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Notre Dame of Libungan Inc.

Libungan North Cotabato

2nd Periodical Exam

Grade 12 ABM
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Section: __________________________________ Score: __________________________

TEST I: Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and understand carefully the following items and select the letter that corresponds to the correct
answer on the space provided before the number. ( 30 points )

______ 1.

A. discussion B. plan C. analysis D. savings

______ 2. A system that links the savers and the users of funds. C

A. Finance System B. Capital System C. Financial System D. Business System

______ 3. Which of the following financial intermediaries provide mechanism where savers can put their excess funds
through deposits? C

A. Insurance companies B. Stock exchange C. Banks D. Stock Brokerage firms

______4. It provides opportunities for big and small investors to invest in financial instruments which they would not
have considered on their own, or they may have considered but do not have the time or the expertise to do it. C

A. Insurance companies B. Stock exchange C. Mutual funds D. Stock Brokerage firms

______5. It provides a system for trading of equity securities of publicly listed companies. These equity securities are
common stocks and preferred stocks. B

A. Insurance companies B. Stock exchange C. Mutual funds D. Stock Brokerage firmss

_____6. This is used by the Insurance Companies to fund claims like life insurance products and non-life insurance
products. A

A. premium B.basic C. stock brokerage D. mutual funds

_____7. What are the two major categories of financial instruments? A

A. equity securities and debt securities C. equity securities and common stocks
B. debt securities and common stocks D. preferred stocks and debt securities

_____8. Who is the famous personality who said that we must be aware of our little expenses? C

A. Theodore Roosevelt B. George Washington C. Benjamin Franklin D. George Bush

_____9. The highest policy-making body in a corporation is the ___________. D

A. Board of Marketing B. Board of Finances C. Board of Admin D. Board of Directors

_____10. He provides assistance in payroll preparation and coordinate the functions of administration, finance, and
sales and marketing departments? A

A. Vp for Administration B. Vp for production C. Vp for Sales D.President

_____11. Which of the following is TRUE about the responsibility of a President in a company? D

A. Assisting other department s in hiring employees C. Ensuring production meets customer demands
B. Formulating strategies and plans D. Overseeing the operations inside the companies.
______ 12. What can you do as a student to save money and expenses from your money when you go school every
day? A

A. in order to save money I will limit my little expenses every day to save my money
B. I will buy all the healthy foods in the canteen.
C. I will spend all my money in the morning and ask for more money in the afternoon.
D. I will used my credit card in school.

______ 13. The following are the responsibilities of board of directors EXCEPT ONE. Which is it? D

A. Setting policies on investments, capital structure and dividends

B. Approving company’s strategies, goals, and budgets
C. Appointing and removing members of the top management including the president
D. Assisting other departments in hiring employees

_______14. Which of the following is role of a VP for sales and marketing? D

A. Ensuring production meets customer demands C. Determining top management’s compensation

B. Providing assistance in payroll preparation D. formulating marketing plan and strategies

_______15. Which of the following is the responsibility of VP for Production? A

A. Ensuring production meets customer demands C. Directing and coordinating company sales
B. Performing market and competitor analysis D. Assisting other departments in hiring employees

_______16. The Treasury bonds and Treasury bills issued by the _________ are forms of indebtedness of the National
Government. A

A. National Treasury B. National Treasury Bills C. Treasury Bonds D. National Banks

_______17. It includes making decision as to how to finance long-term investments and working capital which deals with
the day-to-day operations of the company. A

A. Financing Decisions B. Investing Decisions C. Operating decisions D. Dividend Policies

______18. Which of the following practices help you save money? B

A. Eat only snacks and skip heavy meals because breakfast, lunch and dinner is expensive
B. Budget your money wisely and avoid spending too much on unnecessary items
C. Borrow money from your classmate and buy your snacks at 7/11
D. Bring your food for lunch in school and spends all your remaining money on your snacks

______19. It is a business’ short term assets , such as inventory, and its short-term liabilities such as money owed to
suppliers. A

A. Working Capital Management B. Capital C. Working Capital D. Financing

_____20. What’s the difference between creditors and shareholders? A

A. Shareholders is also called equity holders and considered the owners of the company while creditors are
outsiders who lend to the firm resources like assets, money and services.
B. Shareholders is also called equity holders and considered the owners of the company while creditors are
outsiders who lend to the firm resources like assets, money and services.
C. There are no differences between them

______20. They are the people who are responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling the
business’s effort. A

A. Management B. Employees C. Financers D. Board of Directors

_____21. They are the one who contributes labor and expertise to an endeavor of an employer and is usually hired to
perform specific duties which are packaged into a job. B

A. Management B. Employees C. Financers D. Board of Directors

_____22. The following are the roles and functions of a Financial Manager EXCEPT ONE. Which one is it? D

A. routine working capital management decisions C. Investment decisions

B. dividend decisions D. assist in hiring of employees

_____23. It focuses on decisions made by individual and institutional investors as they choose securities for their
investment portforlios.B

A. Money and Capital markets C. Financial Management

B. Investments D. Business

_____24. It involves decisions with firms. C

A. Money and Capital markets C. Financial Management

B. Investments D. Business

_____25. A body of facts , principles, and theories relating to raising and using money by individuals, businesses, and

A. Finance B. Management C. Marketing D. Business

_____26. It provides financial data through income statements, statement of financial position and statement of cash
flows from which financial decisions are made.B

A. Financing B. Accounting C. Marketing D. Streamlining

_____27. The financial manager must know how to interpret data and used statements in allocating the business’
_______ to generate the best return possible in the long-run.B

A. marketing resources B. Financial resources C. Logistics D. extra resources

_____28. Financial management is also called _________.A

A. Business Finance B. Marketing Management C. Management D. Capital Management

_____29. In what specific year when finance moved away from its descriptive definitional nature and became more
analytical? C

A. 1930’s B. 1940’s C. 1950’s D. 1960’s

_____30. In the year _____ financial practice revolved around preservation of capital, maintenance of liquidity,
reorganization of financially distressed businesses and the bankruptcy process. A

A. 1930’s B. 1940’s C. 1950’s D. 1960’s

Test II: Identification

Direction: Read and understand carefully the following questions and answer what is asked. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number. (10 points)



Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False it is not correct. (10 points ).
_______1. The scientific method is very essential in our daily lives in solving problem.
_______2. Saturated solution contains more solute than solvent.
_______3. Heterogenous mixture has only one phase.
_______4. Homogenous mixture has 2 phases.
_______5. Salt and water is an example of homogenous mixture.
_______6. Suspension and colloid are unsaturated solutions.
_______7. The independent variable is the one that is being controlled in the experiment.
_______8. Halo-halo is an example of heterogenous mixture.
_______9. An element is a pure substance.
______10. Gold is an example of a pure substance.

TEST III: Essay (10 points)

Direction: Explain the following items (maximum of 5 sentences)

1. Why scientific method is important as a scientist and as an individual?

2. What is the difference between Dependent and Independent variable?


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