CHAPTER 6 - Sound: Remembering Based Questions

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CHAPTER 6 - Sound

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Loudness
2. Amplitude
3. Frequency
4. Percussion
5. Vocal cord
6. Refraction
7. Flute

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Speed
2. The strings
3. Noise pollution
4. The movement
5. Solids
6. Rarefaction

III. Match the following:

1. b
2. a
3. e
4. c
5. d

Remembering Based Questions:

I. Define the following terms.

1. Echo: The repetition of sound caused by reflection of sound waves is called an echo.
2. Rarefaction: When the vibrating object moves backwards, it creates a region of low pressure
called a rarefaction.
3. Pitch: Pitch is the property that determines the shrillness(sharpness) or depth of sound.It
depends upon the frequency of the sound.
4. Time period: The time taken by the bob to complete one to-and-fro motion is called the time
period of the oscillation.
5. Stringed instruments: Instruments which produce sound(music) by the vibration of their strings
are called stringed instruments.

II. Diagram based questions.

1. Refer Fig 6.14: Pitch of the sound Pgno 103
2. Refer fig 6.9: Longitudinal wave Pgno 100
3. Refer Pgno 99
III. Answer the following in brief:

1. What are ultrasonic sounds?

Ans: The objects that vibrate at frequencies of above 20,000hz, produce sound that are called
ultrasonic sounds.

2. List the characteristics of sound.

Ans: The characteristics of sound are pitch, loudness and quality.

3. How do humans produce sound?

Ans: Sound is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. The vocal cords are stretched across the
voice box or the larynx.

4. Which materials are used to design a soundproof box?

Ans: The materials that block sound waves traveling in and out are used to design a soundproof box.
They are old carpets, thick carpets, egg cartons, foam rubber pieces, thermocol sheets or Plaster of

5. What are the sources of noise pollution?

Ans: The sources of noise pollution are loudspeakers, factories, aeroplanes, moving trains, construction
activity or even a radio/TV.

6. What is timbre? Explain with an example.

Ans: The property by which one can distinguish between the two different sounds of same pitch and
loudness, is called quality or timbre.

IV. Answer the following in detail:

1. Explain how sound is produced.

Ans: Sound is produced when an object vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium around it to
vibrate. Vibration in the air travels forward as longitudinal waves that we can hear. A vibration can be
defined as a rapid back and forth movement of a body about a central position.

2. Which factors influence the speed of sound?

Ans: The speed of sound depends on various factors like temperature, humidity in the air, the nature of
the medium and pressure of the medium in which sound is traveling.

3. Describe the propagation of sound.

Ans: Sound needs a medium to travel such as solids, liquids or gases. It cannot travel through a vacuum.
When an object vibrates, the particles around it start vibrating. A particle exerts a force on the
adjacent particles. As a result, the adjacent particles also start vibrating in the same manner. These
vibrating particles pass on their motion to their nearest particle due to which they also start vibrating.
This process continues till we hear the sound.
4. What is reflection of sound? How does an echo occur?
Ans: The bouncing back of sound when it strikes a hard surface is called reflection of a sound. A sound
wave is reflected from hard surfaces like a wall, a metal sheet and hardwood.
An echo is produced as a result of reflection of sound.

5. What is vibration? List the conditions necessary to produce sound.

Ans: A vibration is defined as a rapid back and forth movement of a body about a central position.
The necessary conditions to produce sound are:
1. A vibrating body
2. Medium to travel
3. A listener.

6. What is noise pollution? What are its effects? List any three measures to control noise
Ans: Sound level that causes physical and mental discomfort to us is called noise pollution.
Noise pollution has several harmful effects on our health. It causes lack of sleep, hypertension or high
blood pressure, and it causes impairment of hearing.
Measures to control noise pollution are:
● Trees should be planted along roads and buildings.
● Use of horns should be minimised on roads.
● Music systems/TV/radios should be operated at low volume.

Understanding Based Questions:

I. State whether the following sentences are true or false.

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False

II. Give one word answers for the following:

1. wood/walls of a room
2. Amplitude
3. Frequency
4. Frequency Lower than 20hz
5. Ultrasonic sounds.

Note: Numericals based questions will be done in the class.


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