D&D 5E - Homebrew - Class Plague Doctor 'V2

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Plague Doctor

are from this field of natural medicine and are usually

Plague Doctor in the top of their fields. The Humors are not magical,
The sweat of a Halfling drips onto the table as she slaves but in times of confusion or need, they can seem like
over the large set of tools in front of her. Several fires heat it.
glass beakers, all of which contain different alchemical
mixtures. After taking one of the beakers, she empties it Creating a Plague Doctor___________
into a vial and swirls it until it becomes a bright orange. A When creating a Plague Doctor, an important thing to
smile appears as she continues. consider is what your reasons for traveling instead of
A Half-Elf stands before a giant, a tree in its hands to be opening a practice somewhere. Why did you leave
used as a club. Rolling out of a swing, he brings his wavy where you were to become an adventurer? Did you do
dagger across its arm and cuts deep. Blood begins to flow
it for fame? Money? The pursuit of knowledge?
freely and he laughs, the anemia seems to have worked.
For whatever reason, you have left somewhere to be
Wrapping bandages around the wound is only the first
step. A quick alteration to the sinuses, a little more bile,
here; what is your history and what did you did you
then the real healing can start. The Human finishes up and leave to adventure? Were you a practicing doctor at a
stands up, giving the patient room to breath. small clinic? A hermit that offered healing to the local
A Plague Doctor, while not innately magical, can be village?
considered to be so by many. This new form of “science” is Consider what your goals are and how they relate to
just the beginnings of stepping away from the divine your medical background. Do you know how you can
magics for healing purposes. Not everyone has the power accomplish your goals or are you traveling to find the
to heal with words, so they must use other means. The Four path you need to take?
Fluids are a step in the right direction.
Quick Build
The Humors______________________
You can make a Plague Doctor quickly by following
There are four Humors, or fluids, that each living
these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your
creature has in its body. By manipulating these
highest attribute, followed by Intelligence. Second,
Humors, the body reacts differently. Depending on the
take either the Guild Artisan or Sage background
way they are changed, an individual can heal, harm, or
depending on your position in your profession.
inflict illness on others.
Plague Doctors are able to use their knowledge of Class Features
these Humors to effect themselves and others. All
living creatures have these Humors and as long as the As a Plague Doctor, you gain the following class
Plague Doctor is able to get in contact with the features.
creature, they can effect them. Things like living
constructs and undead do not have Humors as they are Hit Points
not truly alive, so one must be careful around them. Hit Die: 1d8 per Plague Doctor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution
Without Magic, but Not Lesser______ modifier.
The usefulness of medical knowledge is somewhat Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
lessened because of the abilities of those from Druidic Constitution modifier per Plague Doctor level after 1st
tribes or who pray to the Gods to heal wounds with
magic. Normal doctors are normally only sought after Proficiencies
if there aren’t any magic capable individuals available. Armor: Light and medium armor
Those who choose to study actual medicine are seen Weapons: Simple weapons, blowguns, and
as lesser and usually too expensive. Plague Doctors shortswords

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Created By Brian T. Barnshaw
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Plague Doctor
Intelligence Proficiency Humor
Skills: Choose two from Level Bonus Die Features
Acrobatics, History, Investigation,
Medicine, Nature, Perception, 1 +2 1d4 Humors, Medical Prowess
Slight of Hand, and Stealth Scholar’s Attention, Sudden
2 +2 1d4
Equipment 3 +2 1d4 Field of Study
You start with the following
equipment, in addition to the Ability Score Improvement,
4 +2 1d4
equipment granted by your Diagnosis
background: 5 +3 1d6 Extra Attack
• (a) a spear or (b) a shortsword Administer Aid, Field of
6 +3 1d6
• (a) a set of leather armor and a Study Feature
blowgun with 50 needles or (b) 7 +3 1d6 Rotten Knowledge
a chain shirt with a dagger
8 +3 1d6 Ability Score Improvement
• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a
scholar’s pack 9 +4 1d6 Self Medicate

• A dagger and healer’s kit 10 +4 1d6 Plague

Alternatively, you could begin 11 +4 1d8 Field of Study Feature

with starting wealth of 3d4 x 10 gp
12 +4 1d8 Ability Score Improvement
and purchase starting items of your
choice. 13 +5 1d8 Checkup

Multiclassing 14 +5 1d8 Emboldening Vapors

To take levels in this class while 15 +5 1d8 Plague Grenade

you have levels in another class,
16 +5 1d8 Ability Score Improvement
you must meet the following
prerequisites. You must have an 17 +6 1d10 Field of Study Feature
Intelligence ability score of 13 or
18 +6 1d10 Transfusion
higher. See chapter 6 of the
Player’s Handbook to learn more 19 +6 1d10 Ability Score Improvement
about multiclassing. Speak with 20 +6 1d10 Four Fluids
your DM before multiclassing to
ensure that they are alright with it. You gain the following proficiencies when you gain your first level in this
class: Light armor, simple weapons, Herbalism Kits, and one skill of your choice from the class list

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Humors_________________________ when aiding others. You gain proficiency with the
Humors were discovered by a long since passed Medicine skill if you don’t already have it and may
individual. They found that living bodies are able to use your Intelligence ability score instead of your
be controlled by the four fluids that make them up. Wisdom when making a Medicine check.
After time of researching and studying, you have Also, you may expend a use from a Healers Kit to
found the most effective ways to alter these levels and restore a number of hit points equal to the target’s
either help or harm other creatures. level + your Intelligence modifier + a Humor die.
You have a number of Humor points equal to your Scholar's Attention________________
Plague Doctor level and regain all expended points At 2nd level, the time spent researching has
after you finish a short or long rest. You also have a sharpened your mind and honed your senses. As a
Humor die that increases in type as you grow in bonus action on your turn, you can choose a creature
levels, shown on the Plague Doctor table. to study while it is in your sight.
For some features you will roll a Humor die and While studying a creature, whenever you make an
have it effect the related roll and for others the attack roll against it, you may roll and add a Humor
creature effected must make a saving throw against die to the total. You may choose to roll the die before
your Humor save DC. or after you see the result, but before the DM has
Humor Save DC = 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your determined the outcome of the roll. If the creature
Proficiency bonus being studied ends its turn while being obscured by
You can use the following effects once per turn by total cover, is invisible, or is effected by some kind of
expending a Humor point. The following effects illusion (DMs discretion), this effect ends.
don’t work on constructs or undead. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You
Blood Letting. When you hit a creature with a
regain all expended uses of this feature after you
melee weapon attack that deals slashing or piercing
finish a long rest.
damage, roll a Humor die and deal an additional
amount of damage equal to the roll. Sudden Inspiration________________
Clear Sinuses. As an action on your turn, touch a It is common for you to have flashes of brilliance,
willing creature and roll a Humor die. It regains a even if you’re the only one to see it. Also at 2nd
number of hit points equal to the roll. level, before making a skill check with a skill that you
are proficient in, you can expend a Humor point to
Constant Drooling. As an action on your turn,
roll a Humor die and add it to the total.
touch a willing creature to allow it to immediately
reattempt a saving throw to overcome the blinded, Field of Study____________________
charmed, deafened, frightened, or poisoned condition, After spending time putting your research to practice,
rolling a Humor die and adding its roll to the total you feel that you could specialize in certain areas that
save. draw your attention. You may select one of the
Stomach Ulcers. When you hit a creature with a following Fields to follow: Chemist, Experimental, or
melee attack that deals slashing or piercing damage, Triage, all of which are detailed at the end of the class
on the next attack roll that creature makes roll a description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd
Humor die and subtract the roll from the total. level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

Medical Prowess__________________ Ability Score Improvements________

Your research and study into the medical field helps When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,

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and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of 10th level, you can inflict a creature you touch with a
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores plague. Make a touch attack using your Dexterity
of your choice by one. As normal, you can’t increase an modifier for the attack roll. On a hit, the creature
ability score above 20 using this feature. succumbs to a disease of your choice from any of the
ones described below.
After a through investigation, you can determine what Blinding Sickness. Pain grips the creature’s head,
is afflicting most creatures. Also at 4th level, you can turning its eyes milky white. The creature has
spend 10 minutes physically examining a creature. disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws.
Once finished, you become aware of all conditions, In addition, it becomes blinded for the duration.
diseases, and spells effecting the creature, even if Filth Fever. A raging fever sweeps through the
they don’t show any physical signs. creature’s body. The creature has disadvantage on
Strength checks and saving throws. In addition, attack
Extra Attack_____________________
rolls that use Strength are made with disadvantage for
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
the duration.
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Flesh Rot. The creature’s flesh grows grey and
Administer Aid___________________ flabby. The creature has disadvantage on Charisma
Given some time, you can come up with a solution to checks and saving throws. In addition, it becomes
cure most things effecting a creature. Starting at 6th vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
level, you can spend 1 hour and a Humor point to damage for the duration.
attempt to cure a disease, poison, or effect that is
Mindfire. The creature’s mind becomes feverish
reducing a creature’s hit point maximum. You make a
and unable to think clearly. The creature has
Medicine check against the original DC made to
disadvantage on Intelligence checks and saving
resist contracting the effect. On a success, the
throws. In addition, it behaves as if under the effects
creature is cured.
of the Confusion spell during combat for the duration.
Rotten Knowledge________________ Seizure. The creature is overcome with shaking.
Beginning at 7th level, you have developed an greater The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity checks
understanding of toxins and poisons. When analyzing and saving throws. In addition, attack rolls that use
a harmful substance, such as venom, poison, or acid, Dexterity are made with disadvantage for the
you only need to study it for a minute before being duration.
able to discern all its attributes.
Slimy Doom. The creature begins to bleed
Self Medicate____________________ uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on
Starting at 9th level, your work with dangerous Constitution checks and saving throws. In addition, it
ailments has made you immune to them. You become takes 2d8 damage at the start of its turn for the
immune to poison damage and the Poisoned duration.
condition. Also, as an action, you can expend a At the end of each of the target’s turns, it must
Humor point and end a disease, natural or magical, make a Constitution saving throw against your
that is effecting you. Humor DC. After failing three of these saving throws,
the disease’s effects last until it is cured, and the
creature stops making these saving throws. After
Your research of the Humors has given you the power
succeeding on three of these saving throws, the
to create illness by altering them in an absurd way. At
creature recovers from the disease.
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Once you use this feature, you may not do so again One ability score of the creature’s choice is
until you have finish a long rest. increased by 2 for the next hour. The ability score
cannot be raised above its normal maximum. A
Checkup________________________ creature can only be under the effect of one
You can spend your down time doing light medical transfusion at a time and cannot benefit from this
procedures on those with you. Beginning at 13th feature again until it finishes a long rest.
level, you can spend your short rest running tests on You can instead spend six Humor points when
creatures with you. Choose a number of creatures using this feature to have the effect last for 8 hours
equal to your Intelligence modifier that spent the full instead of 1.
duration of the rest with you to gain one of the
following effects: Four Fluids______________________
You always have the necessary things on hand to
• Gain a number of temporary hit points equal to its
level + your Intelligence modifier + your work with the Humors. At 20th level, whenever you
roll for initiative and you have no Humor points
proficiency bonus.
remaining, you regain four Humor points.
• Gain advantage on the next saving throw it
makes. Field of Study
• Gain immunity to the Charmed and Frightened Many Plague Doctors follow the same methods of
conditions. developing their knowledge; however, some choose
to specialize in different areas. Some make potions
The effect lasts until the creature takes another
using their own Humors, some like to use untested
short rest.
and experimental methods, and some like to focus on
Emboldening Vapors______________ a more effective method of healing.
Starting at 14th level, you have made a concoction
that gives off the smell of pure adrenaline. As a bonus
You have focused your studies on how to create
action, you can expend two Humor points to give
special potions, called Concoctions. The alchemical
yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you advantage
process behind them is different than turning lead into
on all attack rolls it makes until the end of its next
gold, but is just as useful as it in combat.
Plague Grenade__________________
When you take this Field, you gain proficiency with
By compressing the toxins into a small leather bag,
Alchemical Supplies and may add double your
you can effect creatures at a greater distance.
proficiency bonus to checks involving it.
Beginning at 15th level, your Plague feature now has
a range of 30 feet, instead of touch, and you may use Concoctions
your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity Your alchemical training has returned great success.
modifier when making the attack roll. Also when this Field is taken, you gain the ability to
craft Concoctions, all of which are listed at the end of
Transfusion______________________ the subclass. These Concoctions are made from a
You can alter the fluids in a creature’s body to have it mixture of your own Humors and other natural
be more effective in one area than it originally was. ingredients at hand.
Starting at 18th level, you can spend 10 minutes and As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend the
three Humor points to perform a transfusion on a required number of Humor points and create the
willing creature other than yourself. Concoction. Each lasts for 1 minute before becoming
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inert. You can only have a number of Concoctions can throw this potion at a creature within range. On a
made equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum hit, it takes two Humor die of poison damage and all
of 1). creatures within 5 feet of the target must make
All Concoctions have a range of 30/60 feet and are Constitution saving throw or also take a Humor die of
considered to be ranged weapons that you are damage. When you reach 11th level, this Concoction
proficient with. If the Concoction deals damage, it deals an additional Humor die of damage to all
deals additional damage equal to your Intelligence effected creatures.
modifier. Blinding Gas (2 Humor points). As an action, you
Calculated Aim can throw this potion at a point within range. Each
With time, your aim has gotten better. At 6th level, creature within 10 feet must make a Constitution
Concoctions can be thrown to their second range saving throw or become blinded for the next minute.
increment without disadvantage. Also, you can spend At the end of its turn, the creature can reattempt the
a Humor point when making a ranged attack with a saving throw to end the effect.
Concoction to double its range increments. Blood Boil (1 Humor point). When consumed, for
Quick Work the next minute, whenever the creature makes an
Beginning at 11th level, when you use your bonus attack roll, it rolls an additional 1d4 and adds it to the
action to create a Concoction, you can now create two total.
Concoctions instead. You must still spend the Broken Body (3 Humor points). As an action, you
appropriate number of Humor points to make each. can throw this potion at a creature within range. On a
Also, your concoctions now last for 10 minutes hit, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
before becoming inert. failure the creature takes two Humor die of necrotic
damage and has disadvantage on rolls using an
Second Nature
attribute of your choice for the next minute. On a
After working endlessly, you can produce some
success, the creature takes half the damage and does
Concoctions as easy as breathing. At 17th level,
not have disadvantage.
choose a Concoction that costs one Humor point and
By spending two additional Humor points when
one that costs two Humor points. Both can be made
creating this Concoction, it instead deals four Humor
once a round without paying their Humor costs. Once
die of necrotic damage and choose two attributes to
chosen, they cannot be changed.
give disadvantage.
Concoctions Drum Buster (3 Humor points). As an action, you
Acidic Gum (1 Humor point). As an action, you can can throw this potion at a point within range. All
throw this potion at a creature within range. On a hit, creatures within 10 feet of the point must make a
it takes a Humor die of acid damage and reduces its Constitution saving throw or take a Humor die of
speed by 10 feet. When you reach 11th level, this thunder damage and become deafened for the next
Concoction deals two Humor die of damage. minute. At the end of each one of its turns, it can
Alchemist Fire (1 Humor point). As an action, you reattempt the saving throw. The sound from this blast
can throw this potion at a creature within range. On a can be heard from 100 feet away. When you reach
hit, it takes two Humor die of fire damage. When you 11th level, this Concoction deals two Humor die of
reach 11th level, this Concoction deals three Humor damage.
die of damage. Flash Ice (2 Humor points). As an action, you can
Blight Grenade (2 Humor points). As an action, you throw this potion at a point within range. Ice covers

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the ground in a 10 foot radius centered on that point damage.
and it becomes rough terrain. Any creature standing Refreshing Elixir (3 Humor points). When
in the area when thrown must make a Dexterity consumed, the creature restores an expended spell
saving throw or fall prone. Any creature that attempts slot of 1st level. When you reach 11th level, you can
to move in or through the area must make a Dexterity spend 2 additional Humor points when creating this
saving throw or fall prone. Concoction to have it restore an expended spell slot
Hawkeye (2 Humor points). When consumed, the of 2nd level instead.
creature gains +2 to attack rolls it makes with ranged Resilience Drought (3 Humor points). When created,
weapons for the next minute. pick one of the following damage types; Acid, Cold,
Healing Drought (1 Humor point). When consumed, Fire, Lightning, or Poison. When consumed, the
the creature restores a Humor die + your Intelligence creature gains resistance to the chosen type of
modifier of hit points. When your reach 11th level, damage for the next minute.
this Concoction restores additional hit points equal to Scaleskin Tonic (2 Humor points). When consumed,
your proficiency bonus. for the next minute, whenever that creature takes
Heavy Handed (2 Humor points). When consumed, bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, it reduces
the creature deals 1d4 + its Strength modifier instead the amount it takes by 2.
of its normal damage for an unarmed attack for the By spending two additional Humor points when
next minute. creating this Concoction, it instead reduces the
amount taken by 3 and your AC increases by 1.
Muscle Slag (3 Humor points). As an action, you can
throw this potion at a creature within range. On a hit, Walking Corpse (3 Humor points). When consumed,
the creature takes one Humor die of necrotic damage for the next minute, if damage would reduce the
and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a creature to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution
failure, it becomes paralyzed for the next minute. At saving throw with a DC of 8 + the damage taken,
the end of each one of its turns, it can reattempt the unless the damage is from a critical hit. On a success,
saving throw to end the effect. the creature drops to 1 hit point instead.
By spending two additional Humor points when
Necrosis Splash (2 Humor points). As an action, you
creating this Concoction, the DC for the saving throw
can throw this potion at a point within range. All
is instead 5 + half the damage taken.
creatures within a 10 foot radius sphere of the point
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, Experimental____________________
the creature takes two Humor die of necrotic damage. You spend your time experimenting and pressing the
On a success, the creature takes half as much. boundaries of your medical knowledge. The word
By spending two additional Humor points when “ethics” is just a formality for you.
creating this Concoction, it instead deals three Humor
die of necrotic damage and the creature makes the Adaptive Measures
Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. Living or dead, construct or flesh and blood, no
creature is safe from your testing. When you choose
Rat Rot (1 Humor point). As an action, you can
this Field, features from this class can now effect
throw this potion at a creature within range. On a hit,
Constructs and Undead creatures. Any creature that is
it takes a Humor die of poison damage and must
immune to Poison, Necrotic, and Acid damage
make a Constitution saving throw or become
instead is treated as if it’s only resistant. Any creature
poisoned for the next minute. When you reach 11th
that has immunity to the Poisoned and Diseased
level, this Concoction deals two Humor die of

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conditions can still be effected by your features that Constitution saving throw to overcome the illness. On
cause these conditions; making any related saving a failure, the creature takes 6d8 necrotic damage, its
throws with advantage. maximum hit points are reduced by that much, and it
remains infected. On a success, the illness ends.
Cut Deeper
The creature may make the save at the end of the
Pushing the knife a little deeper couldn't hurt that
30 days with advantage if it has rested for most of the
much, could it? Also when you take this Field, your
time and has gotten adequate medical treatment.
Blood Letting feature now deals an additional amount
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again
of damage equal to half your Plague Doctor level
until you finish a long rest.
(rounded down).

Dirty Blade Triage___________________________

After seeing so much pain and injury, you devoted
At 6th level, When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack that deals piercing or slashing damage, your time to the study of helping others. Working
with the Humors in others to aid in their recovery.
you can spend a Humor point to have the creature
become poisoned. Placebo Effect
At the end of each of the target’s turns, it must A mixture of your medical knowledge and bedside
make a Constitution saving throw. After failing three manner help make your patients feel even better than
of these saving throws, the condition last until it is they should. When you choose this Field, when you
cured, and the creature stops making these saving restore hit points using any feature from this class to a
throws. After succeeding on three of these saving creature other than you, any excess hit points that a
throws, the creature recovers. creature would receive once they reach their hit point
Corrosive Fluids maximum becomes temporary hit points. These
Just by looking at a creature, you can tell if its temporary hit points last for a minute.
Humors are balanced or not. Beginning at 11th level, Tending Wounds
you can strike the Humors in a creature’s body. When Also when you choose this Field, your Clear Sinuses
you hit a creature with an attack that would normally feature restores an additional amount of hit points
deal slashing or piercing damage, you can instead equal to half your Plague Doctor level (rounded
have it deal Acid damage. down).
The Illness First Responder
After a mountain of research, you have developed a Treating wounds fast is the key to saving lives.
new disease. When you hit a creature with a melee Starting at 6th level, you can use the Clear Sinuses
weapon attack that would deal slashing or piercing feature as a bonus action.
damage, you can spend five Humor points to attempt
to infect the creature with your illness. Protective Measures
The target takes 6d8 Necrotic damage and must You go to great lengths to be protected against certain
make a Constitution saving throw or become infected. types of attacks. Beginning at 11th level, pick either
While infected, the creature has disadvantage on all acid, fire, lightning, or necrotic damage. You become
attack rolls and ability checks, and whenever it resistant to the chosen type of damage.
attempts to cast a spell, it must first make a After you finish a long rest, you can pick replace
Constitution saving throw or lose concentration and your chosen type with another from the list.
be unable to. The Cure
Every 30 days, the creature may reattempt the After finding a cure for most modern illnesses, things
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tend to get a lot simpler. At 17th level, as an action on
your turn, you can touch a willing creature and
expend five Humor points. The creature regains 6d8
hit points and cured of the blinded, deafened,
paralyzed, petrified, and poisoned conditions. The
creature’s hit point maximum is returned to its
original amount if it is reduced.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again
until you finish a short or long rest.

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