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I want to write chapter 1 of a fanfiction.

Here is some information:

Nanami Haruno is sitting with Shirase Tsujimura, a senior member of the Armed Detective Agency, in a
café. Nanami asks about how Shirase and Yuu, another member of the agency, met each other. They are
waiting for the rain to stop, which has been pouring heavily since morning. The café they are in is called
Uzumaki Coffee Shop, located on the first floor of the building where the agency is situated. Shirase is
surprised by Nanami ’s sudden curiosity but doesn’t mind answering the question. Shirase is described as
an experienced and respected member of the agency. She is also talented and was recommended by the
Director of the Special Forces. Despite some peculiarities, Shirase’s appearance and abilities make her an
elegant and impressive individual.

Yuu Ayatsuji is a menber of the Armed Detective Agency and the brilliant mind behind it. She possesses
extraordinary powers of observation and deduction, making her a remarkable young talent. Despite her
exceptional abilities, she maintains a considerate, calming and down-to-earth personality. She is friendly
and amiable towards most people, but at times she can be clumsy, naïve, and even a bit “eccentric.” If
not for her cold exterior. If one doesn’t meet her in person, it’s hard to believe she’s a detective at all.

There is no case she can’t solve. No conspiracy escapes her, no matter how complex or cunning it may
be. She even excels in solving minor incidents. Sometimes she is absent from the office, but upon
returning, she can quickly deduce what happened just by taking a glance, as if she had been present and
witnessed the entire event firsthand. Of course, she is very polite and doesn’t reveal her knowledge,
instead preferring to silently listen to others recount the story with great enthusiasm. This is why she is
considered naïve.

Yuu can be described as the core investigator, playing the role of a prominent pillar within the Armed
Detective Agency. Naturally, everyone in the industry knows about her abilities. From the police to
important figures in various organizations and even the government, they all rely on Yuu’s capabilities
when faced with challenging cases that even the best inspectors struggle with. They even say, “If it’s in
the hands of Yuu Ayatsuji , even rice turns into bran.” Even the military guard unit, known as “the most
stubborn and self-important force in Japan,” shows a great deal of respect towards her.

Her ability and talent to see through the truth is compared to a phenomenon that defies the laws of
physics. However, the terrifying aspect of Yuu’s ability surpasses the combined of all the members in the
Armed Detective Agency. This ability to see through everything, as if deceiving and manipulating others,
renders any investigative organization useless. It is undoubtedly a power that defies the laws of this

Yet, Yuu currently uses this power to solve cases and serve society with noble intentions, and she has
never failed to uncover the truth. What’s even more frightening is that Yuu’s “ability” is simply the result
of her innate talent, a perfect manifestation of intelligence without any impurities. She simply possesses
extraordinary powers of observation, memory, reasoning, and deduction that surpass anyone else. And
yet, she manages to surpass even those who possess supernatural abilities, leaving everyone astonished.
But in truth, she is not entirely ordinary either. She is a genius, and that is perhaps the easiest way to
describe her. Simply by being herself, she has earned the respect of the entire agency, let alone
outsiders. Because of her talent and the fact that she is not a supernatural ability user, most of the time,
no one dares to question or challenge her. However, Yuu doesn’t take advantage of this or become
conceited. She remains humble and even refers to herself as “a cheap three-penny detective, like a
discarded cigarette butt rolling on the sidewalk.” She has always preferred to be seen and live a normal
life like everyone else. She is even open to criticism.

In summary, Yuu Ayatsuji is the detective that this place is proud of, possessing a mental strength that
surpasses anyone in the Armed Detective Agency.

Please continue with Yuu leave the Uzumaki Coffee shop to buy some groceries for the agency because
today is her day to do that. Before leaving, she just show her humble by saying that she is a normal
person and she doesn’t think she has talent.

After Yuu leaving, Shirase reveal that Yuu is actually no normal person as her past is really something
else. It’s too much for her to tell anyone about that.

Please continue with Nanami asked Shirase if she knows about Yuu’s past, to the point Shirase admit
herself that she know nothing either, but if she want to know, she must have permission to see Yuu’s

And her profile is something that had highest level of classified.

Please continue with Nanami asked Shirase if this is OK for her to give a hand for asking about Yuu’s
profile, and Shirase give a thumb-up.

Please continue with a statement from Shirase : Don’t let her gentle appearance make you think she is
completely harmless, if not elusive. Surrounding someone so carefree and calm, there is always an air of
mystery. Even her past remains an unanswered question. This is what deserves the most contemplation.
Of course, no one doubts her, nor does anyone think ill of her. It’s just that she is so enigmatic that it
requires careful consideration and deliberation.
And Nanami recall the time she was pass Agency’s Entrance Exam and become a new member. She
joined a game called “Past Puzzle of the Detective Agency staff,”.

It may sound strange, but there is”a rather amusing tradition here called the “Past Puzzle of the
Detective Agency staff,” where newcomers try to guess the previous occupations of everyone. In that
game, Yuu is the hardest to guess, but “hard” is just an understatement. To put it plainly, no one can
guess correctly, and no one has ever guessed right. The answer to that question has now become one of
the things referred to as the “Seven Mysteries of the Armed Detective Agency,” and the betting amount
has reached 800,000 yen, and sooner or later, it will likely reach a neat million yen…

Please continue with Shirase said that Director was the one came up with that idea, as he tried his best
to cover Yuu’s past, but Shirase doesn’t know the reason for that until she gasped some pieces of Yuu’s

Start chapter 2 with the day after, Shirase and Nanami met Shirakami – the director to asked about
Yuu’s profile and his motive to hide her past.

Shirakami stated that “Ah yes, Yuu-kun….. She is the specific case. The most unique case, even more than
Suisei or anyone. I must admit that she is not just an ordinary prodigy, and her past even not normal….”
And state that she is lying about her past.

Shirase said that she knew about that fact somehow, leave Nanami in shock.

Please continue chapter 2:

-Shirakami and Yuu was sitting in the Director’s Office, and Yuu asked him about her profile, and he said
that he gave it to Shirase and Nanami .

-Yuu just sipped her tea and said that “I know I can’t hide it from them any longer”

-Shirakami asked her “Is it okay for you?”, and Yuu nodded.

-“I trust them the most, so that will be okay.” Yuu said before finish her tea.
-Then Shirakami asked Yuu about how she was doing recently, and she was smiling, said that she was
trying cooking but somehow it turned out to be a disaster.

-Shirakami teasing her about that.

Please continue at Shirase ’s Office, and Nanami was there.

-Both of them are in shock because of what they are seeing.

-Yuu was a member of the imfamous Port Mafia, but not just a mere one. She was a Mafia Executive, and
only stand behind the boss – Riku Tazami.

- The profile even stated that she is “The Youngest Mafia Executive in the whole history of Port Mafia”,
and even got the title “The Demon Prodigy”, the right-hand person of Riku Tazami.

- The crimes and convictions of her are countless.

Involved in 187 murder cases, 382 extortion cases, and 625 cases of fraud and asset misappropriation,
along with numerous other charges. Single-handedly responsible for bringing in over 50% of the current
assets possessed by the Port Mafia, as well as holding a prominent position in the Japanese underworld
that no other organization can match. Even foreign groups tremble at the mention of their name.

All of this accomplished within a mere three years.

All of these events took place between the ages of 15 and 18.

Please continue with Nanami asked how old is Shirase and Yuu now, and Shirase said that they are in
the same age, both of them are now 23.

-Nanami asked about the time Yuu joined the Agency, and it was reveal that she was 18 at that time.

Please continue with Shirase and Nanami continue to read Yuu’s profile and document, and Shirase
was in shock to know that Yuu is also the one who took the whole Port Mafia down, even though she
was one of them

Please continue with Shirase and Nanami continue to discuss about Yuu’s past
Continue with just before closing the file, Nanami notice some odd details:

-Yuu doesn’t kill or lay hands on citizens, even spare the hostage if they were theartened

-She is the daughter of a famous detective who was nicknamed as “The Clairvoyance”, and her whole
family was killed when she was the age of 6

-After that tragedy, she had no money, no relative and wandering from place to place.

-She ended up in a slum, named Surihachi City.

Chapter 3 begin in the evening, when Shirase at her home, staring in the file of document and lost in

Please continue with Shirase can’t sleep because she still feel trouble about Yuu, and then she searched
for Surihachi City, and know a harsh truth about this place

Please continue with Shirase still go on with the research, and found the information about “The Sheep”

-“The Sheep” is a small group of kids and teenagers who tried to defend themselves from a harsh
environment of the Suribachi.

-Their leader is Shirase

Please continue with the next day, when Shirase and Nanami met up at the office and have a tea:

-Both Nanami and Shirase share what they find about Yuu last night.

-When Shirase mentioned about Shirase, Nanami said that she asked Lui to find information about her.

-Yuu was adopted by Shirase Noritoshi, and the girl full name is Shirase Rei. An

-Both of them and even “The Sheep” was murdered

Please continue with Nanami even found out that Yuu was an advisor for “The Sheep”, and thanks to
her, the whole group was help many people in there.

-With Yuu’s help, they even took a group of American bandit named “The Guild” down
Please continue with Nanami asked her senpai – Shirase about Riku Tazami and Port Mafia

-Shirase said she knew about him because even though he was sentenced, he still leave his legacy
echoes among the underground world. Or basically, it’s Port Mafia.

The story continue with the sudden arrival of Shirakami, and he said that Riku actually feared his own
student (Yuu)

The story continue as Shirakami reveal that Yuu was doing all the crimes for that long because she
wanted to revenge for her family, for the Sheep, and for Shirase

-He also reveal that Yuu was tried her best to keep her role and continue to act in her own play

-Basically, she is so heart-broken even for now

Nanami asked about Shirase , and Shirakami reveal that she is also a former agent of Department of
Justice and Administration

Nanami continue to asked Shirakami about Yuu after took down the Port Mafia, and he reveal:

-Yuu actually had no place or clue about what to do or where to go, so she just wander from place to
place like when she was a kid.

-She was still traumatic about her sins, so after took down the Mafia and wander aimlessly, she was
seeking to suicide

-She had no money, and was near death because of starving for too long.

Shirakami continue:

-She was depressed and regret about what she was done.

-She was worn out, both physically and mentally.

-From day to day, she only found as many ways as possible to end her life peacefully and painless as

-But no matter how many times she tried, she couldn’t success, which even leave her worse than before
Shirakami continue as that was the time he met Yuu, which Shirase surprised because she thought when
on her first meeting with Yuu three years ago, she thought Taneda Santouka – the director of
Department of Justice and Administration was the one who took her in

-Shirase mentioned that Taneda even referring Yuu as Tokki-chan, which Shirakami just chuckle and said
that he really like to play chess with Yuu and both of them are bad at cooking.

-Nanami was surprised about how bad Yuu’s Cooking skills is, and Shirase even said that Yuu was once
asked her “Do we need to wash the eggs before break it?”

Shirase said that Yuu’s silliness in cooking was so bad that the whole Agency just banned her to go to the
kitchen alone

Shirase admitted that even Yuu herself was fainted when she tasted her own dishes

Shirase recalled the first time she met Yuu:

-She reveals that Taneda was even dragged Yuu as she was fell asleep while still standing in front of the
door of the office.

-Yuu was just returned to Tokyo after one month in Kyoto to collaborate with the military there to handle
a case, and she just went there without put herself in sleep at all.

-And Yuu continue to standing there and sleep until Mr Taneda called her in and notice that she was
sleep while still standing in front of the door.

-Shirase was kind of annoyed about that.

Chapter 4 continue the story of chapter 3, as Shirase and Nanami asked Shirakami about Yuu past and
Port Mafia:

-Shirakami reveal that him and Riku was once partner as people called them “The Twin Dark” or

-They were feared by criminals.

-Shirakami was a swordsman, with nickname “The Lone Silver Wolf”.

-Both of them joined miliary and joined in “the Great War”.

-Riku Tazami after the war was changed a lot.

Continue with chapter 4 as tell us about the whole Yuu’s past as Shirakami told Shirase and Nanami
about how Yuu and him first met:

Yuu was still wandering aimlessly with her stomach empty because she hadn’t eaten anything for more
than half a month. And that was three months after took down the whole Port Mafia.

She still covered herself with bandage, even her face.

She went to a large bridge while overlooking a river.

She walked forward, inspecting it. She glanced over the edge and raised an eyebrow consideringly. The
height certainly looked like it’d be enough to kill her. Nodding once to herself, she moved to set her
down and-

“Don’t do that, kid.” Shirakami called her with a stern voice.

Yuu jolted. She looked behind her to see who had managed to sneak up on her. She had become so
focused on the siren call of a swift death that she hadn’t heard the other approach.

Shirakami paused, and both Shirase and Nanami were curious

Shirakami continue his story:

-Shirakami said that he had found Yuu for three months, after he visited Riku in the prison before his
death sentenced.

-When Shirakami asked about his student – The Demon Prodigy (Yuu), Riku just said “You can do
whatever with her, her fate wasn’t in my business anymore”

-Before Shirakami left, Riku bids he farewell and said “I think you can adopt her as your daughter, my old

-Shirakami with his face remain unchanged, said that he intented to do that in the beginning, which lead
to the Riku last sincerely smile “Thanks, you are kind as always. I hope your scary face with emotionless
expression can change once you have a daughter!”
Chapter 4 ends with Nanami asked Shirakami to tell his story about how he found and met Yuu, and he

That story will continue in chapter 5

Chapter 5 begin with a flashback, and the story will tell under Shirakami perspective:

-After visiting Riku Tazami, he met Chief Taneda from Department of Justice and Administration to get
information about “The Youngest Mafia Executive”/ “The Demon Prodigy of Port Mafia”

-Taneda said that Yuu seek for his help by herself all alone, as she wants to take down Port Mafia.
Taneda was really cautious at first, even point the gun at her.

-Taneda said that she was a big help to take down the Port Mafia, and respect her as the best genius.
But at that time, he didn’t believe her fully.

The story continue:

-Taneda describe the Demon Prodigy appearance: She is all black. A high-collar black cloak, a three-
piece suit, a black tie, and the skirt is black too. The things that are not black are her button-down shirt,
and the bandages around her head, cover most of her face.

-Taneda said that Yuu had no killing intentions, and despite her position in Port Mafia, she just went

-She proved herself by provide all classified information: subordinates’ skills, time of joining the Mafia,
total amount of money she has on hand, what she does in the organization, location of Port Mafia’s
secret vaults, the passcode for Port Mafia’s emergency armed vault, etc.

-Taneda recalled when the prodigy leave, he asked her why she did that, and received such an
unexpected answer.

-Yuu said that she just like an actor, and this is the best role she played. That would be her first and even
her last time she would do that.

-Taneda asked about her motives, and she just said that she wanted to revenge for her parents, for The
Sheep, and for Shirase.
-Shirakami asked Taneda about the Demon Prodigy’s name, and Taneda replied her name is Yuu Ayatsuji
, and she just merely 18 years old.

-He showed Shirakami all her profile and related documents to provide more information.

-Shirakami conveyed his idea about wanted to find and adopt that Demon Prodigy, and Taneda was
really surprised.

Taneda asked how Shirakami doing these days, and Shirakami said that he is now a bodyguard, just

-Taneda teased him “Lone wolf as always”

-Shirakami remain unchanged.

-Taneda revealed that Shirakami was one of the best Government’s assassin and martial arts master. He
is the best kendo master.

-Shirakami said that he was given up wielding katana after “the Great War”, as he didn’t want to kill

-Shirakami always yearned for justice.

-Taneda stated that despite Shirakami’s cold, serious and emotionless expression, he is really a kind

-Taneda said that he only met that “Demon Prodigy” only that time, and he didn’t see her again after
that. He received reports that in Port Mafia’s last moment, she faced off against her mentor (Riku

-Taneda arrived and arrested Riku Tazami, but Yuu (The Demon Prodigy) was nowhere to be found.

-She only left a note, and thanks Department of Justice and Administration for everything.

-In interrogation room, Riku Tazami said that he and Yuu was playing chess for the last time, as their
battle of mind, psychology and intelligence.

-Yuu was won, and she just left without a trace, leaving the whole Port Mafia behind.

-Shirakami went on a journey to find Yuu, and even questioning himself if he could find her.

-“A child, even genius or not, should deserve a happier life” – Shirakami thought to himself

-He knew that three months have passed since the Port Mafia was overthrown.
-He deducted that Yuu in her current condition cannot wander to somewhere outside Kanto yet.

-Two months has passed, and Shirakami still cannot find Yuu.

-One day, he thought about an idea: He will go to Surihachi – a slum city.

-He thought he might find some more information, or if more fortunate, maybe he can find Yuu.

-Shirakami went on his journey two days after.

-Surihachi slum city is a city built within a crater which is a result of a huge explosion years prior.

- The area is mostly composed of small settlements.

-It bordered the Tokyo Settlement which is considered a conflict zone.

-Moreover, anyone can build their residence at the Surihachi City regardless of legality. As a result,
society's outcasts or people with poor status created huts, built stairs, and put up electrical wires in the

-Shirakami realized that Yuu was once here.

-Shirakami met a group of kids that was threatened by a group of criminals.

-When one of them tried to beat the kids, Shirakami brusted in with an enormous amount of bloodlust.
With some move and his expert in martial arts, the criminal was blown away to the wall nearby.

-Another criminal tried to hurt him, but in the next moment, Shirakami grabbed the criminal by the
collar of his shirt.

-Shirakami performed a jujutsu technique called “seon nage” – an over-the-shoulder throw to the
criminal and he lost consciousness.

-As for the last criminal, he used the technique called “Kotegaeshi” – a throwing technique that used the
force of a charging opponent against them to flip them over.

-Shirakami twisted the criminal arm’s further in midair, and threw him against the wall.

-The last criminal fell down unconscious, unable to see Shirakami because he was so fast.
-At first, the kids found Shirakami scary because he put an emotionless and serious face, but after a short
time talking, they found that Shirakami isn’t as scary as they think.

-After a small talk, Shirakami asked the kids if someone named Yuu Ayatsuji was here, and the kids said
that they don’t know a person with that name that present here now.

-And then one of the kid – named Sakura stated that in the past, there was a group called “The Sheep”
which was led by a girl named Shirase, and there was an adivisor of that group with the named “Yuu”,
but that was around 10 years ago.

-Shirakami asked the kids about “The Sheep”, and Sakura told him about that.

-He realised that in Yuu’s profile, there was some line that mention about her and The Sheep.

-Shirakami took out a photo of Yuu, and then the kids recognized her.

-One of the kid – named Kenji and Sakura stated that no one in here know her name and where is she
from. The only thing they know that she was appeared in Surihachi City half a year ago.

-Kenji said that everyone here called her “The girl in black” or “The Phantom”, while the kids refered to
her as “Big sis in bandage” because her face always covered in bandage. She didn’t reveal her face, not
even once.

-The kids stated that she always patroled whole Suribachi City at night, and somehow all the criminals
here were feared her.

-She even taught knowledge for them, and now all the kids in here know how to write and read, and can
do math at secondary level too.

-And the adults in here always hold a big respect and grateful because she always use her intelligence to
help them.

-The kids idolized her, and described her as someone who really badass.

-Shirakami asked the kids about that mysterious girl (Yuu)'s appearance.

-Kenji described that she always is all black.

- Her costume was included a black long-sleeved shirt accessorized with nearly obscured gray suspenders
and a white tie. In addition, she sports a pair of dark calf-length pinstripe trousers, dark mauve socks
that reach beneath her pants, and black loafers.
-The other kids around noticed that she always the bandages around her head and also covered most of
her face. Even her right hand is covered in bandages too.

-Sakura told Shirakami that she always seems sad and painful.

-Her voice also soothing.

-Shirakami asked the kids is there anytime they tried to remove the bandage, and the kids said that she
refused and resist quite hard. She didn’t want to remove it, no matter what.

-But the kids said that even when refuse, she still remained calm.

-Shirakami asked the kids about their theory of Yuu’s face behind the bandages.

-Kids are giving their opinions.

-In the end, they all agree that maybe Yuu is pretty beautiful.

-As Shirakami and the kids are talking, there was a familiar figure walking toward them.

-Sakura pointed at the person, and whisper to Shirakami that she was the Big Sis in bandages (Yuu).

-The kids wave at her happily and run toward her, greet her.

-Yuu greets them back.

-Shirakami just stand there.

-He realized that her appearance and costume of her are really matched the description the kids give for

-Shirakami and Yuu meet the eyes, and Yuu was staring hard at him with a cold and murderous look.

-Shirakami finds himself in the presence of “The Demon Prodigy”.

-The children reassured her that this person helped them. If it weren’t for him, they probably would have
been beaten by gangsters.

-Sakura and Kenji pointed at the gangsters who still stay unconscious and tied in the corner.

-Yuu was surprised.

-Yuu asked the children to go back the class and wait for her while she want to have aa talk with

-The kids asked about that, and Yuu just said that she had some personal stuff to tell him

-As they are leaving, her bloodlust rise again

-Yuu deducted that Shirakami was a part of Soukoku, used to work as an assassin under Government and
even an outstanding war soldier.

-Shirakami admitted that.

-Yuu glared at him with an empty look, stated that if he dared to threaten her and the kids, she would kill

-She even emphasize that she hated anyone that involves with Riku Tazami, and she knows about

-Shirakami realize that she was unhinged.

-She told Shirakami that he should stay out of her way, and don’t dare to lay hands on anything.

Chapter 7 returned with Shirase and Nanami , as Shirakami paused his story there.

-Shirase stated that she never see her friend Yuu so unhinged like that before.

-Nanami asked about the bandage Yuu had, and Shirakami respond that in the past, she had it all the

-Nanami admitted that Yuu herself had a pretty face, and especially when she smile that even shine

-Shirase said that Shirakami was showed more emotions on his when he talked about his daughter.

-Nanami admitted that most of the time when he on the Agency, she, Shirase and everyone, even
Nodoka only saw his face remain emotionless and scary.
-Shirakami just clear his throat when he hears that from his employees.

-But Shirakami admitted that Yuu is his daughter, after all.

-Shirakami stated that he has no wife, and Yuu is his only daughter even though she was adopted.

-Shirakami said that they should continue with the story, and both of his employees agree

Chapter 8 returned to the flashback of Shirakami, Yuu and Surihachi City.

-As the class ends, Kenji asked Yuu to have a game of chess with Shirakami because he said that he knew
how to play.

-Sakura and other kids wants to see how their mentor play chess too.

-Yuu was quite confused.

-Shirakami challenge her, and Yuu just sighed and agreed for the sake of the children.

-After 2 and a half hours, with all 8 games happened, Yuu checkmate and win all.

-The next day, Shirakami taught the kids kendo and jujutsu.

-Yuu just watching silently.

-Sakura asked her why she don’t join, and Yuu reveal that she actually know nothing about martial arts
as she was not strong or build for that.

-Sakura said that is fine, and both of them just happily watch Shirakami training.

-That night, Yuu wandering around Surihachi.

-Yuu herself is seeking ways to end herself again. This time was hanging herself.

-But before she can do anything, Yuu found that the barrel was too high and heavy for her to kick it, so
that was unsuccessful too.

-She murmur to herself that she want to die peacefully.

-She sighed and admitted to herself that this is a failure attempt again.
-Yuu reflects herself as the past Demon Prodigy, the youngest executive of Port Mafia.

-She really wants to suicide, but maybe her luck to have a peaceful death is not present there.

-She hated living, she hated herself.

-Yuu admitted to herself that she just wants to go die.

Yuu wandered aimlessly through darkened streets as churning thoughts dragged her back through the

The past clung like shadow, memories of blood on young hands the poison seeping into her dreams. She
had thought the mask would shield her from that smothering dark, but it followed wherever her
footsteps led.

How long could she go on this way, slipping deeper into the abyss with each new dawn? The children
deserved better than her brittle smiles could offer. Perhaps escaping this mortal coil would grant some
small peace, to both herself and those trapped in her care.

Yet as she weighed that longed-for release, a voice whispered – the light in small eyes that somehow
kept her haunting feet moving one more day, one more hour. And the steady presence of the detective,
who seemed determined to see past her foggy shroud to the struggling soul within.

Yuu exhaled slowly, her breath fogging the chill. The past’s claws bit deep, but for now she would keep
walking its thorny path. Until the children were safe, and the shadow lifted enough for her to find her
way beyond its smothering grip at last.

-A few days later, Shirakami teaches the kids a new technique in jujutsu.

-Yuu just standing there and watching as always.

-But today is special, because Shirakami required an assistant, and he wants Yuu to aids him.

-Yuu just asked back “What was that, mister?” while confused.

-As Shirakami demonstrate, Yuu become his example.

-When Shirakami throw her up, he realizes and thinking that this kid is much lighter than she looks.
-As for Yuu, she screams as she was sent flying, until laying down on the ground.

-Shirakami and the kids concerned about her, to which she just smile and give a thumbs up, then lie on
the ground, unconscious.

-The kids asked Shirakami if Yuu was really ok, and he said that she just fainted.

-Sakura looks Yuu who lied on the ground unconsciously and comment that this is the first time she
heard Yuu screams.

-Kenji said that she really had fun.

-Few days later, Shirakami and the children went for a run.

-Yuu just slightly evade when Sakura realize that Yuu not good at running.

-When Sakura asked, Yuu become speechless and even try harder to slip out.

-Just before she could slowly find somewhere to hide from the running course with the kids, Shirakami
dragged her and told that even herself is a kid too.

-Shirakami emphasize that kids should do exercise to become healthy, and Yuu is a big kid too, so she
cannot hide out from that.

-Yuu try hard to convince by saying that 18 years old is not a child anymore, but Shirakami say no. She
said that a forty years old man like him still can full of energy, so why not for a youngster like her?

-Yuu just pouting, and everyone smile happily when see that expression of her.

-After the running course, Yuu just collapse on her knee, breathing heavily.

-She asked if no one here knew what tiredness was.

-Another kid, named Seito told Shirakami that maybe Yuu herself bad at running.

-Shirakami teased her by asking about an extra course just for her, and Yuu was refuse without thinking.

-Shirakami continue to tease her about how Prodigy she is, and then there is the one who bad at

-Everyone smiles, and Yuu pouting.

-At that night, she went to a large bridge while overlooking a river.
-She walked forward, inspecting it. She glanced over the edge and raised an eyebrow consideringly. The
height certainly looked like it’d be enough to kill her. Nodding once to herself, she moved to set her
down and-

-There is someone who called her.

-Yuu jolted. She looked behind her to see who had managed to sneak up on her. She had become so
focused on the siren call of a swift death that she hadn’t heard the other approach.

-It was Shirakami.

“Yes?” Yuu asked tiredly. Maybe if she got him to leave quickly then she could go back to her peaceful

-“Well,” the man began pleasantly, “if you’re about to jump anyway, I was wondering if you’d mind doing
me a favor first?”

-Yuu crossed her hand “I think you’ll have to find someone else to ask.” She deadpanned. She wasn’t
going to postpone her death to do some stranger a favor.

-Shirakami was panicking and don’t know what to do or say. He froze.

-The bandaged child (this is Yuu herself) climbed up onto the railing of the bridge. “Alright,” she
responded with a false cheer, “if I survive this drop, I’ll help you out. How’s that?”

-Without waiting for a response, Yuu tipped backwards and let herself fall towards the dark waters

-She had closed her eyes for the fall, but they snapped open when she felt a sensation on the ground.

-The rescue success thanks to the kids, as they’re tried their best to catch Yuu.

-Returned to the shelter, Yuu and everyone just kept silent.

-After a while, she asked all of them, even Shirakami about how did they know that she commit suicide.

-Shirakami said that when she tried to hang herself last time, Sakura and Kenji accidentally saw it all and
told him.

-Sakura stated that she saw Yuu tried to commit suicide many times, but none of them was success.

-Yuu, as heart-broken as she is, finally snapped.

-Shirakami said that he knew all the things she did through Taneda .
-She surprised, because she thought that as a chief of Department of Justice and Administration, he
must hold his promise.

-Shirakami asked about the promise, and Yuu said that she seek for his help to took down the Port Mafia,
and if that’s success then he must kill her.

-Yuu stated that she actually have no purpose to live anymore.

-Yuu finally cry for the first time, as she told everyone about how burden it is to endure everything all

-She wants to meet her parents, The Sheep, Kyouka again, and she doesn’t want to suffer anymore.

-But she also said that she didn’t deserve any good things as she commit many sins.

-She hated herself.

-Shirakami eventually understand why Yuu returned to Surihachi City, because she had no place to
returned, as for this is the place that “The Sheep” hold dear and tried their best to help it become better
as today.

-Yuu snap as she was once the Demon Prodigy, the fearsome Mafia Executive and commit many sins, so
she cannot desire a happy life.

-She stated that she is just a demon, not human because no human commit such sins like that

-Shirakami and the kids comfort her.

-The kids said that Yuu is the best genius, also a kind person.

-Sakura stated that Yuu is the most gentle Phantom ever, and she even know that Yuu , or the Phantom
they now know was the advisor of “The Sheep”, that’s why she idolize Yuu very much.

-She realized that fact after such a long time, that in this world, there is someone care for her.

-And now she was relieved.

-After a long emotional moment, Yuu finally go back to her calm demeanor as always

-Sakura, Kenji and other kids finally can see the light in Yuu’s eyes
-Everyone also curious about Yuu’s face.

-Yuu was nervous, because she said that the last time she really let anyone else make her remove the
bandages was long time ago.

-The kids asked Yuu that once the bandage are all remove, will she keep her face exposed.

-Yuu nodded, as she confirmed that there is no need for her to keep it hidden anymore.

-That statement alone make everyone, even Shirakami himself also curious about Yuu’s real face beneath
the whole layers of bandage for such a long time.

-But instead of remove it right away, Yuu just tease them and don’t remove it yet

-Everyone was facepalmed and their curiosity even grow stronger.

-And Yuu still refuse to reveal her face playfully. Instead, she was gone to help prepare dinner.

-After dinner, the kids and Shirakami asked Yuu if this is ok for them this time to see her face now.

-Yuu surprised, and then nodded, but instead of her, she wants the kids to remove her bandages and
they willing to do it.

-The kid gently remove all the bandages that covers her face most of the time.

-Everyone was really shock because of how beautiful Yuu is. Her face just so smooth and have no scars at

-Everyone also notice that Yuu’s eyes color is greyish, and look really calm. Her left eye has a scar as she
used to get slashed across that eyes.

-She has mildly wavy, choppy, and long white hair. Sakura said that Yyu’s hair look like fur of a ferocious
white wolf.

-Everyone agree that Yuu’s face even more majestic and younger than they used to imagine.

-She just smile genuinely, and her voice and her gestures just soothing as always, but the kids and
Shirakami notice that now it is even gentler than before.

-Shirakami admitted that Yuu is way too majestic for a Mafia.

-Shirakami also notice that not just her face, but her real personality also reveal as she much gentler,
more humble and sincerely than when they first met.

-He realized that the true Yuu Ayatsuji is very well-mannered and polite, as she talk to him. And Yuu is
also quite a quiet person too.

-The kids still froze because of how beautiful Yuu is after her face reveal.

-Their kids want to touch her face and her hair, and she agreed.

-Sakura stated that Yuu is really elegant and even look more stunning with the scar on her left eye.

-The kids strokes Yuu’s hair and admit that it is all soft and fluffy.

-As the kids touch her face, she frozed a little bit, and the scarred left eye was slightly lower. She was
slightly tremble like a cat and leave some soft hiss and growling, and that makes everyone melts at how
adorable really she is.

-“More… My hunger isn’t satisfied yet…..” Yuu just unconsciously mewl with her soft voice as she really
starve for love and tenderness. Shirakami stated that her reaction was quite primal, and even a Prodigy
with high intelligence and have an outstanding control of self cannot resist.

- Sakura told Yuu that she just like a big white lovely cat.

The kids said that with the bandages and her vacant yet cold and sad look, and her soothing but cold and
deadly voice, Yuu look pretty badass, but this face of her not just badass but also tender and majestic.

-The kids touch her scarred left eye, and Yuu give them a soft hiss.

-Sakura give her kiss on the scar, and Yuu just being softer.

-As the kids go to the bed, Yuu now without bandages on her face now just wandering in Surihachi City
as always.

-She sincerely thanks Shirakami for all the things he has done, and she begins to call him “Shirakami-san”
from now on.

-Shirakami reveal his motive that he want to adopted Yuu as his daughter, and she was surprised.

-After all, she smile genuinely and called him “Dad” once, but because it’s too shy for her so she just
called him “Shirakami -san” instead.

-She called him Genichirou otou-san, and Shirakami pat her head.
-The next day, Shirakami and the kids went on a running course again.

-As the last time, Yuu tried to slip out but then Shirakami just caught her and lift her up like a cat.

-Without any bandages, the kids now can see her face expression.

- She shake her head awkwardly, as if she wants to evade this as much as possible.

-She wants to protest but there is no way anymore.

-Shirakami, with his stoic and serious face, teased that she is a shortie, and if she doesn’t do exercise
then she will remain short forever. She maybe much taller than the kids, but for him, a shortie is still a

-Yuu protest that she is 160cm and she is tall enough, and since she is 18 years old now, that’s also
means she isn’t a kid anymore.

-“Do more exercise, my daughter. Also, you are still a kid. A big kid “ Shirakami said.

-He also stated that he is 183cm, and the kid understand so that why Yuu looking so smol when stand
beside him.

Shirakami continue as that was the time he met Yuu, which Shirase surprised because she thought when
on her first meeting with Yuu four years ago, she thought Chief Taneda (Taneda Santouka) – the director
of Department of Justice and Administration was the one who took her in

-Shirase mentioned that Chief Taneda even referring Yuu as “little Yuutsuji” or “Yuutsuji-chan” by
combine her first name “Yuu” and “-tsuji” in her last name “Ayatsuji”

-Shirakami just stay calm and serious and said that Taneda really like to play chess and Shogi with Yuu.
Even with Taneda and Shirakami team up, both of them still lose to Yuu. The first and last time Taneda
win against Yuu was the first game they ever played, and up to now, both Taneda and Shirakami continue
to lose to her.

-Shirakami stated that both Taneda and Yuu are bad at cooking.

-Nanami was surprised about how bad Yuu’s Cooking skills is, and Shirase even said that Yuu was once
asked her “Do we need to wash the eggs before break it?”
Shirase said that Yuu’s silliness in cooking was so bad that the whole Agency just banned her to go to the
kitchen alone

Shirase admitted that even Yuu herself was fainted when she tasted her own dishes

Shirase recalled the first time she met Yuu:

-She reveals that Chief Taneda was even dragged Yuu as she was fell asleep while still standing in front of
the door of the office.

-Yuu was just returned to Tokyo after one month in Kyoto to collaborate with the military there to handle
a case, and she just went there without put herself in sleep at all.

-And Yuu continue to standing there and sleep until Chief Taneda called her in and notice that she was
sleep while still standing in front of the door.

-Shirase was kind of annoyed about that and thought that Yuu was just another silly newcomer.

-But after saw Yuu Ayatsuji's outstanding and inhuman intelligence, her impression about "The idiot
newbie" was changed, even respect her.

-Both of them become friend real fast after their first talk, with is full of silly topics.

-And even more surprised, when she joined Armed Detective Agency, she found out that Yuu was
actually her senpai because she is the first member after all. And much shocked more, Yuu Ayatsuji and
her were the same age.

-After seeing her humble and sometimes silly, Shirase even find her more interesting than ever.

Chapter 4 continue the story of chapter 3, as Shirase and Nanami asked Shirakami about Yuu past and
Port Mafia:

-Shirakami reveal that him and Riku was once partner as people called them “The Twin Dark” or

-They were feared by criminals.

-Shirakami was a swordsman, with nickname “The Lone Silver Wolf”.

-Both of them joined miliary and joined in “the Great War”.

-Riku Tazami after the war was changed a lot.

Shirakami continue his story:

-Shirakami said that he had found Yuu for three months, after he visited Riku in the prison before his
death sentenced.

-When Shirakami asked about his student – The Demon Prodigy (Yuu), Riku just said “You can do
whatever with her, her fate wasn’t in my business anymore”

-Before Shirakami left, Riku bids he farewell and said “I think you can adopt her as your daughter, my old

-Shirakami with his face remain unchanged, said that he intented to do that in the beginning, which lead
to the Riku last sincerely smile “Thanks, you are kind as always. I hope your scary face with emotionless
expression can change once you have a daughter!”

Chapter 5 begin with a flashback, and the story will tell under Shirakami perspective:

-After visiting Riku Tazami, he met Chief Taneda from Department of Justice and Administration to get
information about “The Youngest Mafia Executive”/ “The Demon Prodigy of Port Mafia”

-Taneda said that that little girl (Yuu) seek for his help by herself all alone, as she wants to take down Port
Mafia. Taneda was really cautious at first, even point the gun at the girl.

-Taneda said that she was a big help to take down the Port Mafia, and respect her as the best genius. But
at that time, he didn’t believe her fully.

As the kids touch her face, she frozed a little bit, and the scarred left eye was slightly lower.

-“More… My hunger isn’t satisfied yet…..I want more…” Yuu just unconsciously mewl with her soft voice
as she really starve for love and tenderness. Shirakami stated that her reaction was quite primal, and
even a Prodigy with high intelligence and have an outstanding control of self cannot resist.

-The kids said that with the bandages and her vacant yet cold and sad look, and her soothing but cold
and deadly voice, Yuu look pretty badass, but this face of her not just badass but also tender and
majestic. Sakura told Yuu that she just like a big white lovely cat.

-The kids touch her scarred left eye, and Yuu give them a soft hiss.

-Yuu demonstrate how her left eye would react if she only seeing with it for the kids, said that this is a
lesson about science and biology today.
-As Yuu Ayatsuji cover her right eye to only see with the left, the kids saw that her iris didn’t react in a
normal way (it was much slower).

-But Yuu cannot maintain looking with her left eye only for any longer, and it started to hurt.

-Yuu started to panting heavily and clenching her teeth to tolerate, confirmed that it put to much strains
on her both physically and mentally.

-Everyone can even sense her bloodthirsty and murderous nature lurk out just to defend herself

-Shirakami asked Yuu why was she wrapped herself in bandages.

-Yuu said that was Kyouka’s idea long before The Sheep was established. Kyouka used to said “If
something hurts, you just wrap it in bandages until it stops. It helps the healing process.”

-“If something hurts, wrap it in bandages?” Yuu asked Kyouka back “But it hurts to live. What do I do
about that?”

-Yuu said that Kyouka said with a shrug. “Why not? There’s no rules against it. Might as well make
yourself happy with what you have.”

-Yuu, at that time, fidgeted with the bandages on her arm as she watched. She knew why she originally
started wearing bandages, but seeing it play out before her was an odd sensation, like she was
experiencing the same emotions all over again. The relief she felt the first time she wound herself up in
bandages, a comforting weight going up her arms, neck and her whole face. Something she chose for

--Yuu said when Kyouka dead and whole The Sheep were murdered, and when she got slashed across
her left eye, she still covered herself in bandages even when she was bleeding so hard.

-The killers at that time saw Yuu laughing creepy like a psychopath, a demon while standing before
Kyouka and whole The Sheep’s corpses and looking at the killers while blood from the slashed across the
left eye was bleeding even through the bandages.

-Shirakami asked Yuu if Riku Tazami ever know about her face, and she said that even the boss of Port
Mafia like him have no right to know about that.

-Yuu said that because she wrapped her face and whole body in bandages for too long time, she even
forgot how her face even looked like.
-The only thing she remembered about her face at that time was her scar on the left eye, but thanks to
the bandages that covers her whole face, she could at least hold back her habit to touch her scar every
time she felt uncertain, so she could keep herself as a ruthless and cold-blooded Mafia Executive.

-Shirakami notice that without the bandages, Yuu will unconsciously touch her scarred left eye when
talking or thinking about her past, which is quite a habit.

-Shirase mentioned that Yuu will also touch her scarred left eye when she is panicking, concerned or
thinking hard about something, and she just thought that was a normal habit until she knew this story
and the truth behind it.

-Shirase also mentioned that she used to see how struggle Yuu is when Shirase asked Yuu to practice
using pistol once, as for Yuu never has urge to use them like any other detective and police out there.

-Shirase said that she used to thought that Yuu just bad at using it so she teased her once, but now she
know about Yuu's left eye condition, she just speechless.

-But when Shirase teased her, Yuu just smile awkwardly and said that maybe she was lazy in an
apologizing way, as she tried her best to hide the real reason.

-Nanami said she used to see how her senpai - Yuu was in so much pain and even hissing silently when
tried to using only her left eye to see, and Nanami even sense how bloodlust she is but just keep it to
herself to make sure that Nanami didn't feel threaten or scared.

The story continue with Shirakami reveal that Nanami just become a new member of Armed Detective
Agency for merely 9 months, but is so considerate about the two senpai - Shirase and Yuu.

-Nanami just said that she idolize Shirase for her thoughtfulness as well as she is her mentor, and idolize
Yuu for her unparalleled intelligence as a Prodigy yet she is very hard-working and kind.

-Nanami remembered that when she first met Yuu right after her Entrance exam, she had an impression
that Yuu was very cold and distant, as she just look like a doll, lacks all emotions.

-She also has an elegant beauty and somehow look younger than Nanami by the looks.

-She also said nothing at all.

-Nanami remembered that when she first met Yuu right after her Entrance exam, she had an impression
that Yuu was very cold and distant, as she just look like a doll, lacks all emotions.

-She also has an elegant beauty with her hair spikes sweeping downwards and somehow look younger
than Nanami, so she thought Yuu was less age than her.

-Even Nanami admitted that she looks like a very lovely and cute white wolf

As Nanami and Shirase entered the agency lobby, Yuu was bidding farewell to the Director, named
Genichirou Shirakami at the front desk. "I'm off to fetch supplies for the week," she said cheerfully. "Let
me know if you need anything specific, Shirakami-sachou."

Genichirou Shirakami aka the Director of Armed Detective Agency is a tall man who almost always has a
stern expression on his face. He has long light gray hair, which ends just above his shoulder, and metallic
blue eyes, which appear to have wrinkles eyebags under them. He wears a black hakama (a pair of large,
pleated, traditional trousers), a white kimono underneath a longer haori and a small scarf with a circle
pattern on it, and zori (flat sandals) with white tabi (toe-divided socks). He is now 45 years old.

"Just the essentials will be fine, as always. Thank you, Yuu," the Director replied warmly.

Yuu turned and nearly bumped into Nanami and Shirase. "Oh! Welcome back, you two. I hope the rain
wasn't too much of a bother." Her calm gray eyes, one marked by a pale scar, glanced between them

"Not at all. We were just discussing about you and your talent with Nanami here," Shirase replied with a

Yuu chuckled softly. "I'm sure Shirase exaggerates. I'm merely an office staff doing my job." Her long
white hair swayed as she shook her head, wisps falling around her open, gentle face.

"Regardless, your insight and dedication are admirable," Nanami offered sincerely.

Yuu smiled, unassuming as ever. "You flatter me, I’m not that good, and everyone is far better than me.
Now if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way before the shops close. I'll see you all later!" And with a
cheerful wave, she departed.

Both of Nanami and Shirase talk about the fact that Yuu’s eyes color is greyish, and look really calm. Her
left eye has a scar as she used to get slashed across that eye.

-Yuu has a slim build and very pale skin. She has a long white hair with portions of her hair appear to be
in loose spikes and sweeping downwards, mildly wavy, choppy and is parted in the middle of her face.
Her bangs frame her face, while some are gathered at the center of her forehead. Also, her face
somehow look younger than Nanami, who is the youngest of the whole Agency in term of age.

-Yuu’s costume include a fraying gray elbow-sleeved Kevlar-woven coat with brown buttons on the cuffs,
a long-sleeved white-and-light gray pinstriped shirt accessorized with nearly obscured black suspenders
and a bolo tie, which is held by a brown, long piece of cord with decorative metal tips and a turquoise
pendant. In addition, she sports a pair of dark calf-length trousers, long white socks that cover the visible
part of her legs and reach beneath her pants, and black loafers.

-Even Nanami admitted that she looks like a very lovely and cute white, snow wolf.

-That was until Nanami got to said to Yuu and see her tremble, even shutters because she was tried her
best to hide her mochi in her mouth so she can’t talk. And her emotionless expression was because she
tried har to make sure that no one notice that she was the culprit who was sneaky to eat the mochi.

-Shirakami realized that day, when his assistant bring mochi cake and tea to him, he only saw one mochi
while it supposed to be two.

-Nanami remembered that when she first met Yuu right after her Entrance exam, she had an impression
that Yuu was very cold and distant, as she just look like a doll, lacks all emotions.

-She also has an elegant beauty with her hair spikes sweeping downwards and somehow look younger
than Nanami, so she thought Yuu was less age than her.

-That was until Nanami got to said to Yuu and see her tremble, even shutters because she was tried her
best to hide her mochi in her mouth so she can’t talk. And her emotionless expression was because she
tried har to make sure that no one notice that she was the culprit who was sneaky to eat the mochi.

-Shirakami realized that day, when his assistant bring mochi cake and tea to him, he only saw one mochi
while it supposed to be two.

-Right after completing the morning run, Yuu immediately collapsed, lying face down on the ground,

-She used almost all her remaining strength and asked if it was her, or was everyone here a monster?

-Shirakami said that only Yuu is the monster here, as she is the most intelligent as a prodigy, and stated
that the kids said to him that she can even memorise and recite Pi up to 70,000 decimal places while

-Yuu tried her best to convince that not true, as she stay humble about herself, tried hard to said that she
is just a perfectly ordinary person.

-The kids poked her face and playfully ask Shirakami "Is our leading snow wolf dead?"

-Yuu just stay on the ground, fainted and gave a feeble thumbs up before her arm dropped limply back to
the earth
as a professor came here and compete with Yuu about how many Pi degits both of them can remember.
While that professor can remember up to 100, then there is Yuu who memorise and recite Pi up to
70,000 decimal places while blindfolded was made that professor shock

-Shirakami asked the kids again about the myth that Yuu can memorize 70,000 Pi degits because he had
heard about it somewhere.

-All the kids, including Sakura, Kenji, Amane and Seito put out a newspaper and give it to Shirakami. After
reading all of that, even Shirakami is shocked because the professor mentioned in the newspaper was
one of his cilent in his bodyguard work in the past, and he was an outstanding teacher from Tokyo

-He even realised that he used to read that news before, around 4 months ago, and the name of that
news was "A bandage kid just beat an elite professor!".

-The news even stated that the bandages kid not even show her face, and even not reveal her name, so
they just refered Yuu as “The Mysterious Genius in Surihachi”. The kids stated that the event was
happened after nearly 2 months Yuu came to Surihachi City.

-The kids told him that as a professor came here and compete with Yuu about how many Pi degits both
of them can remember. While that professor can remember up to 1000, then there is Yuu who memorise
and recite Pi up to 70,000 decimal places while blindfolded was made that professor shock.

-"I really....not the one.....Perfectly ordinary...." said Yuu, who was too exhausted to do that and lay in the
ground, cannot wake.

-Everyone just shook their head and confirmed that Yuu is the one that not good at admit herself, that's
not just humble anymore.

-Right after completing the morning run, Yuu immediately collapsed, lying face down on the ground,

-She used almost all her remaining strength and asked if it was her, or was everyone here a monster?
-Shirakami said that only Yuu is the monster here, as she is the most intelligent as a prodigy, and stated
that the kids said to him that she can even memorise and recite Pi up to 111,715 decimal places while

-Yuu tried her best to convince that not true, as she stay humble about herself, tried hard to said that she
is just a perfectly ordinary person.

-The kids poked her face and playfully ask Shirakami “Is our leading snow wolf dead?”

-Yuu just stay on the ground, fainted and gave a feeble thumbs up before her arm dropped limply back to
the earth.

-Shirakami asked the kids again about the myth that Yuu can memorize to over 100,000 Pi degits because
he had heard about it somewhere.

-All the kids, including Sakura, Kenji, Amane and Seito put out a newspaper and give it to Shirakami. After
reading all of that, even Shirakami is shocked because the professor mentioned in the newspaper was
one of his cilent in his bodyguard work in the past, and he was an outstanding teacher from Tokyo

-He even realised that he used to read that news before, around 4 months ago, and the name of that
news was “A bandage kid just beat an elite professor!”.

-The news even stated that the bandages kid not even show her face, and even not reveal her name, so
they just refered Yuu as “The Mysterious Genius in Surihachi”. The kids stated that the event was
happened after nearly 2 weeks after Yuu-neesan came to Surihachi City.

-Shirakami now understand why he can’t find Yuu anywhere for 6 months, as she hid her identify to the

-The kids said that before Shirakami came, Yuu never reveal her name, and always talk with very cold

-The news even stated that the bandages kid not even show her face, and even not reveal her name, so
they just refered Yuu as “The Mysterious Genius in Surihachi”. The kids stated that the event was
happened after nearly 2 weeks after Yuu-neesan came to Surihachi City.
-Shirakami now understand why he can’t find Yuu anywhere for 6 months, as she hid her identify to the

-The kids said that before Shirakami came, Yuu never reveal her name, and always talk with very cold
manner and even glared at them with eyes that filled with nothing than a deadly void.

-Even her voice hold no emotion, even toward nothing. Sometimes her murderous and bloodlust nature
seems lurk out, make even the criminals fear and screams as they called her something like “The Demon
is here, we will all die!” or “Please don’t kill us, please spare some mercy, White Reaper!”

-The kids said that after that event, more and more scholars, professor and even other geniuses came
here to challenge Yuu in many fields and subjects, but she sweep and beat all of them away in just mere
2 weeks.

-But the kids also said rhat Yuu herself felt really annoyed because she can’t focus to teach them and
every time she won against one, another just came.

-Yuu began to reach her limit as she can’t bear more of that condition anymore.

-And the kids saw Yuu finally being unhinged and made a real badass move as she just playing with these
challengers’ mind and even broke their will by using her bloodthirsty and demonic side of her to keep all
of them away right after she beat them. The terror they received from Yuu were too much that put them
in fear and didn’t even dare to come to revenge or challenge her anymore.

-That’s why she can peacefully teach them now.

The story continue with the kids said that they saw Yuu finally being unhinged and made a real badass
move as she just playing with these challengers’ mind and even broke their will by using her bloodthirsty
and demonic side of her to keep all of them away right after she beat them. The terror they received
from Yuu were too much that put them in fear and didn’t even dare to come to revenge or challenge her

-The kids still remember that Yuu said to one of the most intelligent and arrogant challengers that “You
human are just foolish and pity creature, come such a long way just to become an idiot to your own
ideal. Now….Why don’t we just have a psychology game, dear Mister? The one who lose first…..I will let
you guess. But look at you now, why are you scared? No no, I won’t let you die….Dying is too easy for
you, and you deserve more than that.” Then she just smile in a twist way.

-That’s why she can peacefully teach them now.

The kids still remember that Yuu said to one of the most intelligent and arrogant challengers that “You
human are just foolish and pity creature, come such a long way just to become an idiot to your own
ideal. Now….Why don’t we just have a psychology game, dear Mister? The one who lose first…..I will let
you guess. But look at you now, why are you scared? No no, I won’t let you die….Dying is too easy for
you, and you deserve more than that.” Then she just smile in a twist way.

-The kids said that they don’t know what kind of game both of them use to challenge each other, but all
they know was that the mister was looking at us, terrified with what he had experience.

The kids still remember that Yuu said to one of the most intelligent and arrogant challengers that “You
human are just foolish and pity creature, come such a long way just to become an idiot to your own
ideal. Now….Why don’t we just have a psychology game, dear Mister? The one who lose first…..I will let
you guess. But look at you now, why are you scared? No no, I won’t let you die….Dying is too easy for
you, and you deserve more than that.” Then she just smile in a twist way.

-Not even the challenger and the kids, but also all people gather to watch their match and the whole
Surihachi City were feeling fear as she talk like that.

-Everyone realized that “The Mysterious Genius of Surihachi City” is something much more terrifying
than they ever know, like a merciless lone wolf, the one will tear flesh without a trace of mercy.

-Not even the challenger and the kids, but also all people gather to watch their match and the whole
Surihachi City were feeling fear as she talk like that.

-After their long game, Doctor Yamada actually lost all his pride, mind scattered into dust with no trace

-The kids said that Doctor Yamada was so traumatized that he cannot look direct to Yuu.

-He admitted to all of us that Yuu was the one who won in the first place, but she was just spent time
playing with his mind.

-He thought that he will experience “something worse than dead” as he lost to Yuu, but all Yuu said after
that was just “Begone. And don’t get in my way ever again. If you try to revenge….Then there will be no
future for you, get it?” while look at him like looking at a mere insect.

The story continue with the kids really tell Shirakami about what was actually going after that turn of
--After their long game, Doctor Yamada actually lost all his pride, mind scattered into dust with no trace

-The kids said that Doctor Yamada was so traumatized that he cannot look direct to Yuu.

-He admitted to all of us that Yuu was the one who won in the first place, but she was just spent time
playing with his mind.

-He thought that he will experience “something worse than dead” as he lost to Yuu, but all Yuu said after
that was just “Begone. And don’t get in my way ever again. If you try to revenge….Then there will be no
future for you, get it?” while look at him like looking at a mere insect.

-After that, no one ever dared to threaten Yuu and bully us. No one dared.

-The kids said that Yuu went that far because she wanted to have time to help everyone in Surihachi City
and teach them peacefully. And no one dared to lay hands on them ever again.

-Everyone realized that “The Mysterious Genius of Surihachi City” is something much more terrifying
than they ever know, like a merciless lone wolf, the one will tear flesh without a trace of mercy.

Dazai first appears floating down a river, apparently trying to commit suicide until he was accidentally
found by a starved Atsushi.

About how he ends up at the river while hungry.

Atsushi Nakajima is on the brink of death, laying by the banks of a river under a bridge

Almost immediately, he sees a man floating down the river and saves Osamu Dazai from a comical
attempt on his own life.

Seito opened his eyes to see an army of military police jogging.

“I think…. They’re the better choice…?” Seito point at the military police.

“One, two, three, four!”

They laughed harder while the brown haired boy (Kenji) sat there wanting for the ground to swallow

“Damn it… I’m done! It’s hard!” He said moving his face to the side.

He suddenly punched the ground. ‘However…’ He used his hand to sit up. ‘If I wish to know, I have no
choice but to butt in and asked from others!’

“I… I doubt military police’d be knowing anything during training.” Amane closes her eyes.

“But the next person who comes along… for sure!” Sakura opens her eyes again and turns around.

“I’ve got this! Now look at me….” Kenji said only to see a floating pairs of legs in the river.

“Wha-…?” Seito froze

“Is that a joke?” Kenji standing there.

“Uh…..” Amane speechless.

“….. ain’t no way right, guys?” Sakura cannot describe anything anymore.

“That person…is a girl, and maybe older than us!” Sakura claimed while she did some external chest

“B-but this is a strange girl in every possible way….So uh…” Amane said while looking at her.

“Really….her appearance remind me of a burnt black cat, her build reminds me of a burnt black cat, her
presence also reminds me of a burnt black cat too…..” Seito said.

“She is all black. A high-collar black cloak, a three-piece suit, a black tie. The things that are not black are
her button-down shirt, and the bandages around her head. And what in the world….. The red thing on
her bandage…is blood, right?” Kenji froze, mouth just open then closed.

Dazai’s eyes suddenly opened, getting up from the ground (dramatically). Atsushi was surprised that he
moved away from him.
“You were floating down the river…” Atsushi said with a sweatdrop. “Are you okay?” He asked the stilled

“I made it.” Dazai said. His face suddenly change into an irritated look that surprise Atsushi. “Damn!”


‘Did he just say ‘damn’?’

“Are you the one who interrupted my submersion?” Dazai asks standing up.

“I was just trying to help.” He answered turning away. “Huh? Submersion?”

“You don’t know what I mean by that? I was trying to commit suicide”

“…Suicide? S-Suicide?!” Atsushi exclaimed.

The voice is intimidating, assertive, and filled with raw danger like a bleeding wound. It is high-pitched as that
of a young boy, but it lacks the human-like characteristics a young boy should have.

“I was trying to kill myself. But you just had to interfere…” Dazai said eyeing him.

‘Wait, is he scolding me for saving him? I being lectured? Why…’

“Still, my priority is to commit a clean suicide without being a burden to anyone. Yet I did trouble you, so
the fault lies with me at this point.” Dazai said.

Atsushi stood up and a growl was heard from his stomach.

“Are you hungry, boy?” Dazai asked the sweating boy.

“Well… I haven’t eaten in several days.” He answered slouching but another growl was heard coming
from the chocolate haired adult.

“How odd. I’m also hungry.”

-From the closet, Amane and Kenji put out so many clothes. There are boy clothes, girl clothes, from
adult size to kid size.

-Amane shyly said to the girl that there are so many clothes because they’re from the second-hand store
for free, but she’s not sure what will suit her most.

-Seito and Kenji said that they just picked randomly when they were at that shop and smiling awkwardly.
-The girl thought a little while, then just choose the clothes.

-Sakura said that it’s quite wide, also concerned about the clothes, as they are quite boyish.

-The girl said that’s ok, then go and change the clothes

The girl new clothes is consisted of:

-a black long-sleeved shirt.

- accessorized with nearly obscured gray suspenders

-a white tie.

-sports a pair of dark calf-length pinstripe trousers.

-dark mauve socks that reach beneath her pants.

-darkened gray loafers.

The kids admitted that the set of clothes just suit her.

The next chapter return with Shirakami, the kids and Yuu:

-Shirakami was surprised with the kids' story about how they first met Yuu.

-Yuu just smile shyly while let the calico cat sit and sleep on her head.

“Being obedient is good. So next…”

Suddenly, the young man starts coughing and vomiting blood. I quickly run up to him and turn his head to the
side so that he will not choke on his own blood. I check inside his mouth. I can’t tell where the bleeding is from
in this situation. It could be just a cut inside his mouth, or it could be an internal injury. I don’t know.

The next chapter return with Shirakami, the kids and Yuu:

-Shirakami was surprised with the kids’ story about how they first met Yuu.

-Yuu just smile shyly while let the calico cat sit and sleep on her head.

-And the kids just proud with their teacher – the Yuu “The Mysterious Genius of Surihachi City” Ayatsuji.
-Yuu felt embarrassing as she can’t take all the praise, and her face now without bandages so she can’t hide it.
-The kids said that their snow wolf is really cute with her shyness and humble.
-Shirakami felt proud at his adopted daughter – the snow wolf with gentle soul, though can ruthless too (Yuu)

The next chapter return with Shirakami, the kids and Yuu:

-Shirakami was surprised with the kids’ story about how they first met Yuu.

-Yuu just smile shyly while let the calico cat sit and sleep on her head, as it rested on her uneven white long
hair , with spikes sweeping downwards, also very soft and fluffy.

-And the kids just proud with their teacher – the Yuu “The Mysterious Genius of Surihachi City” Ayatsuji.

-Yuu felt embarrassing as she can’t take all the praise, and her face now without bandages so she can’t hide it.

-The kids notice that Yuu’s Canine teeth are very pointy. Combine with her hair, her flawless beautiful
face and even her scared left eye, she is truly a wolf..

-They also notice that Shirakami hair is also has long light gray hair, which ends just above his shoulder,
and metallic blue eyes, which appear to have wrinkles eyebags under them.

-And he is a tall man who almost always has a stern expression on his face.

-He wore a black hakama (a pair of large, pleated, traditional trousers), a kimono underneath a longer
haori and a small scarf with a circle pattern on it.

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