The Extraordinary Miss Sunshine

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The Extraordinary Miss Sunshine Reading Guide

By Jane Elizabeth Cammack

Chapter 1:

What is the name of the main character?

What is new in her life?

What happened in her new school that made her feel unhappy?

Chapter 2:

Who was Miss Sunshine?

What subject did she teach?

What do you think the bird told Miss Sunshine?

Chapter 3:

What are Miss Sunshine´s rules in her class?

What did they talk about in class?

Chapter 4:

Why did Miss Sunshine separate the class into two groups?

Chapter 5:

Was the mood of the classroom better when the teacher entered the following day?

What tool did Miss Sunshine teach them to calm down when you feel stressed?

Who was good at playing the piano?

Chapter 6:

What did Alice see when she came back home?

What did Dexter do?

What did Miss Sunshine give Alice and Dexter and why?

Chapter 7:

What was different in the mood of the classroom compared to the beginning of the year?

What talent did each of the characters have?

Chapter 8:
What is the audience´s reaction to the musical?

What is a talent scout?

What did the talent scout want to do?

What is the message of the musical?

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