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Teaching Latin Roots

with Word Trees

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees
A Word Tree is a handy graphic organizer
designed to generate words that include a
Latin root. It works as a “cheat sheet” for
your student.
Prefixes, roots, and suffixes can be combined
in multiple ways to create new words. This
download contains five Word Trees with
suggested root words and one blank Word Tree.

1. Print pages 3-8 of this activity.
2. Decide which root word you want to work with. If you are using the blank
Word Tree, write the root word in the box at the base of the tree.
3. Guide your student in using the prefixes and suffixes under the Word Tree
to create at least ten words. Write the words on the branches.
4. Discuss the meaning of the words, if necessary.

• For a short instructional video, click here.
• Your student may be able to think of words formed with prefixes and
suffixes other than those given as clues.
• If your student can only think of a few words at first, keep the Word Tree
available so that additional words can be added to it over the next few
• You can store the completed Word Trees in a binder for future reference.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 2
All About Spelling Level 7 – Step 17
© 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. © 2012 All About ® Learning Press, Inc.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 3
All About Spelling Level 7 – Step 17 © 2012 All About ® Learning Press, Inc.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 4
All About Spelling Level 7 – Step 17 © 2012 All About ® Learning Press, Inc.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 5
All About Spelling Level 7 – Step 17 © 2012 All About ® Learning Press, Inc.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 6
All About Spelling Level 7 – Step 18 © 2012 All About ® Learning Press, Inc.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 7
All About Spelling Level 7 – Reproducible Word Tree © 2012 All About ® Learning Press, Inc.

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 8
Latin Roots
Here are twelve additional Latin roots. Your student can prepare Word Trees
for any or all of these roots using a blank Word Tree.

Roots Meaning Additional Practice Words

anni anniversary biannual millennium

annu year annual bicentennial semiannual
enni annuity centennial triennial
audible audit auditorium
audibly auditing auditory
aud to hear audience audition audiovisual
audio auditor inaudible
accredit credibility credulous
accreditation credible discredit
cred to believe
credence credit incredible
credential creditor incredulous
acclaim disclaimer proclaim
to declare, claim exclaim proclamation
call out, claimant exclamation reclaim
or cry out clamor exclamatory reclaimable
dental dentist indent
dent tooth dentrifice dentistry indentation
dentin denture trident

illegal legalistic legislator

illegitimate legalize legislature
leg law
legacy legislate legitimate
legal legislative privilege

biped impediment pedicure

centipede millipede pedigree
ped foot expedite pedal pedogram
expedition pedestal pedometer
impede pedestrian

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 9
Roots Meaning Additional Practice Words

correct directness indirect

correctable director rectangle
rect correction erect rectangular
or right
direct erector rectify
direction incorrect

expatriate patriot patronage

patr paternal patriotic patronize
pater paternity patriotism unpatriotic
patriarch patron

appendage dependent pendant

appendectomy expend pending
appendix impending pendulous
to hang
pend depend independence pendulum
or weigh
dependability independent perpindicular
dependable interdependence suspend
dependence interdependent suspenders

advise supervision visionary

advisor supervisor visit
division supervisory visitation
envision televise visitor
vis to see indivisible television visor
invisible visibility visual
revise visible visualization
revision vision visualize
advocate provocative vocal
evoke provoke vocalization
voc to call invoke revocable vocalize
irrevocable revoke vocation
provocation vocabulary vocational

Teaching Latin Roots with Word Trees © 2017 by All About® Learning Press, Inc. 10
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