Cpe420 Essay

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In the global pursuit of sustainable development, the United Nations has outlined 17

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global challenges. SDG 7

specifically targets affordable and clean energy, aiming to ensure access to
dependable, sustainable, and ultramodern energy for all by 2030. Algae biofuel
emerges as a promising and innovative result to contribute towards achieving this thing
by furnishing an environmentally friendly volition to traditional fossil energies.

The issue that drives the need for sustainable energy is that currently, traditional
reactionary energy is depleting on a massive scale, adding to the need for engineers to
find a new source of energy that’s eco-friendly and more sustainable in the long run.
Algae biofuel refers to the product of biofuels, like biodiesel and bioethanol, from
various species of algae. Unlike conventional biofuel crops, algae can be cultivated in a
wide range of surroundings, including non-arable land and wastewater. This versatility
makes algae biofuel a sustainable and economically feasible volition, contributing
significantly to the diversification of energy sources. Algae biofuel represents a
promising and sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels, offering a potential
solution to the environmental challenges associated with conventional energy sources.
It is a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms, that have a remarkable ability to
convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into lipids through photosynthesis. These lipids, rich
in energy content, can be extracted and processed into biofuels such as biodiesel and
bioethanol. What makes algae particularly appealing is their rapid growth rate and high
lipid content, surpassing other biofuel feedstocks. Algae biofuel production also has the
advantage of potentially sequestering carbon dioxide from industrial sources,
contributing to carbon neutrality. As research and technology advance, optimizing
cultivation methods and lipid extraction processes, algae biofuel holds the promise of
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change, and fostering a more
sustainable and renewable energy future. With ongoing innovation and investment in
this field, algae biofuel stands at the forefront of green energy solutions, offering a
glimpse into a cleaner and more environmentally conscious energy landscape. The
flowchart below shows the step-by-step process of the manufacturing of algae biofuel.
The innovation of algae biofuel attains not only SDG number 7 which is to have clean
and affordable energy, but also a few others. First, algae biofuel is a renewable energy
source as algae can be cultivated and harvested continuously. The use of algae as a
feedstock for biofuel production helps reduce dependency on finite fossil fuels, aligning
with SDG 7's target of increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy
mix. Furthermore, it has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions
compared to traditional fossil fuels. Algae absorb CO2 during their growth, offsetting
carbon emissions when used as a biofuel. By substituting conventional fuels with algae-
based alternatives, countries can make progress towards SDG 7 and the broader
climate action agenda outlined in SDG 13. Next, cultivation for biofuel production can
take place on non-arable land and utilize wastewater, addressing two critical challenges
simultaneously. This practice contributes to sustainable land use (SDG 15) and clean
water and sanitation (SDG 6) while advancing the goals outlined in SDG 7. Lastly, the
development of algae biofuel technologies can stimulate economic growth and create
job opportunities in the renewable energy sector. As countries invest in research,
development, and commercialization of algae biofuel, they contribute to SDG 8, which
focuses on promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth.

In conclusion, algae biofuel stands out as a promising avenue for achieving SDG 7 by
offering a renewable, low-emission alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Its unique
features, such as versatility in cultivation and the potential to absorb carbon dioxide,
position algae biofuel as a key player in the transition towards sustainable energy. As
nations continue to explore and invest in this innovative technology, they contribute to
SDG 7 and align with broader sustainable development objectives.


1. Making Biofuel from Microalgae. (2018, February 1). American Scientist.

2. Chisti, Y. (2007). Biodiesel from microalgae. Biotechnology Advances, 25(3), 294–306.
3. Mata, T.M., Antó, Martins, A.A., Caetano, N.S., & Mata, T.M. Microalgae for Biodiesel
Production and Other Applications: a Review Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews Xxx (2009) Xxx–xxx a R T I C L E I N F O Renewable and Sustainable Energy
4. THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development. (n.d.). https://sdgs.un.org/goals

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