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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Adv ance me nts in Rese arc h & Tec hno logy, Vo lume 3, Issue

4, April-2014
ISS N 2278-7763

Power Generation Footstep*

Shiraz Afzal, Farrukh hafee
Electronic En gin eerin g Dep artment , Sir Sy ed univ ersity of Engin eerin g and technolo gy , Karach i, Pakistan; 2 Electrical and electronic en
gineerin g
Dep artment, Jubail Industrial College, Jubail, Saud i
Arabia. Email: k

This paper is all about generating electr icity when people walk on the Floor . Think about the for ces you exer t which is
wasted when a per son walks. The idea is to convert the w eight ener gy to electr ical ener gy The Pow er Generating floor
intends to trans- late the kinetic ener gy to the electr ical power . Ener gy Cr isis is the main issue of w orld these days. The
motto of this research wor k is to face this cr isis somehow . Though it w on’t meet the r equir ement of electr icity b ut as a
matter of fact if we ar e able to design a power gener ating floor that can pr oduce 100W on j ust 12 steps , then for 120 steps
w e can pr oduce 1000 W att and if we install such type of 100 floors w ith this system then it can pr oduce 1MegaWatt.
Which itself is an achievement to mak e it signifi- cant .

Keywords : Electrical Energy, Energy Crisis, Kinetic Energy, Power Generating Floor, weight


HIS manuscr ipt decr ibes about gener ating the electr

ical ener gy by using the w eight ener gy, one can simply
shocks by knowing how much ener gy a person can have
by simp-
ly walking on the floor w ith a normal speed. as people’s
(thousands upon thousands a day) utilize and channel
kinetic ener gy too [1].
Whenever a person walks, ma nages to lose ener gy t
the floor by means of influence, vibr ation, and audio and
so on, a r esult of the move of excess w eight to the floor.
That ener gy may be used and converted into electr ical
ener gy.The actual electr o-kinetic floor is r eally an appr
oach to making electrical ener gy by using the kinetic ener
gy of the per son who walks on the floor.
The pow er floor is not like traditional floor. The ener
gy pr oduced by this floor will be env ir onment fr iendly
without having smog. Pr oducing this type of ener gy w ill
be cost effec-
tive also.The pow er floor does not need any fuel or per causes to cr eate electric- al ener gy [2], so whenever ther e is
haps any sort of ener gy r esource, simply making use of any vibr ation on the upper plate due to human locomotion
kinetic ener gy. Based upon your excess w eight fr om a per or by any mean could r esult in pr oducing electr ical ener gy
son moving on the floor as shown in following figur e 1

2 B AC
Ear lier various r esear cher s had wor k on the conversion of
dy- namic ener gy to electrical by human locomotion Jeff Kr
upen- kin and Ashley Taylor pr oposed a new technique
called r e- verse electr o-w etting in which motion of
conductive liquid on dielectr ic coated conductive substrate
Fig. 1. Electro-w etting busiest stations and observe that an average person w
60 kg can gener ate 0.1 watt in sin gle second.A
Scientist of the hull university also wor ked on similar approach with differ ent mechanism for gener
transforming man motion in to electr ical ener gy and get ation of electricity fr om footstep is pr oposed by Tom j
positive r esults. Var ious experiments had made in japan ose V [3]. He used r ick and pinion gear system w ith
also to harnesses ener gy fr om footsteps. dynamo fitting w ith its gear mechanism as shown in follow
They installed the special floor ing tiles on the Tokyo ing figur e 2.

Copyright © 2014 IJOART

Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Adv ance me nts in Rese arc h & Tec hno logy, Vo lume 3, Issue 4,
In this proj ect a gear system is attached w ith flywheel
which causes to r otate the dynamo as the tile on the deck is
pr essed The power that is cr eated is saved in the batt er ies
In addition we will be able to monitor and contr ol the
amount of electr ici- ty generated as shown in the figur e 2.
When an individual passes it push the tile on
the gr ound sur face which turn the shaft beneath the tile,
turn is limited by clutch bear ing which is underpinned by
holders. Primary shaft is r otate appr ox. twice by a single tile
push. The movement of the pr evailing shaft turn the gearbox
shaft which builds it 15 times (1:15) then its movement is
smoothen by the help of fly wheel which tempor ary stor e
the movement, which is convey to the DC gener ator ( it
generates 12V 40 amp at
1000 rpm).
Ener gy generated is stor ed in the batteries , an
inver- ter cir cuitry is implemented to convert the DC to
Fig. 2. Dynamo, Rack and Pinion gear w orking
AC ,so that we can sprint the home electrical load , Further a
Fig. 2. Dynamo, Rack and Pinion gear w orking mechanism
microco ntrol-
ler bas ed home mechanizat ion fra me work is imp le mented wh
ich control rooms prudently.
Ent ire fra me work is put on the iron bars called cha
nels . Our entire pro ject phys ical s y stem diagra m is s hown in
Her e a same appr oach as was anticipated by Tom j ose V fol- lowing figure 3
[3] but differ ent mechanism is pr oposed as shown in
follow ing figur e 3.


Fig. 3. Physical

Copyright © 2014
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Adv ance me nts in Rese arc h & Tec hno logy, Vo lume 3, Issue 4,


The following figure 4 describes the system design ION
Flow while figure 5 describe the block diagram of our This can be implement ed on r ailway station to generate
system. elec- tr ic pow er .
In bus station.
In car par king
system. In Air ports.
In Lift system.
In car lifting system.
In str eet lights
Electr ic escalator s

As a fact only 11% of r enewable ener gy contr ibutes to our
pr i- mary ener gy. If this pr oj ect is deployed then not only
we can overcome the ener gy crises pr oblem but this also
contr ibutes to cr eate a healthy global envir onmental

[1] S. Whaley, D. English, E. Hu, P. Barbara, and A. Belcher,
“Nature”, pp 665, 2000.

[2] Tom krupenkin and J. Ashley Taylor ”Reverse electrowetting as a
approach to high power energy harvesting” Nature
Communication, pp 1-7, August 2011.
[3] Tom Jose V, Binoy Boban, Sijo M T, “Electricity Generation from foot
steps; A generative Energy Resources” International Journal of
Scien tific and research publication, pp 1-3, March 2013
[4] Marc A. Rose, “Engineering Health and Safety Module and

Fig. 4. System Design


Fig. 1. System Block Diagram

Copyright © 2014
Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Adv ance me nts in Rese arc h & Tec hno logy, Vo lume 3, Issue 4,
Shiraz Afzal is a full time fac ulty
me mbe r o f SS UET. He rece ive d his
B.E. deg ree in Elec tro n- ics fro m S ir
Sye d Unive rsity o f Eng inee ring and
Tec hno logy Karac hi, Pakistan and M.E
deg ree in Elec tro nic s, spec ializatio n
in Mic ro -Syste m de- sig n fro m
NED Unive rsity o f Eng inee ring &
Tec hno logy Karac hi, Pakistan in 2006
and 2012 re spec tive ly . His rese arc h
inte re st inc lude s M i- c roe lec tro nic
c irc uit de sig n. He is a me mbe r o f

Farrukh Hafeez is a full ti me fac ulty

me mbe r o f Jubail Industrial Co llege .
He rece ive d his B.E. de g ree in Elec
tro nic s fro m NED Unive rsity o f
Eng inee ring and tec hno logy Karac
hi, Pakistan and M.E deg ree in Elec
tro nic s, spec ializatio n in Industrial co
ntro l syste m fro m NED Unive rsity o f
Eng inee ring & Tec hno logy Karac hi,
Pakistan in
2005 and 2009 respec tive ly. His rese
arc h inte re st
co ntro l syste m de sig n and
applic atio ns.

Copyright © 2014

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