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AP Computer Science Curriculum

 Prior experience with Java recommended
 Understanding of basic programming concepts.
 Logical proficiency.
 Proficiency in basic mathematics.

 Stable internet connection
 A laptop/desktop
 JDK(Java Development Kit)to be installed
 An IDE like Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, etc.

Age group: 13+

Duration: 30 hours
Module 1: Introduction to Programming

- What is programming? Introduction to algorithms and code.

- Understanding the importance of precise instructions.

- Project: Write a simple program to print "Hello, World!".

Module 2: Variables and Data Types

- Exploring different data types: int, double, char, boolean.

- Using variables to store and manipulate data.

- Project: Create a program to calculate and display user's BMI.

Module 3: Control Structures

- Using conditional statements (if, else if, else).

- Implementing loops (for, while, do-while) for repetitive tasks.

- Project: Build a program that simulates a basic quiz game.

Module 4: Methods and Functions

- Introduction to methods and their role in modular programming.

- Defining and calling methods with parameters and return values.

- Project: Develop a program that calculates and displays grades.

Module 5: Arrays and Lists

- Understanding arrays and lists for storing multiple values.

- Accessing, modifying, and iterating through arrays/lists.

- Project: Design a program that finds the highest and lowest values
in an array.

Module 6: Object-Oriented Programming

- Introduction to classes, objects, and instances.

- Using constructors, methods, and instance variables.

- Project: Create a program with a class hierarchy representing

different vehicles.

Module 7: Inheritance and Polymorphism

- Understanding inheritance and its benefits in code reuse.

- Implementing inheritance relationships between classes.

- Project: Extend the vehicle hierarchy to include specialized vehicles.

Module 8: Recursion and Advanced Algorithms

- Introduction to recursion and its applications.

- Exploring advanced algorithms like binary search and sorting.

- Project: Write a recursive program to calculate Fibonacci numbers.

Module 9: Project - Game Development

- Students design and create a simple game using object-oriented


- Incorporating user interactions, graphics, and game logic.

- Project options: maze game, tic-tac-toe, simple platformer.

Module 10: Project - Data Analysis Tool

- Students build a program that analyzes and presents data.

- Reading data from files or user input.

- Creating graphs and visual representations of data.

Module 11: Final Project - Innovative Application

- Students develop an innovative software application.

- Applying a combination of concepts learned throughout the


- Presenting the final project to the class.

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