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THE PLANESHIFTER Proficiency Planar Level Bonus. Points Features Ist 2 Pocket Plane, Knowledge of the Planes and 42 2 Planar Points ard 42. 3 Planar Attunement 4th 42 4 Ability Score Improvement sth 43 5 Extra Attack 6th 43 6 Planar Attunement Feature 7th 43 7 Ethereal Sight, Ethereal Blink sth 43 8 Ability Score Improvement oth +4 9. Improved Pocket loth +4 10 Planar Attunement Feature mith +4 11 Planar Mastery lath +4 12 Ability Score Improvement Bh 45 13. Planar Attunement Feature Vath 45 14 Ability Score Improvement asth 45 15. Passage yoth 45 16 Ability Score Improvement Wh +6 17 Planar Attunement Feature sth 46 18 Home Sweet Home 19th +6 19 Ability Score Improvement 20th +6 20 Energy Renewal CLASS FEATURES ‘Asa planeshiter, you gain the following class features. Hr Pomrs Hit Dice: 1d8 per planeshifter level Hit Points at Ist Level: 8 your Constituion modifier Fit Points at Higher Levels: 148 (or 5) + your Constituion ‘modifier per planeshiftr level after Ist Prowrorencres ‘Armor: Light armor, meal armor, shields ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence Stills: Choose two from AMletics, Arcana, sight, Nae, Perception, Performance, and Stalth Equiewent You start with the following equipment, in aidton to the equipment granted by your background: ‘+ (@)scale mail or (b)leather armor “© (@)a longbow and 20 arrows or (b) two martial weapons, + any simple melee weapon and 10 darts KNOWLEDGE OF THE PLANES ‘Starting at 1st level you have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall information about planar ereatures and items, as well as on saving throws related to unconsented planar travel Pocket PLANE Starting at Ist level you have access to a Pocket Plane in ‘which you can store your weapons. You ean use a bonus action to equip, store or swap a weapon from your Pocket Plane. You can use an action to equip, store or swap 2 one ‘handed weapons atthe same time. The weight limit (in pounds) your Packet Plane can hold is your Intelligence score multiplied by 15 PLANAR PoINTS ‘Starting at 2nd level your training allows you to harness the ‘eneruy of the ethereal plane. Your access i this energy is| represented by a number of Planar Points. Your Planeshifter level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Planar Points columa ofthe Planeshiller table. ‘You can spend these points to cast various planar features. You start knowing threc such features: Focus, Ethereal Grasp, and Planar Awareness, ‘You regain all spent Planar Points when you finish a short or long rest. Some of your planar powers require your target ‘to make a saving throw to resist the power’ effects, ‘The saving throw DCs calculated as follows: Planar Power save DC~ 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier Focus You can use a bonus action to spend 1 planar point to enter a Focused state of combat. Until the start of your next turn, you ‘add your Intelligence Modifier to attack rolls made with. ‘weapons, ‘ErHereat Grasp ‘You can use an bonus action to spend 1 planar point and try to hinder the movement of an enemy. Choose a creature ‘within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Strength, ‘saving throw or have its speed halved and disadvantage on dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn. PLANAR AWARENESS. ‘As an action, you can spend I planar point to focus your awareness on the arca around you. For 1 minute, you know the location of any creature or item native from another plane than the one you currently are on within 60 feet of you. For the duration, you also sense whether gates leading to other planes are present within 1 mile of you. This does not reveal the gates’ location or number. PLANAR ATTUNEMENT Ar 3rd level you attune yourself to a plane, giving you access tonew powers. You may choose between three planes depending on your alignment + The Feywild (good or neutral) ‘+ The Shadoveell(acutral or evil) + The Elemental Chaos (any alignment) ‘Those are all described at the end of the class description ‘The plane you choose grants you features at 3rd level and then again 6th, 10th, 13th, and 17th leveh ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at Sth, 12dh, 14th, 16th and 19th level you ean increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can inerease two ability Scores of your noice by 1. As normal, you cant increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Exrra ATTACK Beginning at 5th level you can attack twice, instead of once, ‘whenever you take the Attack action on your tur. ETHEREAL SIGHT Starting at 7h level you can sce 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when you are on the Material Plane, and vice versa. ETHEREAL BLINK ‘Starting at 7th level whenever you take non force damage from a source you can sce, you can as a reaction spend 1 Planar Point to halve the damage by momentarily blinking into the ethereal plane. You cannot use ths feature ifyou are on a plane that doesnt border the Ethereal plane, such as one of the Outer Planes. Improvep Pocket ‘A Sth level, you won't need a backpack anymore as you can ‘now store any item in your Pocket Plane. Retrieving or storing an non-weapon item costs 1 action. PLANAR MASTERY Starting at 1th level you can cast the following spells without material components: ‘Banishment -Costs 4 Planar Points. You may only tarze fone creature, Btherealness. Costs 4 Planar Points. You may only target yourself, | minute duration Plane Shift- Costs 5 Planar Points. You may only target a destination located inthe plane you attuned with and cannot ‘use this spell to banish an unwilling ereature PassacE ‘Starting at 15th level you can use a bonus action to spend Planar Points and teleport up to 30 feet per point spent toan ‘unoceupied space you can sec. Home Sweet HOME By 18th level you sharpened your mind enough to ereate your own demiplane, which isan empty room 30 feet in each ‘dimension whose traits depend on the plane you attuned ‘with. Time goes twice as fast in your demiplane than in the Material plane. ‘The Feywild: The room isa glade surrounded by impassable trees whose branches form a dome above it Plants, fireflies and other nature stuf lke that ‘The Shadowfell: The room is entirely made of stone, ‘without any windows. A few candlesticks light the room, casting ereepy shadows on the walls ‘The Elemental Chaos: The room isin the open ait, delimited by invisible wallsroof. You can sce the sky and several elemental phenomenons, like a voleano far away, ‘small sand tornados, et. You can use an action to ereate a shadowy door on a fat solid surface that you can see within range. The door is large ‘enough to allow Medium creatures to pass through unhindered When opened, the door leads to your demiplane. You can only have 1 door atthe same time. The door lasts until you dismiss it. You cannot dismiss the door if you're inside your demiplane.A wizard or a warlock who has already been in your demiplane ean cast the 8th level Demiplane spell to conn its door to your demiplane. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once) You regain all ‘expended uses when you finish along rest. ENERGY RENEWAL Starting at 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no planar points remaining, you regain 5 planar points. PLANAR ATTUNEMENTS ‘Tae Feywi> BLESSING OF THE Fry LonD Beginning at 3rd level you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cant put you to sleep. You cean speak with fey and beasts as ifyou shared a common language, You do not suffer memory loss after leaving the Feywild and you and up to eight companions traveling with you can leave the Peywild without triggering the time warp phenomenon, BLINDING DUST Beginning at 3rd level when a ereature within 30 feet of you that you can see makes an attack, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, before the roll is ‘made. An attacker that cant be blinded is immune to this feature, Farry ComPANTON ‘Starting at 6th level your bond with the Feywild is so strong, that ll fey creatures can feel it ‘You can ask any neutral or good CR 1/2 or lower fey that you meet to be your companion (how this s handled and how the fey react is up to the DM, but this should work unless, theres a good reason}, forming a pact with the creature. Add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) tothe fey’ AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills itis proficient in. ts hit point maximum equals its ‘normal maximum or twice your Planeshifter level, whichever ishigher Ifthe accepting ereature is currently under someone else contro! (summoned or not) but accepted to come with you, it ‘can make a Wisdom saving throw against 15 or its controller's spell save DC (whichever is higher) to free itself ‘and form a bond with you. ‘Your companion acts friendly towards you and your companions and aet accordingly to its personality, trying its Dest to help you and fulfill your requests. Ii fully independant (ros its own initiative, and acts on its own turn) and can either be played by yourself or by the DM. You can, sgve it verbal commands (this doesat require aay ation) that ‘twill try to follow, but will never do anything putting your oF its fife at high risk willingly. ‘The creature may break the pact if your actions don't comply with its alignment or ifyou dont take care of it. You ‘may have only one fey companion at a time, dismissing the previous one, which would most likely return to its previous life, to accept a new companion Enercy SHARING When you reach 10th level your affinity with your fey companion strengthens. Drawing from your energy, your ‘companion gains the Evasion feature and whenever your ‘companion fails a saving throw, you may spend 1 planar points and have your fey succeed it instead. ‘Additionally, whenever your companion takes damage from any source, you may spend I planar points, preventing all damage dealt by transferring it to you as force damage. ‘Nature's Weare ‘Starting at 13th level. you may spend 7 planar p the following spells + Awaken ‘© Sunbeam (no material component required) ‘+ Wallof Thorns (no material component required) ‘Frywitp PACIFICATION By 17th level the fairy powers lingering in your body start to change the physical world around you, making grass grow around your feet when you walk and even stall fireflies appear and disappear around you when you move. You gain ‘advantage on all Charisma checks when interacting with neutral or good creatures and all non hostile feys, beasts and plants are naturally friendly to you. ‘On your turn, using an action, you may release the ‘overflowing energy within you, altering the world in a 120- foot-adius sphere around you, tuming the area intoa lush lade like those you can find in the Feywild. The effects of this feature are as follows: ‘The terrain in the arca changes, removing al alterations, (grease, lava, etc... and all difficult terrain. ‘+ Allcreatures in the area are cleansed of poisons, diseases ‘and magical effects currently affecting them, ‘= The effects ofthis feature do not extend inside the sphere ‘The glade lasts unl you use this feature again, the terrain then returns to normal You may only use this feature once, and you lose the passive bonuses that it grants when you do. You regain the passive bonuses ofthis eature when you finish a short or long rest. You regain the use af its active ability when you finish a long rest. ‘Tae SHADOWFELL SHADOWFELL STRIDER Beginning at 3rd level while you are wearing no armor and not wieldinga shield your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifir. ‘Additionally, you and up to cight companions within 120 {eet of you are immune to the effects of Shadowfell Despair ‘DREADFUL BLow ‘Starting at 3rd level. when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend I planar point to pervade it with dark ‘energy. The target takes 1d6 necrotic damage and it must ‘make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, itis frightened of every creature until the start of your next tuen, Undead and creatures immune to being frightened automatically succeed the saving throw. ‘Tarox THE REAPER ‘Starting at 6th level, the energy of the Shadowfel lows in ‘your bods, increasing your fortitude. Iyou drop to 0 hit and ‘don't dic outright, you may spend one hit die, rol itand add your Constitution modifier tothe roll You regain hit points ‘equal tothe total ‘Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest ENcuLFED IN SHADOWS By 10th level you have learned to become one with the shadows. When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can ase your action to become invisible. You remain invisible until you make an attack, cast a spell or are nan area of bright light ‘Masrer oF Detusion ‘Starting at 13th level you may use the power ofthe ‘ShadowTell to deceive others. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill and with the Di protic You may spend planar points to cast the following spells ‘without material components guise kit, and your -y bonus is doubled for those checks. ‘© Disguise Self-Costs | planar point ‘+ Feign Death Costs 3 planar points. ‘© Seeming. Costs 5 planar points. ‘SHADOW STAB AL17Uh level. whenever a creature you can see moves more than 5 feet while within 60 fect of you, you can use your reaction to teleport yourscif behind the ereature and make a ‘weapon attack with advantage against that ereature. THE ELEMENTAL CHAOS ‘PRIMORDIAL EXPLORER ‘At 3rd level you are granted the ability to speak, read and ‘write Primordial You're also acclimated to cold and hot, Climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, ‘Win Fury Beginning at 3rd level when you hit a ereature with a ‘weapon attack, you can spend { planar point to generate a ‘small whirlwind centered on yourselt. All ereatures within 5 vel of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw oF take 16 lightning damage. Heaxr oF STONE ‘Starting at 6th level you can spend 4 planar points to east the following spells without material componei ‘Meld into Stone ‘Stone Shape ‘Stoneskin -you may only targct yourself, 1 minute duration ELEMENTAL IMPACT By 10th Ievel you are so suffused with elemental forees that all your melee weapon strikes carry the power of the lements with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the ereature takes an extra 1d8 damage, ‘whose type you can chose between : Cold, Fire or Lightning. Coup Empeace ‘Starting at 13th level you can use an action to spend 5 planar points to encase a medium or smaller ereature you can sce in 30 feet range in a block of icc for 1 minute. The targeted creature is then subject to the following effects ‘The creature is incapacitated (see the condition} can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. + Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, ‘The creature automatically fails Dexterity saving throws. + The creature is immune to all damage and effects. + Any time the creature is hit by an attack or a damaging spell ican make a Strength saving throw, breaking out of the fee block on a success. When the effect ends by any mean, the block offee shatters violently. The creature takes 1d4 cold damage for each round it spent being frozen. Creatures immune to cold are also ‘immune to this feature. UNLEASHED CHAOS ‘Starting at 17th level you can use a bonus action to spend 7 planar points (o release the power ofthe elements within you onto your enemies. You gain resistance to Cold, Fie a Lightning damage, and are immune to being frightened Inaddition, when you hita creature with a melee weapor each creature in a 15-foot cone behind your target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 28 random damage om failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. To determine the type of damage, roll 1d4 and use the matching type: 1: Bludgeoning /2: Cold / 3 Fire (4: Lightning, ‘This effect lasts for | minute. You bonus action. ay end it earlier using

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