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Project: 12/27/2023 5:10:00 PM

Shape sheet - Linear element No. 15 Linear

1) Cross section

Shape IPE500
Dimensions(cm) h = 50.00 b = 20.00 tw = 1.02 tf = 1.60 r = 2.10 r1 = 0.00
Cross sections(cm2) Area = 115.50 Avy = 69.32 Avz = 59.85
Inertia(cm4) It = 89.29 Iy = 48200 Iz = 2142
Inertia(cm6) Iw = 1.25444e+06
Modules(cm3) Wply = 2194 Wplz = 335.9
Material S275 E = 210000 MPa Nu = 0.3 G = 80800 MPa
Grade fy = 275.00 MPa fu = 430.00 MPa

2) Deflections

1st criterion Element deflections:

y : Case no 141 : 1x[1 G]+1x[2 Q]+0.5x[19 WY-S], Mesh No. 15.27 4/4 (Extremity)
L/8507 < L/150 (2 %) (0.18 cm < 10.09 cm)
z : Case no 141 : 1x[1 G]+1x[2 Q]+0.5x[19 WY-S], Mesh No. 15.27 4/4 (Extremity)
L/163 < L/150 (92 %) (9.26 cm < 10.09 cm)

3) Cross sections strength

Tension Compression Case no 114 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[14 WX-D3], Mesh No. 15.3 4/4
(6.2.4) Cross section : Class 1
Fx < Nc,Rd : 96.15 < 3176.25 kN (3 %)
Shear on Y direction Case no 119 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[19 WY-S], Mesh No. 15.1 4/4
(6.2.6) Cross section : Class 1
hw 
< 72 (6.22) : 41.76 < 55.46
tw 
Fy,Ed < Vy,pl,Rd : 0.10 < 1100.67 kN (0 %)
Shear on Z direction Case no 114 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[14 WX-D3], Mesh No. 15.3 4/4
(6.2.6) Cross section : Class 1
hw 
< 72 (6.22) : 41.76 < 55.46
tw 
Fz,Ed < Vz,pl,Rd : 96.43 < 950.28 kN (10 %)
Bending on Y-Y Case no 120 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[20 WY-D], Mesh No. 15.3 4/4
(6.2.5) Cross section : Class 1
My,Ed < My,c,Rd : 274.25 < 603.35 kN*m (45 %)
Bending on Z-Z Case no 119 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[19 WY-S], Mesh No. 15.27 4/4
(6.2.5) Cross section : Class 4
Mz,Ed < Mz,c,Rd : 0.51 < 88.41 kN*m (1 %)
Bending on Y-Y and axial force Case no 120 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[20 WY-D], Mesh No. 15.1 1/4
(6.2.9) Cross section : Class 4
Sx Ed
< 1 (6.43) : 0.36059 < 1 (36 %)
Bending on Z-Z and axial force Case no 120 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[20 WY-D], Mesh No. 15.11 4/4
(6.2.9) Cross section : Class 3
Sx Ed
< 1 (6.42) : 0.03068 < 1 (3 %)
Bending on Y-Y and Shear on Z Case no 122 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[22 WY-D2], Mesh No. 15.1 4/4
(6.2.8) Cross section : Class 1
Vz pl Rd
Vz,Ed < (6.2.8(2)) : 82.54 kN < 836.14 kN
Clause 6.2.8(2) fulfilled. Check not done.
0.00000 < 1 (0 %)
Bending on Z-Z and Shear on Y Case no 122 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[22 WY-D2], Mesh No. 15.1 4/4
(6.2.8) Cross section : Class 1
Vy pl Rd
Vy,Ed < (6.2.8(2)) : 0.09 kN < 550.34 kN
Clause 6.2.8(2) fulfilled. Check not done.
0.00000 < 1 (0 %)
Bi-axial bending Case no 120 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[20 WY-D], Mesh No. 15.1 1/4
(6.2.9) Cross section : Class 4
Sx Ed
< 1 (6.43) : 0.36285 < 1 (36 %)

Torsion Case no 119 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[19 WY-S], Mesh No. 15.11 4/4
St. Venant (6.2.7) Cross section : Class 3
Mx < Wt • : 0.007 < 8.86 kN*m (0 %)

4) Elements stability

Unfavorable case Case no 120 : 1.35x[1 G]+1.5x[2 Q]+0.75x[20 WY-D], Mesh No. 15.3 4/4
Cross section : Class 1

Buckling on Y-Y Lfz = 18.16 m  y = 1.024 Curve a y = 0.21 y = 1.11 y = 0.649

(6.3.1) Ncry = 3029.48 kN
Buckling on Z-Z Lfy = 15.13 m z = 4.048 Curve b z = 0.34 z = 9.35 z = 0.056
(6.3.1) Ncrz = 193.87 kN
Lateral-torsional buckling Ldi = 1.26 m Lds = 1.26 m
( C1 = 1.160 C2 = 0.000 zg = 0.25 m kz = 1.000 kw = 1.000
Mcr = 8023.40 kN*m LT = 0.274
Curve - LT = 1.00 LT = 1.00 LT = 1.000

Report No.: Industrial steel building 30m_version6_ndc03.docx Page 1

Project: 12/27/2023 5:10:00 PM

Shape sheet - Linear element No. 15 Linear

Auxiliary terms Cmy0 = 0.97 (| x | = 2.09 cm at x = 10.41 m)

(Annex A) Cmz0 = 0.91
NcrT = 16117.05 kN
max = 4.05 Mcr0 = 6914.66 kN*m 0 = 0.30 0limite = 0.18
Cmy = 1.00 Cmz = 0.91 CmLT = 1.37 (| x | = 0.00 cm at x = 0.00 m) aLT = 1.00 y = 17.17
muy = 0.99 muz = 0.52 wy = 1.14 wz = 1.50 npl = 0.03
bLT = 0.00 cLT = 0.00 dLT = 0.00 eLT = 0.00
Cyy = 0.89 Cyz = 0.65 Czy = 0.51 Czz = 0.76
Interaction coefficients kyy = 1.57 kyz = 1.90 kzy = 0.75 kzz = 1.25
(Annex A)
Verification NEd My Ed + My Ed Mz Ed + Mz Ed
(6.61) + kyy • + kyz • ≤ 1.00
NRk My Rk Mz Rk
y • LT •
M1 M1 M1
0.05 + 0.71 + 0.00 = 0.76 < 1.00 (76%)
Verification NEd My Ed + My Ed Mz Ed + Mz Ed
(6.62) + kzy • + kzz • ≤ 1.00
NRk My Rk Mz Rk
z • LT •
M1 M1 M1
0.54 + 0.34 + 0.00 = 0.88 < 1.00 (88%)

Report No.: Industrial steel building 30m_version6_ndc03.docx Page 2

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