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Time -03HRS MM-80
No of printed pages - 10 No of Questions = 11
1. The question paper is divided into three parts
⚫ Section-A Reading ( 20Marks)
⚫ Section B Writing& Grammar ( 20Marks)
⚫ Section-C Literature (40 Marks)


Q1. Read the following passage 10X1=10M

1. Happiness is not something far away and unattainable. Happiness does not depend on
circumstances or objects. It is an inseparable part of our consciousness, of our essence, but
hidden and covered from sight by our thoughts, desires and worries. We all seek happiness
but few, very-few, indeed, get it. We are unhappy partly because we desire much more than
what we can hope to attain.

Our countless desires are hard to be satisfied. And that is what makes us so sad in life. The
secret of happiness lies in the simplification of life. Simple living encourages high thinking. It
leads to contentment. Contentment gives us inner wealth, the wealth of the mind and of the

2. A contented man devotes himself to virtues; a man can feel true happiness. I do not mean
that for simplification of life, a man should become an ascetic. The happiness of a sadhu is of
a negative kind. I want positive kind of happiness. For this I must live in the midst of life and
faithfully carry out my responsibilities to my home and my country. But all this should be
done in the spirit of selfless service.

3. A man, who wants to lead a happy life, should also make others happy. In making others
happy he will taste real and lasting happiness. There is a kind of joy in serving others with
virtuous motives, in sacrificing what one has for the good of others. An act of goodness is of
itself an act of happiness. The secret of perfect happiness lies in renunciation.

4. Wealth may give us joy for a while and fame may provide us with fleeting excitement. But
they cannot give us permanent happiness. Kings have everything to make them happy and yet
they feel unhappy. It is because they do not practise renunciation. There is a sense of joy in
doing one’s work honestly and efficiently. A research-worker feels joy in research and a
journalist in writing.

In doing one’s duty sincerely, one feels peace of mind which is an important essence of
happiness. It is only by cultivating spirit of renunciation, self-sacrifice, contentment and
science work that one can really be happy. The strings of misfortune spare none but they will
not cow such a person.
5. Happiness is like the sun, it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and desires.
We have to scatter and dissolve them to experience happiness. You don’t have to create
happiness. All you have to do is calm your mind, because when there is a quiet mind and
inner peace, there is happiness.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions.

(i) Which of the following is the correct chain of things, as mentioned in the passage, leading
to happiness?

(a) contentment, high thinking, simple living, inner wealth

(b) simple living, high thinking, inner wealth, contentment
(c) high thinking, simple living, inner wealth, contentment
(d) simple living, high thinking, contentment, inner wealth

(ii) What does a contented man do?

(a) He assimilates the basic virtues of life. (b) He faces boldly the adversities of life.
(c) He encounters the strings of misfortunes .(d) He gives up bad habits effortlessly.

(iii) What, according to the passage, is a positive kind of happiness?

(a) Keeping our motives and feelings under control. (b) Love for life and a country.
(c) Leading a simple life of an ascetic.
(d) Carrying out all worldly activities in the spirit of selfless service.

(iv) A man who wants to live a happy life should:

(a) make others happy. (b) master the art of renunciation.

(c) pursue wealth and fame. (d) inculcate the virtues of life.

(v) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.

“Life is about creating and living experiences “Imagination is more important than
that are worth knowledge.” -Albert Einstein
sharing.” -Steve Jobs

(1) (2)

“Happiness is not something readymade; it “When you want something, all the universe conspires
comes from your own in helping you to achieve it.” —Paulo Coelho
actions.” —Dalai Lama

(3) (4)
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)

(vi) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?

(a) One feels peace of mind in doing one’s duty sincerely.

(b) Renunciation is the result of perfect happiness.
(c) Multiplicity of desires make us unhappy.
(d) Making others happy makes one happy.

(vii) The phrase “cow a person” refers to get someone:

(a) spared (b) caught (c) scared (d) provoked

(viii) Doing one’s work sincerely hardly makes one happy. (True/False)

(ix) Select the option that makes the correct use of “unattainable”, as used in para 1.

(a) Unattainable development implies a long-term perspective.

(b) Keep goals small so they are more easily unattainable.
(c) Diabetes is unattainable but not curable.
(d) Some economists think that 100% employment in India is an unattainable goal.

(x) The antonym of ‘permanent’ as given in para 4 is………… .

Q2. Read the following passage carefully and answer any TEN questions 10X1=10M

Title: The Impact of Climate Change on Global Sea Levels

Climate change, driven by human activities and natural processes, is leading to significant
changes in Earth’s ecosystems. One of the most visible and concerning consequences of
climate change is the rise in global sea levels. As temperatures increase and ice sheets and
glaciers melt, vast amounts of water are being added to the world’s oceans, causing them to
expand and coastal areas to face the threat of inundation.

Scientific evidence indicates that global sea levels have risen by approximately 8 inches (20
cm) over the past century. This trend is projected to continue and accelerate in the coming
decades. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that under a
high-emissions scenario, global sea levels could rise by 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 cm) by the end of
the 21st century. However, more recent studies suggest that the upper range could be even
higher, reaching up to 6 feet (2 meters) or more.
The consequences of rising sea levels are far-reaching and pose significant risks to coastal
communities, ecosystems, and infrastructure. Low-lying and densely populated areas, such as
coastal cities and small island nations, are particularly vulnerable. Increased coastal erosion,
saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources, and the potential for more frequent and severe
coastal flooding are among the key concerns.

Furthermore, the impacts extend beyond immediate coastal areas. As sea levels rise, coastal
flooding becomes more likely during storms and high-tide events, which can result in
property damage, displacement of populations, and economic losses. Additionally, the
gradual loss of coastal habitats, such as mangrove forests and coral reefs, threatens
biodiversity and diminishes natural defenses against storm surges and erosion.

Addressing the challenges posed by rising sea levels requires a multifaceted approach. This
includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate further climate change, implementing
adaptive strategies such as coastal defense systems and land-use planning, and promoting
international cooperation to support vulnerable regions. Scientists, policymakers, and
communities around the world are working together to understand and respond to the
complex issues associated with rising sea levels in order to protect coastal areas and preserve
our planet’s future.

1. What is one of the visible consequences of climate change mentioned in the passage?

a) Increased coastal erosion b) Loss of coastal habitats

c) Gradual rise in temperature d) Expansion of freshwater sources

2. What is the cause of the rise in global sea levels?

a) Decrease in ice sheet formation b) Natural processes in Earth’s ecosystems

c) Human activities and melting ice sheet d) Inundation of coastal areas

3. How much have global sea levels risen over the past century according to scientific
a) 1 to 3 feet b) 6 feet or more
c) Approximately 8 inches d) 20 centimeters or more
4. Which organization estimates the potential rise in global sea levels by the end of the 21st
a) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

b) World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

c) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

d) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

5. What is one of the concerns associated with rising sea levels mentioned in the passage?

a) Increase in freshwater sources b) Decrease in coastal flooding

c) Threat to biodiversity d) Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

6. Which areas are particularly vulnerable to the risks of rising sea levels?

a) Inland cities b) Mountainous regions

c) Coastal cities and small island nations d) Deserts and arid zones

7. What are some potential consequences of coastal flooding?

a) Economic growth and development b) Increased property value

c) Property damage and displacement of populations d) Preservation of natural


8. How can the challenges of rising sea levels be addressed?

a) Expanding ice sheet formation b) Promoting international cooperation

c) Encouraging saltwater intrusion d) Ignoring greenhouse gas emissions

9. What is one adaptive strategy mentioned in the passage?

a) Building more coastal cities b) Implementing coastal defense systems

c) Expanding low-lying areas d) Ignoring the impacts of rising sea levels

10. Who is involved in understanding and responding to the complex issues associated with
rising sea levels?

a) Scientists, policymakers, and communities b) Only scientists and policymakers

c) Only communities and coastal residents d) International organizations and NGOs


Q3 complete the paragraph that follows by filling up the gaps with the most appropriate
option from those given: (4x1=4)

For doing transaction through ATM you (a)……………………. to find an ATM of any bank.
First you (b)……………………. to put your card in the card slot followed
by (c)…………………….. the secret PIN. You are to wait till your transaction is complete.
Then take (d)……………. currency, collect your card and leave the ATM cabin.
(a) (i) shall (ii) are required (iii) should (iv) needed
(b) (i) have to (ii) need (iii) must (iv) do
(c) (i) enter (ii) entering (iii) entered (iv) have enter

(d) (i) a (ii) the (iii) was (iv) his

Q4.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word correction as given in the example against the correct blank number in your
answer sheet. Also, underline the correct word that you have supplied (1x6=6)

Passage Error Correction

We have been bring in to fear about bring brought

insects. We regard them like

(a) …………… ………………

creatures that do more harm to good, (b) …………… ………………

Most of us fears are unreasonable (c) ………… ………………

but they are difficult for erase. (d) …………… ………………

No matter how more we like honey, (e) …………… ………………

we have a horror of been stung by

(f) ……………… ………………

Q5.Write a Paragraph in about 100-120 words on the following topic:-(any one) (5 Marks)

i) My Experience At An NCC Camp

ii)My First Day at School

Write a story in about 100-120 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to
It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly
Q5. Answer the following from the story book (The Upside Down King- by Sudha Murthy).
[ANY TWO] (2.5 X 2=5)
a. What prayer did Ravana performed which is now known as the famous hymn?
b. What blessings did Sita gave to the Peepal tree?
c. Who were the witnesses of the event in which Dashratha ate the sand balls?
d. Who entered Ravana’s mind he was asking lord Shiva for his Atmalinga?


Q6..Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow— 5Marks

To the little girl he was a figure to be feared and avoided. Every morning before going to
work he came into her room and gave her a casual kiss, to which she responded with 'Good
Bye Father'. And oh, there was a glad sense of relief when she heard the noise of the carriage
growing fainter and fainter down the long road!

i): What was the daily routine of the father?

(a) He used to give his daughter a kiss daily.
(b) He used to make his daughter study daily.
(c) He used to give his daughter music classes daily.
(d) He used to scold his daughter daily.
ii): When did the daughter feel relieved?
(a) when the carriage came to the house
(b) when her mother visited her.
(c) when the carriage went away from the house.
(d) when her friends came to play with her
iii: What kind of relationship did the girl share with her father?
(a) She was very friendly with him (b) She was afraid of him
(c) She used to love him a lot. (d) None of these.
iv: When does the father give Kezia a casual kiss?
(a) every night before going to bed .(b) every evening after coming from work.
(c) every morning before going to work .(d) every afternoon when he came home for
v. Name the writer of the story.
(a)Issac Asimov (b)Deborah Cowley
(c)Katherine Mansfield (d) O. Henry

“Today Tommy found a real book!”.It was a very old book.Margie’s grandfather ones said
that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories
were printed on papers.
i)What did Tommy find?
a) A picture of a book b)A digital book
c)A real book d)A new book.
ii)Which days recalled by Margie’s grandfather.
a) When he was infant b)When he was little boy
C) When he was an adult d)When he was getting married
iii)What did the grandfather tell about the old days.
a) All stories were printed on papers.
b) All stories were stored in the computers.
c) All children of the village went to one school.
d) Sentence were written on walls.
iv) “Tommy found a real book”.Where did Margie write this sentence.
a)In her note book. b)In her diary.
c)In her computer d)In her school book.
v) Name the writer of the story.
(a)Issac Asimov (b)Deborah Cowley
(c)Katherine Mansfield (d) O. Henry

Q7..Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 5 Marks
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;”
i). Why does the poet feel sorry?
A) The two roads had diverged.
B) He could not travel on both the roads.
C) He felt lonely.
D) He had to stand there for too long.
ii. Why could he not travel both the roads?
A) He was afraid of doing such a thing.
B) The two roads were diverging and he could choose only one.
C) Being one traveler, he could not do so.
D) He wanted to enjoy the scene.
iii. What is the mood of the poet in these lines?
A) Happy B) Serious and pensive
C) Indifferent D) Angry
iv. What choice does the narrator have to make?
A) The narrator has to choose between the two roads.
B) He has to choose between going farther or going back.
C) He has to choose between standing and getting going.
D) None of the above.
v) Name the writer of the poem
A)Robert Frost
B) Subramaniya Bharti
C) William Butler Yeast
D)James Kirkup

You’re very clever, at poking fun of weakling.

Frail crumbling houses,crumbling doors ,crumbling rafters,
crumbling woods,crumbling bodies,crumbling lives,
crumbling hearts--
The wind good winnows and crushes them all.
i) ”You’re very clever’, Who are very clever?
a) The reader b)The poet
c)The Wind d)The weaklings
ii) Who are weaklings?
a) They are weak and decaying men and things b)Plants and animals
c)School going children d)Domestic animals
iii) Who winnows and crushes whom?
a) The wind winnows and crushes the weak and decaying men and things
b) The powerful people crushes the weak
c) Men crushes one another
d) None of the above.
Iv) Is the fun poked by the wind kind or cruel?
a) the fun poked by the wind is kind.
b) It is cruel
c) It is neither kind nor cruel.
d) It is kind and cruel both.
v)What poetic device is used in the first line of the given stanza?
a) Personification b) metaphor
C) simile d)Aliteration
Q8.Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words(any FOUR) (4x3=12)
a) Why was Margie doing badly in geography? What did the County Inspector do
to help her? (The Fun They Had)
b) Which train was Evelyn waiting for on the underground train platform? How did
she feel when she sensed the train approaching?(The Sound Of Music - 1)

c) What would Kezia’s mother ask her to do when Father returned from office?( The
Little Girl)

d)What kind of woman did the doctor decide to marry? Why?Snake And The Mirror)

e)How did the ‘Shehnai’ get its name?(The Sound Of Music - 2)

Q9.Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words(any TWO) (3x2=6)

a)In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra?(Iswaran the Storyteller)

b) What made the disciple grow fat?(In the Kingdom of Fools)

c) How does Toto come to Grandfather’s private zoo?(The Adventures Of Toto )

Q10.Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words(any ONE) 6Marks

a) How did the little girl start understanding her father?(The Little Girl)

b)What kind of room was the doctor living in and why did he decide to leave that
room? (Snake And The Mirror)

Q11.Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words(any ONE) 6Marks

a) Based on your reading of the lesson “Adventures of Toto”, do you think it is a
great idea to keep animals as pets?(The Adventures Of Toto )

b) Name all the people who are tried in the King’s court, and give reasons for each of
their trials.(In The Kingdom Of Fools)

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