Bridging The Gap Between Omics and Earth System Science To Better Understand How Environmental Change Impacts Marine Microbes

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Global Change Biology (2016) 22, 61–75, doi: 10.1111/gcb.



Bridging the gap between omics and earth system science

to better understand how environmental change impacts
marine microbes
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, NR4 7TJ Norwich, UK, 2College of Life and
Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, EX4 4QE Exeter, UK, 3School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe
Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK, 4Ashworth Laboratories, Edinburgh University, EH9 3JF Edinburgh, UK, 5SynthSys and School
of Biological Sciences, Edinburgh University, EH9 3BF Edinburgh, UK, 6School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia,
Norwich Research Park, NR4 7TJ Norwich, UK

The advent of genomic-, transcriptomic- and proteomic-based approaches has revolutionized our ability to describe
marine microbial communities, including biogeography, metabolic potential and diversity, mechanisms of adapta-
tion, and phylogeny and evolutionary history. New interdisciplinary approaches are needed to move from this
descriptive level to improved quantitative, process-level understanding of the roles of marine microbes in biogeo-
chemical cycles and of the impact of environmental change on the marine microbial ecosystem. Linking studies at lev-
els from the genome to the organism, to ecological strategies and organism and ecosystem response, requires new
modelling approaches. Key to this will be a fundamental shift in modelling scale that represents micro-organisms
from the level of their macromolecular components. This will enable contact with omics data sets and allow acclima-
tion and adaptive response at the phenotype level (i.e. traits) to be simulated as a combination of fitness maximization
and evolutionary constraints. This way forward will build on ecological approaches that identify key organism traits
and systems biology approaches that integrate traditional physiological measurements with new insights from omics.
It will rely on developing an improved understanding of ecophysiology to understand quantitatively environmental
controls on microbial growth strategies. It will also incorporate results from experimental evolution studies in the
representation of adaptation. The resulting ecosystem-level models can then evaluate our level of understanding of
controls on ecosystem structure and function, highlight major gaps in understanding and help prioritize areas for
future research programs. Ultimately, this grand synthesis should improve predictive capability of the ecosystem
response to multiple environmental drivers.
Keywords: evolution, genomics, microbes, modelling, ocean

Received 16 February 2015; revised version received 5 May 2015 and accepted 12 May 2015

and also indirectly affects organisms due to water col-

umn stratification restricting nutrient supplies to the
The marine ecosystem is a fundamental part of the surface (Behrenfeld et al., 2006). Warming is also caus-
Earth system, which is both responding to human- ing pronounced retreat of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean
induced global change and affecting its magnitude. As ( with severe
of 2000, land-use change had added 34 Pg C to the consequences for the entire polar food web (Smetacek
atmosphere, whereas the ocean had absorbed 124 Pg C & Nicol, 2005). Finally, oxygen minimum zones at
from anthropogenic emissions (House et al., 2002). depth seem to be expanding and becoming more
Absorbing this extra carbon dioxide acidifies the ocean, intense (Stramma et al., 2008), with implications for
making it less hospitable for calcifying organisms such ocean N, P and Fe cycles and thus the balance of nutri-
as corals, molluscs, echinoderms, fish and calcifying ent limitation in the sea (Moore et al., 2013). However,
algae (e.g. Kroeker et al., 2013). The oceans are also recent research indicates that anoxia in the North Paci-
warming and becoming more stratified (at least in some fic can be linked to tropical trade winds and if they
regions). Temperature directly affects metabolic rates become weaker as predicted, the ocean’s largest anoxic
zone will contract despite a global O2 decline (Deutsch
Correspondence: Thomas Mock, tel. +44(0)1603592566,
fax +44(0)1603591327, e-mail: et al., 2014).

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distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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62 T . M O C K et al.

We know that life can adapt to changing environ- and modelling approaches to studying the impact of
mental conditions by individual organisms migrating environmental change on marine organisms (Fig. 1).
or altering their growth strategies (acclimating) and by Omics studies have revolutionized our understanding
populations adapting over time through genetic (or epi- about how organisms have evolved and are adapted to
genetic) evolution. On land, long-lived plants that environmental conditions of the oceans. Nucleic acids
account for 50% of global primary production may record both how the environment affects organisms
struggle to evolve as fast as the climate changes. In the and how organisms respond to changing environmen-
ocean, in contrast, where most of the primary produc- tal conditions. They thus offer a repository of informa-
ers are either single-celled microbes or fast-growing tion that has yet to be fully integrated into current
macroalgae, there is considerable potential for them to understanding of the structure and functioning of mar-
evolve rapidly to changing environmental conditions ine ecosystems.
(Lohbeck et al., 2012). Warming is considered to be a Crossing the scales from omics science to the marine
strong selective agent that is likely to drive evolution- ecosystem response to environmental change requires
ary change in most taxa (Thomas et al., 2012; Boyd several intermediate steps (Fig. 1). Here, we argue that
et al., 2013). However, our knowledge of how marine the framework of evolutionary ecology – drawing on
microbes may acclimate and evolve in a changing ocean systems biology, physiological measurements and
is fundamentally incomplete, and most existing models experimental evolution studies – can help provide that
(e.g. Le Quere et al., 2005; Follows et al., 2007) fail to bridge. A central concept is that organisms and their fit-
consider adaptive responses. There is thus an urgent ness-determining phenotypic traits have been opti-
need to improve our understanding of how marine eco- mized by natural selection. Thus, if we can capture the
systems and their constituent organisms respond to key traits of marine microbes, the trade-offs between
environmental change and how these responses in turn them and the environmental selection pressures on
feedback to affect the magnitude of environmental them, we can understand the emergence of successful
change. phenotypes. A key opportunity opened up by omics
A key connection that needs to be strengthened is science is to underpin this phenotypic-level under-
between the insights into the marine microbial ecosys- standing with new knowledge of the underlying genet-
tem coming from molecular biological omics data ics and biochemistry. Systems biology can help here by
(Hood et al., 2006) and existing biological, ecological mapping from genes and biochemistry to the costs and

Cold Warm

Abundance of
encoding Ribosomal
ribosomal proteins with
proteins P-rich rRNAs Cell model Global model


Fig. 1 Informing the Earth system science with marine phytoplankton by omics data. Metatranscriptome sequences from natural phy-
toplankton communities helped to identify physiological traits (cellular concentration of ribosomes and their rRNAs) underpinning
adaptation to environmental conditions (temperature). A mechanistic phytoplankton cell model was used to test the significance of the
identified physiological trait for cellular stoichiometry. Environmental selection in a trait-based global marine ecosystem model was
then linking emergent growth and cellular allocation strategies to large-scale patterns in light, nutrients and temperature in the surface
marine environment. Global predictions of cellular resource allocation and stoichiometry (N:P ratio) were consistent with patterns in
metatranscriptome data (Toseland et al., 2013) and latitudinal patterns in the elemental ratios of marine plankton and organic matter
(Martiny et al., 2013). Three-dimensional view of ribosome was taken from Wikipedia, showing rRNA in dark blue and dark red.
Lighter colours represent ribosomal proteins. Bands above show temperature-dependent abundance of the eukaryotic ribosomal pro-
tein S14, adapted from Toseland et al. (2013).

© 2015 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 22, 61–75
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F R O M O M I C S T O E A R T H S Y S T E M S C I E N C E 63

benefits of maintaining key components of the cell. map marine microbes on a global scale for insights into
Physiology provides empirical measurements to test their biogeography (Follows et al., 2007), which is the
this understanding of cellular economics, and experi- first step to understanding how the environment
mental evolution studies provide information on the shapes microbial diversity in the oceans. Several bio-
possibilities for, and constraints on, adaptation. geographical studies based on metagenome sequences
Here, we address how integrating omics approaches revealed that many heterotrophic and autotrophic mar-
and evolutionary ecology into our models of the marine ine microbes show divergence into phylotypes specifi-
ecosystem could lead to a step change in our under- cally adapted to either different oceanographic
standing of how environmental change impacts marine provinces or lifestyles (e.g. Dinsdale et al., 2008). Those
organisms and the challenges this raises. We focus on phylotypes are referred to as ecotypes because they are
marine microbes as the application of omics sciences in adapted to specific environmental conditions represent-
the marine system is at the forefront for this group of ing traits that reflect most successful adaptations to a
organisms. Furthermore, marine microbes such as phy- given environment.
toplankton and heterotrophic bacteria have a significant Interestingly, the most fundamental and significant
impact on marine food webs and biogeochemical driver of global microbial diversity in the surface
cycling, which is why comprehensive data sets are now oceans seems to be temperature (e.g. Raes et al., 2011;
available from omics to modelling. Thus, marine Thomas et al., 2012; Toseland et al., 2013). Marine bacte-
microbes provide an ideal test case for developing new rial diversity peaks globally at high latitudes in winter
integrative ecosystem approaches that address some of (Ladau et al., 2013). This pattern strongly contrasts with
the most significant challenges human race and socie- tropical, seasonally consistent diversity peaks observed
ties have ever faced. for most marine and terrestrial macro-organisms (Hille-
The rest of the article is structured as follows. First, brand, 2004). There is also evidence that human impact
we consider how omics approaches have revealed new significantly increases bacterial diversity in surface
insights into the ocean’s secrets by identifying the out- oceans as global hot spots include coastal waters and
come of millions of years of evolutionary adaptation of the Arctic Ocean, both of which are significantly
microbes. Second, we discuss how changes in the sur- impacted by river run-off and human activity (Ladau
face oceans challenge the evolutionary adaptation of et al., 2013). Besides temperature, another strong pre-
marine microbes. Third, we consider how we can dictor of bacterial richness is day length (Gilbert et al.,
advance our understanding of climate-driven changes 2012), which explains the seasonality of diversity in
in the oceans through using new models that integrate temperate oceans. Nutrients seem to play a smaller role
knowledge from omics approaches with fundamental in determining global diversity patterns of marine
concepts of evolutionary ecology. microbes, but among the nutrients, phosphate has the
strongest predictive power of heterotrophic bacterial
diversity (Ladau et al., 2013). Biogeographical controls
Omics approaches: revealing the ocean’s secrets
on marine nitrogen fixers seem to be controlled by low
fixed nitrogen and sufficient iron and phosphate
Drivers of microbial biogeography
(Monteiro et al., 2011). Higher temperature require-
Omics approaches have enabled us to add an organ- ments, quite often used to explain their biogeography,
ism-centric view to the Earth system science. In the seem to be adaptations to these particular environ-
past, geochemists often identified biogeochemical pro- ments and, therefore, not primarily controlling their
cesses before biologists identified the responsible distribution (Monteiro et al., 2011).
organisms. Now omics is identifying a plethora of Another strong predictor of bacterial diversity in the
organisms that may be responsible for a wide range of ocean is water depth, which is unsurprising as there
energetically feasible biogeochemical processes. Marine are strong vertical gradients in (i) light quantity and
microbes were among the first targets for genome- quality, (ii) temperature, (iii) pressure and (iv) general
enabled science (Dufresne et al., 2003; Rocap et al., environmental variability. Several studies give evi-
2003; Derelle et al., 2006). Studies on ribosomal genes dence of depth-specific microbial communities with
such as 16S or protein-coding marker genes provided strong separations between the photic and aphotic
the first step towards a taxonomic census of marine zones (e.g. Ghiglione et al., 2012). Even at the poles
microbes in their environments (Schmidt et al., 1991). where the oceans are subjected to strong vertical mix-
Remarkable diversity has been observed for most of the ing and upwelling, there was a difference in the esti-
different marine microbial groups. As natural histori- mated diversity between surface and deep microbial
ans have mapped the distribution of animals and plants communities (Ghiglione et al., 2012). A higher degree of
on land, marine microbial scientists are now able to diversity was observed in the deep ocean compared to

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64 T . M O C K et al.

the surface ocean based on the V6 region of the SSU and light, very similar to the species diversity based
rRNA gene (Ghiglione et al., 2012). However, by taking on rRNA genes. Furthermore, a significant negative
into account the geographical differences in bacterial correlation between the functional diversity and
communities of the surface oceans across latitudes, it primary productivity was observed for functional
seems that surface communities differ more than deep richness. This observation supports global taxonomic
communities. Environmental drivers in the deep ocean data that showed highest bacterial diversity in winter
may be weaker compared to surface waters because in temperate oceans when primary productivity is at
several factors including temperature are more uniform its annual minimum.
in the deep ocean. There is also evidence that deep A study focussed on membrane proteins in the GOS
communities are more connected through oceanic cir- data set revealed how closely the environment impacts
culation, which might explain why these communities the abundance of functional protein groups and thus
differ less between the Arctic and Southern oceans. selects traits. Membrane proteins play a fundamental
Both oceans are connected by deep bottom currents that role in sensing and interacting with the environment
transport microbes across the equator. In contrast, the but also in terms of energetics as photosynthesis and
majority (85%) of polar surface microbial communities respiration are membrane-bound processes. Thus,
appeared to have pole-specific distributions, suggesting membrane proteins are ideal to test how the environ-
incomplete dispersal due to geographical isolation ment shapes microbial metabolism and adaptation.
(Ghiglione et al., 2012). Patel et al. (2010) developed an environmental features
All of the phylogenetic assessments of microbial network to quantify correlations between protein fami-
diversity in the oceans so far have revealed evidence lies and covarying environmental features. They
for biogeographically defined communities. It seems showed that specific protein families are enriched
that these communities evolved according to distinct under specific environmental conditions. For instance,
environmental conditions. Positive selection seems to the affinity of phosphate transporters from the GOS
be the underlying driver of ecological niche differentia- data set was related to the concentration of phosphate
tion, highlighting the existence of genomic traits charac- in the environment, whereas the occurrence of iron
teristic of different phylotypes thriving in specific transporters was connected to the amount of shipping,
marine biomes. pollution and iron-containing dust deposited in the sur-
face ocean (Patel et al., 2010). Thus, those proteins have
the potential to be used as in situ biomarkers and, there-
Environmental adaptation of microbial metabolism
fore, as tools to assess how environmental change
Adaptive radiation of marine microbes in different impacts microbial communities in the ocean. However,
marine biomes is underpinned by metabolism reflect- more important than the presence of genes in a given
ing traits characteristic for these biomes (Dinsdale et al., microbial community is their activity measured either
2008). Comparative metagenomics of microbial com- by transcript or protein abundance (e.g. Toseland et al.,
munities from different marine biomes has revealed a 2013; Saito et al., 2014; Alexander et al., 2015). Several
first glimpse into how the environment shapes metabo- studies have already shown potential for detecting
lism of these microbes and, therefore, their evolution in situ biomarkers specifically for nutrient stress by
and radiation. Interestingly, it seems that the biogeo- measurements of upregulated transcripts or proteins
graphical patterns of species diversity are mirrored in associated with nutrient stress (e.g. Lindell & Post,
metabolic differences reflecting molecular functional 2001; Webb et al., 2001; Marchetti et al., 2012; Chappell
traits such as nutrient requirements in relation to the et al., 2015). Furthermore, a recent study by Saito et al.
number and diversity of nutrient transporters (Patel (2014) revealed how quantitative mass spectrometry-
et al., 2010). Thus, environmental parameters used as based protein biomarker measurements can be used to
predictors of species diversity also serve as predictors characterize nutrient limitation patterns for multiple
of molecular trait diversity. Orthologous groups (OGs) nutrients on the abundant cyanobacterium Prochlorococ-
of genes have been used as a measure of molecular cus. Targeting several different biomarkers for nutrient
functional richness in a metagenome of a microbial stress (e.g. IdiA for iron stress, P-II for nitrogen stress)
community. The number of OGs in relation to the even- simultaneously across a meridional transect in the cen-
ness of the functional distribution reflects the diversity tral Pacific Ocean revealed widespread and overlap-
of the metabolic potential of a community similar to ping biogeochemical regions of nutritional stress for
rRNAs reflecting the taxonomic diversity. A detailed nitrogen and phosphorous in the North Pacific Subtrop-
analysis of OGs from the GOS data set revealed that ical Gyre and iron in the equatorial Pacific. Further-
most of the metabolic diversity in microbial communities more, quantitative protein analysis demonstrated
from the surface ocean can be explained by temperature simultaneous stress for these nutrients at biome interfaces,

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which had not been observed before with other methods. environment, which might limit our ability to construct
These data are promising and contribute to translational metabolic networks underpinning trait-based model-
applications from cell biology to be applied to assessing ling. We will begin to close these gaps if we couple
the state of marine microbial communities under global knowledge from cell biology with integrated outputs
change. Similar translational approaches are currently from various omics approaches mentioned above. To
being applied to conservation efforts for coral reefs (Tray- the best of our knowledge, there are no studies so far
lor-Knowles & Palumbi, 2014). However, a major weak- on marine microbes and their communities that extend
ness seems to apply to both fields: we still lack all the way from genomics to physiology in a single
understanding of some of the basic mechanisms under- coherent study. But only with these integrated
pinning the regulation of biomarkers. As long as biomar- approaches will we be able to understand the evolution
kers have only been developed for specific species (e.g. and regulation of functional traits and therefore
cyanobacteria, diatoms and corals) without fully under- improve current biogeochemical models.
standing their mechanisms or genotype or acclimatization
ability, their use is limited as a large amount of variation
The genetic basis of adaptation and metabolism
will be left unexplained (e.g. Traylor-Knowles & Palumbi,
2014). To tackle this issue, we need to determine the Marine microbes are prone to fast evolution as they
mechanisms by which the biomarker is being activated usually have large census population sizes, so that
and controlled by applying techniques from cell biology mutations on which natural selection can act arise
to ecological key taxa underpinning biogeochemical pro- often. In populations that are far from their optimum in
cesses. the fitness landscape, there is a higher proportion of
Those mechanistic insights together with physiologi- advantageous mutations that confer increases in fitness
cal data will give clearer evidence for environmental in larger as compared to smaller populations (Luo et al.,
adaptation of microbial metabolism and lay the founda- 2014). Advantageous mutations become fixed faster
tion for trait-based modelling. and spread more quickly through a larger population
Microbial community metabolism also differs with (Lanfear et al., 2014). However, the substitution rate
seawater depth as shown by a metagenomics study depends on both the rate at which new advantageous
at the Hawaiian Ocean Time-series (HOT) station mutations occur in a population and the time that each
(Delong et al., 2006). OG analysis identified metabolic mutation spreads to fixation. Nevertheless, it seems
differences between photic and aphotic communities adaptive evolution under changing environmental con-
reflecting differences in microbial diversity. Most of ditions, where locally adapted populations may experi-
the sequences from the photic zone were involved in ence drops in fitness, will be faster in larger
photosynthesis, iron transport, efflux pumps and populations if the mutation rate is high. Under varying
membrane proteins, whereas transposases, pilus dynamic environmental conditions with large spatial
synthesis proteins, protein export, polysaccharide and and temporal variability, genotype sorting within
antibiotic synthesis were mostly enriched in deeper diverse species is likely if there is variation in fitness
waters. The sequences from deep-water communities within that species (Lohbeck et al., 2012; Schaum et al.,
give some evidence for a surface-attached lifestyle 2013). There is evidence of intraspecies variation in fit-
that may be related to life in aggregates of organic ness, where different populations of the same species
matter. alternate in abundance in time (e.g. seasonal succes-
Taken together, taxonomic and functional metage- sion) or space (e.g. latitude) depending on their fitness
nomics, meta-transcriptomics and quantitative meta- peak in relation to environmental conditions.
proteomics studies of marine microbial communities This is exemplified by ecotypes of the cyanobacterial
have revealed that environmental conditions determine genus Prochlorococcus (Johnson et al., 2006; Kashtan
taxonomic and functional diversity in the same direc- et al., 2014). Here, the same intraspecies variation that
tion across different biomes from poles to the tropics, allows the maintenance of diversity in fluctuating envi-
between different nutrient regimes and vertically from ronments could be used as fuel for directional selection
the surface to the deep ocean. The consequence is selec- if the nature of environmental variation changes. Pro-
tion of those traits that are most successful under given chlorococcus can be divided in several different ecotypes
environmental conditions. These conditions although with distinct seasonalities, depth distributions and geo-
vary temporally and spatially leading to the evolution graphical locations. For instance, there are high-light-
of different phylotypes (ecotypes) selected under spe- adapted and low-light-adapted ecotypes, and ecotypes
cific environmental conditions. However, undeniably, that prefer warmer water and those that occur in colder
there are still major gaps and limitations in our under- waters at higher latitudes (Johnson et al., 2006).
standing of how microbes are adapted to their natural They can be identified both by their rRNA genes and

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66 T . M O C K et al.

differences in their gene composition. Also for Prochlo- characterization through reverse genetics approaches
rococcus, temperature and light seem to be the most has been published so far (Derelle et al., 2006).
important environmental variables shaping their diver- Species-specific transcriptomics, proteomics and met-
sity (Johnson et al., 2006). About 26% of variability in abolomics studies with marine microbes provided first
the total Prochlorococcus population studied in the insights into the significance of single genes or gene
Atlantic Ocean could be explained by temperature clusters for acclimation and adaptation of marine
(Johnson et al., 2006). One of the two high-light-adapted microbes to environmental conditions (e.g. Mock et al.,
strains (eMED4) was more abundant at higher latitudes 2008; Allen et al., 2008; Wecker et al., 2009; Zinser et al.,
(30–50°) because it could grow between 10 and 15°C, 2009, Ashworth et al., 2013, McKew et al., 2013). Fur-
whereas eMIT9312 was more abundant at low latitudes thermore, those studies laid the foundation for biomar-
because it stopped growing at around 15°C. A whole- ker discoveries to study natural communities. Some of
genome comparative analysis between these ecotypes the earliest targets for those studies were marine het-
revealed the existence of strain-specific differences in erotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria and diatoms. Most of
five major genomic islands (GI), which had been these omics studies revealed that the species tested
acquired via horizontal gene transfer from other bacte- were highly responsive to changes in their environmen-
ria, archaea and/or phages (Coleman et al., 2006). The tal conditions (e.g. Allen et al., 2008; Mock et al., 2008;
five islands in eMED4 and eMIT9312 were located at Wecker et al., 2009; McKew et al., 2013). Furthermore,
the same position in both genomes and therefore were metabolic pathways responsible for acclimation to envi-
considered hot spots of recombination. Some of them ronmental conditions could be identified even for spe-
showed signs of remodelling by the presence of repeats, cies in natural communities revealing how metabolism
and up to 80% of the genes in these islands were most can differ between species from the same environment
similar to genes of non-cyanobacterial organisms, indi- (Alexander et al., 2015). These studies are invaluable for
cating horizontal gene transfer. However, how the subsequent physiological and biochemical measure-
genes in these islands are involved in adaptation to ments underpinning trait-based modelling. However,
different environmental conditions and thus niche as far as we know, none of the published studies with
separation remains enigmatic. Nevertheless, there is marine microbes has applied omics approaches yet to
clear evidence from many more cyanobacterial genome measure the physiological response on evolutionary
sequences that GIs enable local niche adaptation and time scales (≥200 generations), which is a major gap for
are therefore crucial to understand global biogeography identifying those genes, promoters and transcripts that
in cyanobacteria. Thus, these GIs confer new character- are under positive selection and, therefore, responsible
istics to the organisms allowing them to jump from for coping with changing environmental conditions.
peak to peak within the fitness landscapes, a character- Furthermore, the role of epigenetics for acclimation and
istic that is similar to other microbes from very adaptation of marine microbes still is very enigmatic as
dynamic environments (e.g. gut microbiota) (Ley et al., only very few studies have addressed the role of epige-
2006; Juhas et al., 2009). netics (Veluchamy et al., 2013). However, as epigenetic
How this adaptation potential is realized in eukary- changes might significantly contribute to the plasticity
otic marine microbes is still very elusive. However, the of the phenotype (Schlichting & Wund, 2014), epigenet-
first genomes from eukaryotic phytoplankton have ics might hold great promise for understanding the
revealed, similarly to their prokaryotic counter parts, dynamics of physiological responses.
that the environment significantly impacts genome Thus, a key question that remains to be answered is
architecture and gene composition. For instance, hori- how fast and how dynamically marine microbes can
zontal gene transfer in prasinophytes and diatoms is evolve under changing environmental conditions.
thought to have facilitated species divergence (Derelle Here, a recent study on single-cell genomics with wild
et al., 2006; Bowler et al., 2008). While the prasinophyte Prochlorococcus populations is leading the way in
green alga Ostreococcus has acquired two complete answering that question (Kashtan et al., 2014). A cell-
chromosomes via horizontal gene transfer, HGT in dia- by-cell comparison between co-occurring populations
toms so far seems to be restricted to single genes from of Prochlorococcus revealed that these communities were
bacteria, archaea or fungi. These alien genes, both of composed of hundreds of subpopulations with distinct
bacterial origin, facilitate niche separation in diatoms as ‘genomic backbones’, each backbone consisting of dif-
shown for rhodopsins (Marchetti et al., 2012) and anti- ferent sets of core alleles linked to a small set of flexible
freeze proteins (Raymond & Morgan-Kiss, 2013) in dia- genes typically in form of cassettes within genomic
toms. The function of the alien chromosomes in islands. The genetic variation between backbone sub-
Ostreococcus remains more enigmatic as most of their populations of Prochlorococcus is explained by the popu-
genes have unknown function, and no functional lation structure as the fixation index FST (a measure of

© 2015 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 22, 61–75
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F R O M O M I C S T O E A R T H S Y S T E M S C I E N C E 67

population differentiation due to genetic structure) is macromolecules. On longer time scales of days to
between 0.8 and 1.0, indicating almost complete sub- months, microbial communities can be remodelled as
population separation. The different backbone subpop- dominance patterns within the community change or
ulations seem to have different niches (which are species are introduced to or lost from the local environ-
separated in time) as the relative abundances of sub- ment. On longer time scales, populations may evolve
populations changed according to environmental con- through natural selection.
ditions (autumn, winter and spring). Due to the
enormous population size of these backbone subpopu-
Adaptation at the cellular level
lations (>1013 cells), it is likely that they have evolved
by selection. Moreover, the backbone subpopulations On the level of a microbial cell, ocean acidification is
maintained their genomic composition between sea- considered to impact the pH homoeostasis (Taylor
sons, which supports the Baas-Becking hypothesis that et al., 2012) and therefore impact many enzymatically
‘everything is everywhere but the environment selects’ regulated physiological processes such as nutrient
(Baas-Becking, 1934). Rarefraction analysis of these uptake, osmoregulation, photosynthesis and calcifica-
backbone subpopulations that coincided well with ITS tion (Bach et al., 2012). pH may operate directly or indi-
ribotypes revealed at least hundreds of subpopulations rectly via changes in the inorganic carbonate system by
co-occurring at the same time and location but with dif- changing the concentrations of carbon dioxide, bicar-
ferential abundance according to environmental condi- bonate or carbonate ions and the saturation states of
tions (seasonality) (Kashtan et al., 2014). They were aragonite and calcite in seawater (Plummer & Busen-
estimated to have diverged at least a few million years berg, 1982).
ago, suggesting ancient niche partitioning. The extant Warming is considered to impact the overall temper-
populations though seem to reflect a stable and bal- ature-dependent metabolism (Arrhenius equation).
anced collective of ecotypes that may refine their gene Enzyme kinetics are strongly dependent on tempera-
repertoire only slightly due to the lack of strong selec- ture (Q10 = 2–3), and therefore, many reactions
tion pressure. involved in resource allocation (e.g. nutrient uptake,
Based on the population study with Prochlorococcus peptide elongation, fatty acid synthesis, and TCA cycle)
(Kashtan et al., 2014) together with the evidence for are affected by changing temperatures (Raven & Geid-
horizontal gene transfer described by Coleman et al. er, 1988). In contrast, the Q10 for light absorption by
(2006), it appears that diversity is initially generated chlorophyll = 1.0 (Raven & Geider, 1988), so in the
when there is strong selection pressure due to rapid absence of acclimation, changing temperatures can lead
and significant environmental change that might drive to a decoupling of the potentials for ATP/NADPH pro-
the exchange of genetic material via HGT, which seems duction and carbon fixation in autotrophs, such as phy-
to lead to large fitness gains over a short period of time toplankton. Thus, temperature has a significant impact
similar to other dynamic environments where the same on the energetics of individual cells. Many cellular sig-
strategy has been established (gut microbiota) (Ley nalling and regulatory pathways are also affected, both
et al., 2006). However, once stable niche partitioning directly by temperature and in response to metabolic
has taken place, subpopulations are maintained by changes. For example, the imbalance between energy
environmental fluctuations, and within-subpopulation supply by temperature-independent light absorption
evolution is constrained to mutations and natural selec- and energy consumption by temperature-dependent
tion, which refines the fit of subpopulations to their enzymatic reactions is sensed in the chloroplast by
niche. modulation of the redox state of the photosynthetic
apparatus. This redox information is conveyed to the
nucleus affecting gene expression and leading to
Adaptation to environmental change
remodelling of the photosynthetic apparatus to re-
The response of marine microbes and microbial com- establish an energy balance (H€ uner et al., 2012). Molec-
munities to environmental change depends on both the ular studies offer the opportunity to understand the
magnitude and the time scale of the change. On very mechanism of these intracellular changes, which con-
short time scales, cellular physiology can respond rap- strain plasticity. Temperature responses remain to be
idly to changes in resource availability (e.g. light and investigated at the level of molecular networks, largely
nutrients) or physical/chemical stressors (e.g. low or because the candidate cellular pathways are still being
high temperature, ocean acidification, UV radiation). elucidated, including photoreceptors (Coesel et al.,
On slightly longer time scales of hours to days, cells 2009; Huysman et al., 2013), the circadian clock (Corel-
and cell populations can acclimate by changing their lou et al., 2009; O’Neill et al., 2011), cell cycle regulators
phenotypes through synthesis and degradation of (Moulager et al., 2007), protein kinases (Hindle et al.,

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68 T . M O C K et al.

2014) and starch metabolism (Ral et al., 2004; Sorokina at the mechanistic level, at least for some molecular sys-
et al., 2011). However, molecular responses to ambient tems (Monnier et al., 2010; Troein et al., 2011). It is
temperature are a topic of current research in systems unknown how marine microbes differ in their ability to
biology, including in higher plants (Franklin et al., respond evolutionarily to environmental change such
2014), where light response pathways closely interact as ocean acidification and warming, because this
with ambient temperature signalling (Gould et al., requires taking into account de novo mutation as well
2013). This work builds on research in E. coli, yeast and as evolutionary constraints – both of which need to
fruit flies (Bochdanovits & De Jong, 2003; Bennett & be investigated empirically (for a recent review, see
Lenski, 2007; Piotrowski et al., 2012). All this work Collins et al., 2013).
showed that temperature has a significant impact on
the organization of genomes and that resistance to heat
Adaptation at the community level through range shifts
has a genetic origin.
Recent studies reveal that warming of the surface
ocean is responsible for a significant poleward range
Adaptation at the level of populations
shift in dispersal of marine pelagic organisms includ-
How current climate change impacts the evolution of ing plankton (Poloczanaska et al., 2013). Indeed some
microbial communities remains to be seen, but time phytoplankton and zooplankton species show the
will tell as human race has already begun a selection highest velocity in range shift dispersals (>400 km/
experiment on a global scale. Marine microbes may decade) (Poloczanaska et al., 2013). Those species
already be well prepared to respond appropriately with probably remain in the same thermal niche while they
genes or GIs that will be exchanged again in a period of are shifting polewards because the niche shifts due to
rapid change. Alternatively, the current genetic varia- global warming. However, poleward-shifting thermal
tion may not be sufficient to allow marine microbes to niches are not identical replicates of their geographical
cope with climate change. Thus, current environmental origin at lower latitudes as warming affects mixing
change might push marine microbes out of their envi- and thus nutrient availability. Furthermore, poleward-
ronmental envelope of the past several million years, in shifting marine organisms experience changing sea-
which case the rise of new beneficial mutations may be sonality of solar irradiance (day length and irradiance)
used instead of or in addition to sorting existing varia- depending on the latitude. Thus, for successful range
tion, although the relative importance of genotype sort- shift dispersals of populations, species with wide tol-
ing and selection on de novo variation in microbial erance ranges will most likely be at an advantage.
populations has yet to be established. Temperature Wide tolerance ranges in general are underpinned by
appears to have significantly shaped the current large- adaptive plasticity that is favoured by strongly fluctu-
scale microbial diversity in the oceans (Johnson et al., ating environments such as temperate ecosystems
2006; Raes et al., 2011; Thomas et al., 2012; Toseland (Davis & Shaw, 2001). In contrast, those species that
et al., 2013), and it is temperature change that is one of have a very limited range of dispersal due to specific
the major consequences of the anthropogenically adaptiveness are most sensitive to climate change.
induced climate change. Polar and tropical ecosystems harbour many different
Phenotypic plasticity (the ability of a single genotype communities of organisms that are adapted to a rela-
to produce multiple phenotypes), phenotypic diversity tively narrow temperature range and therefore have
(the number of phenotypes with different fitness pres- limited dispersal (Boyd et al., 2013). If temperature
ent in a population) and the population size determine deviates even slightly from the annual average tem-
how a population is able to respond to environmental perature, it will affect the diversity and productivity
change in the short term by genotype sorting without of these communities (Hof et al., 2012; Poloczanaska
contributions from de novo mutation (Via & Lande, et al., 2013).
1985). Over the longer term, mutational supply (muta- Significant poleward range shifts in dispersal of mar-
tion rate x effective population size) is also important in ine plankton and increasing extinction rates for those
generating novel heritable variation in fitness on which organisms with a narrow range of adaptation such as
natural selection can act. Different species of marine polar and tropical species show that global warming
microbes differ in their degree of phenotypic plasticity impacts the largest ecosystem on the Earth (Davis &
(Schaum et al., 2013), and taxa are thought to differ in Shaw, 2001). Without knowing the evolutionary poten-
the amount of genetic and phenotypic diversity pres- tial of key players in marine ecosystems, we cannot reli-
ent, although little empirical data on which to base ably predict future responses to global warming
comparisons exist. The molecular and modelling tools especially for those organisms with a low tolerance
are now established to understand such natural variation ranges and thus limited adaptive capacity.

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F R O M O M I C S T O E A R T H S Y S T E M S C I E N C E 69

marine ecosystems and ecosystem services are likely to

Adaptation at the community level through selection
change in response to global environmental change.
Most species studied have an optimum temperature
and pH for growth and reproduction and show evi-
From microbes to ecosystem-level properties
dence of decreased fitness when grown under nonopti-
mal conditions. Furthermore, comparative studies often Understanding the ecological basis for the observed eco-
show that populations are adapted to their temperature system-level properties requires comparison of theoreti-
regimes (Boyd et al., 2013), although evidence is equiv- cal models for organism distribution and function (either
ocal for adaptation to local CO2 (Langer et al., 2009; based on traits and niche modelling, or fully mechanistic
Lohbeck et al., 2012; Hutchins et al., 2013). The paucity ‘dynamical system’ models) with observations. Under-
of data on specific carbonate system regimes might be standing of organism properties has been derived from
one reason why there is insufficient evidence for phyto- laboratory measurements of ecophysiology, usually
plankton to be selected by past environmental condi- focussing on limiting nutrients and light as controls on
tions to occupy different CO2 niches. A lack of fit phytoplankton growth rates (Boyd et al., 2010), supple-
between extant populations and the new environment mented by available in situ measurements including
could be restored by directional selection that increases nutrient addition experiments (Moore et al., 2013) and
the prevalence of genotypes with adaptive traits that photophysiology. Empirical understanding of ecosystem
are better suited to the new conditions. structure and function has been based on correlative
Selection in new environments favours genotypes studies between (i) ocean measurements of environmen-
that are better suited to the new external conditions (i.e. tal parameters including temperature, nutrient levels and
can survive and reproduce better). Fitter organisms light (World Ocean Atlas); (ii) in situ ‘inventory’ measure-
may be present at low abundance within endogenous ments, both bulk measurements of plankton biomass, C/
populations and communities, or they may invade to N/P in situ and remote sensing of chlorophyll and pig-
displace less fit residents under the new conditions. ments (Buitenhuis et al., 2013), and taxonomic classifica-
Large populations made up of individuals who repro- tion; (iii) in situ ‘rate’ or ‘flux’ measurements including
duce quickly (e.g. bacteria and phytoplankton) can growth rates and primary production (Juranek & Quay,
often adapt rapidly to new conditions because they 2013; Laws, 2013), predation rates (Buitenhuis et al., 2006,
have a higher supply of beneficial existing variants and 2010) and export production via sediment traps.
high standing variation, which natural selection can act Theoretical models have employed three main
on (Elena & Lenski, 2003). They can often also respond approaches. Approaches based on traits and niche
through phenotypic plasticity to changing environ- modelling provide a framework to link to ecological
ments, which further increases their chances of evolv- theory (Litchman & Klausmeier, 2008) and are able to
ing (Draghi & Whitlock, 2012). That said, physical (e.g. interpret bottom-up controls (light, nutrients, tempera-
dissolution rates of calcite), genetic (e.g. pleiotropy) ture) on phytoplankton biogeography (Litchman &
and historical constraints may limit the evolutionary Klausmeier, 2008; Barton et al., 2013). Approaches
potential of taxa even in the face of high mutational based on general circulation model (GCM) representa-
supplies. tions of the ocean environment and biogeochemical
cycles via parameterizations of ecosystem function pri-
mary production, nutrient recycling and export) as a
Evolution of ecosystem function
function of environmental parameters are able to cap-
We know that ocean acidification and global warming ture major features of nutrient distribution and nutrient
significantly affect the diversity of communities with and carbon fluxes (Ridgwell et al., 2007). Mechanistic
propagating effects for food webs and biogeochemical ecosystem models (recently reviewed by Follows &
cycles and that changes in community composition are Dutkiewicz (2011)) incorporate aspects of both these
the consequence of a lack of fit between endogenous approaches and can account both for (i) bottom-up con-
populations and the new environmental conditions trols of phytoplankton community composition and
(Davis & Shaw, 2001). A key to linking changes in eco- structure as a consequence of environmental selection
system function to evolution of key organisms in the of the fittest taxa, and (ii) the influences of biotic inter-
face of global change is to understand which traits actions and ecosystem feedbacks to biogeochemistry.
evolve in those organisms and how these traits affect These have typically employed ‘black-box’ representa-
individual fitness under relevant environmental condi- tions of organism ecophysiology based on parameteri-
tions. Understanding the differences in how key taxa zation of a small number of traits for nutrient
evolve in response to ocean acidification and associated acquisition, light acquisition, temperature-dependent
warming will substantially improve predictions of how growth rate and grazing interactions – an approach

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70 T . M O C K et al.

pioneered by Riley (1946). More recent approaches dra- change, which they represent via species sorting (Litch-
matically improve representation of the global environ- man et al., 2012; Thomas et al., 2012; Edwards et al.,
ment via GCMs and have started to address biological 2013). Mechanistic models support the view that the
diversity either explicitly as traits, or via representation largest effects of environmental change may be on com-
of plankton functional types (PFTs) (Le Quere et al., munity composition (Dutkiewicz et al., 2013).
2005). Heterotrophic recycling, however, has still usu- Mechanistic models can additionally include feed-
ally been parameterized, via rates of remineralization backs to biogeochemical cycles. These models demon-
of particulate and dissolved organic pools. strate that export production is robustly linked to
All these approaches agree on major features and nutrient supply to the well-mixed surface layer – which
controls on present biogeography: top-down controls is expected to decrease overall in a warming and strati-
are of major importance, with the global mean ratio of fying ocean. However, there are potentially three com-
export to primary production ~ one-third. Permanently pensating effects on global primary productivity – an
stratified low latitudes favour small phytoplankton, overall reduction in primary productivity due to reduc-
strategies based on resource competition, and show tion in nutrient supply, versus an increase in growth
highly efficient nutrient recycling via the microbial rate due to temperature (Taucher & Oschlies, 2011),
loop. Seasonally stratified high latitude favours larger versus a CO2 fertilization of growth that might help to
phytoplankton with relatively high export production. offset lower primary production under more stratified
The overall bottom-up controls on phytoplankton at conditions in a warm ocean (Oschlies, 2009). There is
low latitudes are reasonably well represented and some agreement between models on general patterns
understood in terms of (nutrient) resource competition with predicted reductions in primary production in the
theory and light availability (Follows et al., 2007). How- stratified subtropics, but increases in the Southern
ever, detailed understanding of vertical structure in Ocean as light and temperature limitation is alleviated
permanently stratified regions requires detailed consid- (Marinov et al., 2010). CMIP5 model responses agree on
eration of additional traits for irradiance spectra and an overall forecast decrease in primary productivity
hence pigment-dependent light harvesting strategies but are quite disparate regarding its magnitude (Bopp
and photoprotection (Hickman et al., 2010). Mixotrophy et al., 2013).
is also potentially important (Hartmann et al., 2012). Environmental variability provides a potential testing
High latitudes and bloom-forming taxa (diatoms, ground of such predictions via ‘natural experiments’
coccolithophores) are not well represented in current due to interannual or decadal scale variability. Variabil-
models (Vogt et al., 2013) suggesting complex trait ity at low latitudes is dominated by ENSO and strongly
interactions (Hashioka et al., 2013), or maybe missing perturbs primary productivity (Behrenfeld et al., 2006)
key traits, for example the importance of fluctuating and also affects community composition (Masotti et al.,
light environments (Talmy et al., 2013), iron–light trade- 2011). Variability at high latitudes is dominated by the
offs (Behrenfeld & Milligan, 2013), resting/survival annular modes (SAM, NAO) where changes in wind-
strategies or armour/defence strategies (Behrenfeld & driven mixing drive changes in diatom abundance
Boss, 2014). In particular, the discrepancy between the (Alvain et al., 2013).
high (~40%) diatom contribution to global export pro- However, all of these approaches are grounded in
duction inferred from biogeochemistry (via silica empirical descriptions of organism traits and, hence,
fluxes) and the small apparent areas of diatom domi- fundamentally limited in predictive power by the accu-
nance in satellite observation, combined with limited racy of process-based understanding. None of them can
success in model-based prediction of diatom distribu- include the adaptive response to novel environments
tion, suggests that a more detailed understanding of (other than via further parameterization of direct mea-
ecosystem structure is required (Vogt et al., 2013). surements), nor can they be related to omics data sets.
Given that marine biogeographical ‘provinces’ can be Thus, we currently lack confidence in using current
identified based on combinations of environmental con- models and modelling frameworks to make projections
ditions, the response to a changing environment could of future ecosystem structure and function under new
be viewed as a spatially shifting biogeography and/or environmental conditions that will lie outside the his-
as changes within biogeographical provinces. However, torical envelope.
the response of the very different systems in oligo-
trophic low latitudes and in nutrient-rich high latitudes
Making predictions: bringing subcellular processes
could be quite different under the same predicted envi-
to the global scale
ronmental change (Doney, 2006).
Traits and niche modelling provides a framework to Given our overview of existing understanding, several
understand the ecological response to environmental key challenges emerge for any modelling approach that

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F R O M O M I C S T O E A R T H S Y S T E M S C I E N C E 71

hopes to integrate the rapidly developing perspective includes (re)integrating physiology and omics in labo-
on marine biology coming from omics research, with ratory studies, via systems biology, but with an empha-
physiological and ecological understanding. In particu- sis on understanding adaptive value as an emergent
lar, four key elements that need to be captured in a property of the detailed mechanisms.
‘next generation’ model are as follows: (i) representa-
tion of an omics level view of genes, transcripts and
Integrating physiology and omics to provide a trait-based
proteins; (ii) representation of the phenomenal biologi-
representation of diversity
cal diversity in the ocean; (iii) representation of acclima-
tion and adaptation to multiple drivers; and (iv) A promising recent approach to representing microbial
representation of evolutionary constraints (Fig. 2). diversity (e.g. Bruggeman & Kooijman, 2007) is based
Here, we argue that a key gateway to progress will on a generic coarse-grained physiological model, with
be to change the level of representation in models from traits for organism design (e.g. size) and allocation
organisms (as black boxes) to macromolecular compo- strategies among a relatively small number of macro-
nents. This needs to be accompanied by a representa- molecular components (e.g. biosynthesis machinery,
tion of adaptive responses at the phenotype level as photosynthesis machinery and structural components).
fitness maximization. Furthermore, evolutionary con- The model includes ecophysiological constraints [e.g.
straints on adaptation need to be captured through diffusive nutrient uptake, (Button, 1998)] and costs, for
empirical parameterization. example both resource allocation to macromolecular
The formulation of such a model can then play a key components and running costs, including nutrient,
role in enabling interdisciplinary collaboration. This energy and reductant budgets (Shuter, 1979; Raven,

Fig. 2 Bridging the gap: a model-centred approach to integrating omics approaches with marine microbial ecology. Omics approaches
(blue bars) provide new insights both at the level of population and community structure (red bar), and into physiology at organism
level (green bar) and below. Quantitatively understanding ecosystem structure, function and response to environmental change
requires both integration of omics approaches with other methods and a hierarchical forward (or ‘bottom-up’) modelling approach
(blue arrows). This first links omics to physiology via a combination of gene-scale models (metabolic networks, transcriptional regula-
tion) and whole-cell models that represent transport processes, storage pools and energetics. It then represents selection in a model
environment to predict community composition and function from organism traits. Evaluation against the combination of omics and
other data sets (including satellite colour, in situ nutrient and rate measurements) then indicates missing processes. Including a model
representation of genetic constraints on adaptation (microevolution) derived from laboratory experimental evolution studies and
observed genetic diversity and structure then enables a predictive model for response to environmental change.

© 2015 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 22, 61–75
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72 T . M O C K et al.

1984; Vallino et al., 1996). The benefits are then derived often limited to the core metabolism, which for photo-
as the response to the model environment, represented synthetic organisms links light harvesting to biomass
by a marine general circulation model of the abiotic production: it includes (i) ATP and NADPH production
environment (light, nutrients, temperature) and biotic from light reactions of photosynthesis; (ii) CO2 assimi-
interactions (e.g. predation, competition, mutualism, lation via dark reactions of photosynthesis; (iii) accu-
commensalism and parasitism). mulation and mobilization of energy (carbon) storage
A problem faced when implementing these models is reserves (e.g. starch, glucans and neutral lipids); (iv)
having an objective way to assign costs and benefits. To nutrient (N, P, S, Fe, Mn) acquisition and assimilation;
date, most such models have used a black-box (v) generation of precursor metabolites from glycolysis,
approach. Genomics allows these boxes to be defined TCA cycle and nutrients; (vi) oxidative phosphoryla-
objectively in terms of a system of metabolic networks tion to produce ATP and pentose phosphate pathway
and their various regulators. Transcriptomic, metabolo- to generate reducing equivalents (NADPH); and (vii)
mic and proteomic data are used to ascertain how these synthesis of macromolecules from precursors.
networks are coupled together and how they are To date, most systems biology investigations of
change in response to availability of resources and/or cyanobacteria and microalgae have been motivated by
environmental stress. Moreover, systems biology the potential for biotechnological applications (Wijffels
approaches such as flux balance analysis (Steuer et al., et al., 2013), or as model systems for basic biological
2012) provide robust, objective approaches for calculat- research (e.g. Djouani-Tahri el et al., 2011; O’Neill et al.,
ing the capital and running costs (e.g. the materials and 2011). It is now time for oceanographers and biogeo-
energy required to synthesize biomass from inorganic chemists to harness such models to gain a better under-
nutrients) of constructing enzymes, pigments and other standing of how acquisition of resources from the
components. The benefits of changing resource alloca- environment is linked to biomass production, cell
tions to different metabolic pathways can be quantified growth and population growth, along with their sea-
by measuring the amounts and catalytic capacity of sonal and other variations (Reed et al., 2014).
these components. For example, proteomics can be
used to assess changes in the abundances of different
Representing genetic constraints on adaptation
metabolic pathways within a species in response to
(microevolution) and the integrated eco-evolutionary
growth under different environmental conditions (Le
Bihan et al., 2011; McKew et al., 2013).
The availability of sequenced genomes of bacteria, The unconstrained response of such a trait-based phe-
cyanobacteria and microalgae has allowed genome- notype model to selection in the model environment
scale metabolic models to be developed (Kim et al., provides a null hypothesis that natural selection pro-
2012). These genome sequences map the possible reac- duces organisms that are well adapted to their environ-
tions that link resources acquired from the environment ment and that these organisms evolve to changing
to the potential for synthesis of macromolecules. When conditions. This defines a class of models collectively
coupled with information on the biochemical composi- called ‘optimality-based’ models, which provide pre-
tion of biomass and growth rate, the steady-state fluxes dictions of the responses of organisms to environmental
through the reactions that make up the metabolic net- forcing based (only) on the costs and benefits of differ-
work can be calculated (Steuer et al., 2012). The output ent traits or ‘behaviours’ (e.g. Talmy et al., 2013; Tose-
is often represented as a flux map. Flux balance analy- land et al., 2013; Daines et al., 2014).
sis (FBA) is a systems biology approach that is of partic- Modelling historical evolutionary constraints on
ular relevance to understanding the energetic and organism adaptation requires the modeller to impose
capital costs of microbial growth. The energetic costs some genetic constraints on the movement of organ-
include the amounts of reductant (e.g. NADH or isms in a phenotypic ‘trait space’. These constraints on
NADPH) and ATP required to support biosynthesis adaptation can be parameterized based on the results
and thus to the carbon sources for heterotrophic growth of experimental evolution studies. They require some
or light required for photoautotrophic growth. distinction of evolutionary lineages within the model.
Although still at a very early stage of development, Then, the modeller can impose lineage-specific design
metabolic models have been obtained for cyanobacteria constraints and macromolecular properties.
[e.g. Synechococcus PCC6803 (Knoop et al., 2013), Cya- A generalization of this modelling strategy to meta-
nothece ATCC 51142 (Vu et al., 2012)] and microalgae zoa and trophic structure can follow the same basic
[e.g. Chlamydonomas reinhardtii (Boyle & Morgan, 2009), approach, with traits for feeding strategies and eco-
Ostreococcus spp. (Krumholz et al., 2012) and Phaeo- physiological constraints, most fundamentally size
dactylum tricornutum (Fabris et al., 2012)]. Models are (Kiorboe, 2010). Food web structure should then be an

© 2015 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 22, 61–75
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F R O M O M I C S T O E A R T H S Y S T E M S C I E N C E 73

emergent property of the model (Loeuille & Loreau, Alvain S, Quéré CL, Bopp L, Racault M-F, Beaugrand G, Dessailly D, Buitenhuis E
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captures key aspects of the eco-evolutionary response wide diel growth state transitions in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Pro-
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