Nutrient Cycle

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Nutrient cycles

Nutrients are recycled within natural ecosystems, as shown by the nitrogen cycle
and the phosphorous cycle.
The Nitrogen Cycle:
Nitrogen is an element used in many biological molecules of which there is a finite
amount on earth. Due to this it must be recycled from dead organisms and waste
products. Most of this is carried out by bacteria in the soil. There are four stages of
the nitrogen cycle, these are detailed below:
• Ammonification where microbes known as Saprobionts break down organic
matter to ammonia in a two-stage process. Firstly, proteins are broken down into
amino acids with the use of extracellular protease enzymes. These are then
subsequently broken down further to remove amino groups with the use of
deaminase enzymes. Saprobionts use the products of decomposition for respiration.
• Nitrification where nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite ions, NO2-, in
an oxidation reaction, with a nitrate ion, NO3-, intermediate. Most plants can take
in nitrate ions through their roots.
• Denitrification where nitrate ions, NO3-, are converted to nitrogen gas, N2, by
the denitrifying bacteria. This process is wasteful and can be prevented from
occurring by soil being well drained and aerated.
• Nitrogen fixation where nitrogen gas is fixed into other compounds by bacteria
with nitrogen fixing ability. They do so by reducing nitrogen gas to ammonia
which subsequently dissolves to form ammonium ions. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
live in root nodules of leguminous plants. The relationship between nitrogen fixing
bacteria and the plant is known as mutualistic, as it is beneficial to both organisms.
Human activities, such as the use of synthetic fertilizers, combustion of fossil fuels,
and industrial processes, can disrupt the natural nitrogen cycle. These activities can
lead to an excess of reactive nitrogen in the environment, which can cause water
pollution, eutrophication of water bodies, and contribute to air pollution and
climate change. Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, industrial emissions, and
improper waste management can lead to nitrogen pollution. This can result in the
contamination of water bodies, contributing to eutrophication and harmful algal
blooms. Nitrogen pollution can also lead to air pollution, as nitrogen compounds
contribute to the formation of smog and greenhouse gases.

The Phosphorus Cycle:

Phosphorus like nitrogen is another element found in many biological molecules
that needs to be recycled. Plants can take in phosphate ions, PO43-, from soil.
Phosphate is released from sedimentary rocks as a result of weathering, as well as
through the decay of bones, shells and the excreta of some birds.
Mycorrhizae are important in facilitating the uptake of water and inorganic ions by
plants. These are associations between certain types of fungi and the roots of the
vast majority of plants. They increase the surface area and act as a sponge holding
water and minerals. As a result, a plant can better resist drought and take up
inorganic ions more easily.
Natural and artificial fertilisers are used to replace the nitrates and phosphates lost
by harvesting plants and removing livestock. Nitrogen fertilisers greatly increase
crop yields and therefore can help to deal with the demands of a growing human
population. However, they have negative effects on the environment which include
reducing biodiversity, leaching and eutrophication.
Leaching is the process by which mineral ions, such as nitrate, dissolve in
rainwater and are carried from the soil to end up in rivers and lakes. As a result of
this eutrophication occurs. This provides algae in waterways with enough nitrate
ions to grow more rapidly than it otherwise would do. As a result, this can block
out light from other plants, causing decay and the use of oxygen in the water way.
This eventually leads to the death of the ecosystem.

The Carbon Cycle:

The carbon cycle is the process by which carbon is exchanged between living
organisms, the atmosphere, and the Earth's surface. It includes the following steps:
 Carbon Fixation: Plants, algae, and some bacteria convert atmospheric
CO2 into organic compounds through photosynthesis. They take in CO2 and
use sunlight to produce glucose and other organic molecules, releasing
oxygen as a byproduct.
 Respiration: All living organisms, including plants, animals, and
decomposers, release CO2 into the atmosphere through respiration. During
respiration, organic compounds are broken down, and carbon is returned to
the atmosphere as CO2.
 Decomposition: When organisms die, their remains are broken down by
decomposers such as bacteria and fungi. During decomposition, organic
carbon is released as CO2 back into the atmosphere or can be stored
temporarily in the soil.
 Consumption and Food Chains: Carbon moves through the food chain as
organisms consume each other. When animals consume plants or other
animals, they acquire carbon-containing organic molecules. Carbon is
passed along the food chain and eventually returned to the atmosphere as
CO2 through respiration.
Human activities have had a significant impact on the carbon cycle, particularly
through the burning of fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels releases large
amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and
climate change. Deforestation and land-use changes also affect the carbon cycle by
reducing the number of plants available to absorb CO2.

Importance of nutrient cycles:

 The carbon cycle and photosynthesis are closely related. Photosynthesis is
the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight, water,
and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is a
necessary reactant in photosynthesis, and the process helps to regulate the
levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. The energy stored in these organic
compounds is then transferred through food chains and food webs, allowing
organisms to carry out essential life processes. Without the carbon cycle,
energy flow within ecosystems would be disrupted, affecting the survival
and functioning of organisms at all trophic levels.
 Respiration is the process by which living organisms release energy from
organic compounds, such as glucose, and produce carbon dioxide as a
byproduct. In the carbon cycle, respiration contributes to the release of
carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, completing the cycle.
 The carbon cycle is crucial for the functioning of ecosystems. It influences
the growth and development of plants, the availability of nutrients, and the
interactions between different organisms. Carbon storage in forests and
other ecosystems can help regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. The
carbon cycle plays a critical role in regulating the levels of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the atmosphere. Through photosynthesis, plants and other
photosynthetic organisms absorb atmospheric CO2 and convert it into
organic compounds. This process helps to reduce the concentration of CO2,
which is a greenhouse gas implicated in global climate change. By
maintaining a balance in the carbon cycle, the natural processes of carbon
uptake and release help to regulate Earth's climate and prevent excessive
accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon is a fundamental building
block of all organic molecules, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids, which are essential for the structure and functioning of living
organisms. These biomolecules are involved in processes such as cell
growth, repair, and reproduction. The carbon cycle ensures a continuous
supply of carbon for the synthesis of these biomolecules, allowing
organisms to maintain their structure, carry out metabolic processes, and
sustain life.
 The nitrogen cycle is of great importance in biology due to its role in
providing nitrogen, an essential nutrient, to living organisms. It influences
the growth and development of plants, as well as the synthesis of proteins
and nucleic acids in all organisms. The balance of nitrogen in ecosystems is
crucial for maintaining healthy and productive ecosystems.
 Nitrogen is a vital element for the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids (DNA
and RNA), and many other organic molecules necessary for life. Proteins
are the building blocks of cells and perform various functions in organisms,
such as enzyme catalysis, structural support, and transport of substances.
Nucleic acids store and transmit genetic information. The nitrogen cycle
ensures a continuous supply of usable nitrogen for the growth and
development of organisms, supporting their survival and functioning.
 The nitrogen cycle influences the dynamics and interactions within
ecosystems. The availability of nitrogen affects the growth and productivity
of plants, which, in turn, influences herbivores, carnivores, and
decomposers. Nitrogen availability can shape the composition and diversity
of plant communities, impacting the structure of terrestrial and aquatic
 In agriculture, nitrogen is a critical nutrient for crop growth. Farmers use
nitrogen-based fertilizers to enhance soil fertility and maximize crop yield.
By understanding the nitrogen cycle, farmers can optimize the application of
fertilizers, reducing costs and minimizing environmental impacts such as
water pollution. Efficient management of nitrogen in agricultural systems is
crucial for sustainable food production and minimizing the loss of excess
nitrogen to the environment.
 Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all living organisms. It is a key
component of nucleic acids, which store and transmit genetic information,
as well as ATP, which provides energy for cellular processes. Understanding
the phosphorus cycle is important for understanding how organisms obtain
and utilize this essential nutrient for growth, development, and overall
 Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for agricultural productivity. Farmers often
apply phosphorus-based fertilizers to improve soil fertility and promote
plant growth. Understanding the phosphorus cycle is important for
optimizing fertilizer use, preventing overapplication, and minimizing
environmental impacts, such as phosphorus runoff into water bodies.
 The phosphorus cycle interacts with other biogeochemical cycles and
contributes to climate change. The release of phosphorus from rocks and
sediments during weathering processes can lead to the release of phosphorus
into water bodies, which may stimulate primary production, including
carbon fixation by algae. This can influence carbon dioxide uptake and
release, impacting global climate change dynamics.
 Phosphorus is an essential element for all living organisms. It is a crucial
component of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which carry genetic
information and play a central role in heredity and protein synthesis.
Phosphorus is also a major component of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the
primary energy molecule in cells. Additionally, phosphorus is a key
constituent of phospholipids, which form the structural basis of cell
membranes. The phosphorus cycle ensures a continuous supply of
phosphorus for the synthesis of these vital biomolecules, supporting the
growth, development, and functioning of organisms.
 The phosphorus cycle can have significant environmental impacts.
Excessive phosphorus runoff from agricultural fields and wastewater can
enter water bodies, leading to eutrophication. Eutrophication is a process
where excess nutrients, including phosphorus, stimulate the growth of algae
and other aquatic plants, disrupting the balance of aquatic ecosystems and
depleting oxygen levels. Understanding the phosphorus cycle is vital for
mitigating nutrient pollution, preserving water quality, and maintaining the
health of freshwater and marine ecosystems.

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