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1. What kinds of monuments do tourists in your country enjoy visiting?

Places: Independence Place, Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, Cu Chi tunnel,..
-Beautiful and have breathtaking view (which can allow them to take great photos and enjoy
the landscape)
-Understand the history of Vietnam better (since most visitors come to Vietnam to have a
better insight into the country)
-Most tourists in my country enjoy visiting historical buildings such as Independence Place,
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Cu Chi tunnel, etc.
 People love to visit them because those places are incredibly beautiful and
breathtaking. It's worth exploring to enjoy magnificent scenery and take photos.
 In addition to that, people can understand deeper the culture of Vietnam and learn
more about the past. There are many reasons for tourists to visit historical buildings,
but most of them want to know more about what happened and what is left after
the destruction. Overall, isn't it great to get deeper into the custom of places?
Giải thích: kinds of monuments có thể là các di tích lịch sử, hoặc đài tưởng niệm, tượng
Để cho ý dài ra thì bạn nên đưa thêm lý do tại sao các du khách thích đến.

2. Why do you think there are often statues of famous people in public places?

-Statues of famous people are often erected in public places as a way to commemorate
their achievements, honor their legacy, and pay tribute to their contributions to society.
 By placing these statues in prominent locations, people can be reminded of the
important role these individuals played in shaping their history, and be inspired to
continue their legacy.
-Statues of famous people can also serve as tourist attractions, drawing people to the area
and promoting economic development.
 For example, the Statue of Liberty in New York City is a famous statue that draws
millions of tourists every year, boosting the local economy through tourism and
related industries such as hotels, restaurants, and retail. The statue serves as a
symbol of freedom and democracy, and is one of the most recognizable landmarks
in the world, making it a popular destination for tourists from around the globe.

3. Do you agree that old monuments and buildings should always be preserved?
- They have historical and cultural significance and economic value.
 An important part of what gives a city character and a sense of community is its
history. Old buildings are witnesses to the aesthetic and cultural history of a
city, helping to give people a sense of place and connection to the past. Historic
buildings often represent something famous or important to people who live in a
city or those visiting
- Rehabilitating old buildings to their original appearance can help attract
investment as well as tourists.
 Because of their uniqueness, antique buildings are supposed to act as a source of
tourism income, if maintained well.

4. Why is architecture such a popular university subject?

-Architects are well-paid and appreciated
 People who choose to go on this career path and become architects will do more
than design buildings, offices, and structures. They will design homes, they will
design places where people live, work, laugh, and spend most of the time.
- Being an architect is rewarding and fulfilling.
 Being an architect means that you will need to work overtime, not only because you
will have to meet tight deadlines set by clients but also because you will feel the
urge to continue working on ‘your baby’ until it becomes unique and meets your
own criteria. You will seek perfection and will aim to avoid mistakes. But once you
are done, you will suddenly find yourself looking at the real building and enjoying the
fruits of your labour.

5. In what ways has the design of homes changed in recent years?

-The design of homes has changed in several ways in recent years.
 A minimalist design trend has emerged, with people opting for clean lines,
neutral colors, and simple furnishings. The overall look of the home is clean,
uncluttered, and calming, reflecting the minimalist design aesthetic.
Minimalist design prioritizes simplicity, which can make a home feel more
organized and uncluttered. This can help reduce stress and promote a sense
of calm in the home.
-With the rise of smart home technology, the design of homes has changed to
accommodate this new technology.
 Many homes now feature smart lighting, heating, and security systems that
can be controlled through a smartphone or tablet.

6. To what extent does the design of buildings affect people’s moods?

-Design can influence the productivity level of people working in an office.
 This is because the design of a workspace can directly impact the well-being, comfort, and
focus of workers, which in turn can affect their productivity levels. While buildings
constructed with good design ultimately bring positive vibe from employees, poor design
may hamper thought process and less productivity.
- A peaceful and visually appealing home setting can create a greater sense of wellbeing
than a cluttered, chaotic home. This is because the human mind and body are
interconnected and can be affected by many things, including the environment you live in.
1. Do you think it’s Ok to arrive late when meeting a friend? (Must have “this is
-Arriving late shows that you don’t value their time and consider it important.
-Cause inconvenience for your friends since they have to wait for you and
miss some important events.
-No I don’t think so-it's best to make a genuine effort to be punctual when meeting a friend.
 This is because your friend has set aside time to spend with you, and arriving late
(and V-ing) shows that you don't value their time or consider it important.
 In addition to that, being late can cause inconvenience for your friend, especially if
they had to rearrange their schedule to meet you.

2. What should happen to people who arrive late for work?

-If the question related to the form that needs listing, you should name it first
for about 2-3.
-Explain the reason why (This is because): negatively impact the organization
as well as the individual’s performance,..
-Give an example
-Arriving late to work can result in the potential for disciplinary action,
including warnings, loss of pay, or termination in cases of persistent
 This is because persistent lateness can negatively impact the
organization as well as the individual's own performance and
responsibilities. Since it ill bog down the company’s profit and
 (Example) In Vietnam, employees who arrive late more than three
times in a month will receive a written warning, and if the lateness
continues, they may face a reduction in pay or even termination.

3. Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?
-If the question related to the form that needs listing, you should name it first
for about 2-3.
-Explain the reason why
-Give an example
-I strongly believe that there are many things an individual can do to arrive on time.
 Firstly, always planning ahead and making a schedule for the day. By
breaking down the day into manageable tasks, including traveling time, and
setting deadlines, people can better gauge the time they need to complete
each task, avoid procrastination and prioritize tasks that require more time.
 Anticipating any potential roadblocks(=traffic jam), such as traffic or
unexpected events, can also help people plan a more realistic timeline and
make necessary adjustments to avoid running behind schedule.

Managing study time

1. Is it better to study for a long periods or in shorter blocks?
-When having question that need “simile”, always divide into part. Which
say about the advantages and disadvantages. And just talk like normal
don’t add “in my opinion”.
-The most effective way to study can vary from person to person.
 When studying for longer periods, the brain can maintain a consistent focus on the
material being learned. This allows the individual to fully engage with the material
and absorb it more effectively, resulting in better retention of information.
 On the other hand, taking short breaks and studying in shorter blocks of time helps
them to feel more at ease when studying. By breaking down the study session into
smaller chunks, they are able to concentrate more intently on the material and
avoid the boredom and fatigue that can result from extended periods of studying.
Taking breaks provides an opportunity to review what has already been learned,
helping to solidify the information in memory.

2. What are the likely effects of students not managing their study time
-If the question related to the form that needs listing, you should name it
first for about 2-3.
-Explain the reason why
-Give an example
-This can lead to heightened levels of stress and anxiety as well as low self-esteem.
 The most common effects of poor time-management skills amongst college
students include: lack of sleep, declining academic performance, chronic
procrastination, poor diet, and an increased risk of dropping out.
 Students end up being late to class, rushing through assignments, and producing
lower-quality work. Balance in college is key, and balance cannot be achieved
without the ability to effectively manage one’s time.

3. How important is it for students to have enough leisure time?

-Define how importance it is
-Reason 1: This is because….which can lead to…
-Reason 2: Name the benefit of…(leisure time): can assist students ưhile
they are playing and impove their creativity or team spirit when doing
sports, playing games,…
I strongly believe that it is of the utmost importance that children have enough leisure time.
This is because nowadays children who are forced to do more homework in their free time
which can lead in their becoming less sociable. There are many fun and enjoyable activities
that kids can do in their free time to keep them fruitfully occupied. Outdoor activities
benefit children to socialise and play with other children which ultimately teaches them
important soft skills. Children should spend their free time with their friends in the parks or
they can spend their time on activities that they enjoy doing the most

1. What sort of things can neighbours do to help each other?
-Good neighbors watch out for each other and their property. Living
in a proactive neighborhood can increase your family’s safety, as
multiple sets of eyes and ears can help thwart criminal activity
and promote a safer area. It’s really nice to be able to give the
neighbors a heads-up that you’re going to be out-of-town. That’s an
added level of security to have real-live eyes and ears looking out for
you and your property.
- Good Neighbors Can Help Each Other Manage Stress. With our busy
schedules, we don't always see friends as often as we'd like. For a bit
of socializing that takes only minutes out of your day, it's nice to stop
and chat with people for a few minutes on your way out to your car.

2. How well do people generally know their neighbours in your country?

-When talking about people in your country, should enlarge on a
definite type of people (espicalli the youn generation)
-Always divide into 2 main idea
-Vietnamese people, especially the young don't get along well
with their neighbours.
-Some young people live very busy lives. Due to the radical changes in
lifestyle over the years, people no longer need to interact with their
neighbors like before, which means cultivating friendly relationships
requires more effort.
-Born in the digital age, young people are disconnected from their
local area because they are addicted to social networking sites. With
much of our lives having moved online, there is a perception that
people have become detached from their local community.

3. How important do you think it is to have good relationships with your

-Should use an alternative way to answer the question.
-It is a must for the people to build a cordial relationship with their
-Having a good relationship with neighbors can be beneficial in
practical ways, such as borrowing tools or receiving help during
emergencies. People deal with their neighbours daily, and they are
those persons who stand by them at their first call
- In addition to that, having good relationships with neighbors can
create a sense of community and belonging, and can make the
neighborhood a more enjoyable place to live.

4. Which facilities are most important to people living in cities?

5. How does shopping in small local shops differ from shopping in large
city centre shops?

-Should use an alternative expression to answer the question.
-Idea 1
-Idea 2
- Personally, there are a variety of differences between them
- Well, firstly, compared with big shops, small shops definitely have a smaller range of
goods since they only focus on daily necessities, like vegetables, snacks, beverages, kitchen
- What’s more, it may take a longer time to shop in a big shop, while buying things from
small shops are much handier when the only thing you need to do is to ask the shop owner
for things you want to purchase, then they will pack things for you.
- For example, suppose that I am cooking and I realise that I have run out of salt, it is
impossible for me to get it from a big shop like Walmart or sth like that since it is too
crowded at the time and I have to queue, waiting for paying, while the grocery store near
my house rapidly helps deliver it straightaway.

6. Do you think that children should always go to the school nearest to

where they live?
-It is advisable to talk about the advantage and disadvantage when it
comes to the question “Do you think….”
-Always put in an example to expand your idea.
-I strongly believe that it is vital that children always go to the school nearest to
where they live.
-Going to the nearest school can provide several benefits, such as convenience,
accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Children would be able to walk or bike to
school, reducing the need for transportation and making it easier for parents to
manage their schedules.
-On the other hand, it may not always be the best option for the child's education
and development. The quality of education can vary greatly from one school to
another. For example, a family with a talented young musician lives in a big city with
the public elementary school that is just a few blocks away from their home, and it
does not have a music program. After researching different schools in the area, they
find a specialized music school that is further away but provides a strong music
program and individualized attention to each student.


1. What kinds of things do people write online reviews about in your country?
-Formula: Thing 1, Thing 2 and then example
People often write about the quality of the product they received. If they received a product
that was defective=broken or not as described, they might write a negative review. People
often write about whether they feel they received good value for the money they spent. For
example, if someone purchased a new smartphone, they might write about the build
quality, screen resolution, and overall performance. And like that if someone paid for a
premium product or service and felt that it was worth the cost, they might write a positive
review. If they felt that the product or service was overpriced, they might write a negative

2. Why do some people write only online reviews?

-To help others make a better buying decision/help others make informed
For many, reviews are a consumer’s chance to contribute to a good cause, so reviewers feel
like they belong to a community of like minded people.
-To share an experience.
Reviews provide consumers a chance to tell their side of the story and have it heard by
their peers and the businesses being reviewed. If a consumer has had a very poor
experience, they’ll write a review in order to vent frustration and anger, especially if they
feel personally mistreated or wronged. In the same manner, if a consumer has had an
exceptionally good experience, they’re likely to applaud the company with a good review to
help the company succeed.

3. Do you think that only reviews are good for both shoppers and companies?
-Regarding companies, taking the time to listen to and act on customer reviews can lead to a
virtuous cycle of cost savings, increased profitability, and improved customer satisfaction.
Customer reviews provide valuable feedback on a company's products or services, as well as
its customer experience. This information can help a company identify areas for
improvement and make necessary changes. By addressing common complaints and
improving processes, a company can reduce costs by minimizing waste and streamlining
-Online reviews can be very helpful for shoppers. They provide valuable information and
insights into the quality of products and services, allowing shoppers to make informed
decisions. Online reviews can also highlight potential issues or flaws that a shopper might
not have considered.

1. What do you think it might be like to work in a customer service job?
-Working in a customer service job can be both rewarding and challenging. (OPINION)
On one hand, it can be fulfilling to help customers resolve their issues and improve their
experiences with a company. Working in a customer service job can be a valuable learning
experience, as it allows individuals to develop interpersonal skills and a deep
understanding of customer needs and expectations. (REASON 1)
- On the other hand, dealing with frustrated or angry customers can be difficult and require
patience and problem-solving skills. The job often involves repetitive tasks, such as
answering the same questions multiple times, and may involve working in a fast-paced
environment with tight deadlines. (REASON 2)

2. Do you agree that customers are more likely to complain nowadays?

-Yes, it's true that customers are more likely to complain nowadays for many
 With the widespread availability of technology, it's easier for customers to voice
their complaints and reach a wider audience. Social media platforms and online
review sites provide convenient channels for customers to share their experiences.
With the growth of e-commerce, customers have more touchpoints with businesses,
providing more opportunities for things to go wrong and for customers to voice
their dissatisfaction.
-As customer service standards improve, customers are becoming more demanding and
expect a high level of service from businesses.
 As businesses compete for customer loyalty, they are investing in improving their
customer service and offering more personalized experiences. This has raised the
bar for customer expectations and led to higher standards for customer service.

3. How important is it for companies to take all customer complaints seriously?

-Managing and resolving customer complaints quickly can improve your business reputation
and processes.
Dealing with it in a positive and constructive manner will help to keep your customers.
Managers can use the feedback to improve processes and avoid similar issues in the future,
leading to an overall improvement in business reputation and customer satisfaction.
- It also helps your company progress to improvements that lead to reduced costs, increased
profitability and increased customer satisfaction. Customer reviews provide valuable
feedback on a company's products or services, as well as its customer experience. his
information can help a company identify areas for improvement and make necessary


1. What are the most interesting things to do while visiting cities on
2. Why can it be expensive to visit cities on holiday?
-High demand for tourism.
 Popular cities tend to attract a large number of visitors, which drives up prices for
accommodations, food, and activities. A visit to Paris, France, is a good example of
an expensive city holiday. The city is one of the most popular tourist destinations in
the world, and its high demand drives up prices for accommodations, food, and
 Cities may not have as many budget-friendly accommodation options as rural
areas, making it harder for travelers to find affordable places to stay and leading to
a more expensive holiday overall.

3. Why have cities increased in recent years?

4. What are the challenges created by ever-growing cities?
- Ever-growing cities face a number of challenges
 Overcrowding and traffic congestion, which can lead to longer commute times, air
pollution and increased road accidents. The situation is further exacerbated by a limited
public transportation system and insufficient infrastructure, making it difficult for people to
travel efficiently and comfortably.
- Housing shortages, which can result in high rent prices, homelessness and forced
migration to suburbs.
 Housing shortages in Vietnam have become a significant issue in recent years,
particularly in urban areas.

5. In what ways do you think the cities of the future will be different to
cities today?
- Cities of the future are likely to be different in several ways compared to cities today.
 More sustainable and environment-friendly. Cities of the future are likely to
prioritize sustainability, reducing their environmental footprint through the
use of renewable energy sources, green buildings, and sustainable
transportation systems.
 Cities of the future are expected to have a multi-modal transportation
system, including electric and self-driving vehicles, shared mobility options,
and improved public transportation systems.

-enjoy sth/doing sth
-other-worldly: more closely connected to spiritual things than to the ordinary things
of life
=preternatural /adj/: more than is usual or natural
=transcendental /adj/: A transcendental experience, event, object,
or idea is extremely special and unusual and cannot be understood in ordinary ways
-factor /noun/
-social leson
-be full of sth
-sth be rooted in sth: tràn trề thứ gì
-fictitious /ad/: khoa học viễn tưởng
-build ADJ skills
-be crucial for sth
-complex vocabulary and grammar structure
-can be a bonding experience for sb and sb
-overall ADJ skill
-expose sb to sth
-It's a matter of personal opinion whether or not…..
-By doing sth,…
-be drawn to=appeal to sth
-broaden one’s horizons
-be appropriate for sth
-be growing in somewhere
-access information

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