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requirements of
Mohamed Shakir.J
Shyam Ganesh.M
Brevity : Being as brief as possible, short and clear, without changing the meaning or
reducing the clarity of the sentence.
Example : Instead of saying the authority of the engineer, Use the engineer's
Accuracy : Ensure accuracy by being consistent, and precise and avoid unclear words
or phrasing. Avoid specifying over or unnecessary details like "best in the business" or
“first-class work’’ and stick to the needed contents.
Example : Inaccurate - some cement or approximately 10 bags of cement Accurate -
9 bags of cement
Practical Limits : There are limits it should be followed
Example : In residential buildings a beam is 9" X 12" which is a standard that can't be
Grammar :
• The imperative mood gives direction where the subject (contractor) is implied and
the verb (provide), (furnish), and (construct) expresses a command.
• Framing of sentences with proper grammar in them.
• Inappropriate terms shouldn’t used.
• Words often used unnecessarily shouldn’t be done.
Example: Use ‘Provide light fittings....’ not ‘The contractor shall provide light

Development of style :
• Process and presentation
Example: We can use Varanda instead of Anti-space for a better understanding
Abbrevation should be used at certain areas where things are made easy and must be
understandable. And also well-known abbrevation should be used.
Example :
PCC - Plain Cement Concrete, RCC - Reinforced Cement Concrete, MLCP - Multi Level Car
Fairness and Clearness :
The specification should derive the content in terms of safety measures.
Example :
scalfolding is to be done in the site in terms of precaution, and teaching the laboures on
safety measures like precaution and modification.
Subject Matters :
What are the process proceeding has to be listed or highlighted
Example :
Floor tile laying. We should only be talking about floor tile laying.
Conflicting requirements :
Repetition of requirements should be avoided. If requirements appear in two places,
ambiguity or conflict can be caused by differences in wording
Example : compliance with two or more standards is specified, the standards may establish
different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels
Selection of words :
Word choice is a person’s choice or selection of words. Language for specifications should
be such that no chance of ambiguity is lefts. Expressions should be very clear. Specifications
have legal value, therefore sentences should be short and complete. For conveying complex
information, short sentences should be used. It breaks up information into smaller and
easier-to-process units. Long complicated sentences can confuse the reader and doubtful
the main point. Every single paragraph should only be limited to only one issue.
Example : Avoid using alternatives (like excavate for dig) just to make the text more 2
AMOUNT AND QUANTITY : “Amount” should be used when writing about money,
and "Quantity" should be used when writing about a number, linear, measure, area, and


Concrete is one building material that has been used world wide in
construction sector. And for every part of construction the grade
of concrete has varies based on strength and Composition of
concrete. And the minimum strength should have following 28
days initial of the construction.

Different mixes (M) come in various mix proportions of the

various ingredients of cement, sand and coarse aggregates. For
instance, M20 comes in the respective ratio of 1:1:5:3
Concrete Grade Mix Ratio (cement : sand : aggregates) Compressive Strength M5

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