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ACC 32133: Strategic Management Accounting

Continuous Assessment I- Group Assignment

Importance of applying Strategic Management Accounting
Technique/s for a real life business entity

Select a Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) /

Management Accounting technique/s
Provide a literature review (Minimum 2, Maximum 3 pages)
on the selected SMA/ MA Technique.
Choose an appropriate business entity in which the selected
SMA/ MA technique is employed in practise.
Critically evaluate the importance of (a) applying the selected
SMA/ MA technique and (b) the role of of SMA Accountant
for achieving the goals and targets of that business entity
Explain the possible issues which may arise due to the
emerging developments and provide your insights to
overcome those issues.
Status Group Report (05-06 Members)

Length Body of the report should be 7-10 pages.

Due date 05th January 2024 ( mid December 18-22, Semester ends February 09)

Weighting 10 % (10 Marks)

Formatting Times New Roman, 12pt font for all text except for the title page .
Printed on A4 sheets with 1” margin in each edge (1.5 line spacing).
Do not enter students’ names/Reg. Nos on the front page. Enter the name of the
Group on the front page
Students should follow the given structure to the report

 Title page

 List of Contributors ( work done with signatures)

 Executive summary/ Abstract;

 Body of the Report

 List of references.

Submission of Continuous Assignments II

The Hard copy of the assignment should be handed over to the Department of Accountancy
before 4.00 p.m of 05th January 2024.

The soft copies of the assignment should be uploaded to the LMS on or before 10.00 p.m. of
05th January 2024

All assignments should be word-processed and academic writing practices are expected to be
applied in the Report

Each student is required to Double check Name ,registration number and Signature before

Late Submission of Assignments: NO LATE SUBMISSIONS ARE ACCEPTED

You are required to strictly adhere to these guidelines and the given Format.

Deepal A. Guruge,

Course Cordinator (ACC 32133: Strategic Management Accounting)


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