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Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 298–303

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The correlation of fast OSL component with the TL peak at 325 3 C in quartz of
various origins
G. Kitis a,, N. Kiyak b, G.S. Polymeris b,c, N.C. Tsirliganis c
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, 54124-Thessaloniki, Greece
Faculty of Science and Arts, Physics Department, ISIK University, 34980-Sile, Istanbul, Turkey
Archaeometry Laboratory, Cultural and Educational Technology Institute, R, C, ‘‘ATHENA’’, Tsimiski 58, 67100-Xanthi, Greece

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The fast component of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal in quartz is the basic tool for
Received 2 December 2008 the optical dating. Its relation with the thermoluminescence (TL) glow-peak at about 325 3 C is well
Received in revised form established for naturally irradiated quartz. This relationship is also an important part of a general model
21 August 2009
for quartz on which many theoretical simulations of various OSL experimental results have been based.
Accepted 4 September 2009
In the present work this relationship is systematically investigated in nine quartz samples of different
Available online 12 September 2009
origin. The linearly modulated OSL (LM-OSL) curves of all quartz samples for stimulation time less than
PACS: 50 s consists of two components discriminated easily by a computerized curve deconvolution (CCD)
78.55.Hx analysis. By comparing the un-bleached to the respective bleached TL glow-curve, it is found that the
system of these two fast OSL components is directly related with only a small portion of the electron
traps responsible for the TL glow-peaks in the temperature region 2002400 3 C. By increasing the
stimulation times, besides the two fast components, the medium and the slow components are also
Optically stimulated luminescence obtained. The medium and slow components are clearly related with the main body of the electron
Dating traps responsible for TL glow-peaks in the same temperature region 2002400 3 C. Despite their different
origin all quartz samples show an appreciable homogeneity concerning the number and time position of
the individual components, whereas, the relative TL/OSL intensities vary strongly from sample to
sample with the integrated TL intensity being generally much less than the integrated OSL intensity.
& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction model [6] is extensively used to simulate various TL/OSL

experimental results [8] as well as complete OSL dating protocols
The OSL signal of quartz usually used in practical dating [9].
applications results either from a short stimulation of 0.1 s or by The importance of the relation between the fast OSL signal and
integrating a few seconds from longer stimulation times [1]. This the TL glow-peak at 325 3 C in both experimental and theoretical
optical dating signal termed fast OSL is considered to belong to an research studies requires this relation to be universal as much as
OSL component appearing as a first one in any OSL experimental possible. The aim of the present work is to investigate the
curve, which, however, depending upon the stimulation time, universality of this relation by extending the Spooner’s study [5]
consists of many individual peaks [2–4]. This fast OSL component performed on a naturally irradiated sample, to the artificial TL of
in quartz can be used for dating applications when it originates nine quartz samples of different origins.
from a deep electron trapping kevel of very long half life. This
absolute requirement was shown unambiguously by Spooner [5],
for the case of natural TL signal of quartz. Spooner [5] found that 2. Materials, apparatus and methods
the optical dating signal is directly related with an electron trap,
which is responsible for the TL glow-peak at 325 3 C (depending
2.1. Sample origin
upon the heating rate).
The common electron trap of the fast OSL signal and of the TL
The samples used here were all sedimentary quartz of different
glow-peak at 325 3 C is a key element in the comprehensive
origin. The samples with laboratory references of ALT, ATK, PDK
general model for quartz suggested by Bailey [6,7]. The Bailey
and SLE were from the coastal area of the Sea of Marmara and
Black Sea around Istanbul [10]. Sample INK (Inkumu, Bartin) is
 Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +30 231099875. also a coastal deposit collected from the central Black Sea coast.
E-mail address: (G. Kitis). PTR sample is proposed tsunami-laid deposits from the ancient

0022-2313/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Kitis et al. / Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 298–303 299

city of Patara, located on Antalya’s Mediterranean coast in the into an expression containing only the peak maximum intensity
south of Turkey. The sample T-10 is from the Pleistocene Rehovot Im and the corresponding time tm [12]. These two variables can be
Formation on the central coastal plain of Israel. The sample GZK extracted directly from the experimental OSL curves. The modified
(Guzelkoy, Aydin) is fault deposit taken from Buyuk Menderes expression used in our computerized procedure is
Basin in the west part of Turkey and BTK (Bektemur, Amasya) is  
t t2
fluvial terrace deposit from eastern Turkey. IðtÞ ¼ 1:6487  Im   exp  2 ð1Þ
tm 2tm
The background signal was simulated by an equation of the
2.2. Experimental protocol

The experimental protocol used in the present work consists of GLM ðtÞ ¼ a þc  t ð2Þ
two parts. It is based on the protocol used by Spooner [5] for where a is the average in the first few seconds of a zero dose LM-
natural TL, modified appropriately in order to be applied to OSL measurement and c is a constant.
artificial TL. All curve fittings were performed using the MINUIT computer
Part A: Used to obtain the unbleached TL. program [13] while the goodness of fit was tested using the figure
Step 1: TL readout up to 500 3 C, at a heating rate of 1 K/s to of merit (FOM) of Balian and Eddy [14] given by
erase any natural signal. X jYExper  YFit j
Step 2: Test dose 100 Gy. FOM ¼ ð3Þ
Step 3: TL up to 180 3 C with a heating rate 1 K/s to obtain the TL i
glow-peak at 110 3 C for monitoring the sensitivity of the sample. where YExper is the experimental LM-OSL, YFit is the fitted LM-OSL
Step 4: TL up to 500 3 C with at heating rate 1 K/s to obtain the curve and A is the area of the fitted curve.
un- bleached TL glow-curve.
Part B: Used to obtain the LM-OSL signal and the bleached TL.
3. Experimental results
Step 1: TL readout up to 500 3 C, at a heating rate of 1 K/s to
erase any natural signal.
Step 2: Test dose 100 Gy. Fig. 1 shows the unbleached TL glow-curves (a), the bleached
Step 3: TL up to 180 3 C at a heating rate of 1 K/s to obtain the TL ones due to the blue light stimulation at 125 3 C for 50 s (b) and
glow-peak at 110 3 C for monitoring the sensitivity of the sample. finally their difference (c). A first observation is that the
Step 4: Blue LM-OSL at 125 3 C for 50 s, 0–100% LED power, to effectiveness of blue light to bleach the electron traps varies
receive the OSL signal. strongly for the different quartz samples. The difference given by
Step 5: TL up to 500 3 C at heating rate 1 K/s, to obtain the the curve (c) in all figures is a measure of the electrons evicted by
bleached TL glow-curve. the 50 s blue light stimulation from the electron traps responsible
Step 6: Blue LM-OSL at 125 3 C for 50 s, 0–100% LED power to for the respective TL glow-peaks. It seems that the blue bleaching
obtain the OSL background signal. is continuous across the whole glow-curve and does not influence
The aim of the step 6 is, basically, to obtain the background a certain part of the glow-curve only. However, in some cases as
signal. However, the OSL of step 6 can additionally verify whether those of SLE, INK and BTK quartz samples the bleaching of TL is
or not some of the OSL components come from electron traps predominant in the glow-curve region at the position of the
beyond the temperature region of the TL glow-curves obtained in ‘‘325 3 C’’ glow-peak.
step 6. A characteristic example of the LM-OSL curve shapes received
Spooner [5] had used naturally irradiated samples, so that the at 125 3 C and analyzed into its individual first order kinetics
TL signal was restricted in the temperature region of the 325 3 C components is shown in Fig. 2 for the case of SLE quartz. The LM-
peak and beyond. In the present work the natural TL signal of the OSL curve shapes of all other quartz samples are more or less the
samples is previously erased. The samples are then irradiated by a same. A slight differentiation exists only in the contribution of the
laboratory beta dose and preheated up to 180 3 C prior to each LM- component C3 . The curve (a) in Fig. 2 is an exponential curve
OSL measurement. Therefore, in the case of Spooner’s protocol the inserted in the curve fitting procedure to correct for the
fast OSL signal has to be related with a TL signal around the 325 3 C, phosphorescence decay at 125 3 C. It must be noticed that the
whereas in the present work a substantial part of the TL glow- fitting is not possible without considering the phosphorescence
curve below 325 3 C is included. correction, whose contribution to the total signal ranges from 2%
The stimulation time of 50 s for LM-OSL at 125 3 C in step 4 was to 6% of the total signal.
selected after many tests in order to receive a fast component with A basic observation is that the LM-OSL signal for a stimulation
a negligible contribution from the medium and slow components. time of 50 s is a composite signal consisting of the three
components with time maximum values shown in Table 1. Since
the third component C3 is not completed for the stimulation time
2.3. Equipment
of 50 s, a new series of measurements were performed where the
experimental protocols were applied for an LM-OSL stimulation
The sample preparation was described in some detail recently time of 200 s instead of 50 s. All the new LM-OSL curves obtained
by Kiyak et al. [4]. All measurements were performed using the were de-convoluted and the new time peak maxima were found.
automated Risø TL/OSL reader (model TL/OSL-DA-15), using an According to the first order kinetic theory the time maximum of
internal 90Sr/90Y beta ray source of dose rate 0.1 Gy/s. Blue light individual LM-OSL peaks for a stimulation time of 50 s must be
emitting diodes (LEDs) (470 nm, FWHM 40 nm, 40 mW=cm2 ) were half of the respective time maximum for the stimulation time of
used for stimulation and the OSL signal was detected through U- 200 s. This was found to hold exactly for the components C1 and
340 filters. C2 , so the values of the component C3 in Table 1 are those
resulting from the time maximum values of the stimulation time
2.4. Method of analysis of 200 s by dividing them over 2.
A critical point here is to define the term ‘‘fast component’’. A
The LM-OSL curves were de-convoluted using a first order definition given by Bailey [7] is based on the cross-section values.
kinetics expression proposed by Bulur [11], which was modified According to a comprehensive quartz model suggested by Bailey
300 G. Kitis et al. / Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 298–303

2000 ALT ATK 2000 PDK

1500 a
1500 a 1500
TL (a.u.)

TL (a.u.)
TL (a.u.)
1000 b
1000 b b 1000

c 500 c
500 c 500

0 0 0

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

SLE 1200 a INK 2000 PTR

TL (a.u.)

TL (a.u.)
800 b
TL (a.u.)

2000 a
1000 b
1000 400 c c
0 0 0

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

T10 GZK 1000 BTK

3000 400
a 800

TL (a.u.)
TL (a.u.)

TL (a.u.)

2000 b 600 a
b 200 400 b
1000 c
c 100 200 c
0 0 0

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 1. Glow-curves of all kind of quartz: (a) un-bleached glow-curve; (b) bleached glow-curve and (c) the difference between (a) and (b).

Table 1
SLE The time maximum positions of the fast LM-OSL components as obtained from the
computerized de-convolution analysis.
Quartz tm1 tm2 tm3
LM-OSL (a.u.)

30000 C2 ALT 7.20 12.85 35.70

ATK 7.03 11.71 51.45
PDK 6.82 11.02 30.62
20000 SLE 5.25 8.64 28.91
INK 6.26 9.82 32.49
PTR 7.13 12.57 27.95
T10 6.79 10.64 32.50
GZK 6.22 11.70 37.50
a C3 BTK 5.40 11.24 50.60

0 10 20 30 40 will yield optical bleaching cross section values of the same order.
Stimulation time (sec) Hence the fast OSL components will yield optical bleaching cross-
section values much larger than that of the 110 3 C TL glow-peak.
Fig. 2. LM-OSL curve of SLE quartz analyzed into its individual components using Alternatively, based on the above arguments the fast OSL
first order kinetics.
component is considered as that part of the LM-OSL curve
received at room temperature which is obtained in shorter times
[7], the optical bleaching cross section for the 110 3 C TL trap at than the LM-OSL component originating from the electron trap
20 3 C was estimated to be s1103 C TL ¼ 1019 cm2 . Therefore, the LM- corresponding to the TL glow-peak at ‘‘110 3 C’’ . The peak
OSL component, which is correlated with the 110 3 C TL glow-peak, maximum time, tm of this LM-OSL component cannot be
G. Kitis et al. / Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 298–303 301

evaluated after room temperature LM-OSL measurements for 50 s The conclusion from the above results is that only a small part
stimulation. However, Kiyak et al. [15] had found that the LM-OSL of the electron traps responsible for the TL glow-peaks above
component originating from the TL glow-peak at ‘‘110 3 C’’ had tm 150 3 C, contribute to the fast OSL components, whereas the main
values somewhat higher than the tm values of the component C3 body of these electron traps continues to bleach, giving rise to the
listed in Table 1. appearance of medium and slow components.
Since, for given stimulation conditions the cross-section The difference between unbleached and bleached TL shown in
depends on 1=tm it is obvious from the values of Table 1 that the glow-curves of Fig. 1 corresponds to electrons evicted by the
the possible cross-sections of the components C1 and C2 will be optical stimulation giving rise to the LM-OSL signal. Therefore,
within the same order of magnitude. The cross-section of the theoretically, the TL lost and the LM-OSL signal must be equal. The
component C3 will be an order of magnitude lower, but higher analysis results concerning peak integrals are given in Table 2. The
than the cross-section of the LM-OSL component due to the second column of Table 2 gives the ratio of the TL lost due to the
‘‘110 3 C’’ TL trap. 50 s optical stimulation (difference between unbleached and
According to the definitions and the discussion above the bleached TL) relative to the unbleached TL. This fast TL lost vary
components C1 and C2 are undoubtedly fast components, whereas from 12% to 20% of the unbleached TL with the exception of PTR
the component C3 can be, more or less, considered as fast quartz. This represents the percentage contribution of the deep
component too. electron traps to the fast OSL components.
Another important result is that the levels (electron traps or A comparison between the TL bleached over the total LM-OSL
recombination centers) responsible for these components have signal is given in the third column of Table 2. As is seen in the case
been entirely emptied. The reason is that the LM-OSL peaks are of seven out of the nine quartz samples, the TL bleached is less
completed during stimulation. However, as it is seen in Fig. 1, the than 20% of the total LM-OSL. In the case of ALT quartz the TL
emptied electron traps correspond to a small part of the total bleached is higher than the total LM-OSL as also in the case of GZK
electron traps available. Since, the main body of the electron traps quartz for which, however, the statistics is very low. Therefore,
is unbleached the question is whether in a successive stimulation instead of being equal, the LM-OSL obtained is much higher than
the fast components can be obtained again. This question was the bleached TL. These results can be understood in the frame-
investigated by two series of separate measurements. The first work of the thermal quenching [5,16,17] existing in quartz. The
series of measurements involved successive LM-OSL measure- thermal quenching efficiency is strongly temperature dependent,
ments at 125 3 C. The results are shown in Fig. 3 for SLE quartz. As so it will be very high as the glow-curve temperature increases.
is seen once the fast components are received during the first LM- The total LM-OSL signal is much higher than the bleached TL due
OSL measurement they do not appeared during the second up to to the fact that the LM-OSL is measured at the stable temperature
the fourth LM-OSL measurements. The results are exactly similar of 125 3 C under the same value of the thermal quenching
for all other quartz samples. efficiency, whereas the TL glow-curve above 150 3 C is measured
In the second series of measurements the third step in part B of with thermal quenching efficiency much lower and moreover
the protocol was changed as step 3: Blue LM-OSL at 25 3 C for 50 s, increasing as a function of temperature. Therefore the ratio values
0–100% LED power followed by a TL up to 180 3 C at a heating rate of third column in Table 2 could approach the values of thermal
of 1 K/s to erase the TL glow-peak at 110 3 C. It was found that once quenching efficiency. The case of ALT quartz, is an exception,
the fast components were expired during the room temperature which cannot be explained. However, it must be noticed that this
stimulation for 50 s, then the subsequent LM-OSL measurement at quartz sample is the only sample for which the main body of the
125 3 C does not contain the fast components. The situation is bleached TL corresponds clearly in the region of the TL glow-peaks
exactly similar to that described in Fig. 3. below 200 3 C, where the thermal quenching efficiencies have the
Finally, the experimental protocol was repeated for LM-OSL lower values relative to the rest glow-curve.
stimulation times of 200 and 2000 s. The results show that the Finally the fourth and fifth columns of Table 2 show the
blue light stimulation continues to bleach the electron levels percentage of the sum of the components C1 , C2 and of the sum of
responsible for the high temperature TL glow-peaks after the fast C1 , C2 , and C3 divided by the total LM-OSL signal from which
components are obtained, giving rise to the appearance of the phosphorescence and background signals were subtracted.
medium and slow components. The results clearly show that the LM-OSL signal obtained under
the experimental protocols of the present work consists almost
entirely of fast components.
A specific relation between the three fast components with the
SLE electron traps responsible for the TL glow-peaks above 150 3 C
40000 cannot be obtained with the data available. Therefore, further
work is required in order to correlate each one of the fast LM-OSL
components C1 2C3 with a specific TL glow-peak at 150 3 C and
LM-OSL (a.u.)

30000 a above. This correlation could probably be obstructed by the

20000 Table 2

Quartz (U-B)/B TL/OSL C12 =OSL C123 =OSL

ALT 0.296 1.355 0.467 0.998
b c ATK 0.170 0.239 0.527 0.995
d PDK 0.245 0.232 0.732 0.983
0 bg SLE 0.148 0.124 0.639 0.999
INK 0.129 0.150 0.834 0.941
0 10 20 30 40 50 PTR 0.486 0.174 0.722 0.980
T10 0.171 0.197 0.786 0.968
Stimulation time (sec) GZK 0.154 1.184 0.500 0.533
BTK 0.127 0.170 0.549 0.996
Fig. 3. Successive LM-OSL curves received at 125 3 C for 50 s of SLE quartz.
302 G. Kitis et al. / Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 298–303

malign thermal quenching effect. Nevertheless, if accomplished, fact besides the exponential component expected, which is a fast
this correlation will have major implications on the dating one, an additional component is also present which corresponds
protocols applied for OSL dating, such as the well established to a slower bleaching rate and it was termed ‘‘hard to bleach
SAR protocol [18]. While applying the latter, the preheat component’’ [23–25]. This is also the case in most TL dating
temperature of all test-dose-measurements is different from that procedures of sedimentary deposits, where the sun does not
of the regeneration-cycle measurements. In other words, the fast bleach entirely the TL trap under study, but instead leaves a
OSL signal measured after the test dose administration could not residual level of the TL signal. The very interesting experimental
originate from the same electron traps to the respective natural result of the bleaching of a single trapping level through two
signal, or even the regenerated one. On the other hand, a preheat bleaching decay rates was modelled by Chen et al. [26] and
plateau test for the OSL ages could possibly overcome this McKeever [27] (see also the reviews [20,21]). Therefore, from an
problem. experimental point of view, the bleaching of some single trapping
As it was said above further work is required in order to levels are found to follow the exponential decay law expected in
correlate each one of the fast LM-OSL components C1 2C3 with a some TL glow-peaks, whereas the bleaching of some other TL
specific TL glow-peak at 150 3 C and above. On the other hand, even glow-peaks takes place through two (or more) bleaching rates.
with the present results a very basic question is drawn, which The latter case can be used to explain the difference between the
needs some discussion. What is the difference between the ‘‘first’’ ‘‘first’’ 10–20% of the traps and the rest of them. Indeed the ‘‘first’’
10–20% of the traps and the rest of them? 10–20% of the traps correspond to the fast bleaching rates
Before the discussion and a possible answer first of all it is whereas the rest of them to the ‘‘hard to bleach components’’.
useful to remind here that TL and OSL are two very different
effects concerning both stimulation and recombination stages.
Their correlation exists since in both effects the same trapping and 4. Conclusions
recombination levels are involved. During thermal stimulation the
trapping levels are totaly emptied in series according to the E; s Based on the experimental results presented above the
pairs and then recombine in the same series according to the following conclusions are drawn:
recombination probabilities of each recombination center. On the
other hand during optical stimulation the trapping levels are (1) There is no specific relation of the fast components with a
excited simultaneously according to their photo-ionization cross- specific electron trap responsible for a specific TL glow-peak.
section and then recombine simultaneously according to the (2) The fast components must be related with all electron traps
recombination probabilities of each recombination center. responsible for TL glow-peaks in the temperature region
Based on the above difference between TL and OSL two between 150 and 400 3 C.
directions are opened for a discussion. The first direction is that (3) In most cases the stimulation time needed to obtain the fast
the difference between the ‘‘first’’ 10–20% of the traps and the rest components bleaches only 10–20% of the total TL signal. So,
of them, comes from processes taking place during recombination only those electrons released first from that part of the
stage whereas the second direction from processes taking place electrons traps contributes to the fast components.
during stimulation stage. (4) Once the fast components are obtained and the optical
By considering the first direction one must know the number stimulation continues, the TL signal continues to bleach
of recombination centers in quartz. In the extensive review by giving rise to the medium and slow LM-OSL components.
Krbetschek et al. [19] (and references therein) it is shown that in (5) The LM-OSL signal resulting from the 50 s stimulation
general the emission spectrum of quartz consists of two intense corresponds entirely to the fast components. On the other
and two weak emission bands, which are more or less observed hand the total light sum of the fast components is much
for the most kinds of quartz. Since two of the emission bands higher than the total TL bleached during the 50 s stimulation,
could originate from different excited states of the same probably due to the thermal quenching effect.
recombination center it is concluded that the possible number (6) Spooner’s protocol applied in the present work is found to be
of recombination centers could be 4 or less. A simple model to very simple and effective for finding the system of traps
explain the difference between the ‘‘first’’ 10–20% of the traps and responsible for the fast components of any quartz sample. Its
the rest of them requires that the recombination probability in results can act as a guide in verifying that the fast component
one of the recombination centers be much higher than that of the during artificial irradiations, as well as, during natural
others. So, when during optical stimulation electrons are ejected irradiation comes from the same exactly electron trap.
simultaneously, according to their photo-ionization cross-section,
from all trapping levels above 1503 C, then all of them recombine
with higher probability to this specific recombination center. References
According to the present results a percentage of 10–20% of the
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[3] J.S. Singarayer, R.M. Bailey, Radiat. Meas. 38 (2004) 111.
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recombination centers giving rise to medium and slow OSL [5] N.A. Spooner, Radiat. Meas. 23 (1994) 593.
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[7] R.M. Bailey, Radiat. Meas. 38 (2004) 299.
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