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The Prashna of Lost Person

By Monika Jain

The Man from times immemorial has been travelling far and wide
for various reasons, like Alexander the great for conquering, Asoka for
spreading message of peace, Columbus for discovering the new world or
the Barbarian Muslim invaders for looting, plundering and destroying
cultures and civilizations or the traders who used to go out for trade and
commerce with their merchantise.
In ancient times the means of communications were not so
developed so as to have instant communication with the traveller, the
methods were primitive and it took several days to get to know about
the state of the traveller on a distant voyage, so they had to ask the
Astrologer about the well being of the person on a distant voyage. Today
though the communication techniques have evolved over the period,
but now also sometimes the person out on a travel cannot be contacted
due to his choice our his compulsions, IN SUCH A SCENARIO IN
Ancient illustrious writers in their monumental Treatises, such as
Shatpanchasika by PRITHUYASHA, Prasna Marg by BHATTOTPALA,
Bhuvan Deepak by SRI PADAM PAD SURI and many more such
celebrated sages have given us many shlokas on this topic
topic in their books
on Prashna, In this write up a attempt has been made to compile and
collect the combinations that has been given in classics to analyze the
Prashna of lost person in a simple and lucid manner, A Endeavour has
been made here to tabulate and separate them in different heads
pertaining to results.

● Safe and early return, Happy return.

● Delay in return by choice or constrains like illness, captivity,
captivity, jail,
kidnapping, ransom etc.
● No return or Death.
● Miscellaneous Combinations /Role of Moon


The basic concept of the Prashna as propounded by great Sri Padam

pad suri in his classic Bhuvan Deepak terming the Moon as seed, the
lagna as flower, the Navmansha as fruit and the Bhava as taste remains
the bed rock of answers all prashna, so does remain the importance of
Kendras, here the Lagna denotes the missing person or the traveller, the
4th house is his happiness or well being of traveller, 7th house indicates
the happiness and difficulties faced by traveller on his way and the 10th
denotes possibility of Travel and objective of Travel and also help of
authorities in cases of kidnapping .

Safe and early return

● If all the planets are placed in the 2nd ,3rd and 5th houses then the
traveller who has gone away comes back.
● If the lord of lagna is in muthasila with a planet in the lagna or the 10th
house the traveller returns safely.
● If the lord of the lagna is in 3rd or the 9th and has ithasala with a
planet in the lagna the Traveller is already on his way back home.
● If the lagna lord occupying the 2nd or the 8th house and in isthasala
with a planet in the 10th signifies that the traveller is on his way back.
● The Venus and the Jupiter in the 2nd, 3rd or the 5th house.
● Any planet may it be a benefic or a malefic placed in 6th or
7th house and the Jupiter placed in a Kendra.
● The Mercury or the Venus placed in a Trikona and benefics in
● The Moon in the 8th house and the kendras unafflicted also
results in safe return.
● The Moon placed unafflicted in the 8th house and the benefics
are in kendras then the traveler comes back with lot of riches.
● If the lord of the ascendant is retrograde and the Moon is in the
ascendant,in isthasala with a retrograde planet the person will
soon return safely.
● The traveler will return early if the Moon is in mutasila with the
lord of the lagna occupying the 12th.
● If the benefic occupy the 2nd or the 3rd from the ascendant or
from the 4th or from the other benefic in the prashna chart the
person returns soon .


● The missing person will return if any planet occupies the 6th or
the 7th house, Jupiter in the quadrant and the Mercury and
Venus in trines.
● If The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in the 11th house the lost
person comes back.
● The lagna lord placed between 11th house to 4th house and
benefics in kendras.
● The Moon making isthasala with a retro planet.
● The Malefics in 3, 6, 11 houses and benefics in kendras and

Delayed return Captivity Jail etc.

● The Third house of prashna chart having malefic there and
aspected by malefic, and there is no benefic effects thereon
implies the traveller has shifted to some other place.
● Prishtodaya sign rising in lagna and lagna aspected by Malefics
is the indicator of the confinement or murder of the lost person.
● The traveller is in restrictions if malefic are in 4th ,5th ,7th ,8th,
9th house aspected by malefic.
● The lost person has been beaten and imprisoned if malefic are
in 7th or the 8th house.
● When malefic are in the 7th and the 8th and in the ascendant
the person in imprisonment will be released quickly, malefic in
lagna gives favourable results in this prashna.
● I f the Moon in Kendra is aspected or associated with Saturn he
will have long suffering. If the Moon so is aspected or conjuct
with Mars he will be beaten in cell.
● If the lords of 3rd and 9 th are benefics if will get early freedom.
When the Moon has ithsala with the lord of 3rd or 9th
occupying a Kendra there will also be early release.
● The combination of death in a Prashna chart indicates a early
● As long as a strong Venus in lagna the authorities will be able
to hold the person in custody, but after the Venus leaves the
sign in transit the person may get freedom.


● If the lord of lagna is in the 4th or the 7th or is in muthasila

with the lord of the 7th the person returns with much difficulty.
● A afflicted Saturn or Mars in 8th house shows fear of violence
or suffering the Traveller is being subjected to.
● The Malefics in kendras of prashna kundali the traveller has been
looted in way
● The placement of Sun and Moon in the 8th house, aspected by
the Saturn there is risk of traveller being subjected to hurt by
some weapon and if by Mars than by a fire arm.

No return, major impediments or Death

● When the lords of the kendras are in kendras the imprisoned
person will not be released.
● If the lord of the lagna is combust, occupies the 4th house and
is aspected by the Mars the person dies.
● If the Moon is in association with a malefic occupying the 4th
house or is with the lord of the 8th house the person will die
in prison.
● If the ascendant lord is in muthasila with a planet in a quadrent
and the lagna is unaspected, the person will never return.
● The traveller should be deemed to have been dead if the
ascendant is a prushtodaya sign aspected by malefic and
devoid of benefic aspects and the 6th house is occupied by
Mercury afflicted by malefic.
● A afflicted Saturn devoid of beneficial aspects is in the 9th or the
8th the traveller suffers from illness, or dies in a foreign place.

Miscellaneous combinations / Role of the Moon

● Connection of Moon and Venus with 7th house than the lost
person is happy where ever he is and no return.
● The Moon in 7th house without affliction the person is his way
● The Moon in 8th house and the benefics in kendras return with
● The Moon in 8th house and malefics in kendras return with


● The Moon placed anywhere in isthasala with a retro planet

placed in 4th house shows major problem or death.
● The Moon in Movable rashi in Movable navamsha in lagna or in
4th house shows early return.
● Benefics in the 7th house the person is safe.
● Malefics in lagna person is not safe.but here they give strength
to fight back
● Benefics in the 4th house immediate return.
● The Moon in the 4th house person has already come back.
● There should not be malefic dominance in 6th, 7th, 8th houses
for welfare of lost person.
● Shubh kartari around lagna or the 7th house denotes Prem
Bandhan means the Traveller is happy where ever he is with his
● The paap kartari around lagna, moon or the 7th house or more
malefic influence here the traveller does not come back.
● If the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter any one of them is placed
in the 12th house no travel or no return.
● The Moon in the 10th house no travel or no return.
● The 1st house to 10th house onward journey and from 11th
house to 4th house return journey.
● Movable lagna, movable Navmsha benefic aspects, early and
happy return.
● Fix Lagna Movable Navamsha benefic aspects, delayed but
happy return.
● Fix Lagna Fix Navamsha benefic aspects, no travel happy where
● In Dual Lagna the fix and movable are first and last 15 degrees
respectively rest will depend on the type of the aspects on it.
● Prashna lagna also represents the querist also e.g.if a question
about a lost child is being asked by the father the prashna lagna
will also represent the father of the lost child, the mutual
interaction of the 1st and 5th Lds. Will have to be seen


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