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1.How does one go about creating joy on a regular basis?

According to Meadow Linn one should start

small. Happiness can grow and blossom into a beautiful bouquet, but first it needs to start as a tiny seed.
Thereafter it must be nurtured everyday. One must begin by revelling in seemingly insignificant objects
and moments. Perhaps it could be the perfume of a vibrant flower, the way the evening light dances
across the sky before sunset. Once one starts seeing the beauty and magic in everyday life, one can
begin to experience the same in all areas of one’s life.

2.Thereafter these ‘eureka’ moments begin to prompt the person into making big and small changes in
life and help the person in mending broken relationships, help them find a new hobby and so on. The list
is endless. Sitar player Anoushka Shankar says that she would like to create her moments of happiness
by staying connected with her inner core and then projecting her own unique light outwards. Greek
mathematician Archimedes, when he uttered the words ‘I’ve found it’, established the important
principle of physics in that moment. Today we don’t need life changing discoverers. We can find
personal inspirations by discovering our own ‘eureka’ moments. According to Katja Rusanen, a spiritual
coach the two most powerful words that can empower us are: I AM. According to him, whatever we
attach to ‘I AM’ is what you will finally become. If you give yourself the power to be negative, negativity
will be repeated and if you give the power to be positive, you will create eureka moments everyday.

3.According to fashion designer Kiran Uttam Ghosh, one should take time out to repeat one's happy
moments everyday. During breaks through the day by going doing new things, one indulges in an
unknowable essence that exists. Her eureka moment comes when she creates a new outfit or a drinks a
cup of tea.

4.Another eureka moment comes in our lives when we suddenly start understanding a complicated
problem. According to writers John Kounios and Mark Beeman, it is the moment when the fog clears
and you have a rare insight into a problem which you didn’t have before.

5. Yoga coach Mini Thapar says that for her there need not be something extraordinary to find her
eureka moment. One can get one's eureka moment from the complacency that sets in while living and
every day routine. The ecstatic moment comes when one least expects it. Researchers have seen that
much of what is seen as creativity folklore actually has foundations in rock-hard fact. There are firm
reasons why we get our best ideas at times when we are simply gazing at the ceiling.

2.Rice is the most prominent crop of India as it is the staple food for most of the people of the country.
This crop is the backbone of livelihood for millions of rural household and plays a vital role in the
country’s food security so the term ‘rice is life’ is most appropriate in Indian context. India occupies an
important position both in area and production of rice. By the adoption of improved production
technologies such as high yielding varieties/ hybrids, expansion of irrigation potential, and use of
chemical fertiliser comma supply of rise in the country has kept hybrids comma expansion of irrigation
potential and use of chemical fertiliser, supply of rise in the country has kept pace with the increase in
demand. Demand for rice is expected to further increase in future as population is continuously
increasing, so production of rice also needs to be increased. There is a need to further increase rise
productivity because land area under rice cultivation is declining.

Major constraints for productivity and sustainability of rise-based systems in the country are the
inefficient use of inputs (fertilizer, water, labour), increasing scarcity of water and labour specially for
rice cultivation, new emerging challenges from climate change, rising fuel prices, increasing cost of
cultivation, and socioeconomic changes such as migration of labour, urbanisation, less liking for
agricultural work by youths, and concerns for environmental pollution. The only way to sustain rise
production for meeting the increasing population demand is to increase the productivity per unit of area
of rise with enhanced resource use efficiency. For future productivity gain in rice in India, high-yielding
varieties that might have resistance to multiple stresses (abiotic and biotic stress) particularly in the
wake of climate change need to be explored.

Crop production techniques in rice that could increase factor productivity by efficient utilization of
inputs (water, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) reduce cultivation cost, enhance profit, and provide safe
environment must be explored. Encouraging resource conservation technologies and cultivation of
climate-resilient, high-yielding varieties through demonstrations and making seed available to the
farmers will be important to sustain rice production in India.

Table to be inserted

3.Read the message given below

Just a few years ago, we witnessed how a national project, the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO),
which is to study fundamental particles called neutrinos, was subject to a barrage of questions from
environmentalists, politicians and others ever since it was cleared.

The project, which involved the construction of an underground laboratory, was initially to be located in
the Nilgiris but later, on grounds that it was too close to a tiger habitat, was moved to a cave under a
rocky Mountain in the Bodi West Hills region of Theni district, about 110 kilometres West of Madurai in
Tamil Nadu.

The already much-delayed and important physics project needs to be explained.

India has been among the pioneers in neutrino research, the first of such laboratories having been
established in the 1960s. We lead neutrino research when our physicists use a gold mine at Kolar in
Karnataka to set up what was then the world’s deepest underground laboratory. This was called the
Kolar Gold Field Lab. In 1965, it enabled researchers to detect atmospheric neutrinos. In 1992, when the
mine became uneconomical, the laboratory was shutdown. With that, we lost our advantage in
understanding the most mysterious particle in the universe. INO may reclaim this advantage and a
global leadership.

Neutrinos are very important for us scientific progress and technological growth for three reasons. First,
they are abundant. Second, they have very little mass and no charge and hence can travel through
planets, stars, rocks and human bodies without any interaction. In fact, a beam of trillions of neutrinos
can travel thousands of kilometres through a rock before an interaction with the single atom of the rock
and the neutrino occurs. Third, they hide within them a vast pool of knowledge and could open new
vistas in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, communication and even in medical imaging, through
the detector spin-offs.

While this should be a moment of joy, there is also some scepticism, partly arising due to the fact that
the neutrino, though so abundant, is a silent stranger to most people.

1)On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings.
Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply and appropriate title to it.
2)Writer summary of the above passage in 50 words.

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