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Role Play Dialogue

Group 2 Butterfly (Nia, Hayu, Aliya, Cherry, Alika, Keola, Laras and Naora)

Nia (Hunter), Hayu (Animal Rescuer), Aliya (Animal Rescuer), Cherry (elephant), Alika
(Rhino), Keola (Panda), Laras (Gorilla), Naora (Tiger)

Together : “Hi.. we are group 2 of Butterfly Class. We want to do role play

“Save The Animals” please enjoy!!”
Nia : “Wow! It’s a nice place. I can find unique animals here.”
(The animals are playing)
Laras : “I am Gorilla and I feel sad… huhuhu… my family died because
of the forest fire..” (crying)
Naora : “I am Tiger and I sad too.. The human keeps hunting my family
for our skin (sad face)
Keola : “I am panda, oh no… Human kept cutting our bamboo forest and
we cant eat anymore..”
(Chewing the last bamboo left in the forest)
Alika : “I am rhino and human likes to hunt for our horn! Huhuhu”
Cherry : “I am elephant can feel sad too, human kill us for our ivory!!”
(sad face)

(The animals play together)

Nia : “Oh… There!! I can see the animals. I better hide and shot them.
If I can catch them, I will be rich!1 ha… ha… ha..!!!
(Quietly tip toe and get closer to the animals)
Hayu : “Hey you! Stop There! We are animal rescuers!!”
Aliya : “You must be a bad hunter. We will arrest you!”

(The animals scared and run away)

(The animal rescuers catch the hunter)

Nia : “I am sorry. I will not hunt for the animals again.”

Hayu : “Friends, we have to protect the animas. Especially the
endangered animals”
Aliya : “Stop to hunt the animals!”

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