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Brazil Trip

2 – 28 November 2023
Day 1: Travel
Ottawa - Newark
NJ – Sao Paulo
Day 2 – Sao Paulo
Day 3 – Bauru
Day 4 – Return to
Sao Paulo
Day 5 – Sao Paulo
Mechanic Shop
Day 6 – Sao Paulo
Home Church
Day 7 – Sao Paulo
Touristic Day
Day 8 – Sao Paulo
Training Day 1
Micro groups from Indonesia
Day 8 – Sao Paulo
Training Day 2
Micro groups from Indonesia
Day 9(am) – Training Day 3
Micro groups from Indonesia
Day 9(pm) – Sao Paulo
Home School Presentations
Day 11 – Rio de Janeiro
Church gathering
Day 12 – Rio de Janeiro
Touristic Day
Day 13(am) – Rio de Janeiro
Haja Ministry
Day 13(pm) – Rio de Janeiro
Home Church
Day 14 – Rio de Janeiro
BBQ with the Church
Day 15 – Travel to Macaé
Day 16 – Macaé
Being with the Body
Day 17 – Macaé
Gathering of Elders
and Leaders
Day 18 – Macaé
City Wide Gathering Testemunho do irmao Kelly
(Igreja no Canada)
Day 19 – Depart for Cabo
Day 19– Tourism &
Gathering of Elders
Day 20– Cabo Frio
Time with the Church
Day 21– Depart for Vitoria
Day 22– Vitoria
Family time
Day 23– Vitoria
Day 24(am)– Vitoria
Ministry Tourism
Testemunho - Kelly Beeton

Day 24(pm)– Vitoria

Time with the Church
Day 25(am)– Vitoria
Time with the Church
Day 25(pm)– Vitoria
Time with the
house Church
Day 26-28
Travel to Ottawa
Goal of Brazil Trip:

1. See what God is doing in His church in Brazil (Sao Paulo,

Rio de Janeiro, Vitoria)

2. Seek to be a blessing to the church in Brazil

3. Bring back valuable insights from the church in Brazil

Key Takeaways:
1. The home churches are growing. They focus on deep
relationships with neighbors and co-workers (oikos)
2. The church has a commitment and desire to be together
many times per week. They share their lives together.
3. The church always starts with worship and it is very
strong, lively and full of participation!!
4. The church in Brazil seems to be older and robust. Strong
focus on discipleship with many elders and elders seem to
collaborate a lot.
My contribution:
1. I was able to kickstart many people through my need for
2. Many people expressed how simple it was to share the
3. God brought conviction that we can and should pray about
everything, no matter how small

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