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ORGANIZATIONS 1. How does one determine the nationality
of corporations?
Answer: The nationality of the private
1. What is a General Professional corporation is determined by the citizenship of
Partnership (GPP)? the controlling stockholders. The "control test"
is still the prevailing mode of determining
Answer: A partnership formed by persons for whether or not a corporation is a Filipino
the sole purpose of exercising their common corporation.
profession, no part of the income of which is When in the mind of the Court, there is doubt,
derived from engaging in any trade or based on the attendant facts and
business. circumstances of the case, in the 60-40 Filipino
equity ownership in the corporation, then it may
2. Which law governs partnerships? apply the "grandfather rule" [Narra Nickel
Mining & Development Corp. v. Redmont
Answer: The Civil Code of the Philippines. Consolidated Mines Corp., G.R. No. 195580
3. In a partnership composed of two
industrial partners and two capitalist 2. What are the requirements to exercise a
partners, with the industrial partners being corporation’s specific powers under the
appointed managing partners without Theory of Specific Capacity
specification of their respective duties,
whose decision prevails in case of conflict Answer:
among the partners?
Power Vote Requirement
Answer: The decision of the managing partners
Power to extend or Majority BOD or BOT;
prevails if both managing partners are in shorten corporate 2/3 OCS or Members
agreement. However, in case of a tie in the term [Sec. 36]
decision of the managing partners, the matter
shall be decided by the partners owning the Power to increase or Majority BOD or BOT;
controlling interest [Art. 1801, Civil Code]. decrease capital 2/3 OCS or Members
stock, or incur, create,
4. What is a limited partnership? increase bonded
indebtedness [Sec.
Answer: A limited partnership is one formed by 371]
two or more persons under the provisions of
the following article, having as members one or Power to deny Majority BOD;
more general partners and one or more limited preemptive rights 2/3 OCS
partners. The limited partners as such shall not [Sec. 38]
be bound by the obligations of the partnership.
[Art. 1843 NCC] Power to sell or Majority BOD or BOT
dispose corporate
5. To what extent is a limited partner liable? assets [Sec. 39]

Answer: A limited partner is only liable to the Note: if it involves sale 2/3 OCS or Members;
extent of his contribution. of all or substantially or

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4. What are the subscribed and paid-up
Power Vote Requirement
requirements in:
all assets Majority Trustees for a. Authorized capital stock
nonstock corporations, b. Increase in capital stock
where there are no
members with voting Answer:
rights 1. Authorized capital stock - no
minimum capital stock required to be
Power to acquire own Existence of subscribed and paid-up [Sec 12]
shares [Sec. 40] Unrestricted Retained 2. Increase in capital stock
Earnings a. At least 25% subscribed; and
b. At least 25% of the subscribed
Power to invest Majority BOD or BOT; be paid-up.
corporate funds in 2/3 OCS or Members
another corporation or 5. What is a One Person Corporation?
business, or for any
other purpose [Sec. Answer: A corporation with a single
41] stockholder. Only a natural person, trust, or an
estate may form a One Person Corporation.
Power to declare Cash Dividends Banks and quasi-banks, pre-need, trust,
dividends [Sec. 42] Majority BOD insurance, public and publicly-listed
companies, and non-chartered government-
Stock Dividends owned and controlled corporations may not
Majority BOD; incorporate as One Person Corporations. A
2/3 OCS natural person who is licensed to exercise a
profession may not organize as a One Person
Power to enter into Majority BOD; Corporation for the purpose of exercising such
management contract Majority OCS; or profession except as otherwise provided under
[Sec. 43] Majority Members of special laws [Sec. 116, RCC].
both managing and the
managed corporation 6. When may a foreign corporation sue and
be sued in the Philippines?
Power to amend AOl Majority BOD or BOT;
[Sec. 15] 2/3 OCS or Members Answer:
Doing Business Cannot sue
3. What is a pre-emptive right? with No License

Answer: Preemptive right is the preferential Not Doing Can sue, even
right of shareholders to subscribe to all issues Business without license
or disposition of shares of any class in
Doing Business Can Sue
proportion to their present shareholdings [Sec
with License
38]. The purpose of preemptive right is to
enable the shareholder to retain his However, such corporation may be sued or
proportionate control in the corporation and to proceeded against before Philippine courts or
retain his equity in the surplus. administrative tribunals on any valid cause of
action recognized under Philippine laws. [Sec.

7. What is a de facto merger?

Answer: There is a de facto merger when a

corporation (transferring corporation)
exchanges all or substantially all of its assets
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for the shares of another (transferee 7 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 129. [Virata
corporation). The transferring corporation may v. Ng Wee, G.R. No. 220926 (2017)]
later on be dissolved, where the shares of the
transferee corporation will be distributed by 3. What are the powers and duties of the
way of liquidating dividends to the Monetary Board, as per the New Central
shareholders of the transferring corporation. Bank Act?

The continuity-of-business enterprise Answer:

requirement is what differentiates a de facto a. Power to close banks
merger from a voluntary dissolution of a b. In cases involving the BSP, the power
corporation. [Herbosa, 2019] to authorize the BSP Governor to
represent it personally or through a
8. What is the Nell Doctrine and what are the counsel, even a private counsel
exceptions thereto? c. Duty to cause the prosecution of
Answer: Under the Nell Doctrine, where one d. Exclusive authority to assess, evaluate
corporation sells or otherwise transfers all of its and determine the condition of any
assets to another corporation, the latter is bank
generally not liable for the debts and liabilities e. Power to impose administrative
of the transferor, except: sanctions on erring banks
a. where the purchaser expressly or
impliedly agrees to assume such 4. How are banks classified under the
debts; General Banking Law of 2000?
b. where the transaction amounts to a
consolidation or merger of the Answer:
corporations; a. Universal banks
b. Commercial banks
II. BANKING LAWS c. Thrift banks composed of: (i) Savings
and mortgage banks, (ii) Stock savings
and loan associations, and (iii) Private
1. What is the standard of diligence
development banks, as defined in the
required of banks?
R.A. No. 7906 (hereafter the “Thrift
Banks Act”);
Answer: Section 2 of Republic Act No. 8791
d. Rural banks, as defined in R.A. No.
(“RA 8791”) declares that the State recognizes
6938 (hereafter the “Rural Banks Act”);
the “fiduciary nature of banking that requires
e. Cooperative banks, as defined in R.A.
high standards of integrity and performance.”
No. 6938 (hereafter the “Cooperative
By the nature of its functions, a bank is “under
f. Islamic banks as defined in R.A. No.
obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors
6848, otherwise known as the “Charter
with meticulous care, always having in mind
of Al Amanah Islamic Investment Bank
the fiduciary nature of their relationship.”
of the Philippines”; and
Citibank, N.A. vs. Cabamongan, 488 SCRA
g. Other classifications of banks as
517, G.R. No. 146918 May 2, 2006
determined by the Monetary Board.
2. What is an investment house?
5. What deposits are covered by the bank
secrecy laws?
Answer: An investment house is an enterprise
that engages in the underwriting of securities of
other corporations. Aside from performing the
General Rule - All [peso] deposits of whatever
regular powers of a corporation under the
nature with banks or banking institutions in the
Corporation Code, a duly licensed investment
Philippines including investments in bonds
house is granted additional powers under Sec.
issued by the Government of the Philippines,

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its political subdivisions and its 3. Provide when insurable interest exists in
instrumentalities, are hereby considered as of (1) life, (2) health, and (3) property.
an absolutely confidential nature [Sec. 2, R.A.
1405] Answer:
When Insurable Interest Required
Foreign currency deposits - All foreign currency Life/Health Property
deposits authorized under this Act, as Inception ✓ ✓
amended by Presidential Decree No. 1034, are Intervening
hereby declared as and considered of an Period
absolutely confidential nature [Sec. 8, R.A.
Occurrence ✓
of Loss
6. What is “voluntary” liquidation?
4. When may a contract of insurance be
Answer: Liquidation that is initiated by written
notice to the Monetary Board so that the
Answer: A contract of insurance may be
Monetary Board acquires the right to intervene.
rescinded in the following instances:
7. What is “involuntary” liquidation? a. Concealment - the failure to disclose
facts which the applicant, at the time of
application, knows or ought to know
Answer: Liquidation that is ordered by the
and are material to the insurance
Monetary Board due to grounds stated in Sec.
applied for [Carale].
30 of the New Central Bank Act.
b. Misrepresentation/Omission - false
representation which the insured states
III. INSURANCE LAW with knowledge that is untrue, intended
to deceive the insurer into accepting
1. What are the elements of an insurance risk.
contract? c. Breach of warranties - must be of a
material warranty.
a. Cause 5. Define an Incontestability Clause.
b. Consideration
c. Risk of loss or damage Answer: The insurer cannot prove that the
d. Risk-distributing scheme policy is void ab initio or is rescindable by
e. Insurable interest reason of the fraudulent concealment or
f. A meeting of minds of the parties upon misrepresentation of the insured or his agent:
all the foregoing essentials a. After a policy of life insurance made
payable on the death of the insured
2. What are the characteristics/nature of an shall have been in force during the
insurance contract? lifetime of the insured for a period of
two (2) years from the date of its issue
Answer: An insurance contract is [CAVE- or of its last reinstatement [Sec. 48]
CCPU] b. The insurer’s right to rescind a contract
a. Consensual is not exercised previous to the
b. Aleatory commencement of an action on the
c. Voluntary contract [Sec. 48].
d. Executory and unilateral but
e. Conditional
f. Contract of adhesion
g. Personal contract.
h. Uberrimae fides contract

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IV. TRANSPORTATION LAW 5. What is a bill of lading?

Answer: A bill of lading is a written

1. What is the standard of diligence
acknowledgment of the receipt of goods and an
required of common carriers in the
agreement to transport and to deliver them at a
transportation of goods and passengers?
specified place to a person named or on his or
her order. It operates both as a receipt and as
Answer: As for goods, extraordinary diligence
a contract. [Philam v. Heung-A Shipping Corp.,
[Art. 1733, NCC]. As for passengers, as far as
G.R. No. 187812 (2014)]
human care and foresight can provide, using
utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with
6. What is the scope of application of the
a due regard for all the circumstances [Art.
Montreal Convention?
1755, NCC].
Answer: The Montreal Convention applies to
2. What is the registered owner rule?
all international carriage of persons, baggage,
or cargo performed by aircraft for reward. It
Answer: The registered owner of a vehicle
applies equally to gratuitous carriage by aircraft
is liable for any damage caused by the
performed by an air transport undertaking. [Art.
negligent operation of the vehicle [Filcar
Transport v. Espinas, G.R. No. 174156
3. What is a freight forwarder?
1. What is a Public Utility under R.A. No.
Answer: The term “freight forwarder” refers to
a firm holding itself out to the general public
(other than as a pipeline, rail, motor, or water
Answer: Public Utility refers to a public service
carrier) to provide transportation of property for
that operates, manages or controls for public
compensation and, in the ordinary course of its
use any of the following:
business, (1) to assemble and consolidate, or
1. Distribution of Electricity
to provide for assembling and consolidating,
2. Transmission of Electricity
shipments, and to perform or provide for break-
bulk and distribution operations of the 3. Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Pipeline Transmission Systems
shipments; (2) to assume responsibility for the
transportation of goods from the place of 4. Water Pipeline Distribution Systems
receipt to the place of destination; and (3) to and Wastewater Pipeline Systems,
use for any part of the transportation a carrier including sewerage pipeline systems;
subject to the federal law pertaining to common 5. Seaports; and
carriers. [Unsworth Transport International 6. Public Utility Vehicles
(Phils.), Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. 166250 (2010)]
Note: No other person shall be deemed a
public utility unless otherwise subsequently
4. What should an airline ticket contain?
provided by law [Sec. 4, R.A. No. 11659]
Answer: The Air Passenger Bill of Rights
2. What is the limitation on the ownership,
recognizes that a contract of carriage is a
operation, management and control of
contract of adhesion, and thus, all conditions
public utilities?
and restrictions must be fully explained to the
passenger before the purchase of the ticket.
Answer: 60/40 Rule - No franchise, certificate,
Section 4.4 of the Air Passenger Bill of Rights
requires that “all rebooking, refunding, or any other form of authorization for the
baggage allowance and check-in policies” operation of a public utility shall be granted
must be stated in the tickets. [Manay, Jr. vs. except to citizens of the Philippines or to
Cebu Air, Inc., G.R. No. 210621 (2016)] corporations or associations organized under
the laws of the Philippines, at least sixty per

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centum of whose capital is owned by such service which desires to engage a foreign
citizens. [Sec. 11, Art. XII, 1987 Const.] national for employment must obtain an
employment permit pursuant to the Labor Code
3. What are the guidelines on foreign of the Philippines.
employment in public services?
What is critical infrastructure?
General Rule: A public service shall employ a Answer: Any public service which owns, uses,
foreign national only after the determination of or operates systems and assets, whether
non-availability of a Philippine National who is physical or virtual, so vital to the Republic of the
competent, able, and willing to perform the Philippines that the incapacity or destruction of
services for which the foreign national is such systems or assets would have a
desired. detrimental impact on national security,
including telecommunications and other such
Exception: Unless otherwise provided by law, vital services as may be declared by the
or by any international agreement, any foreign President of the Philippines. [Sec. 2(e), R.A.
national seeking admission to the Philippines No. 11659]s
for employment purposes and any public


Differentiate copyright, trademark, and patent.

Copyright Trademark Patent
Purpose or To promote creativity Identifying the origin or “Bring[ing] new designs and
function and encourage creation ownership of goods and technologies into the public
of works [ABS-CBN v. services [Ang v. Teodoro, domain through disclosure”
Gozon, G.R. No. G.R. No. L-48226, December [Pearl & Dean v. Shoemart,
195956, March 11, 14, 1942]. G.R. No. 148222, August
2015]. 15, 2003].
Coverage Intellectual creations in Visible signs capable of 1. Inventions: Any technical
the literary and artistic distinguishing goods (i.e. solution of a problem in any
domain [Sec. 172, IP trademarks), services (i.e. field of human activity which
Code] service marks), and the is new, involves an inventive
enterprise itself (i.e. step, and is industrially
tradenames) [Kho v. Court of applicable [Sec. 21, IP
Appeals, G.R. No. 11578, Code; Kho v. Court of
March 19, 2002]. Appeals, G.R. No. 11578,
March 19, 2002].
2. Utility model [Sec. 109, IP
3. Industrial designs and
layout design [Sec. 112.1, IP

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Copyright Trademark Patent
Standard for Creation must be Capability of the mark to 1. Inventions
protection original, i.e. created by distinguish the goods and a. Novelty [Secs. 23-24, IP
creator’s own skill, services of an enterprise Code]
labor, and judgment [Kho v. Court of Appeals, b. Inventive step [Sec. 26, IP
[Ong Ching Kian Chuan G.R. No. 11578, March 19, Code]
v. CA, G.R. 130360, 2002; see Sec. 123.1 for c. Industrial applicability
August 15, 2021]. marks that cannot be [Sec. 27, IP Code]
2. Utility model [Sec. 109, IP
a. Novelty [Secs. 23-24, IP
b. Industrial applicability
[Sec. 27, IP Code]

3. Industrial designs and

layout designs (Sec. 112.1,
IP Code)
a. New or ornamental
character [Sec. 113.1, IP
When From the moment of From a valid registration From the grant of the patent
acquired creation [Sec. 172, IP [Sec. 122, IP Code; see [Pearl & Dean v. Shoemart,
Code]. Zuneca Pharmaceutical v. G.R. No. 148222, August
Natrapharm, G.R. No. 15, 2003)].
211850, September 8, 2020].

Duration General rule: during the Certificate of registration Twenty (20) years from filing
life of the author and for shall remain in force for ten date of application [Sec. 54,
fifty (50) years after his (10) years, but this may be IP Code]. This cannot be
death [Sec. 213.1, IP renewed [Secs. 145 to 146, renewed.
Code]. IP Code]

Special cases:
Joint authorship: during
life of the last surviving
author and for fifty
years after his death
[Sec. 213.2, IP Code].
Anonymous or
pseudonymous works:
fifty (50) years from the
date on which the work
was first lawfully
published [Sec. 213.3,
IP Code].

Works of applied art:

twenty-five (25) years
from date of making
[Sec. 213.4, IP Code].

Photographic works
and audio-visual works
produced analogous to
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Copyright Trademark Patent
photography or any
process for making
recordings: fifty (50)
years from publication
and, if unpublished, fifty
(50) from making [Secs.
213.5 to 213.6, IP

information, or other material pursuant to any

VII. ELECTRONIC powers conferred, shall not convey to or share
COMMERCE ACT the same with any other person. [Sec. 32]

4. How are electronic signatures legally

1. May contracts be expressed in electronic
Answer: An electronic signature on the
Answer: Yes. Except as otherwise agreed by
electronic document shall be equivalent to the
the parties the elements of contracts required signature of a person on a written document if
under existing laws for the perfection thereof that signature is proved by showing that a
may be expressed in, demonstrated, and prescribed procedure, not alterable by the
proved by means of electronic data message parties interested in the electronic document,
or electronic documents. No contract shall be existed.
denied validity or enforceability on the sole
ground that it is in the form of an electronic data
message or electronic document, or that any or VIII. FOREIGN
all of the elements required under existing laws
for the formation of the contracts is expressed, INVESTMENTS ACT
demonstrated, and proved by means of
electronic documents. [Sec. 16(1)] What does “doing business” constitute?

2. What are the factors to consider in Answer:

assessing the evidential weight of an a. Soliciting orders, service contracts,
electronic data message or document opening offices, whether called "liaison"
admitted into evidence? offices or branches;
b. Appointing representatives or distributors
domiciled in the Philippines or who in any
Answer: In assessing the evidential weight of
calendar year stay in the country for a period
an electronic data message or electronic
or periods totaling 180 days or more
document, the reliability of the manner in which
c. Participating in the management,
it was generated, stored, or communicated, the supervision or control of any domestic
reliability of the manner in which its originator business, firm, entity or corporation in the
was identified, and other relevant factors shall Philippines; and
be given due regard. [Sec. 12] d. Any other act or acts that imply a
continuity of commercial dealings or
3. What is the obligation of confidentiality? arrangements, and contemplate to that
extent the performance of acts or works, or
Answer: Except for the purposes authorized the exercise of some of the functions
under the E-Commerce Act, any person who normally incident to, and in progressive
obtained access to any electronic key, prosecution of, commercial gain or of the
electronic data message or electronic purpose and object of the business
document, book, register, correspondence, organization.

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part of the the right to the use of

A. Power of Taxation as
public fund property property
Distinguished from Police Power
and Eminent Domain Benefits

Protection Market value Indirect

1. Distinguish the Power of Taxation from
and benefits of the benefits
Police Power and Eminent Domain
he receives property
Amount of disposition
Generally, Market value Amount
Authority (who exercises the Power) there is no of property imposed
limit taken should be
Only the the Only the
government government government
rate to cover
or its political or its political or its political
the cost of
subdivision. subdivisions subdivision
issuance of a
or may be license or
granted to surveillance
service Relationship to Constitution
or public Subject to Inferior to the Relatively
utilities. Constitutio- impairment free from
nal limitation, prohibition Constitutio-
Purpose including the nal
prohibition limitations
Property Property is Property is
against and is
(money) is taken for regulated for
impairment superior to
taken for public use the purpose
of the the
support of of promoting
obligation of impairment
the the general
contracts of contract
government welfare
Persons Affected

A community An individual A community

B. Inherent and Constitutional
or a class of as the owner or a class of Limitations of Taxation
individuals of a property individuals
1. What are the Inherent Limitations of
Effect Taxation?

Contribution There is a At most, Answer:

becomes transfer of there is a a. Public Purpose - The proceeds of the
restraint on tax must be used:
a. for the support of the State; or
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b. for some recognized objects of 5. Prohibition against taxation of nonstock,
government or directly to non-profit educational institutions;
promote the welfare of the 6. Majority vote of Congress for grant of tax
community. exemption;
b. Inherently Legislative - The power to 7. Prohibition on use of tax levied for special
tax is exclusively vested in the purpose;
legislative body and it may not be re- 8. President’s veto power on appropriation,
delegated. revenue, tariff bills;
a. Exceptions: 9. Tax bills should originate exclusively in the
i. Delegations to local House of the Representatives;
governments 10. Concurrence of at least 2/3 of the Senate
ii. Delegations to the with tax treaties
President 11. Non-impairment of jurisdiction of the
iii. Delegations to Supreme Court;
administrative 12. Grant of power to the local government
agencies units to create its own sources of revenue;
c. Territorial - A state may not tax 13. Flexible tariff clause;
property lying outside its borders or lay 14. Exemption from real property taxes; and
an excise or privilege tax upon the 15. No appropriation or use of public money for
exercise or enjoyment of a right or religious purposes;
privilege derived from the laws of
another state and therein exercise and 3. What are the constitutional provisions
enjoyed. [51 Am.Jur. 8788]. which indirectly affect (limit) taxation?
d. International Comity - comity is the
respect accorded by nations to each Answer:
other because they are sovereign 1. Due process
equals. Thus, the property or income of 2. Equal protection;
a foreign state or government may not 3. Religious freedom;
be the subject of taxation by another 4. Non-impairment of obligations of contracts;
state. 5. Freedom of speech and expression;
e. Exemption of Government Entities, 6. Presidential power to grant reprieves,
Agencies, and Instrumentalities - communications, and pardons, and remit
Agencies and instrumentalities of the fines and forfeitures after conviction by final
government are exempt from tax. Their judgement; and
exemption rests on the State's 7. No taking of private property for public use
sovereign immunity from taxation. The without just compensation
State cannot be taxed without its
consent and such consent, being in 4. What are the requisites of a valid tax?
derogation of its sovereignty, is to be
strictly construed. [Gomez v. Palomar, Answer:
GR No. L-23645, 29 October 1968] 1. It must be for a public purpose;
2. Rule of taxation should be uniform;
2. What are the constitutional provisions 3. The person or property taxed is within the
which directly affect (limit) taxation? jurisdiction of the taxing authority;
4. Assessment and collection is in
Answer: consonance with the due process clause;
1. Prohibition against imprisonment for non- AND
payment of poll tax; 5. The tax must not infringe on the inherent
2. Uniformity and equality of taxation; and constitutional limitations of the power
3. Grant by Congress of authority to the of taxation.
President to impose tariff rates;
4. Prohibition against taxation of religious,
charitable entities, and educational entities;

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C. Kinds of Taxes retroactive effect is expressly declared or

may be implied from the language used
1. Distinguish “direct taxes” from “indirect e. Tax laws are special laws and prevail over
taxes.” a general law


These relate to the burden or incidence of
a. Direct Taxes – taxes which are demanded A. Taxing Authority
from persons who also shoulder them;
taxes for which the taxpayer is directly or 1. What is the powers and duties of the
primarily liable, or which he cannot shift to Bureau of Internal Revenue?
another. The liability for the payment of the
tax (incidence) and the burden (impact) of Answer:
the tax falls on the same person. (e.g., 1. To assess and collect all national internal
income tax, estate tax, donor’s tax, revenue taxes, fees, and charges;
community tax) 2. To enforce all forfeitures, penalties and
b. Indirect Taxes – taxes which are fines connected therewith;
demanded from one person in the 3. To execute judgment in all cases decided
expectation and intention that he shall in its favor by the CTA and the ordinary
indemnify himself at the expense of courts; and
another, falling finally upon the ultimate 4. To give effect to and administer the
purchaser or consumer; taxes levied upon supervisory and police powers conferred
transactions or activities before the articles upon it by the Tax Code or other special
subject matter thereof, reach the laws.
consumers who ultimately pay for them not
as taxes but as part of the purchase price. 2. Who has the power to interpret provision
of the NIRC and other tax laws?
D. Doctrines in Taxation Answer:
The power to interpret provisions of the NIRC
1. What are the general rules on the and other tax laws shall be under the exclusive
construction of tax laws? and original jurisdiction of the CIR, subject to
review by the Secretary of Finance. [Sec. 4,
Answer: NIRC]
a. Public purpose is always presumed b. If the
law is clear, apply the law in accordance to
its plain and simple tenor B. Income Tax
b. A statute will not be construed as imposing
a tax unless it does so clearly, 1. What are the criteria in imposing
a. expressly and unambiguously · Philippine Income Tax?
b. In case of doubt, it is construed most
strongly against the Government and Answer:
liberally in favor of the taxpayer since it is 1. Citizenship - A citizen of the Philippines is
an imposition of a burden (Lifeblood subject to Philippine income tax:
Theory). i. On his worldwide income, if he
c. Tax laws may not be extended by resides in the Philippines; or
implication beyond the clear import of their ii. Only on his income from sources
language, nor their operation enlarged so within the Philippines, if he qualifies
as to embrace matters not specifically as a non-resident citizen.
provided [MAMALATEO]
d. Tax laws operate prospectively unless the 2. Residence - A resident alien is liable to pay
purpose of the legislature to give Philippine income tax only on his income
from sources within the Philippines but is
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exempt from tax on his income from 4. What is the income tax applicable to
sources outside the Philippines. individuals earning business or
[MAMALATEO] professional income?
3. Source - An alien is subject to Philippine
income tax because he derives income Answer: Individuals earning income purely
from sources within the Philippines. Thus, from self-employment and/or practice of
a non-resident alien or non-resident foreign profession, whose gross sales/receipts and
corporation is liable to pay Philippine other nonoperating income does not exceed
income tax on income from sources within the VAT threshold as provided under Sec. 109
the Philippines, such as dividend, interest, (BB) of the Tax Code, as amended, shall have
rent, or royalty, despite the fact that he has the option to avail of:
not set foot in the Philippines. a. The graduated rates under Sec. 24
[MAMALATEO] (A)(2)(a) of the Tax Code, as amended;
2. Differentiate income from capital. b. An eight percent (8%) tax on gross
sales or receipts and other non-
Answer: operating income in excess of two
"The essential difference between capital and hundred fifty thousand pesos
income is that capital is a fund; income is a (P250,000.00) in lieu of the graduated
flow. A fund of property existing at an instant of income tax rates under Sec. 24 (A) and
time is called capital. A flow of services the percentage tax under Sec. 116 of
rendered by that capital by the payment of the NIRC if income does not exceed
money from it or any other benefit rendered by the VAT threshold.
a fund of capital in relation to such fund through
a period of time is called income." [Madrigal v. 5. Differentiate Ordinary Assets from
Rafferty, G.R. No. 12287 (1918)] Capital Assets.

Income Capital
a. Ordinary Assets
Denotes a flow of Fund or property i. Stock in trade of the taxpayer/ other
wealth during a existing at one distinct property of a kind which would properly
definite period of point in time. be included in the inventory of the
time. taxpayer if on hand at the close of the
taxable year.
Service of wealth Wealth itself ii. Property held by the taxpayer primarily
for sale to customers in the ordinary
Subject to tax Return of capital is not course of his trade or business.
subject to tax iii. Property used in the trade or business
of a character which is subject to the
Fruit Tree allowance for depreciation, or
iv. Real property used in the trade or
business of the taxpayer, including
3. What are the requisites for income to be
property held for rent.
b. Capital Assets - Property held by the
taxpayer, whether or not connected with
1. There is INCOME, gain or profit
his trade or business which is not an
2. RECEIVED or REALIZED during the
ordinary asset.
taxable year
3. NOT EXEMPT from income tax by law or

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6. Differentiate Ordinary Income from corporation had control immediately before
Capital Gain. the acquisition; or
3. The acquisition by one corporation, in
Answer: exchange solely for all or a part of its voting
a. If the asset involved is classified as stock or in exchange solely for all or part of
ordinary, the entire amount of the gain the voting stock of a corporation which is in
from the transaction shall be included in the control of the acquiring corporation, of
computation of gross income [Sec 32(A)], substantially all of the properties of another
and the entire amount of the loss shall be corporation. In determining whether the
deductible from gross income. [Sec 34(D)]. exchange is solely for stock, the
b. If the asset involved is a capital asset, the assumption by the acquiring corporation of
rules on capital gains and losses apply in a liability of the others shall be disregarded;
the determination of the amount to be or
included in gross income. (See Capital 4. A recapitalization, which shall mean an
Gains and Losses). arrangement whereby the stock and bonds
of a corporation are readjusted as to
These rules do not apply to: amount, income, or priority or an
a. real property with a capital gains tax (final agreement of all stockholders and creditors
tax), or to change and increase or decrease the
b. shares of stock of a domestic corporation capitalization or debts of the corporation or
with a capital gains tax (final tax). both; or
5. A reincorporation, which shall mean the
7. What are Tax-Free Exchanges? formation of the same corporate business
with the same assets and the same
Answer: Tax-free exchanges refer to those stockholders surviving under a new
instances enumerated in Section 40(C)(2) of charter.
the NIRC of 1997, as amended, that are not
subject to Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, 9. What are the requirements for exemption of
Documentary Stamp Tax and/or Value-added sale or disposition of principal residence from
Tax, as the case may be. capital gains tax of 6%?

In general, there are two kinds of tax-free Answer:

exchange: (1) reorganization; and (2) transfer a. Sale or disposition by a natural person of his
principal residence,
to a controlled corporation.
b. The proceeds of which is fully utilized in
acquiring/constructing a new principal residence,
8. What are the five instances of tax-free
c. Such acquisition/construction taking place
reorganization under the CREATE Law? within 18 calendar months from the date of sale
or disposition,
Answer: d. The taxpayer notifies the Commissioner within
1. A corporation, which is a party to a merger 30 days from the sale/disposition through a
or consolidation, exchanges property prescribed return of his intention to avail of the
solely for stock in a corporation, which is a exemption,
party to the merger or consolidation; or e. The tax exemption can only be availed of once
2. The acquisition by one corporation, in every 10 years.
exchange solely for all or a part of its voting
stock, or in exchange solely for all or part C. Value-Added Tax (VAT)
of the voting stock of a corporation which is
in control of the acquiring corporation, of 1. What is value-added tax?
stock of another corporation if, immediately
after the acquisition, the acquiring Answer: Value-added tax (VAT) is a tax on
corporation has control of such other consumption levied on the sale of goods and
corporation whether or not such acquiring services in the Philippines. It is imposed upon
(1) any person who, in the course of trade or
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business (a) sells, barters, exchanges, leases 5. the input taxes have not been applied
goods or properties or (b) renders services, against output taxes during and in the
and (2) any person who, whether or not in the succeeding quarters;
course of trade or business, imports goods 6. the input taxes claimed are attributable to
[NIRC, Sec. 105]. zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sales;
7. for zero-rated sales under Section
2. Differentiate Zero-Rated Transactions 106(A)(2)(a)(1) and (3) and 108(B)(1) and
from VAT-exempt transactions? (2), the acceptable foreign currency
Answer: exchange proceeds have been duly
accounted for in accordance with the rules
Zero-rate VAT-exempt
and regulations of the BSP;
It is a taxable Not subject to output 8. where there are both zero-rated or
transaction and tax effectively zero-rated sales and taxable or
result in an output tax exempt sales, and the input taxes cannot
at zero-percent be directly and entirely attributable to any
of these sales, the input taxes shall be
The input VAT The seller is not proportionately allocated on the basis of
attributable to zero- entitled to any input sales volume; and
rated sales may be tax on his purchases 9. the claim is filed within two (2) years after
allowed as tax despite the issuance the close of the taxable quarter when such
credits or refund. of a VAT invoice or sales were made. [Luzon Hydro
receipt. Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. 188260
(2013); Sec. 4.112-1, RR 16-2005]
Persons engaged in VAT-exempt persons
zero-rated shall register as D. Tax Remedies Under the
transactions are nonVAT taxpayers.
required to register Some VAT exempt
National Internal Revenue Code
as VAT taxpayers persons may opt to
1. What is the period for the issuance of the
register as a VAT
Formal Letter of Demand and Final
taxpayer, and then be
Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN)?
subject to VAT. Eg.
Gross annual sale of
It must be issued within 15 days from the
goods, properties, or
services that do not filing/submission of the taxpayer’s response to
the PAN.
exceed PhP3Million
1. If the FLD/FAN is issued beyond the 15day
(Sec. 109 CC).
period, it shall still be valid, provided that it
is issued within the period of limitation to
3. What are the requisites for the assess internal revenue taxes.
entitlement to a tax refund or credit of 2. If the FLD/FAN is issued before the lapse
excess input VAT attributable to zero- of the 15-day period, it shall be void. Note:
rated? Prematurely issuing an FLD/FAN before
Answer: the lapse of the 15-day period is a wanton
A claim for refund or tax credit for unutilized disregard of the mandatory due process
input VAT may be allowed only if the following requirement. [CIR v. Pacific Bayview
requisites concur, namely: Properties, Inc., CTA EB No. 1677]
1. the taxpayer is VAT-registered;
2. the taxpayer is engaged in zero-rated or 2. When is the ‘Final Decision on a Disputed
effectively zero-rated sales; Assessment’ (FDAA) not appealable to the
3. the input taxes are due or paid; CTA?
4. the input taxes are not transitional input
taxes; Answer:
The FDAA issued by the CIR’s duly authorized
representative cannot be considered as the
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decision appealable to the CTA under Section 5. What are the grounds for an abatement?
7(a)(1) of RA 1125, as amended, if the Answer:
taxpayer availed of its remedy of appeal to the a. The tax or any portion thereof appears to
Office of the Commissioner of Internal be unjustly or excessively assessed; or
Revenue the denial of protest issued by the b. The administration and collection costs do
CIR’s duly authorized representative, under not justify the collection of the amount due.
Subsection 3.1.5 of RR 12-99: [Sec. 204(B), NIRC]

xxx “provided, however, that if the taxpayer 6. What are the grounds for filing a claim for
elevates his protest to the CIR within 30-days tax refund or credit?
from date of receipt of the final decision of the
CIR’s duly authorized representative, the Answer:
latter’s decision shall not be considered final, a. Tax is erroneously or illegally assessed or
executory and demandable, in which case, the collected
protest shall be decided by the Commissioner.” i. Taxes are erroneously paid when a
[LRTA v CIR, G.R. No. 231238 (2022)] taxpayer pays under a mistake of fact,
as when he is not aware of an existing
3. What are the requisites of a valid exemption in his favor at the time that
assessment? payment is made.
ii. Taxes are illegally collected when
Answer: payments are made under duress.
1. The taxpayer shall be informed in writing of iii. Penalty is collected without authority
the law and the facts on which the b. Penalty is collected without authority c.
assessment is made; otherwise, the Sum collected is excessive or in any
assessment notice shall be rendered null manner wrongfully collected [Sec. 229,
and void. [Sec. 228, NIRC] NIRC]
2. Assessment contains not only a
computation of tax liabilities, but also a 7. What are the requisites for tax refund or
demand for payment within a prescribed tax credit?
period. [CIR v. Fitness by Design, Inc. G.R.
No. 215957 (2016)] Answer:
3. Assessment must be served on and a. There is a tax collected erroneously or
received by the taxpayer. [CIR v. Fitness by illegally, or a penalty collected without
Design, Inc. G.R. No. 215957 (2016)] authority, or a sum excessively or
wrongfully collected.
4. What is the prescriptive period for b. There must be a written claim for refund
assessment? filed by the taxpayer to the CIR [Vda. De
Aguinaldo v. CIR, G.R. No. L-19927
Answer: (1965)]
General Rule: Within 3 years after the last day
prescribed by law for the filing of the return or 8. When must a claim for refund be filed?
from the date of actual filing, whichever comes
later; provided, that a return filed before the last Answer:
day prescribed by law for filing shall be The claim for refund must be filed within 2
considered as filed on such last day [Sec. 203, years from the date of the payment of the tax
NIRC] regardless of any supervening cause [Sec.
229, NIRC]
Exception: Within 10 years after the discovery
of the falsity, fraud or omission in case of: (FFF) Two-year period when counted
1. False return General Rule: From the date the tax was paid
2. Fraudulent return with intent to evade tax; Exceptions:
or • If the tax is withheld at source – from the
3. Failure to file a return. [Sec. 222, NIRC] date it falls due at the end of the taxable

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year [Gibbs v. CIR, G.R. No. L17406
Sec. 229 Sec. 112
• If the income is paid on a quarterly basis Thus, the taxpayer
– from the time of filing the final may elevate his claim
adjustment return [CIR v. CA, G.R. No. to the CTA (a) within
117254 (1999)] 30 days from the full
• When the tax is paid in installments – or partial denial of the
from the date of final payment or the last claim, or (b) within 30
installment days after the lapse of
the 90-day waiting
9. Differentiate Refund of Unutilized Input period, in case of
VAT (Sec. 112, NIRC) and Refund of inaction by the CIR.
Erroneously or Illegally Collected Tax (Sec.
229, NIRC) [CIR v. San Roque Power Corporation, G.R.
No. 187485 (2013); Visayas Geothermal
Answer: Power Company v. CIR, G.R. No. 197525
(2014); Sec. 112, NIRC, as amended by
Sec. 229 Sec. 112 TRAIN Law]
Refers to a refund or Refers to a refund or
credit of tax credit of excess or III. LOCAL TAXATION
1. tax erroneously or unutilized input VAT
illegally assessed or attributable to zero-
collected, or rated sales
A. Local Government Taxation
2. penalty collected
without authority, or 1. What is the nature of the taxing power of
3. any sum LGUs?
excessively or
wrongfully collected Answer:
a. Not inherent - Municipal corporations,
The 2-year period The 2-year period being mere creatures of law, may exercise
shall be reckoned shall be reckoned the power to tax only if delegated to them
from the date of from the close of the by the national legislature or conferred to
payment of the tax taxable quarter when them by the Constitution. Sec. 5, Art. X of
or penalty. the sales were made. The 1987 Constitution directly grants LGUs
the power to tax.
Both the Only the b. Limited – The taxing power of LGUs is not
administrative claim administrative claim is absolute because it is subject to such
with the CIR and the required to be filed guidelines and limitations that Congress
appeal to the CTA within the 2-year may provide. [Sec. 5, Art. X, 1987
must be made within period. Constitution]
the 2-year period. c. Legislative in nature – The power to
impose taxes is vested solely in the
If the 2-year period is Sec. 112(C) of the legislative body (i.e., the Sanggunian) of
about to lapse and NIRC provides a each LGU.
the CIR has not 90day waiting period d. Territorial – It can only be exercised within
acted on the claim, for the CIR to decide the territorial jurisdiction of each LGU.
the taxpayer may on the application for
already appeal to the tax refund or credit.
CTA without waiting Compliance with the
for the decision of the 90-day waiting period
CIR. is mandatory and

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B. Real Property Taxation 4. What properties are exempt from Real

Property Tax?
1. What are the fundamental principles Answer:
governing Real Property Taxation? a. Real property owned by the Republic of the
Philippines or any of its political
Answer: subdivisions
1. Real property shall be appraised at its i. Exception: when beneficial use is
current and fair market value. granted for a consideration or to a
2. Real property shall be classified for taxable person.
assessment purposes on the basis of its b. Charitable institutions, churches
actual use. parsonages, or convents appurtenant
4. Real property shall be assessed based on thereto, mosques, non-profit or religious
a uniform classification within each local cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and
government unit. improvements actually, directly and
5. The appraisal, assessment, levy and exclusively used for religious, charitable, or
collection of real property tax shall not be educational purposes
left to any private person. c. Machinery and equipment actually, directly
6. The appraisal and assessment of real and exclusively used by local water
property shall be equitable. [Sec. 198, districts and GOCCs engaged in the supply
LGC] and distribution of water and/or generation
and transmission of electric power
2. How are real properties classified under d. Real property owned by duly registered
the Local Government Code? cooperatives as provided for under RA
6938 [Cooperative Code of the Philippines]
Answer: e. Machinery and equipment used for
For purposes of assessment, real property pollution control and environmental
shall be classified as: protection [Sec. 234, LGC]
1. Commercial;
2. Agricultural; IV. JUDICIAL REMEDIES
3. Residential;
4. Mineral;
5. Industrial;
A. Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
6. Timberland; or
7. Special (IRR of the LGC of 1991, Art. 306). 1. How are cases before the CTA litigated?
NOTE: The city or municipality within the Cases before the CTA are litigated de novo
where party litigants should prove every minute
Metropolitan Manila Area, through their
aspect of their cases.
respective Sanggunian, have the power to
classify lands as residential, agricultural,
commercial, industrial, mineral, timberland, or The CTA’s decision should be solely based on
the evidence formally presented before it,
special in accordance with their zoning
ordinances (LGC, Sec. 215). notwithstanding any pieces of evidence that
may have been submitted (or not submitted) to
the CIR.
3. Who may levy real property tax?
The court is not limited by the evidence
presented in the administrative claim. [CIR v.
1. Province
PBCom, G.R. No. 211348. February 23, 2022]
2. City
3. Municipality within Metro Manila [Sec. 232,
Note: A special levy on lands benefited by
public works may be imposed by municipalities
outside Metro Manila.
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2. When is the filing of a Motion for and the BIR on the deficiency tax
Reconsideration with the CTA Division a assessment
prerequisite to an appeal to the CTA en • PD No. 242 is not the law applicable for the
Banc? settlement or adjudication of disputes,
claims, and controversies between a
Answer: constitutional office, like the COMELEC,
Section 1,51 Rule 8 of the RRCTA requires that and a government office, agency, or
an appeal to the CTA En Banc must be bureau, such as the BIR. Section 147 of PD
preceded by a motion for reconsideration or No. 242 specifically excluded constitutional
new trial with the CTA Division that issued the offices or agencies in its coverage.
decision or resolution. • the COMELEC, being a constitutional
office independent from the three branches
In Asiatrust, the court held that the rule applies of the government, is not required to go
in an amended decision since an amended through the procedure prescribed in PD
decision is a different decision. No. 242 and EO No. 292.

In this case, the Amended Decision of the CTA B. Procedures

Division is not a "new" decision. It is a mere
clarification, a correction at best, of the amount 1. Will appeal to the Court suspend the
due from the COMELEC. Thus, it was proper collection of taxes?
for the COMELEC to file with the CTA En Banc
without an MR of the amended decision. [CIR Answer:
v COMELEC G.R. No. 244155, May 11, 2021] General rule: No appeal taken to the Court
shall suspend the payment, levy, distraint, or
3. Who has the jurisdiction to settle sale of any property of the taxpayer for the
disputed tax assessments involving intra- satisfaction of his tax liability as provided under
governmental disputes? existing laws.

Answer: Exception: Where the collection of the amount

• applying PD No. 242, it is the Secretary of of the taxpayer’s liability, sought by means of a
Justice (or the Solicitor General or the demand for payment, by levy, distraint or sale
Government Corporate Counsel of any property of the taxpayer, or by whatever
depending on the issues and the means, as provided under existing laws, may
government agencies involved) who has jeopardize the interest of the Government or
the jurisdiction to settle all intra- the taxpayer, an interested party may file a
governmental disputes, including disputed motion for the suspension of the collection of
tax assessments. the tax liability [Sec. 11, RA 1125, as amended]
• The reason for vesting jurisdiction to them
is the President's constitutional power of 2. Is an Injunction available to restrain the
control over all departments, bureaus, and collection of taxes?
offices under the executive branch that
cannot be curtailed or diminished by law. Answer:
• It is also in line with the doctrine of While an injunction is not available to restrain
exhaustion of administrative remedies the collection of taxes, the rule admits of
exception under Sec 11 of RA 1125, as
4. Who has jurisdiction to settle or amended by RA 9282, which allows the
adjudicate disputes between COMELEC suspension of collection of taxes if, in the
and the BIR? Court’s opinion, the collection may jeopardize
the interest of the government and/or the
Answer: taxpayer. [CIR v CTA 2nd Division and QL
• CTA has exclusive appellate jurisdiction to Development Inc., G.R. No. 258947. March 29,
decide the dispute between the COMELEC 2022]

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