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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

II Year B.A.M.S Degree Examination - 11-Mar-2022

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 Marks


Q.P. CODE: 3037
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

LONG ESSAYS 2 x 10 = 20 Marks

1. Explain Astatrika.
2. Discuss Trividha roga Vignaneyam adhyaya.
SHORT ESSAYS 10 x 5 = 50 Marks
3. Write about Vasanta Rutucharya in detail.
4. Explain symposium of Rasahtpatti with its classification.
5. Write types of Lepa and give examples for Churna Lepa.
6. Purusha Ashrita and purusha Anashrita Arishta.
7. Define Ayu and its types with specific features.
8. Write about Garbhautpadakara Bhava.
9. Explain Laghu Vyadita and Guruvyadita.
10. Enlist types of Prameha.
11. Write Mano Vishaya and Mano Karma.
12. Ahara Parinamakara Bhava.
SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 3 = 30 Marks
13. Sadyo Sneha Drayva.
14. Role of Anumana Pramana in the assessment of Arishta Lakshana.
15. What are types of Chaya.
16. Dwandwa Chikitsa.
17. Atma Swarupa.
18. Nidanartakara Roga.
19. Define Pragnaparadha.
20. Write chapter names of Nidana Stana.
21. Samanya Chikitsa of Gulma.
22. Write the synonyms of Lakshana and Samprapti.

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