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Inside Out

e-lesson Week starting: 8th October 2007

1. Football
The subject of this lesson is football. The man widely regarded as the greatest player in the
history of the sport, Pelé, was born on 23rd October 1940.
Pre-intermediate and above (equivalent to CEF level A2-B1 and above)
How to use the lesson
1. Brainstorm on the subject of football. Presuming there are some football fans in the class,
ask them to explain what they like about the game. Are there any students who dislike it?
2. Divide the students into pairs, then hand out Worksheet A and give them a few minutes to
work together in order to find the five words/expressions that are not connected with football.
You could perhaps ask them to attempt this exercise without referring to the glossary.
3. Check answers in open class.
Answers: bat, fault, basket, uniform, racquet
4. Give the students another few minutes to complete the gap-fill sentences, which use
vocabulary from the first exercise.
5. Check answers in open class.
Answers: 1. footballers 2. goal 3. goalkeeper, striker 4. referee 5. penalties, saved
6. foul 7. players, coach 8. score, nil 9. football, kit 10. pitch 11. kick
6. Hand out Worksheet B and give the students five to ten minutes to read through the text,
encouraging them to look up any new vocabulary. Next, keeping the students in their pairs,
hand out Worksheet C and ask them to work together to complete the crossword.
8. Check answers in open class.
Answers: 1. money 2. fan 3. Arsenal 4. matches 5. thousands 6. became 7. obsessed
8. atmosphere 9. footballer 10. writes 11. assumed 12. won 13. increased 14. style
15. few 16. played
If the sentences have been completed correctly, Manchester United will read from top to

2. Related Websites
Send your students to these websites, or just take a look yourself.
BBC Newsround has a huge number of short articles on the subject of football, many of
which can be used with pre-intermediate students. To see a list of articles, with the most
recent first, just do a search with the word ‘football’.
A section of the BBC sport website on the recent Women’s World Cup in China. Numerous
articles and reports, but challenging for pre-intermediate level.
‘Laws and Equipment’, from the football section of the BBC website. Challenging for pre-
intermediate level, but contains lots of vocabulary for football fans.
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