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From: Lokar, Mark Mr.


To: Assistant Managers
Cc: Dugan, Kevin Mr. CIV USA IMCOM-AFRC Hale Koa Hotel; Hupp, Kelley Ms. CIV USA IMCOM-AFRC Hale Koa
Hotel; Truman, Dustin Mr. CIV USA IMCOM-AFRC Hale Koa Hotel; Howard, Linda Ms. CIV USA IMCOM-AFRC
Hale Koa Hotel; Wasim, Sonny Mr. CIV USA IMCOM-AFRC Hale Koa Hotel
Subject: Eligible Discounts at Barefoot Bar
Date: Saturday, July 30, 2016 7:39:07 PM

Hi All,

I just wanted to touch base with all of you in the event you start getting some complaints. Since we
started the 2 tier pricing at Barefoot Bar 3 years ago, there have been some issues with who is
allowed to receive the discount and because of that we had a policy of sometimes offering the
discounts to guests that had VA cards or Navy League cards for just that one day because of the
confusion. We have decided to stop that policy because everyone should know by now that we
don’t accept them and I wanted to let you know that if any complaints come your way, the policy of
who receives a 20% discount at Barefoot Bar are limited to the following guests:
· Active Military
· Retired Military
· In House Guests that have a Room Card and their name matches the registry.
· DODCAC Cards
· Foreign Military upon confirmation

Basically Navy League Cards and VA Cards aren’t accepted because they aren’t part of the DOD and
there are other groups that are actually sponsorships and affiliations and not a DOD Branch that are
also not part of the discounted list. They are all still welcome to come to Barefoot Bar, they just
don’t receive the discount. Of course we will be polite when informing these guests that they don’t
receive the discounts, but if they are still upset, we will be sending them your way if we don’t have a
Beverage Manager available. Sorry if this creates more work or adds some tension to your already
tough shift, but we felt it was something we had to stop continuing because we started noticing
abuse of the policy.

Thank You,
Mark Lokar
Hale Koa Hotel
Beverage Manager

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