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acampaign to

Name : Constan
za Reyes , Ruth
Rodriges ,Melan Lorthe ,Alexis
i Norambuena
They bullied me for
not having a father and
locked me in the bathroom
which made me feel bad.
They also stole my snack
and money.
I was a girl and she
was bothering me
one day and she even
put yogurt in my
situations hair and the
director didn't do
anything because I
was her daughter.
When I went to the niches,
some girls started treating me
badly because of my physique
and because of the music that
I was listening to from the
artist and they told me things
like useless stupid and how
they treated me very badly,
that happened 8 years ago.
What is bullying
Bullying or harassment is
aggression to exert power over
another person. Specifically,
researchers have defined it as a
series of hostile, physical or verbal
threats that are repeated, It is the most common abuse, it can consist of
distressing the victim and shouting, insults, rumors, ridicule, indecent
establishing a power imbalance sexual language and public humiliation that
between them and their harasser. deteriorate the child's self-esteem and make
him or her feel sad and hopeless. They
visualize a hostile environment from which
they cannot defend themselves.
I live in Chile and I am already 1
year old I am black and you know
that it is not easy sometimes they
even judge you for the way you do
your hair they judge us by our
braids our skin color and
sometimes there is a problem they
even say that we are the black
What is the meaning
of discrimination?
Discrimination occurs when a
person cannot enjoy his or
her human or other legal
rights on an equal basis with
other people due to an
unjustified distinction made
in policy, law or treatment.
tell a teacher what is
happening to you

Always seek the help of

a person whom you trust
and have the confidence
to tell them the
Be strong and don't get
carried away by the
Sometimes it may seem
that defending certain
ideas will cause
misunderstanding and

Don't be bragging if
what you say is a fact

to prevent feelings of
racism or xenophobia
thank You

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