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Josefina T. Catacutan Dr.

Josefina Mananguit

Role of Plant Growth Regulators in Vegetable Production

(Term Paper)

Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) refers to natural or the growth and development. The
growth of plants are irreversible change in mass, i.e. increase in size, volume and weight of any
part of plant’s body. It means quantitative increase in body, the cell division cell enlargement
that the growth is a continuous process. In the development, it is irreversible change in state. It
means the qualitative change in plant body. The seed, seedling, vegetative, maturation,
flowering are the development phase-to-phase process.
To enhance productivity and food safety Indian Agriculture become more mechanized
and science based by using inputs and the plant growth regulators are among of them; plant
growth regulators has quicker impact on vegetative as well as yield of the crops. Classes of
PGRs include auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins and ethylene generators, to name a few. They all
achieve a different response in plants and used for different applications. Example, the
gibberellins used in vegetable crops to increase size and fruit quality. The auxins supply from the
apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds, delays leaf senescence and promotes flowering.

Wandhare, M. Plant Growt Regulator. M. Pharm (Pharmacognasy & Phytochemistry).
Channabaweshwar Pharmacy College. Retrieve from:

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