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Analyze Paired Sample T-Test We will discuss on how to analyze Paired Sample T-Test by using SPSS 19.

Paired sample T-Test also known as Dependent Paired Sample T-test. Based on the following question: A trainer claims that the performance of a high jump athlete will improve after a 12 weeks training program. 20 high jump athletes are selected to join the program. Test the trainers claim at . Data are as shown as below. Before 2.17 2.05 2.20 2.10 2.08 2.14 2.17 2.11 2.14 2.20 2.18 2.19 2.19 2.15 2.08 2.06 2.12 2.19 2.09 2.12 Table 1.a If we do hypothesis testing on this data, the hypothesis will be: Hypothesis Testing After 2.19 2.08 2.22 2.15 2.09 2.19 2.20 2.11 2.17 2.21 2.16 2.19 2.21 2.18 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.17 2.17 2.10

(1.1) Since we want to test the trainers claim which said that the performance of a high jump athlete will improve after the program, therefore the difference between before and after variable should be greater than zero. So, our claim will be at .

Critical Value Based on T-Table, the value of critical value is (1.2) Where,

Test Statistic

(1.3) Decision Since the value of test statistic, Conclusion There is enough evidence to support the trainers claims that the performance level of a high jump athlete will improve after a 12 weeks training program. fall in the rejection region, so we will reject the .

Using SPSS 19 Now, we will discuss how to use SPSS 19 to analyze the Paired Sample T-Test. First of all, we need to enter the data into SPSS by column. Since the variables are dependent so we need 2nd column to enter the data. The first column will be for variable Before and the second column is for the After variable.

Figure 1.a You can refer to the following video on how to use SPSS to analyze the Paired Sample T-Test.

After we analyze the data, we will get a result output like this.

Table 1.a Let us discuss the meaning of each value in the output windows. In Paired Samples Statistics table(Table 1.a), SPSS list the mean, number of samples, standard deviation and standard mean error for each variable.

Table 1.b Meanwhile, in the Paired Sample Correlation table (Table 1.b) SPSS list down the value of correlation between the two variables. Correlation measures the direction and strength of linear relationship between two variables. The range for correlation coefficient is between -1 and +1, when is approaching -1, it indicates that the 2 variable have a strong negative relationship meanwhile when is approaching +1, it means that the 2 variable have a strong positive relationship.

Table 1.c From Table 1.c, the value of correlation, . It is a strong positive value and this indicates that the 2 variables which is Before and After have a strong positive relationship.

Table 1.d In Paired Sample Test table (Table 1.d), SPSS list down the value mean, standard deviation, standard mean error as shown on Output 1.4. This is the most important table since it tells us whether the difference between the means for the 2 variable was large enough not to be a chance result. The mean shown in the table (1.4) is the mean difference between scores where . The table also shown the standard error deviation of the differences between mean (Std. Deviation= .03120) and the standard error of the scores in those 2 conditions. (Std. Error Mean=0.00698). Test statistic, is calculated with the same formula as in (1.3) ( ). Degree of freedom for this test is 19 ( . The degree of freedom was used to calculate the exact probability that a value of as big as the one obtained could occur if the null hypothesis were true and it is labeled as ; refer to Table 1.d. SPSS only provides the two-tailed probability but based on our hypothesis (1.1), our test is a one tailed case. Hence we will divide the significant value by 2 which yield the result equals to .001. The probability is very low ( , it tells us that there is only 0.1% chance that a value of this big could happen if the null hypothesis were true. We accept a as statistically meaningful, therefore this test is significantly meaningful because generally . We can conclude that the athlete performance improved significantly greater from before the 12 weeks training program ( and after the program ,

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