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1 Week 8 Format 1
Sustainable tourism chart
Student: Julian Andres Sepulveda Vargas

Impact of tourism industry on the Steps we can take to protect the planet
environment when we travel

It is essential that the tourism industry and

tourist destinations adopt sustainable and
responsible practices to minimize these
impacts and promote more sustainable
and environmentally conscious tourism.
This may include the implementation of
environmental management policies, the
promotion of the conservation of natural
resources and biodiversity, the adoption of
The tourism industry, while it can have low-impact tourism practices, the
positive effects on the economy and awareness and education of tourists, and
development of a region, can also have a the active participation of local
significant impact on the environment. communities in tourism. decision making
Some of the main negative impacts of the and tourism benefits. Some habits that I
tourism industry on the environment apply to reduce my carbon footprint about
include: contamination, un-sustainable use travel are:
of natural resources, destruction of
ecosystems and habitats, residuous
generation, cultural and social erosion and - Reduce, reuse and recycle
ecological footprint of transport.
- Save energy and water
- Use public transport or sustainable
means of transport
- Support the local economy
Respect local culture and customs
- Participate in conservation and volunteer
B1.1 Week 8 Format 2

Activities in my region


Location (places) One of the most

beautiful places to
Example: In You can go to the visit in our region
Zipaquirá, you can Jorge Eliecer is Guatavita
visit the Salt Gaitan theater on located at the
Cathedral. seventh street. northeast of
Bogotá, 53
kilometers away.

Time (dates and On April 14 and

schedules) 15, the opera-
Example: The tango María de At 7 in the
Cathedral was Buenos Aires by morning the shops
inaugurated in Astor Piazzolla will are open in
1954. be presented at Guatavita and all
the Jorge Eliecer the activities are
Gaitan theater. already available.
B1.1 Week 8 Format 3

Infographic chart

Inform the impact tourism has (positive and Tourism in Cundinamarca has a
negative) on your region. significant impact on the local economy
and on the conservation of the region's
natural and cultural heritage. Some of
the positive impacts of tourism in
Cundinamarca include:

Employment generation

local economic development

heritage conservation

Promotion of local culture

However, it is also important to take

into account that there is tourism with
negative impacts, such as
environmental degradation, congestion
in some tourist destinations, labor
exploitation, and loss of cultural

Mention the type(s) of tourism travelers can

practice in your region.
Cundinamarca, located in Colombia,
offers a wide variety of options for
tourism. Some of the most outstanding
types of tourism in Cundinamarca are:

Historical and cultural tourism

nature tourism

Rural tourism and agro-tourism

Adventure trip

religious tourism

wellness tourism

These are just a few examples of the

types of tourism that can be found in
Cundinamarca. The region offers a
wide variety of options for visitors,
combining history, culture, nature,
adventure and well-being to offer a
diversified and enriching tourist

List the sustainable tips for travelers to protect If you are looking to make a sustainable
your region when they visit it. (Use in, on, at) trip to Cundinamarca, here are some
recommendations so that you can
Example: contribute to the conservation of the
By crafts and souvenirs in the local markets. environment and the local community
during your visit:

Choose sustainable accommodation

Support the local community

Reduce your carbon footprint

Save energy and water

Reduce the use of plastics

Respect nature and local culture

Promotes responsible tourism

Participate in conservation projects

Sensitize other travelers

Remember that traveling sustainably

means minimizing the negative impact
on the environment and the local
community, and contributing to the
conservation of the region's natural and
cultural resources. Enjoy your trip to
Cundinamarca in a responsible and
sustainable way!

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