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Discuss, from critical perspectives, the extent to which

organizational culture shapes employees’ attitude and

behaviour during organizational change.

Takudzwa Joshua Nyambishi


Managing Strategic Change


14 May 2023


When a business undergoes transformation, employee attitudes and behavior are

greatly influenced by the culture of the organization. The term "organizational

culture" describes the common values, viewpoints, and practices that influence

employee behavior within an organization. It is an essential component of every

business since it affects how employees communicate with one another, their

managers, and the clientele of the organization. The attitudes and behaviors of

employees affect how committed and productive they are to their jobs, which makes

them crucial components of organizational success. An important endeavor that tries

to enhance an organization's efficacy and performance is organizational

transformation. However, employee behavior and attitude towards the change process

plays a significant role in how well an organization changes. This essay will analyze

how organizational culture affects the components that affect workers' views and

actions during organizational transition from a critical viewpoint. The objectives of

this essay are to determine how organizational culture affects how employees behave

during change, to assess the influence of employee attitudes on organizational change,

and to evaluate the efficiency of various change management techniques in

overcoming employee resistance. An in-depth analysis of the most recent works on

the subject area will be employed in this essay.

Literature Review

Organizational Culture

The common values, beliefs, practices, and behaviors that define an organization and

affect the actions and perceptions of its members are referred to as its organizational

culture (Xenikou, 2022; Widarko, 2022). It is seen as being essential in determining

how employees feel and act toward their jobs, their coworkers, and the performance

of the business as a whole (Weber, 2022). Also, Alemander (2022) asserts that

organizational culture is dynamic and prone to change, and that a variety of elements,

including management practices, leadership styles, and communication channels, can

have an impact on it. The success of organizational transformation can be helped or

hindered by the culture of the organization. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to

comprehend how its culture affects workers' attitudes and behavior while the

company is through transformation.

Research has shown that organizational culture has a significant impact on employees'

attitudes and behaviour during organizational change. For instance, studies have

found that organizations with a strong culture of innovation and creativity are more

likely to embrace change and adapt quickly to new strategies (Kim and Mauborgne,

2015). On the other hand, organizations with a hierarchical and rigid culture may

resist change and exhibit negative attitudes towards the change process (Armenakis

and Harris, 2002).

The literature study emphasizes how intricate and nuanced the connections between

organizational culture, staff attitudes and behaviors, and organizational transformation

are. While it is widely acknowledged that organizational culture has a significant

impact on how employees view and behave in the face of change, some critical

viewpoints contend that other elements, including employee traits and background,

leadership, and the nature of the change, also have a significant impact.

The research data supports Weber's (2022) contention that organizational culture is

not the sole element that affects workers' behavior. Individual characteristics, like as

personality traits and prior experiences, have been proven in studies to have an impact

on how workers react to change (Theroux, 2022). The efficacy of the culture in

influencing employees' attitudes and behaviors toward change is also dependent on

how well it aligns with the nature of the change (Randall, 2022).

Additionally, an organization's leadership style affects its culture, which in turn

affects how its people react to change. According to research, transformation

leadership practices that encourage empowerment, communication, and cooperation

are more successful in fostering organizational change (Kotter, 2012). On the other

hand, authoritarian leadership philosophies that value dominance and control may

thwart organizational transformation by inciting opposition and unfavorable employee


Organisational Change

Any substantial modification to an organization's structure, procedures, or culture is

referred to as organizational change (Theroux, 2022). Both internal and external

reasons, such as shifts in the market, advancements in technology, or changes in

leadership, may cause it. Employee attitudes, actions, and organizational performance

can all be affected by organizational transformation in both good and bad ways

(Rahmatullah, 2022). Organizations must, therefore, effectively manage change and

make sure that the changes are consistent with their culture and core values (Randall,


Holt et al. discovered that employees' attitudes and behavior are influenced by the

communication method utilized during the transformation process. Employees'

uncertainty and fear may be decreased and their desire to support the change process

increased by clear, open, and timely communication (Holt et al., 2016). On the other

hand, inadequate communication that is vague, lacking, or inconsistent can engender

mistrust and misunderstanding among workers, which can result in unfavorable

attitudes and resistance to the change process.

Organizational Behaviour

The study of how people and groups act inside an organization is known as

organizational behavior (Naveed, 2022). It covers subjects including teamwork,

leadership, communication, and job satisfaction. Numerous elements, including

corporate culture, leadership style, and management procedures, have an impact on

organizational behavior (Huddleston, 2022). According to Gorton (2022), businesses'

ability to achieve their goals and objectives depends on their ability to comprehend

and manage organizational behavior.

Employee behaviour and performance are significantly influenced by their views

regarding their work, co-workers, and company (Bushe, 2023). Job satisfaction and

dedication are two examples of positive attitudes that are linked to improved

performance, decreased turnover, and more employee engagement. Cynicism and

disengagement are two negative attitudes that can result in reduced productivity and

more turnover. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to provide a pleasant work

atmosphere that encourages workers to adopt positive attitudes and actions.


In the literature, it is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture plays a

significant role in influencing employees' attitudes and behaviors throughout

organizational transition. Alemander (2022) asserts that organizational culture has a

considerable influence on how employees behave during times of transition. He

contends that staff members who work in an environment that supports innovation

and change are more inclined to see change favorably. Employees used to a strict and

inflexible culture, however, could be reluctant to change because they are afraid of the

unknowable. The values and conventions of an organization have an impact on how

people view and respond to change, according to Xenikou (2022). The significance of

organizational culture in influencing employees' attitudes toward change is also

emphasized by Widarko (2022).

According to recent studies, corporate culture significantly influences how workers

react to and behave throughout organizational transformation. For instance, Cameron

et al.'s (2014) study discovered that workers are more inclined to support and engage

in a change when they believe it is consistent with the organization's values and

norms. In a similar vein, Kotter and Heskett's (2011) study discovered that firms with

strong cultures that support innovation and change are more likely to be successful in

putting change efforts into action.

However, the limitations of corporate culture's ability to affect employee attitudes and

behavior during organizational transformation are highlighted by the critical

viewpoints of cultural hegemony and cultural relativism. The "cultural blindness" that

results from an organization's prevailing culture, according to Kunda (1992), might

make workers resistant to change. A one-size-fits-all strategy to change might not

work since various areas of a company could have their own distinctive cultures that

influence their attitudes and actions.

However, there are opposing views on the extent to which organizational culture

influences individuals' attitudes and behavior throughout organizational transition.

According to Weber (2022), while organizational culture might affect workers'

attitudes toward change, it is not the sole element that determines their behavior.

According to Theroux (2022), workers' particular traits and life experiences might

influence their attitude to change.

According to Rahmatullah (2022), the link between organizational culture and

workers' attitudes toward change is complicated and diverse, and there is no one-size-

fits-all strategy to change management. According to Randall (2022), the efficacy of

an organizational culture in moulding employees' attitudes toward change is

dependent on the alignment of the culture and the nature of the change. According to

Naveed (2022), the effectiveness of organizational transformation is also dependent

on how much the culture supports the change project.

The concept of cultural hegemony is a critical perspective on the influence of

corporate culture in affecting employees' attitudes and behavior throughout

organizational change. According to this viewpoint, the organization's dominant

culture, which is generally created by senior executives, may be resistant to change

since it challenges their power and authority. Employees may be persuaded by the

dominant culture to reject change in this scenario, even if they personally agree that

change is required.

Cultural relativism is yet another critical viewpoint. Within a company, different

departments or teams may have their own distinct cultures that impact their attitudes

and actions. As a result, a one-size-fits-all approach to organizational change may be

ineffective, as various sections of the company may require different change

management tactics.

According to Huddleston (2022), leadership is critical in building organizational

culture and influencing people' attitudes toward change. According to Gorton (2022),

a strong and good organizational culture may assist change, whereas a weak or bad

culture might stymie progress. Finally, Bushe (2023) contends that the ability of

leaders to foster a culture of trust and collaboration is critical to the success of

organizational transformation. Employees are more inclined to embrace change

favorably when they believe their opinion is appreciated and their concerns are

addressed, according to him.

The literature study emphasizes how intricate and nuanced the connections between

organizational culture, staff attitudes and behaviors, and organizational transformation

are. While it is widely acknowledged that organizational culture has a significant

impact on how employees view and behave in the face of change, some critical

viewpoints contend that other elements, including employee traits and background,

leadership, and the nature of the change, also have a significant impact.


According to the analysis of the literature cited in this article, organizational culture

has a big impact on how workers react to change in terms of attitude and behavior.

The willingness of an organization's workforce to embrace change is influenced by its

culture. Organizations must thus comprehend their culture and how it influences how

their people view and respond to change. The effectiveness of organizational

transformation may be facilitated by effective leadership, communication, and a

culture of innovation and creativity. According to the research, an organization's

performance may be strongly impacted by its organizational culture, change,

behavior, and attitudes. To establish a healthy work environment and accomplish their

goals and objectives, organizations need to comprehend and handle these aspects

efficiently. However, critical viewpoints like cultural relativism and cultural

hegemony draw attention to the limitations of corporate culture's ability to affect

employee attitudes and behavior during organizational change. Organizations must

thus adopt a sophisticated strategy for change management that takes into account the

distinctive cultural values and beliefs of their workforce. This may be accomplished

through efficient communication, employee participation, and specialized change

management techniques that are adapted to the particular requirements of various

organizational elements.


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