبات امتداد الوقت المقدمة‬
‫عدد اوامر التغيير التي لم يتم اعتمادها‬
‫نسبة خامات البناء التي يعاد استخدامها في المواقع‬
‫نسبة المواقع التي يتم متابعة الشكاوى فيها‬
‫‪%‬نسبة المواقع التي تتكرر فيها الشكاوى‬
‫الدقة في التنبؤ بالتكلفة اثناء التنفيذ‬
‫الدقة في التنبؤ بالتكلفة اثناء التصميم والتنفيذ‬
‫الدقة في التنبؤ بالتكلفة اثناء التصميم‬
‫تكلفة اصالح العيوب في فترة الصيانة‬
‫‪ %‬نسبة ساعات العمل للبنود التي عليها مالحظات‬
‫نسبة الفحص االستباقي الذي حدد مخالفات‬
‫نسبة القبول للمنتجات اثناء االختبار‬
‫دقة التنبؤ للجدول الزمني اثناء مرحلتي التصميم والتنفيذ‬
‫نسبة االختالف عن موازنة المشروعات‬
‫عدد المشكالت بين فريق العمل‬
‫نسبة مشاكل التنفيذ التي تم حلها‬
‫نسبة موازنة التدريب من موازنة المشروع‬
‫نسبة االنشطة المتأخرة‬
‫قيمة التكلفة التي تم توفيرها‬
‫عدد ساعات العمل المكتسبة‬
‫متوسط زمن النشاط‬
‫نسبة وقت التنفيذ مثل المخطط‬
‫نسبة المشروعات الناجحة‬
‫نسبة تقارير االداء المقدمة فعال مقارنة بالمخطط‬
‫نسبة المتطلبات التي تم تغييرها اثناء التنفيذ‬
‫نسبة المعنيين الراضيين بدقة دراسة الجدوى‬
‫نسبة المشروعات الملغاة‬
‫نسبة التغييرات المقترحة من غير تحليل التأثير‬
‫نسبة تغير زمن المشروع عن تقدير عام سابق‬
‫نسبة تكلفة التشغيل والصيانة مقارنة بتكلفة االنشاء والتصميم‬
‫نسبة تغير تكلفة المشروع عن تقدير عام سابق‬
‫نسبة المشروعات المدنية التي تنتهي في الوقت او قبله‬
‫نسبة المشروعات الكبيرة قيد التنفيذ المحققة للجدول الزمني‬
‫عدد المواقع التي بها حوادث او اصابات او تلفيات لمعدات‬
‫التكلفة الملزمين بها في المستقبل‬
‫نسبة مواصفات التصميم االنشائي المتوافقة كليا‬
‫نسبة التكلفة االحتياطية للمشروع‬
49 # General construction contractors
50 # House construction contractor
51 # Nonresidential building construction contractors
52 # Road and bridge construction contractors
53 # Construction trade services contractors
54 # Building structure services contractor
55 # Non-building construction contractor
% Independent contractors
$ Cost rate of contractors
# Length of contractor assignment
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
28 % Stakeholders satisfied with the accuracy of the project feasibility study
% Key stakeholders satisfied with suppliers
% Projects meeting stakeholder expectations
# Stakeholder Satisfaction Index
# Strategic stakeholders satisfaction index (# SSSI)
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
‫نسبة المعنيين الراضيين بدقة دراسة الجدوى‬
No. KPI ‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
38 % Construction design scope specifications completely met ‫سبة مواصفات التصميم االنشائي المتوافقة كليا‬
% Projects with scope changes
26 % Progress reports submitted as planned
% Overdue project status reports
% Progress reports submitted
% Reports submitted on-time
% Accurate financial reports
# Monthly finance reports to CEO reports ratio
% Timely production of management reports
% Change reports produced on schedule
# Claims reported
# Report processing time
# Sustainability reports
# Internal reports to members
# Final reports requiring revision
# Customer reported problems in the first 90 days of an application deployment
‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
‫نسبة تقارير االداء المقدمة فعال مقارنة بالمخطط‬

‫‪pplication deployment‬‬
No. KPI ‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
22 # Earned man-hours ‫عدد ساعات العمل المكتسبة‬
$ Estimate at completion (EAC)
# Cost performance index (CPI)
# Schedule performance index (SPI)
# Schedule Cost index (SCI)
# Schedule Variance
# To complete schedule performance index (TSPI)
$ Cost variance
# To complete performance index (TCPI)
‫‪No.‬‬ ‫‪KPI‬‬ ‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
‫‪18 % Project issues addressed ratio‬‬ ‫نسبة مشاكل التنفيذ التي تم حلها‬
No. KPI ‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
17 # Conflicts arising during the project ‫عدد المشكالت بين فريق العمل‬
% Conflicts positively resolved during the project
47 % Jobs professionally certified in compliance with local regulations
1 % Complaints received that were followed by an onsite check
2 % Construction sites or locations with reoccurring complaints
3 % Successful projects
4 % Aborted projects
5 % Civic construction projects completed early or on time
6 % Active capital projects in construction phase on schedule
7 # Construction related incidents, injuries and fatalities reported
8 % Construction sites proactively checked for compliance with permit conditions
9 # New repair and maintenance projects commissioned
10 % Profitable projects
11 % Projects link with business objective
12 % Budget allocated for new initiatives
13 % Strategic business initiatives driven by IT
14 % Time spent on new projects development
15 % Projects on time
16 % Projects on budget
17 # Projects per project manager
18 # Project managers to staff ratio
19 # FTEs assigned per project
20 % Understaffed projects
21 % Projects prioritized according to business needs
22 # Project managers experience in the field
23 $ Project deviation from planned budget
24 $ Project budget size
25 % Projects with scope changes
26 % Project cost predictability
27 % Completion cost of best in class projects
28 % Projects rejected
29 % Projects without a business case
30 % Projects with at least one milestone missed
31 % Projects with insufficient resources
32 % Aborted projects
33 # Project break even time
34 % Projects that completed quality assurance review
35 % Projects completed on time and on budget
36 % Projects in control
37 % Completed projects compliant to quality specifications
38 % High risk projects
39 % Projects with risk assessment overview
40 # Project approval time
41 # Project duration
42 # Project schedule deviation
43 % Completion time of best in class project
44 % Active running projects on time, on budget and according to specifications
45 $ Profit per project
46 % Project budget overruns rate
47 % Transformation initiatives where to-be state is defined
48 # Changes per project
49 # Issues raised per project
50 # Risks identified per project
51 # Active projects
52 % Projects that never get materialized
53 % Projects related to business
‫رابط النموذج‬
No. KPI ‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
4 #unapproved change orders ‫عدد اوامر التغيير التي لم يتم اعتمادها‬
27 % Requirements changed during project execution ‫نسبة المتطلبات التي تم تغييرها اثناء التنفيذ‬
30 % Proposed changes without impact analysis ‫نسبة التغييرات المقترحة من غير تحليل التأثير‬
43 % Order value variance from original contract value
57 # Engineering Change Order Cycle Time
% Cost predictability at construction due to project manager change orders
% Cost predictability at construction due to client change orders
% Time predictability at construction due to client change orders
% Time predictability at construction due to project manager change orders
No. KPI ‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
# Contract variations
% Retention rate of active contracts
$ Contract payments
$ Activated contract renewals
$ Contract terminated billed value with contractors
% Contracts reviewed
# Contract complaints
% Claims recovery rate
$ Transaction cost with new service providers
% Contracts awarded through competitive tendering process
% Contracts due to expire in the next X days
$ Contract renewals value uplift
$ Contract per client
$ Contract
# Contract negotiation time
% Contracts completion on-time
$ Penalty payments for contract failures
# Contract time to completion
% Contract penalties
% Contracts that fail to deliver direct agreements
$ Estimated value of contract extension
% Requirements contracts
# Contract reports
$ Bid and proposal costs
% Contracts filled without error
‫رابط النموذج‬
No. KPI ‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
1 # Quotes accepted for major construction projects
2 % Key suppliers accounting for 80% of spending
3 $ Negotiated cost reduction savings
4 # Requisition, purchase order, or invoice transaction volume
5 % Local suppliers
6 # Sales orders filled per FTE
7 # Sales orders filled per unit time
8 % Goods purchased from certified suppliers
9 % Procurement requests satisfied by preferred suppliers
10 % Procurements in compliance with standing procurement policies
11 # Receipts processed per full working hour
12 % Active suppliers that are certified
13 % Key suppliers regularly visited
14 % Supplier on-time delivery
15 % Raw material conformance
16 % Transactions handled by the purchasing department
17 $ Purchase dollars spent per active supplier
18 $ Purchase operating expense per active supplier
19 % Non-contract purchases
20 $ Material acquisition cost
21 % Purchase spend from sales revenue
22 % Purchase operating expense from sales
23 $ Purchase spend per purchasing employee
24 % Purchase spend controlled by purchasing
25 # Purchase orders
26 % Purchase spend offshore
27 % Purchase spend onshore
28 % Cost avoidance savings in procurement
29 % Active suppliers who are e-Procurement enabled
30 % Cost reduction savings in procurement
31 % Purchase spend via e-Auctions
32 % Purchase spend via procurement cards
33 % Purchase spend via strategic alliances
34 % Purchase spend with diversity suppliers
35 % Inactive suppliers
36 % Procurement return on investment
37 % Invoice accuracy
38 % Purchase spend under management
39 $ Purchase order value
40 $ Purchase price variance
41 # Purchase order cycle time
42 # Days to pay
43 % Customer invoices past due
44 # Customers past due
45 % Vendor invoices past due
46 % Vendors on hold
47 # Vendor invoices due today
48 # Customer invoices due today
49 $ Warehouse cost per order
50 # Planned purchase orders
51 % Purchase orders not sent
52 % Unconfirmed purchase orders
53 # Approved purchase requisitions released
54 # Requests for quote
55 % Purchase return
56 $ Invoiced purchase amount
57 % Delayed purchases
58 % Pending purchase order invoices
59 % Purchase amount rate
60 # Procurement training hours per employee
61 % Purchase spend aggregated through corporate contracts
62 # Load handling time
63 % Invoices received electronically
64 $ Purchase spend per supplier
65 % Company invoices paid electronically
66 $ Invoice value
67 % Undisputed supplier invoices paid within 30 days
68 # Suppliers managed by purchasing employee
69 % Supplier purchase orders in full
70 % Supplier rejections
71 $ Variable cost of placing orders with supplier
72 % Returned to suppliers
73 % Perfect purchase order rate
74 $ Activity-based cost of acquiring materials and services
75 % Relationships established with certified suppliers
76 # Value added suppliers
77 # Rating of supplier performance
78 $ Life cycle cost (LCC)
79 # Amortization period in months
80 # Asset turnover
81 # Days to execute purchase orders
82 # Local suppliers attending quarterly procurement workshops
83 % Product section based on National Essential Medicine List (NEML)
84 % Emergency purchase orders
85 % Strategic suppliers with MSS
86 # Capability rating given to key suppliers/distributors
87 % New suppliers/distributors with rating above 80 at start-up
88 % Product availability
89 # Strategic supplier QA Rating
90 % Forecast Error (MAPE-SKU)
91 % Strategic volume multi-sourced
92 % Procured products registered in-country
93 % Commitment to established procurement plan
94 % Contracts issued as framework contracts
95 % International reference price paid
96 % Justified complaints regarding invoicing
97 # Average duration to solve complaints related to invoicing
98 # Complaints regarding invoicing
99 % Product order compliance
100 % Emergency orders
101 % Products or services purchased locally
‫رابط النموذج‬
3 # Requests for time extension submitted
13 % Man hours spent for punch items
16 % Time predictability for design and construction
20 % Overdue project tasks
23 # Time per project task
24 % Time spent as planned
31 % Time for construction
42 % Time predictability at construction due to client change orders
46 # Days to complete first plan review
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
‫عدد طلبات امتداد الوقت المقدمة‬
‫‪ %‬نسبة ساعات العمل للبنود التي عليها مالحظات‬
‫دقة التنبؤ للجدول الزمني اثناء مرحلتي التصميم والتنفيذ‬
‫نسبة االنشطة المتأخرة‬
‫متوسط زمن النشاط‬
‫نسبة وقت التنفيذ مثل المخطط‬
‫نسبة تغير زمن المشروع عن تقدير عام سابق‬
8 % Cost predictability at construction
9 % Cost predictability at design and construction
11 % Cost predictability at design
12 % costs to rectify defects in the maintenance period
16 % Project budget variance
19 % Project or program budget spent on training
21 $ Cost avoidance savings
32 % Construction cost in use
33 % Cost of construction
37 $ Committed costs
39 % Project cost contingency
41 % Cost predictability at construction due to client change orders
58 $ Transportation cost/ precast concrete panel
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
‫الدقة في التنبؤ بالتكلفة اثناء التنفيذ‬
‫الدقة في التنبؤ بالتكلفة اثناء التصميم والتنفيذ‬
‫الدقة في التنبؤ بالتكلفة اثناء التصميم‬
‫تكلفة اصالح العيوب في فترة الصيانة‬
‫نسبة االختالف عن موازنة المشروعات‬
‫نسبة موازنة التدريب من موازنة المشروع‬
‫قيمة التكلفة التي تم توفيرها‬
‫نسبة تكلفة التشغيل والصيانة مقارنة بتكلفة االنشاء والتصميم‬
‫نسبة تغير تكلفة المشروع عن تقدير عام سابق‬
‫التكلفة الملزمين بها في المستقبل‬
‫نسبة التكلفة االحتياطية للمشروع‬
13 % Man hours spent for punch items
45 % Construction project value represented by punch list items
% Punch list items completion
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
‫‪ %‬نسبة ساعات العمل للبنود التي عليها مالحظات‬
No. KPI ‫رابط النموذج مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬
5 % Building material re-used on site ‫نسبة خامات البناء التي يعاد استخدامها في المواقع‬
44 % Existing building re-used
56 % Concrete waste
59 # Concrete needed/precast concrete panel (kg)
60 # Precast concrete grease interceptors
61 # Precast concrete lift stations
62 # Pipes produced
63 # Utility values produced
64 # Sound walls/barriers
65 # Retaining wall system produced
66 # Prestressed bridge components
67 # Prestressed structural building elements
68 # Quarry Land Used (HA)
69 # Quarry Extraction (ton)
70 # Raw Material Contamination (g/ton)
71 # Recycled Materials Used (ton)
1 # Procedural audits
2 # Quality issues found in constructions ready for use
3 % Quality control tests passed
4 % Proactive inspections that identified violations
5 # Quality issues found in constructions ready for use
6 # Defects
7 % Quality defects
8 % Outdated equipment still in use
9 # Failure rate
10 # Regression testing
11 # Breakdowns
12 % Defects per million opportunities (DPMO)
13 $ Cost of poor quality (COPQ)
14 % Final products which do not meet quality criteria
15 # Piece variance
16 # Production rejects
17 % Production losses
18 # Production lead time
19 $ Price of non-conformance
20 % Hazardous operational waste
21 # Time spent performing preventive maintenance (PM) work
22 # Working stock
23 # Decoupling stock
24 $ Maintenance, repair and operating supplies (MRO)
25 % Scrap rate
26 # Waste per product
27 % Processes under statistical control
28 % Production delays due to raw material shortage
29 % Work in progress days
30 % Production uptime
31 # Duration of quality control inspections
32 % Quality assurance processes that need 'Improvement Measures'
‫مؤشر االداء الرئيسي‬ ‫رابط النموذج‬
‫عدد المراجعات لالجراءات‬

‫نسبة القبول للمنتجات اثناء االختبار‬

‫نسبة الفحص االستباقي الذي حدد مخالفات‬

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