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GAFRRNMENT_OF KERALA - Abstract : Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees Drawal of arrears of allowance along with salaty-clarification-Orders issued. FINANCE (EXPENDI 440.(P)No.711/91/Fin. G.0.(P)101/91/Fin. dated 2.2.1991. URE-B) DEPARE Dated, Thiruvananthapuram 10th December 91. ORDER As per the Government Order gited, the conveyance allowance to Physically Handicapped employees Stands re-classified as ‘Special Allowance to physically handicapped employees’ and to u2 drawn in bills debiting the expenditure under ‘saleries' stead of Travel Expenses’. The orders have given effe. from 441991. It has now come to the notice of Covernnent that ihe arrears of this allowance prior to 1.4.91 are kept pending/deferred in certain departments for want of funds under ‘Travel Experses' amd this has caused hardship to the employees. Government are there- fore pleased to order that the arrears of the conveyance allowance to the Physically Handicapped employees prior to 1.4.91 shall also be drawn in bills by debit to ‘salaries’. By Order of the Governor, uM. VASU, Joint Secretary. The Accountnat General (AMB/Audit), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. All Heads of Departments and Offices. All Departments (All Sections) of the Secretariat. The Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission (with 0.L.). The Registrars, University of kerala/Kochi/Kozhikode (with O.L.). The Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam (with C.L.). The Secretary, Kerala State Elcotricity 3oerd, Thiruyrntimeram Gwith c.l.). , Kerala State Rand Memnport Gonparati ony ram (with OT.7. The General Manage Phiruvenanthay The Registrar, Kerala Agrievitural University, Thrisour (wi The Registrar, High Court of Kerala, Ernakulam (with C.L.). Ail Seeretaries, Additional. Secretaries, Joint Secretariots Deputy Secretaries aad Under Secretaries to Government. The Secretary to Governor. The Private Secretary to the Chief Minister and other Ministers. The private Secretaries to the Speaker, Legislature Assembly, Thiruvananthapuram. nag Private Secretaries to the Leader of Oppostion and~ Chief Whip. The Deputy Secretary to the Chief Secretary-

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