HUGS Syllabus ResearchStudy WS23

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Winter Semester 2023

Research Study / Part 1


I. Course Profile
Course Code 153081
Course Name Research Study
SPO Semester 2
Type Core
Sequence Every semester
Language English
Number of ECTS 5
Student Workload 150 hours
Contact hours 45 hours
Independent studies 90 hours
Exam Mode LR, Assignment Based
Prerequisites Research Methods from Semester 1

II. Course Responsible & Instructor

Course Responsible Brian Boyd
Heilbronn University Graduate School

Contact information Email:

Syllabus SS23 Research Study 1

III. Course Objectives and Content
Module Description The purpose of this module is to equip students with the skills to
carry out effective research, using appropriate sources and meth-
ods, in an ethically-sensitive manner. Learners will learn about
conducting primary research in business-appropriate contexts.
The module includes an overview of the principal methodologies
and methods used in the field and the ethical issues that arise in
this kind of research. Throughout, the focus will be on practical
applications of this knowledge as it relates to design and applica-
tion of methods in the field.

Learning objectives Critique the main theories underpinning academic research.

Manage the logical steps used in the research process.
Evaluate and synthesise relevant literature and other sources per-
tinent to their research.
Apply the relevant research methods to practical business situa-
tions, while demonstrating ethical awareness.
Produce an academic proposal.

Content Developing research questions

Justifying the research/topic
Literature review
Research Process
Research Philosophy
Overview of Methodology
Case study designs
Interpretation of results
Quality measurement
Ethical & Critical reviews
Academic Writing

Literature/ Materials provided as needed

Learning sources Mark Saunders; Philip Lewis; Adrian Thornhill: Research methods
for business students, Harlow; Munich, Pearson, 2023

Syllabus SS23 Research Study 2

IV. Time Schedule
Course Structure
Course Schedule
Day Date Time hours Room Topics
1 09.10.23 09:00-17:00 T152 Introduction / what is research / research

2 10.10.23 09:00-17:00 T152 Rationale for the topic / objectives and re-
search questions / literature review

3 11.10.23 09:00-17:00 T152 Methodology

4 12.10.23 09:00-17:00 T152 Interpretation of results / Presenting con-

clusions and recommendations / ethics

5 13.10.23 09:00-12:00 T152 Academic writing

IV. Evaluation
Exam Mode LR, Assignment Based
Grading scale 1,0 = 97% to 100% 1,3 = 93% to < 97% 1,7 = 90% to < 93%
2,0 = 87% to < 90% 2,3 = 83% to < 87% 2,7 = 80% to < 83%
3,0 = 77% to < 80% 3,3 = 73% to < 77% 3,7 = 70% to < 73%
4,0 = 67% to < 70% 5,0 = below 67%

Grading Elements The Assessment for this module will be a 5,000 word group Research
Proposal to be submitted once the teaching of the module is completed.

Prerequisites Research Methods Module

Syllabus SS23 Research Study 3

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