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Barbeque Nation, one of India's leading casual dining chains, pioneered the concept of "over
the table barbeque," with live grills embedded in dining tables, allowing guests to grill their
own barbecues right at their tables. Barbeque Nation opened its doors in 2006 with the
concept of 'all you can eat.' We currently own and operate approximately 200 outlets in India,
four in the UAE, one in Malaysia, and one in Oman.

Barbeque Nation's restaurants offer an all-you-can-eat fixed-price concept that offers diners a
variety of selections and always delicious food at great value in a comfortable and casual
atmosphere. Because of its do-it-yourself, 'cook at the table' nature, and its flexibility and
enjoyment, we believe that barbecue cooking offers a wide variety of meats, vegetables and
sauces. The seasonings and spices that go into cooking strongly appeal to each guest's taste
buds and preferences.

The vision of the company is to bring backyard style barbeque to one place for the entire
family to come and eat together. Our core values are customer-centric and employee-centric
to provide superior products and services by maintaining the highest quality working

Social Issues faced by Barbeque Nation in their organization.

1.) Interpersonal conflict – When there is a disagreement between the co-workers of the
organization, or when they hold different perspectives or different views on a
particular topic, which may lead to interpersonal conflict. Ineffective communication
and poor management are the main reasons in the organization that causes
interpersonal conflict. Interpersonal conflict occurs in interactions with conflicting
actual or perceived goals, scarce resources, or opposing perspectives. 1)
interdependence between conflicting parties, (2) conflicting ends/means, (3) conflict
can adversely affect relationships if not managed effectively, and (4) a sense of conflict
be, an urgency to resolve disputes.
Various kinds of interpersonal conflict that may arise in the organization and I have
seen this at Barbeque Nation as well:
i) Pseudo conflict – Pseudo conflict is based on disagreements and
misunderstandings. I saw this conflict between my external guide, i.e., DGM,
and another respected official from the finance department only, when I was
reconciling the sales data and found a mismatch in the figure entered by
someone in the ERP system and manually calculated by me. They had some
personal misunderstanding between them and they sorted it out by checking
on the system and confirming with other concerned departments.
ii) Policy conflict – Another conflict that I came across was policy conflict,
which means people don’t agree with certain policies, strategies, or
conventions, which might be the best for the organization. We were going
through the terms and agreements of various e-participants of food delivery
companies. They were deducting certain amounts of charges from the total but
it wasn’t mentioned in the agreement, so I advised them we can ask them to
return the total amount since it’s not mentioned. The officials within our
organization were not agreeing with each other and hence policy conflict
arose. But we found our way to the resolution for this conflict remembering
the identical goal and looking for the area of agreement to save the firm’s
money as much as we can.

2.) Communication gap - The misinterpretation of information or the complete lack of

communication within the company constitutes a communication gap in the
workplace. This can happen between employers and employees, or between
employees of different ranks and employees from different departments as well.
While taking some decision or making some payment for the service used by
marketing, the HR team needs to contact the marketing team, or marketing team
needs to come and ask HR person to make the payment for the service used by them.
Hence, there might be a communication gap which might lead to delay in the
payment, and also delay in passing some information from one department to another.
3.) Performance issue - It takes skill to handle performance issues delicately. Issues with
workplace performance and their potential root causes generally include:
- Low output or late completion
- Work of poor quality
- Change resistance
- Inappropriate actions
- Interpersonal relationships that are destructive
- Negative physical behaviours
It is critical that an individual understands the job's requirements and expectations.
Employees may require additional assistance in prioritizing assignments,
improving efficiency, and better understanding the work. They may also be
leaving their job due to a lack of cooperation, disobedience, or outright hatred
from their co-workers.
These performance issues frequently result in termination, but they can also be
corrected. Bullying co-workers, engaging in passive-aggressive behaviour,
sabotaging their peers' work, or generally undermining morale can all have a
negative impact on overall performance.

Ethical issues faced by Barbeque Nation in their organization.

1.) Food safety – Food safety and food wastage are the two main ethical issues that food
chain restaurant or hospitality sector company goes through. This is most likely the
one that the general public is familiar with. It involves food that could become
contaminated at any point during the process. This includes everything from the
growing stage to the time it's available for purchase by the general public. Food
becomes unsafe when shortcuts are taken or questionable additives are used.
However, recalls are not uncommon, particularly in the produce industry. Indeed,
food recalls have increased by 10% since 2013. Food quality and food sanitation are
one of the major issues faced by the business.
2.) Food wastage – Wasting food is very unfair to the mother earth that’s nurtured it, the
workers who grow it, and the people who cannot afford it. Making the connection
between food waste and poverty is a sticking plaster that won't resolve either problem.
We need to prevent food surplus, food losses and waste, and not focus on
redistributing surplus food. Raising livestock can also be wasteful because a major
amount of the foods we grow are used to feed animals rather than growing more food
specifically for human use, which would make better use of the land and its resources.
3.) Employee Relations - The ethical consideration of employee relations is one that
restaurants far too frequently overlook. With a few notable exceptions, food
establishments often pay the minimum wage or just slightly more for professions with
high levels of stress. Employees frequently work double shifts or early dawn shifts
right after late-night shifts at restaurants due to scheduling conflicts. Restaurants
ought to commit to reversing the practice of underpaying and overworking staff.

Compare ethical practices in different companies in the same industry.

Ethical Practice followed by KFC.

The business is very picky about who it works with as a vendor. A supplier must adhere to
comparable ethical requirements to KFC before obtaining a contract with KFC. This means
that the suppliers must avoid using child labour to create their goods, must pay fair salaries,
and must steer clear of using hazardous chemicals. These principles have also guided KFC's
decision-making when selecting its other commercial partners, such as suppliers and
manufacturers. The company is defending human rights in this way.

Ethical vision and practices of Starbucks.

i) Quality of products – Better quality in the management's view, benefits both

customers and the company's long-term prospects from the very beginning of
Starbucks. According to Starbucks, higher quality products are also beneficial for
previous customers and the environment (Starbucks website). Additionally,
Starbucks assists growers in producing high-quality, environmentally responsible
coffee. Starbucks created a Farmer Support Centre in 2004 to provide
knowledgeable assistance in preserving coffee quality and competitive prices.
ii) Inspiring all for a good environment - Starbucks not only promotes environmental
protection but also encourages its patrons, staff members, and suppliers to do the
same. They advise clients to reuse their mugs as frequently as possible. It is
advised that the staff use less electricity in the store as well. As a result, the staff
tries to use the freezer, lights, and thermostat less frequently.

Ethical Practice followed by Haldiram’s.

Business ethics are the values and norms that: - Define appropriate behaviour in the
workplace - Should guide decision-making. An alternate definition is "the moral
principles that guide business conduct and prevent organizations from prioritizing
shareholder interests over all other factors." Even though they may be profitable and
legal, certain actions are regarded as unethical. A moral choice satisfies both the law and
the community's ethical norms.

Analyse stakeholder impact on social issues.

If we see from the stakeholder’s point of view, after the initial public offering (IPO), the
share has fallen 50%, from its 52 weeks high 1879.00 to currently trading at 1077.00. The
company has faced huge negative impact on its stock performance as it has recorded losses in
last few fiscals. Barbeque Nation has been very transparent about its financial condition from

its employees to all the guests and stakeholders about its losses, debts and quarter profits as

Internal stakeholders had to go through huge losses during covid-19, since the company
had to shut down few of there outlets in Mumbai and Delhi, and reduction in operations also
made it tough for the company to run and earn profit.

Stakeholders’ impact analysis can be done through communication, beliefs, needs,

feedback, etc. Principally, social sector stakeholders are the target beneficiaries of an

Evaluate ethical perspectives of business actions.

i) Utilitarianism - A well-known ethical viewpoint that is in line with economics

and the free-market orientation that has come to rule much of today's thinking
about business, management, and economics is utilitarianism. Jeremy Bentham is
often considered the founder of utilitarianism, believed that examining the many
policies that a legislature could approve and comparing their positive and negative
effects would be the most effective strategy to reach consensus on the greatest
policies for a society. The ethically correct course of action would be to
implement the policy that would result in the greatest amount of utility, or
usefulness. In essence, the utilitarian principle states that an action is appropriate
if and only if the total utility it creates exceeds the total utility created by all other
conceivable actions.
Which of several possibilities will result in the greatest good for society, as
described by "act utilitarianism"? A somewhat different kind is called "rule
utilitarianism," which asks: What rule or principle, if consistently followed, will
provide the greatest good?
Barbeque Nation has been acting utilitarianism and ruling utilitarianism as they
have been following all the social and ethical practices. They have been living up
to their words and one of the main reasons why Barbeque Nation comes under one
of the best fine dining restaurants for their excellence service and practices they
follow in their work culture and office environment.
ii) Deontology - The deontological viewpoint advocated in Immanuel Kant's writings
contends that having a moral intention and abiding by the norms is a better path to
ethical behaviour than attaining the correct results, in contrast to the utilitarian

viewpoint. It is believed that ethical practices become apparent by
carrying out one's duties, which are determined by reasonable reasoning.
Barbeque Nation has been abiding by all the rules and duties towards all the kinds
of human being, and thus, utilises the term "universalizing" to describe a method
of reasoning that considers all people to be equal by nature. Barbeque Nation has
what it takes to be deontology, that we prioritise our obligations, behave morally,
and recognise the intrinsic equality of all people. I have personally seen all the
employees in the office highly obliged with their job, always on time and ready to
take any task, even in their restaurants, all their staffs sincerely work from
morning till night along with their best behaviour towards their customers and

Initiatives at individual level to address social issues.

Resolving conflicts always helps in building stronger relationship and creates a path for
success in future. Resolving interpersonal conflict with collaboration. Bridge the
communication gap between the co-workers, understanding each other’s point of view,
listening and talking it out and focusing on conversation to keep it goal-oriented. Identifying
your co-worker's worries and paying close attention to their grievances. Enhancing the
conflict-resolution process and preventing future conflict can both be achieved by assisting
your team in developing communication skills. Interpersonal conflict and communication gap
can be sorted out peacefully by giving time and active listening to each other’s point of view,
by showing empathy to each other and by accommodation or compromise. It will help the
organization to build a positive work relationship and environment, and developing strong
communication channels among different departments and officials working.

Initiatives at organizational level (CSR) to address social issues.

Corporate Social Responsibility always help the organization to enact positive change. It not
only helps the environment protection, but it significantly contributes to the improvement of
society's living standards, workers' working conditions, the recruitment and retention of top
experts, and transparent business practises. Some of the key CSR activities that every
company should follow in today’s world are: -

i) Fostering healthy and inclusive workplace culture - Workplace culture and

internal community are the first places to start with social responsibility.

Companies that do so create conditions where their own people can prosper and
develop. Positive feedback loops that strengthen a company's social responsibility
mission are produced through a good workplace culture. When workers feel heard
and seen, they are more likely to produce their best work and contribute to the
success of their firm. To create a positive workplace culture, organizations must
understand that diversity or HR training is simply one component of a wider,
continuous CSR strategy.
ii) Goals for Community Impact and Business Practices Aligned - Successful socially
conscious businesses choose issues that complement their corporate goals,
workforce, and communities. These organizations then take genuine, earnest steps
to further these issues. Both Unilever and Pfizer have been successful in
integrating their philanthropy and business strategies. By doing this, they have
effectively reached consumers and other stakeholders with an authentic social and
brand message. Their pledges do not heedlessly profit from popular trends.
Instead, the pledges made by the corporations have a direct impact on how their
daily operations affect stakeholders.
iii) Promoting Engagement and Feedback to Increase Stakeholder Value - Companies
with a social responsibility need to pay attention to all of its stakeholders (internal
and external communities). The best community initiatives take into account the
opinions of the initiative's target audience as well as employees and customers.
Leaders in CSR and HR should inform staff about projects and how they may
participate. Strategies, objectives, and indicators related to corporate social
responsibility might be crucial in these discussions. Active listening is a skill that
CSR professionals can use to help their brands take the initiative and maximise
stakeholder value. Everyone benefits when brands give their stakeholders a sense
of voice.


- 7 Biggest Ethical Issues Facing The Agricultural Industry. (2019, July 3). Ethical



- Contributor, C. (2020, July 28). FDA Regulations on Fast Food. Small Business -

- Harris, S. (2022, October 20). 5 CSR Strategies Socially Responsible Companies

Are Using. EVERFI.



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